001. Crash



There's perfumed strands of hair against Karolina's cheeks, and Nico's whisper vibrating to her lips.

Karolina has never truly felt blessed before. To feel a grace permeating her bones and blood, brighter than the rainbows emitting from her fingertips, by the sensation of Nico's darkly rouged lips nudging hers.

It's her first kiss with another girl. Waves of emotion and a trembly, raw fear, all hovering beneath the determination. Nico should know she's loved, and can be loved exactly how she is. Karolina's stomach somersaults in a heightened joy when the other girl kisses back, hesitant and slow, opening her lips slightly.

Maybe… she's not the only one feeling this. That… that would be a miracle in itself.



Marvel's Runaways are not mine. IT'S FEMSLASH FEBRUARY! WELCOME TO 100 DAYS OF FEMSLASH AND IT'S STARTING NOW! :D I'm very much excited to be sharing this all with you guys and I'm kicking it off with a new fave ship. I adore them to pieces and they haven't crushed my soul. Any thoughts/comments appreciated!