In the kingdom of Berk, a young soldier was making his way through the old district which was in ruins. He nervously had a hand on his sword, as if he was expecting trouble to chum out of the corner.

"Hey!" said a voice which made him jump. He turned and saw an elderly soldier looking directly at him. "You there, boy. Come here and give me a hand."

"Yes, sir," said the young man and ran over to him.

Soon the two of them were making their way down the ruined street.

"So where are you from?" the old soldier asked.

"Kings, sir."

"Kings?" said the old soldier frowning slightly. "I have been serving this kingdom for 40 years now and I've never heard of the place."

"That's not surprising, sir. Its way out of the boonie," the young man explained.

The old man looked at him sternly. "Now you must not get flustered, if you want to be a Dragon Knight apprentice."

The young man looked at him nervously. "I couldn't be a Dragon Knight in 1 million years."

"Then this might be a rough job for young fella like you."

Soon they came into the clearing and the young man's eyes widened in shock, because littering the place with dead bodies all them Dragon Knights. All them were just bleeding out at the foot of a large tower and mixed in with the rubble of the nearby buildings.

"Dragon Knights one and all," said the old soldier.

"What happened everyone?" the young man asked backing away from the grisly sight. "I don't understand."

"What happened? They were all mercilessly butchered and in the blink of an eye at that by just seven people."

10 years had passed since that grisly incident and way out in the outskirts of the kingdom, a boy of 20 years was serving drinks in a tavern. The tavern was shaped like a dragon's head and was completely black and over the door with the words, The Black Dragon.

The young man was over 6 feet tall, had emerald green eyes, auburn hair, but the most notable thing about him was the fact that he had the metal left leg. He was wearing a green tunic which was underneath the black leather jacket and wore a pair of black pants, strapped to his back was a strange-looking blade which was green with a jewel at its centre.

"All right, here you go," he said as he handed out drinks to a bunch of men. "Thanks for waiting now drink up."

Then some people entered the tavern.

"Got room for more?"

The young man nodded. "Right over here." He then looked at some customers at a table. "Hey, do you think you can move over a little?"

The young man then took some empty tankards and made his way back to the bar.

"That's one hard-working waiter," said one of the men.

"I'm not the waiter, I'm the owner," the young man corrected."

"He's the owner?" the man blinked. "A young man like that."

The young man then put some food on the table. "All right fresh from the oven. It's the meat pie that made the Black Dragon famous."

"It looks great!"

They immediately began eating the high and found it completely sublime.

"Just don't forget to pay the bill," said the young man folding his arms. "I can't tell you how many patrons I've had to think they can eat without paying."

"And if we don't?" said one of them fiercely.

"Watch it, this guy is packing a sword," said the man next to him gesturing to the hilt struck to his back.

"Actually it's not me you should be worried about, it's him," said the young man gesturing behind him.

Then suddenly appearing round the corner was a black dragon, with giant bat-light wings. Its eyes were cat-like and had razor sharp teeth.

"You really don't want to mess with me," said the dragon.

"A-a dragon," one of the patrons gasped.

"Were you expecting a bunny rabbit?" the dragon growled.

The young man looked at him. "Try not to spook them, Toothless. At least not until they paid."

Everyone laughed.

Then suddenly the door slammed open in a young man entered panting heavily.

"I saw it!" he panted.

He immediately sat down and was given a stiff drink.

"I'm not kidding, I saw them," he said to the other patrons. "I swear by the Angels that them was the wondering Rust Knights, I saw out there."

"Yeah, seems as if it's been on everyone's mind," a patron nodded.

"Come on, they are just made up stories people used to scare their children into behaving," said a drunk man. "If you don't do what I tell you, then one of the Seven Deadly Sins will come at you with blood rusted armour, whoo-argh!"

He then laughed.

"I will laugh about the Seven Deadly Sins if I were you," young man advised.

"Good point," a patron nodded. "They're wanted posters all over the place, even here."

He then gestured to the billboard next to the door where there were seven wanted posters. Each of the posters had a name underneath and the sketch of a person. There was Hiccup, who looked to be about 30 years old with a beard, Heather, who had beautiful raven black hair, Snotlout, who had a snobbish looking face and long black hair, Fishlegs, who had a chubby and very white face, Astrid, who was wearing nothing but armour that resembled a Deadly Nadder, Ragnar a handsome man and Eret, who had a powerful look about his person.

"What was it about 10 years ago?" said the patron. "Dozens of Dragon Knights from all across the land were butchered so fast that they did had time to defend themselves. And the Seven Deadly Sins were the ones responsible for it, from what I've been told the way that the Dragon Knights Inquisitor was murdered was too gruesome for anyone to even look at.

"It is said that their captain, Hiccup, is the scariest one of them all," another patron added. "They say that he's brought down entire countries before."

The young man just kept on pulling out drinks for his patrons, but he was clearly listening to their conversation with great interest.

"None of them have been caught yet, have they?"

"Nope, not a single one."

"Well, I've heard rumours that they've all been dead for years now."

"Of course they're dead, they have to be. The New Dragon Knight would never let them live after what they have done."

"Yeah, you got a point there. Even now with the king sick in bed, you can bet they're still going to make sure that the kingdom stay safe for all of its people."

A concerned patron looked at them. "But those notices up on the board get updated every single year. Doesn't that mean those seven criminals are still out there?"

Everyone was quiet with that comment.

"Yeah, well… a couple of spooky nights wondering around in rusty armour sounds pretty ridiculous to me."

"Guess, you're right."

They then heard a sudden stomping noise and immediately went silent. Whatever was causing the noise appeared to be getting closer towards the door and everyone was starting to get nervous.

Toothless sniff the air. "That smells an awful lot like rust."

The door then slowly opened and their standing in the doorway were three large men in rusty armour. The three of them then walked into the tavern one by one, but everyone was turning towards the night in front.

"The… Seven… Deadly… Sins," it said.

"They're here!" everyone panicked.

Everyone waste any time and immediately ran to the door in a panic and soon the only ones remaining in the tavern with the young man and Toothless. Young man immediately jumped over the bar and faced the three knights.

"Now who are you three?" he asked.

The three knights just stood there for a few seconds and then toppled over. The moment they hit the ground their helmets fell off and revealed a pair of twins, a boy and girl, and a beautiful redhead girl of about 15 years old wearing an earring on her left ear.

Toothless approached the young man. "None of them are the Seven Deadly Sins, are they?"

The young man didn't waste any time removing their armour and took them to his bedroom. The immediately laid the redhead on his bed and made a couple of makeshift beds for the twins.

All three of them were wearing nothing but skintight black jumpsuits, the twins were both blonde but the boy had his hair fashion to dreadlocks. The two of them were no older than the redhead, but clearly none of them were a real threat.

"Not what I expect from one of the Seven Deadly Sins," said Toothless.

"Just people spooked at shadows, nothing more," the young man deduced.

They then heard a groaning sound and saw the three people coming round.

"What happened?" said the male twin.

"I've got a splitting headache," said the female twin.

The redhead looked around and saw Hiccup. "Where are we? And who are you?"

"You basically walked into my bar and passed out cold on the floor," the young man explained.

"You're bar?" the redhead frowned.

The young man nodded. "Yep, the Black Dragon. Its might have."

"And you're the owner?" the female twin frowned.

"Is that so weird?" the tavern owner asked.

"We just naturally assumed that he was some sort of soldier with that sort your back?" the male twin explained gesturing to the sword hilt.

"I can do much damage with it," said the tavern owner as remove the sword from its hilt revealing a broken blade. "It's mainly for intimidation, it makes our patrons think twice before skipping out on their meal."

"And I had a bit more intimidation," said Toothless.

"Is that the dragon?" the redhead stared. "And a Night Fury on top of that?"

"The name is Toothless," said Toothless.

"One the name is toothless for a dragon?" the male twin asked.

"It's because I'm toothless, at least part of the time," said Toothless demonstrating his retractable teeth.

"Cool," said the female twin.

"Let's go downstairs and get you guys fed, you don't have to worry about money is on the house," the tavern owner assured.

They made their way into the bar and tavern owner immediately began cooking food. While they were waiting the redhead and the twins looked at the wanted posters of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Dinner is served," said the tavern owner as he put three plates onto the table.

The redhead looked at him suspiciously. "First you nurse us back to health and now you're feeding us? What's the catch?"

The tavern owner shrugged. "I'm always generous to the odd weary traveller. Now I suggest you dig in before the food gets cold."

The three of them didn't waste any opportunity and began eating the food.

"Though you could repay me by answering the question of why you three were wondering around in old armour?" the tavern owner suggested.

"I'm on a personal quest," said the redhead.

"And we are her bodyguards," said the female twin.

"We're on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins," said the male twin.

"And why would you do that?" Toothless asked suspiciously. "No one has any idea whether those guys are still alive or not? On top of that they wanted criminals charged with high treason."

They then suddenly heard a knock at the door.

"Open up! The villagers told us, who is in there!" said a voice.

Outside the door was the young man from 10 years ago, now young adult and accompanying him with four others. None of them wore the colours of Knights and they were clearly just common foot soldiers.

"We are the Order of the Beard of the Mountain Cat, serving under the Dragon eye to the foot of the mountain!" he roared. "Wondering Rust Knights, members of the Seven Deadly Sins, come out and do so peacefully!"

The tavern owner sighed. "Happens every time, people jumping at shadows believing that they are members of the Seven Deadly Sins. And people wonder how they managed to stay alive so long."

He then noticed that the redhead in twins with looking a bit nervous.

"Dragon Knights," the redhead breathed.

Outside the five soldiers were still waiting for someone to answer the door.

"I don't think the coming out," said a small squat soldier with a long nose.

"This is kind of strange," said a large beefy soldier. "When did someone put a tavern on top of this hill?"

The long thin soldier nodded. "You know, now that you mention it I don't even remember seeing one three days ago."

The young man looked at them. "Be on your guard, because were about to go against three Dragon Knight who and it only to the King 10 years ago."

"Come on, there's nothing to worry about Olaf," said the soldier with a long nose. "I'm sure he's old by now."

"That's right," the beefy soldier nodded. "He is no match for fighters like us, who are trained by Sir Bjorn himself."

Olaf narrowed his eyes at them in frustration. "How many times have I told you, don't underestimate them! When the uprising happened in Berk, dozens of Dragon Knights were butchered in an instant!"

"Yeah, about that," said the soldier with a long nose.

"What is it?" Olaf asked.

"Well, I've got to wonder if things weren't exaggerated, a little bit."

Olaf turned on him. "And what are you trying to say?"

"Well, everybody says one Dragon Knight is as powerful as a hundred ordinary soldiers," said the beefy soldier. "So dozens of them murdered, nah."

"I saw their bodies with my own eyes!" Olaf snapped.

"Everybody calm down," said the long nose soldier. "For now just stand back, Olaf. I think we can handle three old men." He then immediately turned to the door. "Hey! Get out here!"

The tavern owner and immediately open the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Olaf looked at him. "And who would you be, young man?"

"And the owner of this place," said the tavern owner. "I imagine that the village has probably already spout tales of the wondering Rust Knights emerging in my tavern and saying that the members of the Seven Deadly Sins."

Olaf was taken aback. "We know they're here. We demand that you send them out."

The tavern owner rubbed his forehead. "Tell me do you always believe the statements of frightened villagers? I can only imagine how many reports you get each day that a member of the Seven Deadly Sins has arrived."

Olaf narrowed his eyes. "Are you making fun of us?"

The tavern owner shook his head. "No, I'm just saying that you guys have better things to do than waste your time jumping at every single's shadow."

"Why you!" Olaf growled and was about to grab the helm of his shirt.

Toothless then jumped out and growled at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

However, at that precise moment the redhead girl and the twins immediately ran into the forest from the back entrance. Unfortunately, the three of them had got noticed by the long thin soldier.

"Olaf, look! Three people ran out of the back!" he yelled.

"What?" Olaf yelled turning his attention away from Hiccup and Toothless. "We have to inform Sir Bjorn! They must be the wondering Rust Knights! Get them!"

"Yes, sir," said the soldiers.

Immediately the five of them ran into the forest after the girl and twins.

Toothless looked at Hiccup. "What do we do now?"

Olaf was leading his men in a chase after the redhead girl and the twins.

"Seize them!" Olaf ordered.

The three of them kept on jumping over the roots as quickly as they could, but no matter their best efforts the soldiers were catching up with them.

"I can't let three members of the Seven Deadly Sins escape," said Olaf to himself. "If I captured them, if I manage that, I'd finally be made into an apprentice Dragon Knight."

However that precise moment one of his men was immediately knocked over.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Olaf asked turning his head around.

That's when they saw Toothless chasing after them.

"We've got a dragon on our tail!" the long nosed soldier panicked.

"You're not getting away!" he roared.

Immediately knocked to the other three soldiers before he made his way over to Olaf, who now had a panicked look on his face.

"Go away! Go away!" he panicked. "Now you leave me alone!"

He then saw that he was running towards a steep cliff and immediately came to a stop and it edge. However, he frowned as he had just seen the girl and twins banished into thin air.

"Where did they go?"

Sadly he had no time to process this as moments later Toothless slammed into him and he fell off the cliff.

"Nothing personal," said Toothless as he turned his head away from the cliff.

The disappearance of the redhead and twins was an easy one. The tavern owner had appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the three of them in a split second and then jumped onto the nearest tree.

"How did you get here so fast?" female twin asked as they climbed down.

"And how did you manage to let the three of us that tree?" the male twin added.

The redhead however looked at him gratefully. "I don't know how I ever thank you for saving us again."

"You don't have to thank," said the young man. He then looked at her. "Though I would appreciate it if you tell me why you're after the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"I want them to help me stop the Dragon Knights," the redhead answered.

"Why would you want to do that?" Toothless frowned. "The Dragon Knights of the King's men, the knights that protect Berk, real heroes."

"But what if they were behind a plot to start a war in our country?" The tavern owner and Toothless just looked at her. "The other day, except for the King himself, the entire Royal family was arrested and is being held by the Dragon Knights."

"Does that mean the king is not really sick in bed?" Toothless asked.

The redhead merely shook her head. "That is just a cover story that the Dragon Knights are using. I don't know what they think they can accomplish, by driving the nation into war. But now they are drafting the people of the kingdom, they are taking men where ever they can get them. They are preparing for war everywhere you look, soon though reach will extend all the way out here."

"That's not good," said Toothless.

"But that doesn't explain why you're after the Seven Deadly Sins?" said the tavern owner suspiciously.

"If there is even a slightest hope of preventing the Dragon Knights from doing this, I know that they're the only ones who can," she said looking directly at them.

The tavern owner held his hands up. "Let me get this straight, you're looking for the Seven Deadly Sins, despite the fact they are traitors to the kingdom and wanted criminals?"

"The Seven Deadly Sins, the most vile order of Knights of the kingdom has ever produced, made of seven vicious bloodthirsty criminals, each one branded with the mark of a beast. 10 years ago when they were suspected of trying to overthrow the kingdom of the knight of the realm launched a full forest attacks scattering them to the four winds."

"If the rumours are true the seven of them died a long time ago," said the tavern owner folding his arms.

"Such amazing people would not possibly let themselves get killed!" said the redhead firmly.

"But they are criminals, aren't they?"

"The Dragon Knights are the ones that are causing suffering for the people right now!" she yelled and then looked to the ground. "Long ago when I was small, only five or six years old, my father would tell me stories about them. That is when I learned they are the most powerful Knights the—"

They start when they heard they heard a rumbling sound and seconds later the ground beneath them began to crumble away. The five of them soon fell into the ravine and disappeared from sight.

The one responsible for this was a muscular looking knight wearing dragon-like armour. "Whoops, I forgot to confirm whether they were the people named and the report," he said as he achieved his sword and looked down over the ravine. "I just simply write down on my report that for individuals of unknown origin are dead." He then turned and looked at the soldiers behind him. "What do you think men, sound about right?"

"But sir, Olaf, is still under the cliff!" the long nosed soldier cried.

"Then simply put five fraternities on the report," said the knight dismissively.

The beefy looking soldier stared at him in shock. "But you can't Sir Bjorn, that's too far even for you!"

Bjorn narrowed his eyes at them. "How about nine fatalities instead?"

The soldiers immediately backed away from him in fear.

"No, you don't need to do that," said the long nosed soldier.

However before he could do anything, Toothless immediately flew back onto the cliff. On his back was the tavern owner, the twins and the redhead girl and in Hiccup's hand was the unconscious Olaf.

"Look it's Olaf!" the long nosed soldier pointed.

Bjorn immediately narrowed his eyes. "You there… how dare you survive without my say-so?" he said as he drew his sword. "I shall not be revising my death tally conclusion."

"Like we were going to roll down and die for your benefit," Toothless growled.

"You all right?" the tavern owner asked as they hopped off Toothless' back.

"We're fine," the redhead replied.

"Good, when I signalled to you run into the forest. Got it?"

"We've got it," the redhead nodded.

Bjorn looked to the soldiers and raised eyebrow. "Tell me, which one of them do you believe to be members of the Seven Deadly Sins? Neither of them bear any resemblance to the wanted posters."

His eyes then trailed to the redhead and that's when he noticed a mark on the earring she was wearing.

"Ha-ha," he said as he began to approach them. "Fate is smiling upon me today. The crest on that earring you're wearing is from the Royal family, which means you are none other than Princess Ruby!"

The twins gulped.

"They've figure it out," said female twin.

"This is bad," said the male twin.

The tavern owner looked at the redhead. "Wait, you're a Princess?"

"Princess Ruby?" Toothless stared. "You're the third daughter of the King in the Royal family."

"I can only hazard a guess of the twins died beside you are Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, your personal bodyguards," Bjorn deduced. "A Royal decree has been issued from the capital to determine your whereabouts. The order was to capture you alive and in healthy condition, but if you lost your life in an unfortunate accident."

"He's not serious?" Ruffnut stared.

"He looks pretty serious to me," said Tuffnut.

"Go now!" the tavern owner ordered.

They didn't waste any time and immediately made their way into the forest.

"They must not capture me," said Ruby as they ran desperately deeper into the forest. "I can't afford to give up yet."

Bjorn then immediately raised his sword and sliced right through the trees on the entire hillside. The tree trunks scattered into the air and landed on the ground, but Ruby and the twins were completely unharmed. When they open their eyes they found that the tavern owner and Toothless had shielded them.

"That was a close one," said Hiccup.

Toothless nodded as he raised his wings revealing the twins. "Far too close. What's the plan now?"

"Toothless, take the twins back to the tavern and tell them exactly what they need to do," he ordered.

Toothless nodded. "You've got it."

He then immediately flapped his wings and for the twins could protest he grabbed the two of them and they flew back towards the tavern.

"So you survived," said Bjorn making his way towards them. "No matter."

Ruby then immediately got to her feet.

"You're Highness?" the tavern owner asked. She then immediately began to make a way towards Bjorn. "What are you doing?"

"There is no escape," she said.

Tavern owner looked at her. "You're not thinking of giving yourself up?"

"If I surrender myself peacefully, he will agree to take me back with him and your life will be spared," said Ruby clearly.

However, Bjorn clearly had other ideas as he raised his sword and unleashing a powerful shockwave towards them. The tavern owner barely had time to grab Ruby and get to safety, when the dust cleared they found a gigantic slat within the ground, slicing through tree stumps.

"Please try and get away while you can," Ruby pleaded.

"He doesn't want any witnesses and he clearly doesn't want to take you in alive," said the tavern owner picking himself up.

"Why?" Ruby cried. "Why are you being so kind? I told you the reason why I left, why I travelled and yet you are helping me despite the fact that I'm looking for wanted criminals? I mean you've never met me before, so why do you have been a complete stranger?"

The tavern owner smiled. "Actually you're not a stranger to me, we've met before?"

Ruby stopped crying and stared at him. "We have? Who are you?"

"My name is Hiccup," he said with a smile.

Ruby's eyes widened in shock, because he looked nothing like the wanted poster she seemed in the bar. "I don't believe it. You can't be… How could you… You're just?"

On the cliff, Olaf immediately woke up.

"Where did he go?" he asked frantically.

"Olaf," said the long nosed soldier.

"The boy with the metal leg?" he said looking around frantically.

"Just take it easy, all right? Sir Bjorn is about to take care of him."

Olaf looked at him. "You idiots! We don't dare get angry at us or else the whole kingdom will fall!" The soldiers just looked at him with blank looks. "When he saved me from the cliff, that's when I saw it. He is the real thing, the most dangerous one of them all. This symbol is right there on his shoulder, his right there!"

Toothless had taken the twins back to the tavern and he had explained everything to them and they just looked at him in shock.

"You're saying that he is the Hiccup?" Ruffnut stared.

"But he looks nothing like in the wanted posters?" Tuffnut stared.

Toothless merely smiled. "Never understood that myself, but right now he needs our help and I'm going to need your help."

The twins looked at him blankly.

Ruby looked at Hiccup's arm and noticed that his left sleeve had been torn away revealing a mark that was shaped like a dragon.

"That's symbol on your arm there… some kind of beast…" Ruby stared and noticed what particular beast it was. "Wait, is that a dragon?"

Bjorn was now literally on top of them and swung his sword down towards them, but Hiccup merely raised his forearm and blocked the attack. However, the force was still powerful enough to create a massive shock wave, but when the dust cleared Hiccup was completely unscathed and the force of the attack actually forced Bjorn to be pushed back.

"How is this possible?" he stared. "My technique was flawless, I'm certain my blade struck you. Yet he was were completely unscathed and now you have the gall to face me unharmed!"

Hiccup was standing directly in front of him with his hands raised ready to fight him bare handed.

Ruby just stared at him dumbstruck. "Hiccup? Is that who you are actually our, really?"

Bjorn stared at him. "Wait a minute, now your face is beginning to look familiar. But if that's all you really truly are how come look exactly the same as you did?"

Hiccup then clenched his fists and got ready to fight. "I hope you're ready?"

Bjorn stared him. "No, it can't be! And yet… you still dead to exist!"

Bjorn then raised his blade and slammed it down on top of Hiccup, but he merely caught the blade with his right hand. He then clenched his left fist and immediately flames covered it and Bjorn just stared at the fist came straight towards him.

"C-conclusion, this incomprehensible, extraordinary power it's… that of a legend!" Bjorn yelled just before Hiccup slammed his fist right into his chest.

Bjorn was then sent flying into the air with his arm in tatters.

"The Seven Deadly Sins… the Sin of Pride… the Dragon Sin… Hiccup," said Hiccup.

Hiccup then turned and faced Ruby, who was completely starstruck.

"Well Ruby, I guess this means you found your first Sin, doesn't it?" he said with a small smile. Ruby just stared at him speechless. "As far as the other Sins go, I've been starting to look for them myself. I have been using the tavern as a way to gather information, but I could use some assistance in gathering some information? So, do you want to come along with me and Toothless?"

"Yes," Ruby cried.

The soldiers immediately made their way over to Bjorn, who had landed back onto the ground creating a small crater.

"Sir Bjorn! Hang in there!" one of them pleaded.

Bjorn then sat up straight. "Request reinforcements from the capital, tell them that this is a matter of utmost importance!"

Suddenly the ground began shaking and that's when they saw heading towards them was the tavern, but it apparently was on some sort of mechanism that was moving on its own. It had four large wheels moving the mechanism like a carriage without any horses.

It stopped just in front of Hiccup and Ruby at a rope ladder dropped down. Hiccup and Ruby saw the heads up Toothless and the twins looking down.

"I see you managed to get them to operate the machine?" Hiccup smiled.

"Wasn't easy," said Toothless looking at him. "They're not exactly the smartest tools in the shed."

Hiccup then immediately grabbed Ruby and then grabbed the stepladder. "Time to go!" He then looked at the stunned Bjorn and his men. "Sorry, but it's time for us to go our separate ways!"

Immediately the rope ladder began to pull them upwards and Ruby screamed in surprise. Once on board Hiccup immediately grabbed sat down on a chair with levers and wheel and soon they began to drive away.

'Was our meeting the work of chancel providence? And what awaited us? Despair or hope? That was how the adventure began for Sir Hiccup and me as we started our search for the Seven Deadly Sins.'

Later that night at Fort Solgales, Bjorn gave his report to the commanding officer, Dragon Knight wearing the armour of a Skrill. He was very handsome, a man of about 20 years with long blond hair and sharp blue eyes.

"The Seven Deadly Sins," he said as he made his way to a map. "I hope that it's a real one this time. I have waited 10 long years, for the day that I can bring about their destruction."