Chapter one The map to Hamunaptra

Alice was finally in Cairo. After four years of college study in London, she moves to Egypt, where she will work as an Egyptologist. It turns out that her older siblings, Jonathan and Evelyn, already work and live in the city of Cairo. Well, Evy, at least, but Jonathan, well ... Jonathan is a bon vivant.

Before going to the museum, Alice went to leave her things in the brothers' apartment, and she already has the key. The youngest of the Carnahan could not wait to see her brothers. The taxi stopped in front of the Cairo Museum of Antiquities, where she went after the museum curator, dr. Terrence Bay.

"Hi, dr. Bay. I finally got to Cairo. It's been a long time since I wanted to get out of my life in London, "said the girl hugging the curator.

"Yes, Miss. Carnahan. It is a pleasure to have you here in our museum. I hope you're not as clumsy as your sister. "

"Ah, dr. Bay this is a family affair. I think you'll have double work, "the girl replied with laughter. But seeing that the curator was not amused by this probability, she ended up asking about his sister. "Oh, she's arranging the books on the shelf. Come on, I'll take you to her. "

The two ended up entering a scene of chaos in the library. All the shelves were heaped one on top of the other, like a domino effect. And among them, there was the cause of all this trouble.

"Evy, what did you do? You're worse than me, sister! "Said the young girl between giggling, receiving a reproving look from her sister.

"Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give me frogs, flies, locusts, anything but this! Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy!" the curator screamed.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident." Evelyn answered taking the books off the floor.

"When Ramsses destroyed Syria, it was an accident. You are a catastrophe! Why do I put with you?"

"You put up with me, because I can read and write ancient Egyptian, decipher hieroglyphs and hieratic, and I'm the only person within a thousand miles who knows how to properly code and catalogue this library." Evelyn replied, barely restraining herself.

"Not anymore." Said the youngest, trying to speak down, but not getting and drawing their attention.

"Who needs smart woman? I put up with you because your mother and father were our finest patrons, Allah rest their souls. Now straighten up this mess!" cried the curator, thus leaving the room, leaving the older sister nervous.

"What are you doing here, Alice? I thought you were only coming in a month! "

"Yes, but I can not handle the boredom of the city and now that I have a degree, I can start my career here in Egypt! I thought you'd be happy to see me. "

"And I am. I was dying for you, I'm just nervous about this whole situation, "Evelyn replied, hugging her younger sister.

"Do not worry, I'll help you clean up the mess." "Thank..."

They both heard a noise, not far from the room of the Egyptian relics. "Adul? Mohammed? Bob?"

"Evy do you really think a mummy will respond to you? "

Ignoring her sister, Evelyn walks through the gallery's sarcophagi. As the only light in the room was torches, Evy took one to light the way. Again they hear the noise. This time they are eyeing the open sarcophagus, making Evy even more frightened.

"Evy, you need not be afraid. Look, I'm going to close the sarcophagus. "And when she got close, taking a better look, the mummy jumped, startling the two women. But Alice saw that it was nothing less than the older brother, Jonathan, who was laughing.

"You...! You...!" said Evelyn almost speechless.

"Drunkard? Fool? Rat-basterd? Please call me something original."

"Jonathan, you bastard. How can you scare us like that ?! "Alice said this as she tapped her brother, who stood up but could not get out of the sarcophagus, so drunk that he was.

"Exactly! And have you no respect for the dead?"

"Please, sister. He has no respect for the living, imagine for the dead. "

"Right now, I only wish to join them." He smiles drunk. Evelyn punches him in the chest.

"Well I wish you'd do it sooner rather than later, before you ruin my carrer the way you've ruined yours."

"My dear, sweet middle sister, I'll have you know, that at this moment my career is on high note."

"High note? Ha! For five years you've been scrounging around Egypt, and what have you to show for it? Nothing."

At that moment Jonathan begins to tug at his coat for something.

"Oh yes I do! I have something right here!

"What? Anything else that does not belong to you? "

"You know, I'm very honest," replies Jonathan, who pulls out an old box from his pocket. This gets their attention, especially from Alice, who was nuts to have something to figure out. "Where did you get this?" Evelyn asked as she looked from Alice's hands, the box.

"On a dig, down in Thebes."

"Oh please! You won it in a game or stole it from someone, did not you ?! "Alice replied as she turned the box looking and translating the words written on the heirloom.

"My whole life I've never found anything, Ali. Tell me I've found something." And at that moment the box opened and showed that inside it was an old map. "Jonathan?" "Yes?" "I think you found something." The two of them answered.

They took the box and the map to the museum curator to look at and ensure the authenticity of the map.

"See the cartouche there, it's the oficial royal seal of Seti the First, I'm sure of it." Evelyn said excitedly.


Jonathan wanted to take advantage of the artifact asked two questions: one who was Set and the other if he was rich.

"He was the last Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, said to be the wealthiest Pharaoh of them all." Alice answered, knowing she was going to attract her brother's attention. "Alright, good, that's good. I like this fellow, like him very much"

The curator takes the map and analyzes it.

"I've already dated it, this map is almost four thousand years old. And the hieratics over here... It's Hamunaptra." The curator was nervous and Alice was even more excited about her sister's revelation.

"My dear girl, don't be ridiculous, we are scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra is a myth."

"Are we talking about the Hamunaptra?" asked Jonathan, waiting for any of them to respond, but the answer was his younger sister. "Yes. The City of The Dead. Where the early Pharaohs were said to have hidden the wealth of Egypt."

"Right, right, in a big underground treasure chambre. Everybody knows the story. The entire necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand. On Pharaoh's command, a flick of the switch! And the whole place could disappear beneath the dunes."

"All we know is that the city mysteriously vanished 2,134 B . C ." completes Evelyn.

The curator held the map near the candle. "As the Americans would say: it's all fairy tales and hokum." And the map accidentally catches fire, the curator threw the map on the ground and Jonathan tries to put out the fire. Half the map is destroyed. "You burned it! You burned off the part with the lost city!" fought Jonathan. "It's for the best, I'm sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra, no one has ever found it, most have never returned." Nothing the healer could say would erase the devastation of Jonathan."You killed the map." "I'm sure it was a fake, anyway, I'm surprised at both of you, Misses Carnahan, to be so fooled."

The two girls glared at the curator.

My new story and from my favorite movie the mummy. Here we are going yo see the story of the three movies. And the actress who play Alice is Gemma Arterton. See you on the next chapter.