And I'm back at it again with the disturbing fanfics. I wasn't originally going to write any stories that take into account the events of TLJ, but then I had a fun dream that inspired this beautiful fanfic. The first chapter isn't horrible yet, the following ones will be really violent and gruesome. Pretty much every Resistance character with the exception of maybe Finn is going to be a sociopath so if you're looking for a touching and fulfilling story, press that back arrow.

The Supreme Leader of the cruel and merciless First Order, thought by many to be the most fearsome tyrant that the galaxy had been subject to in over three decades, found himself waking up in unfamiliar territory where he had previously fallen asleep in his private quarters aboard a Star Destroyer. It was a purely dark room that forbade the entrance of any light and in this way reminded Kylo Ren of his own soul, as he laid motionless. At first, he tried to stay still and listen for any available clues as to where he was and how he could have ever allowed himself to be taken like this. There was not a doubt in his mind that he was currently in the hands of the Resistance, however.

Being met by the silence accompanying the darkness, the thought that he might have somehow gone blind and deaf overnight did cross Kylo's mind. It was when he tried to move that he discovered he couldn't; all of his limbs were secured in place by what he assumed were very sturdy metal clamps, and even his head was pressed at a downward angle that made his neck hurt. He couldn't begin to guess how long he had been restrained in that position or how, exactly, the Resistance and its laughable group of vastly underpowered members could have bypassed the security of his ship, let alone gotten their hands on him without waking him sooner. And how did he not detect the approaching threat with his nearly unmatched strength with the force?

After a few good thrashes and attempts at freeing himself using his powers, Kylo made the choice not to waste any more energy on futile attempts at escape. That brief use of the force had taken a serious toll on him, even inflaming a long-lasting pain in his confused head. He had nothing better to do than devise possible effective ways out of this entrapment, and so devise he would. The senses of sight and hearing clearly weren't going to be of much use in his personal mission, but the nauseating smell of cleaning chemicals would come and go. There was nothing to taste and nothing to feel, the second half of that observation being the most troubling. While he could tell there were solid objects that pinned his arms and legs to a hard surface, a numbed pins-and-needles sensation had all of his extremities in a binding grip. If he weren't physically restrained, Kylo had doubts that he would even be capable of standing up for longer than a second. What had those cretins done to his body? He could only imagine the foreign, inhibiting substances that coursed through his veins beyond his knowledge.

Consumed by his loathing for the Resistance, the dark sider's mind went straight to that despicable girl, who had time and time again innovated new ways to injure him physically and psychologically. Three long years after Rey had heartlessly slammed the door in his pleading face both literally and metaphorically, the wound was still fresh and tender. Ren would not be surprised if this abduction was a continuation of the suffering the other force user enjoyed putting him through. She effortlessly betrayed and abandoned him to reunite with the precious little Resistance that she pitied so, and had been devoting all of her available time to learning as much about the force as she could. Kylo, much to his disgust, could sometimes see and hear her frustrated attempts at making sense of those deluded Jedi texts. She was looking for a way to obliterate this vile connection they still shared and had relentless hopes of destroying him, as well. She had yet to succeed in doing either of these things. No matter how hard Rey tried to ignore him and remove him from his occupation of the corporeal realm, she would always fail. Whatever she hoped to do to him now should fail all the same, Kylo assured himself.

If he focused hard enough and worked past the headache he'd get when doing so, he could even feel her rather close presence. Somewhere past the empty blackness of his prison cell, Rey was watching and waiting to strike at him like a venomous serpent. The ill intent she carried with her stung at Kylo's probing touch and made him retreat from his attempt at reading her thoughts.

Without warning, the blinding flash of a light being turned on startled him. He ended up hitting the back of his head against solid metal and nearly knocking himself unconscious, blinking furiously until his aching eyes adjusted to the abrupt change from absolute pitch black conditions to pain-inducing brightness. Kylo's early prediction that he was in a prison cell was proven to be correct. He was sealed in by four thickly padded and guarded walls, the one directly in front of him having a small window protected by blaster-proof glass. The only door appeared to have several sets of locks and looked like one that might have a vault containing all of the wealth in the galaxy behind it.

Now that he could use his surroundings as a reference, he was surprised to see he was actually restrained in a somewhat upright position with his limbs spread apart. It was only his damned head that was tipped forward for some reason.


The incapacitated leader of the First Order once more jumped and this time in response to the condescending, mocking bark of Poe Dameron, who had snuck in from behind somehow. Had that pathetic man been standing in the dark room this entire time, waiting for his enemy to realize he was at his mercy? How did Kylo not sense another human being a mere couple of feet away from him? Whatever poison they had injected into his unconscious body must also be responsible for his mind being in such a weakened state.

Dameron truly looked a wreck, his normally tan complexion taking on an unhealthy pasty color as of late. The stress of being the handpicked successor to General Organa and being tasked with leading the Resistance was outwardly displayed by the dark circles around his eyes. He spent so many sleepless nights, plotting his next moves in this galactic chess game of war, and designing a dozen back-up strategies in case his moves failed. A small, slightly deranged smirk crossed his lips as he stared down at his restrained enemy. Capturing Kylo Ren was probably the greatest victory that the Resistance had tasted in a long while.

Kylo wordlessly stared at Poe and only raised an eyebrow, denying him a verbal acknowledgement. Poe's smirk was interrupted by a dry scoff. He shook his head.

"At last," he started dramatically, as if he were narrating an epic tale of glory and pride, "the First Order shall crumble and I will be the one who brings it to its shaking knees, before taking it out back and frying its brains out with a single blaster bolt." He paced around in the cell to remind the prisoner of the freedom that he no longer possessed. During this pacing was when Kylo realized that Poe had stolen his black cape and was now wearing it around his own shoulders, making the point that he was the one with the upper hand now, and as a result could take whatever he wanted with no opposition. This made him self conscious over any of his other articles of clothing that may be poached during this extended stay with the Resistance.

Poe turned to look at Kylo, his face sudden drained of all exaggerated joy. "What does it feel like to be a failure as a man? What does it feel like to be the most unloved living creature in the entire galaxy?"

"Are you talking to yourself right now?" was the cold, sneering response. The back of Poe's hand made harsh contact with the right side of Kylo's face, eliciting a stifled grunt from the one being assaulted. The brash and impulsive side of the Resistance general wanted to take a few more swings, but he stopped himself. He shook with unbridled rage and fought his own urges to end what he perceived to be a waste of oxygen. The sound of each lock popping open to allow entrance for another person momentarily caught Poe's attention.

Calm and graceful, Rey stepped into the cell with a large leather briefcase and a mask of apathy on her face. She, too, had paled over the years, and her impeccably proportioned facial features seemed sharper than ever. The stress monster had claimed more than one victim, it seemed. The Jedi waited for the locks to click back into place before moving in closer to the general.

"A flawless and well-timed entrance," Poe gave her an appreciative compliment and a charming smile. Rey replied with a nod, settling the mysterious case onto a small table next to the contraption that held Kylo like the rabid animal that he was.

"Of course. Anything less would be a disappointment," she remarked, the greenish hue of her hazel eyes alit by the brightness of the sterile, white prison cell. She only glanced at the prisoner himself to assess the red handprint on his face, recognizing the mark of Poe's repressed violence. Not that she didn't understand the source of the violence and she hardly planned to hold a grudge against him for it.

"This is all thanks to your service," Poe thanked her. His eyes were always intense and smoky with admiration whenever he stared at Rey, including now when he put both hands on her shoulders. "I don't know what we would do without you, I will forever be in debt to repay you for completing this dangerous mission."

"Dangerous?" Rey echoed, cocking her head. Her gaze once more traveled to the prisoner. "Hardly." Then, she leaned over and planted a quick and gentle kiss on Poe's cheek in place of telling him 'see you later'. Standing in the doorway and shooting one last murderous glare at Kylo Ren, Poe's parting words to Rey were 'he's all yours now'. Kylo thought about all of the different things Dameron's words could possibly mean and stiffened in his bindings, admitting to himself that for the first time in a long while, he had no control over what was about to happen to him.

The relationship between Rey and Poe will not be a main plot point of this story, although it will likely be mentioned again in passing. Chapter 2 will hopefully be out tomorrow, it's going to be so bad yet so fun.