Rachel and Monica are highschool friends. They lost touch after the graduation when Rachel's family moved to Paris. She then studied fashion there and eventually got married at 29 and a year later she had a child, Charlotte, now with 12 years old. Her husband died a year ago victim of brain tumor. She was a mess and has been seeing a therapist since his death. Now she's ready to start over with her daughter. And in her mind, the only way for them to move on, is to pack her and Charlotte's things and move back to the place she left so many years ago: New York City.

"Rachel, are you sure you want to do this after so many years?"

"Yes, mom, I'm sure. This is what I need now. Fresh air, new challenges. I need to see some new faces again, be excited again. Paris is not for me anymore, None of this make sense without Henry."

"Oh, darling... I had no idea you were feeling so..."

"Lost? Lonely?"

"Well, yeah."

"I loved Henry, mom. He was everything to me."

"I know, dear. But what about Charlotte? What is she thinking about this?"

"Well, I did talk to her. She's not too happy about the fact she's leaving her school and friends behind, but I'm sure she'll end up liking the idea and enjoying New York. And it's not like we don't have other ways to keep in touch with our loved ones. It's not like when we got here. I still wonder what happened to Monica. She was my best friend in highschool."

A week later...

"Charlotte, all set?"

"Yes, mom!" Charlotte studied all her life at a bilingual school. Since Rachel decided to go back to the US, they've been talking just in english at home.

"Then help me grab our things. Our flight leaves in three hours."

"I'm going!"

Rachel is almost closing their apartment front door when Charlotte stops her to take one last glance in the place was so happy with her family.

"C'mon, sweetheart. No more tears from now on."

"I feel like we're leaving dad behind."

"Oh, Charlotte, we're not. Remember when he said he wanted us to be happy and leave all the pain and sadness in the past?"

"Yeah, but..."

"That's what we're doing, darling. It's only us now. And this, this is not our life anymore. We don't deserve to live a life stuck in the past. We need to move on."

"Ok. You're right, but you know what else sucks? That I won't be able to eat the Nutella crêpe everyday after class."

"Well, I'm sorry for that, I'll miss it too, but you know what?"


"In New York you'll see a freakin' Dunkin' Donuts at every corner."

"You're kidding, right? I love that!"

"If this will help you be happier there, then I'm not joking. Now, let's go... we have a long way ahead of us."

Charlotte closes their apartment door and whispers "bye, dad" one last time.

Their flight already landed at JFK and they're pushing their large suitcases in the stroller.

"Oh my God, mom! Do we really needed to bring all this stuff?"

"Of course! Our whole life is here now! C'mon! Let's get a cab."

Sometime later...

"Wow... this is HUGE!" says Charlotte while exploring the place.

"Right? My grandmother lived here since she and grandpa got married. I wish you could've met them."

"This place looks like Blair Waldorf's in Gossip Girl but even better, cause this is freakin' real."

"Well, welcome to the Upper East Side, my dear. We just have to do some major changes here. The decor is really old."

"This is amazing. It's like a dream come true."

"I'm so glad you liked it. I can feel we're gonna be really happy here."

"I liked the aprtment, but please, mom, don't get too excited about it. I still hate the fact that we had to leave Paris. I'm already missing my friends, my school, grandma and grandpa."

"Oh, Charlotte. Changes are for the best. Trust me."

"I'm trying, mom. I really am."

Hey guys! I'm back at writing... I started this sometime ago, corrected some things, then decided to post it again.

Let me know your thoughts about it. Do you think I should keep going with this one? Reviews and ideas are ALWAYS welcome!