HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYOOOOO! I'm back with another chapter of To Be a Savior or a Destroyer! Took me a lot less time to get out this chapter than my first cuz I'm HELLA PUMPED TO WRITE THIS STORY! Dragon Ball Z, regardless of its flaws, is my all-time favorite anime. If it wasn't for it, I'd never have gotten into anime and I hope this little fanfic is enough of a thank you to its creators for helping me get into the world of anime. Anyhoo, for this chapter I'll be time-skipping around the Frieza Saga because I don't want Natsu to play spectator forever because that would be boring to write and I'm sure boring to read. So, I'm gonna try to get that all out of the way this chapter so by chapter three, Natsu will be alive again and we can get into the introduction of Trunks and the Android Saga. So, without further ado…

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Dragon Ball Z. They each belong to their respective owners.

King Kai's Planet (Before the Saiyan Saga)

Goku's heart raced as he tightened the strings on top of his blue and red boots. Soon he would have to race towards Yenma's palace so Kami could teleport him down towards Earth so he could fight the Saiyans that planned on destroying his planet. As the Saiyan rose to stand, he tightened the string also around the middle of his gi in anticipation. Was he nervous? A little, but not out of fear of fighting the enemy Saiyans. The fear he felt stemmed from the mystery of what he would find once he was back on Earth. Judging by what King Kai told him, even if Bulma and the others brought him back at this very moment, the Saiyans would still arrive before he could be teleported back to Earth. He was sure his friends had prepped for the coming battle, but the black-haired fighter still felt a dark pit of fear welling up inside of him. Gritting his teeth, Goku slammed his fist into his other open palm. 'I can't think like this! I have to have faith that my friends can hold the other two Saiyans off until I arrive.' Goku thought to himself as he walked out of the North Kai's house.

As he walked out, the Saiyan turned his head to see King Kai off to the side concentrating to study how close the other Saiyans were to his home planet. The Kai had last told him that they were at least 3 hours away the last time he'd ask, and that had been quite a while ago. Shaking his head, Goku turned his head to the other side to see Bubbles and Gregory napping off to the side of the Kai's house. A small smile stretched across his face at seeing that innocent image. He wondered if his son was sleeping now at this very moment at his and Chi-Chi's house. 'Or is he going to fight with the others?' That particular side brought up two conflicting feelings inside of the Saiyan. One was a feeling of pride at the thought of his young son fighting to protect his planet as Goku had once had when he was around his age. And the other feeling…was that same sense of fear of seeing his son lifeless on the floor at the hands of his so-called Saiyan brethren. His ki surged at that particular image, quickly calming himself before he could lose himself in a rage. 'That won't happen…I won't ever let that happen.' Goku thought to himself as he broke himself out of that stupor.

Moving his head one final time, the martial artist caught the sight of the other person residing on this planet. Walking over, he stared at Natsu, his training partner and new friend, meditating underneath the shade of the only tree to reside on the Kai's planet. Even now, Goku could sense an overwhelming ki from the boy. 'Even after all the time we trained together and fought one another, I never once saw him use his full power.' The Saiyan thought to himself, wondering just what vast potential the teen actually had. The dragon-boy was still in his weighted, fighting gi like he was. It was one of the many similarities the two shared. His eyes then looked up and stared at the large, yellow halo floating above the teen. His thoughts then floated back towards the promise he had made to the pink-haired teen to bring him back to life as soon as he and his friends beat the other Saiyans. Goku could still see that ecstatic, happy grin that formed across the teen's face as he heard what the black-haired martial artist planned to do. He also remembered King Kai's uproar at hearing about the Saiyan's plans, but Goku brushed those off. The North Kai was a worry-wart so he couldn't let that stop him from keeping his promise. Breaking himself out of his head, Goku stopped in front of his new friend and looked down at the meditating teen.

Slowly, Natsu's eyes began to open as he returned from his intense meditation training. He then caught sight of orange right in front of him and smiled. "Y'know, it's kinda weird to just stare at someone when they're meditating. Especially when you're right in front of them. Really getting a creepy vibe." The teen laughed to himself, rolling backwards and hopping up to his feet to be eye-to-eye with the Saiyan warrior.

Goku chuckled at that. "Haha, maybe maybe. I could just feel the power flowing from you, even while you were meditating and I couldn't help it."

Natsu shrugged with a cocky grin. "What can I say? The Eternal Dragons trained me well. I've kicked you butt enough times to get that point across!" The teen laughed at that, getting another chuckle from the Saiyan.

"Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts because I promise that the next time we meet, I'll be a hundred times stronger. And when that time comes when you're on Earth, we'll have a battle and settle just who's really the strongest!" The black-haired warrior grinned, gripping his fist as he stared at the pink-haired fighter in front of him.

Staring at the man, Natsu returned the grin and slammed his two fists together. "Fine by me! You just better keep that promise because if you're anything less than one hundred times stronger, then I swear I'll make you regret wasting my time!"

Goku nodded at that. "Then it's a promise. We'll both get stronger and we'll keep getting stronger. And no matter how many times we fight, we'll always push each other, right?" He said, holding out his hand towards the pink-haired fighter.

Natsu continued staring at the man in front of him. Never in all his time in Other World had he ever met a man such as Son Goku. No one, besides the Eternal Dragons, had made him want to fight and surpass his own limitations. But now he had met him, and there was no way in hell that he would allow himself to be anything other than the greatest. As the two continued staring at the other, Natsu raised his hand and grabbed ahold of the Saiyan's own and the two shook on said promise. "Right. Now go." He said, pointing up above the Saiyan's head.

Goku gave the teen a quizzical look until he looked where he was pointing and saw that his halo was slowly disappearing. "They did it! They wished me back…but does that mean-"

"Yes, Goku." King Kai solemnly nodded. "The Saiyans are minutes from descending to Earth. You have to hurry back to Yenma now. Kami will be waiting to take you back to the Earth so you can stop the Saiyans."

Goku nodded at the Kai's words. "Right. I'll beat them!" He quickly took to the air in the direction of Yenma's palace, but before he left, the Saiyan warrior turned back one last time towards the friend's he had made, "Thanks for everything guys! Really! I promise I'll make it up to you all!"

King Kai stared up at his protégé and nodded back. "Just beat those nasty Saiyans, no offense, and show them just how awesome my training really was!"

Goku grinned back and gave the Kai a thumbs up. He then turned his towards the dragon-boy to see him giving him a grin of his own along with a thumbs up of his own. Nodding to himself, the Saiyan warrior quickly blast off towards Yenma's palace.

Both King Kai and Natsu stared as the warrior they had the privilege of knowing flew away towards the coming battle that they had all helped train him for. The Kai released a sigh he had been holding for who knows how long and turned back in the direction of where the Earth was located and position his antennae so he could see just what was going to happen between the Saiyans and Son Goku's friends. Hearing the sound of shuffling grass, the North Kai saw the pink-haired teen that often traveled to his home world also take to the sky. "Hey wait, where are you going? Aren't you gonna watch?"

The teen merely shook his head in response. "No."

"What?! Why not? Don't you care what's going to happen to Goku's planet or friend's?!"

Natsu shook his head again. "Of course I care, but what's the point of just watching if I can't do jack-shit! If I watch knowing that I can't stop what's happening…I'm only gonna get angrier and angrier which will solve absolutely nothing."

The Kai slowly nodded at that. "Right…of course."

Natsu gripped his fists in anger at feeling helpless to help Goku and his friends. While he had no idea what they were like, it still didn't change the fact that watching them fight for their lives would be absolutely horrifying to watch. So, he would do the only thing he could do, "I'm going to go train with the Eternal Dragons. Goku and I made a promise. I know he's going to beat those Saiyans…I know he will. He's stronger than when he first got here and I know he'll give everything he's got and more against those rotten bastards. And I promised him I'd be stronger…and I'd keep getting stronger like him. That's all I can do now…and that's what I'm gonna do now." He told the Kai before blasting off into the air, away from the Kai's home planet.

The Kai watched the pink-haired fighter as he vanished into the sky. His mind wandered back to when Goku had promised to revive the dead teen back to life so they could train back on Earth and fight. The North Kai knew he must have seemed unreasonable to both Natsu and Goku about being against reviving the dead teen, but…that didn't change the fact that he was right. For if Goku did decide to revive Natsu…a great calamity would soon befall not just the Earth, but all of creation. The entire universe would be in danger…but whether it came from whom he was thinking of…or another slumbering figure, he couldn't tell. All he could tell was that everything would change as soon as Natsu touched the land of the living. Nothing would be as it was supposed to play out…and whether that was a good thing or a bad thing…remained to be seen.

Other World (One month later)

He was exhausted.

Oh so fucking exhausted. Natsu's entire body still felt sore as he sprinted towards King Kai's planet via Snake Way. It had been around a month since he had left King Kai's planet to go train with his father on the Eternal Dragon's homeworld. Not much was known about their homeworld and few had ever had the privilege of entering its sacred grounds. Natsu, however, was one of the few people that was able to enter freely with no repercussions…as long as he didn't wreck too much stuff. Which made it tough when your father was a very large red dragon and he was a very small young man with a large amount of raw potential. So, to say the least, the dragon-boy was disciplined…a lot.

But none of that mattered to the teen as he saw the small Kai's planet in the distance, No, all Natsu cared about at the moment was finally being able to see Goku so they could spar like they had before. Plus, he'd be able to meet all his friends that he had told the pink-haired teen oh so long ago. 'I hope I don't screw this up! Father said first impressions last a lifetime and I don't want Goku's friends to think I'm some kind of wacko…well at least, not that much of a wacko.' The pink-haired fighter thought to himself, hopping off the tail of Snake Way and landed safely onto the Kai's planet. "YO! KING KAI, I'M BA-" The teen slowly trailed off as he raised his head to see three strange individuals on the Kai's homeworld. The first person seemed the most normal out of the three; a man with long hair that trailed to his mid-back, an x-shaped scar on his face, an orange gi similar to Goku's but with no blue undershirt beneath, orange gi bottoms, blue cuffs, and black shoes. The other two seemed the most peculiar; one was a tall, bald man with…three eyes? 'That's so fucking cool…' Natsu thought to himself as he looked to see that the man was also shirtless and had a large scar trailing down his chest, green gi bottoms, and black shoes. Finally, the third person was an odd one; he was the shortest of the three as well as the palest seeing as he had quite the peculiar skin tone, he also had a black flat cap on, large red dots on his cheeks, a small white tank top on, black gi bottoms, and black shoes.

The three stared at this new person whom had entered into the sacred ground of King Kai and stared in slight disbelief at someone waltzing in and screaming for the North Kai with no ounce of respect. "U-Uh, who are you?" The man in the orange gi asked, pointing towards the pink-haired dragon-boy.

"And why do you want to see King Kai?" The three-eyed man asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

Natsu stared at the three in slight awe. After all, he had always envisioned what these people would look like from the stories Goku would tell, but he never imagined look this- "-Weird…" The dragon-boy mumbled to himself, still staring at the three people.

"Hey, what did he call us?" The smallest of the three chimed in, crossing his arms across his own smaller chest in what seemed to be an imitation of the three-eyed man's pose.

"Wow…I mean, Goku always you guys were funny looking and strong…but man oh man, I never thought any of you would be like this! You guys must be Yamcha, Tien, and Chaotzu, right?" Natsu grinned, pushing his arms on the sides of his waist.

The mention of the familiar spiky-haired fighter the three had managed to befriend caught their attention as the long-haired man asked, "Whoa, wait, you know Goku? How?"

Before the teen could answer however, a voice echoed from inside the Kai's house. "He trained here with Goku, that's how. Can't believe it's already been a month since he left, but when he gets serious in his training, he's about as determined as Goku can be." A familiar rotund blue alien said as he walked out of his house in his same familiar attire with his arms crossed behind his back.

Seeing the North Kai the same as ever caused Natsu to break out in an elated grin. "Yo, King Kai! You look…well the same!"

The North Kai sighed, "And about as blunt and honest as ever…" Turning to the three spectating the conversation, he waved a hand over to the dragon-boy and said, "This is Natsu. While Goku was training to defeat the two Saiyans, he met Natsu whom also came here frequently to train. Quite frankly it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life, but I can't say that Natsu's involvement was detriment. In fact, it was quite the opposite and spurred Goku to train even harder, which I'm sure we can all agree is always a rather destructive affair, if you know what I'm…Saiyan." The Kai suddenly stopped himself and covered his mouth as he tried to hold back his laughs from his rather…poor pun. However, after hearing no other laughs from his pun, the Kai raised his head to see the three whom were currently training on his planet to be giving him looks ranging from embarrassment, to confusion, to irritated. "What…too soon?"

"It'll always be too soon for that kind of joke, King Kai, considering how we got here in the first place." The three-eyed man said with an irritated look.

Sensing his irritation, Natsu suddenly came to a realization. "Wait…if you guys are here…then that means…the Saiyans killed you?"

Tien sighed with derision as he replied, "I'd like to say no, but unfortunately I don't have that luxury. Ever since our battle with the Saiyans, we've been here in Other World training with King Kai while Goku and the others went to Namek to-"

"WAIT, WHAT?! They went to Namek?! For what?! I thought you guys had your own set of dragon balls?!" Natsu cried out in shock.

Yamcha cut in for Tien as he said, "Well, we did…until the Saiyans killed Piccolo who was linked to Kami, who created the dragon balls in the first place. And when Piccolo died…well so did Kami. And therefore-"

"-The dragon balls were unusable…" The pink-haired fighter muttered to himself. 'Shit…SHIT SHIT SHIT! Damn it! I should've been there…I could have helped! Then no one would've had to die!' Natsu gripped his hands in anger as he realized just how naïve he was to think Goku could've handled things on his own.

"Enough, Natsu." The North Kai chimed in, pulling the teen out from his thoughts. "I know that look and there was nothing you could have done. You were dead and there was no way Yenma would've allowed you to assist anyone in the world of the living. There are sacred laws against that kind of thing and you're no exception to it." 'No matter who your father is…' The Kai thought to himself.

Natsu just shook his head as he gritted his teeth. "Still…I could've…I should've..." He suddenly released a heavy sigh. "Fuck…forget it. You're right." Shaking his head again, a small smile sprung across his face. "Well, at least they'll be able to use the dragon balls on Planet Namek, right?" He asked the four, suddenly getting concerned glances exchanged between themselves. "R-Right?"

Another heavy sigh emanated from the North Kai. "Natsu…there's some…things I need to explain to you. Come into my house and I'll make us some tea…" 'And because you'll need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you…'

One explanation later

It had been over an hour since the Kai went inside with the confused dragon-boy and nothing but the apparent loud outburst of rage and the sound of affirmation uttered from the North Kai was heard from inside. Other than that, the planet was dead quiet (no pun intended) as both Tien and Chaotzu meditated and Yamcha was quietly training. As the three continued with their own set of training, the Kai had finally begun to finish with his explanation of the events Natsu had missed as he was training with his father. It honestly surprised the Kai that the boy whom was known to wear his heart on his sleeve be almost silent (except for said screams of rage, which was actually an improvement from him smashing and destroying things like the last time the North Kai had given him bad news) as he told him of what transpired on Earth and Planet Namek. However, he could understand the teen's own rage. 'Heck, it was even hard for me, the calm, collected, and oh so handsome King Kai to hold back my own anger at seeing my star pupil be batted around like he was nothing by that tyrant Frieza.' The Kai thought to himself as he sipped out of his tea cup in front of him.

"But he won…even after everything…he won. Just like I knew he would…" Natsu murmured to himself. 'But at a high cost…having to watch as his best friend, Krillin, be murdered by that… bastard of a tyrant! Hrgh…I'm glad Goku tore him a new one. He deserved everything Goku gave him and more. Murdering not one, but two races for what? Fear? Immortality?' The pink-haired warrior shook his head. "And the Namekians…"

"Back on Earth as we speak with all of Goku's friends. Last time I checked they were all searching for their own Namekian dragon balls on account of them-"

"-Regenerating faster, yeah. Uncle Porunga once told me it only takes him around 130 days to recover, while it takes Uncle Shenron a full year." That brought a small smile to the dragon-boy's face. "Hehe, he always makes it a point to tease Shenron about that. Along with the fact that his body is a bit more…muscular than Shenron's own." The teen muttered to himself, remembering the times the two dragons would argue with one another about that certain subject.

"Hmm, perhaps I was wrong about the Eternal Dragon's not having a sense of humor." King Kai mumbled as he scratched his chin.

Natsu nodded to that. 'Time to stop avoiding the biggest question on my mind.' "And Goku…?"

That stopped the Kai dead in his tracks. This was what he was dreading the most. He knew that the teen had formed quite a strong bond with the Saiyan as they both trained together and having to say that his alien friend has been MIA ever since Namek had exploded was not something he was excited about. "Goku…*sigh* no one has seen hide or hair of him since Namek exploded. I couldn't tell you if he was dead or-"

"He's alive." Natsu said, cutting the Kai off. "He had to be. Think about it! If Goku was dead, then wouldn't he have come straight here! He's gotta be alive! Maybe…maybe he landed off on a distant planet-"

"But to do get to a distant planet he would've had to have had a working ship, but there were no working ships around him. There was no time to go back to his own ship he took to Namek and Frieza's ship was destroyed because of Vegeta." The Kai fired back at the teen. It hurt him having to crush Natsu's hopes, but there was no point in wallowing in despair. "Even if Goku is dead-"

"He's no-"

"BUT IF HE IS-" The North Kai screamed over the pink-haired dragon-boy. "-then his friends can wish him back with the Namekian dragon balls, which you obviously know can-"

"-Wish people back to life as many times as they want so long as they didn't die by natural causes, yes I know!" Natsu growled back, gripping the table. "But-"

"But nothing! You think it's easy for me to think like this?! You don't think I want to believe that Goku is alive! He was my star pupil, and even thought that guy made me want to tear off my antennae more times than I could count, I still cared about him! But thinking about 'what if's' isn't going to help. Whether he's alive or dead, either way it'll be fine! As soon as his friends find the dragon balls, we can find our answers and put this matter to rest once and for all, okay?" The Kai said, staring at the teen through his teashade glasses.

As much as Natsu wanted to scream and yell that the Kai was wrong, he was right. Whether Goku was alive or dead, with the Namekian dragon balls everything would be alright. Quietly, the teen made a quiet prayer of thanks to his uncle Porunga before raising his head and slowly nodding in silence towards the Kai in front of him.

Seeing that put the Kai at ease as he sighed in relief. "Good. Now, if I were you, I'd give yourself a proper introduction to Goku's friends, okay? Seeing as how you'll…*sigh*, be living on their planet soon enough." The North Kai's shoulders drooped low at that thought. 'As long as none of the Kai's or…Supreme Kai forbid, he finds out…then everything will be fine.'

Hearing the Kai mention his eventual trip to the world of the living surprised the dragon-boy. "Wow, I'm surprised you're not keeling over and having a heart attack after what happened last time somebody mentioned that." The teen chuckled, crossing his arms.

A heavy sigh emanated from the North Kai as he replied, "Once you've lived as long as I have, you can tell when you're fighting a hopeless battle. I may have not known Goku long, but even I know when he's set his stubborn mind on something, nothing in the universe can change it." The rotund, blue Kai shook his head at the thought.

Natsu nodded at the Kai's response. "Yeah. Hell, the guy could probably rival my own stubbornness! Hahahahaha!" He laughed, scratching his head.

The Kai, however, didn't share in the laughter. "Hmm, yes yes, now do as I've said. Last time I checked on Earth, Goku's friends had almost managed to retrieve the final Namekian dragon ball. Sooner or later they'll have to summon Porunga, and then you'll be the Earth's problem. I assume you've said your goodbye to your father and the other Eternal Dragons?" He asked the teen, whom replied with a nod. "Good. At least your father taught you some manners before you left. Now go. Introduce yourself properly." King Kai said, waving his hand towards the open door.

As soon as he did, Natsu nodded once again and began walking outside. Before he left however, the dragon-boy held back and turned his head towards the Kai. "I know I've always been kind of an annoyance to you, but I really appreciate you letting me train and hang around here. You're a real stand-up guy! Thanks for everything!" The pink-haired warrior grinned, giving the Kai a thumbs up before departing from the house.

The Kai stood there alone in his house as he crossed his arms behind his back as stood in thought. The dragon-boy had been a constant nuisance on his planet, that was a fact. However, neither Gregory or Bubbles had ever seemed to reciprocate that same thought seeing as they had taken to the pink-haired fighter quite quickly. It seemed to the Kai that only he was mildly annoyed by the destruction the dragon-boy left in his wake, which increased dramatically once Goku and him had begun training together. 'Still though…I suppose I'd be lying if I said that things were definitely not boring when those two were around.' A small smile stretched across the blue Kai's face as he nodded to himself. 'That kid…so much raw potential inside of him. I can tell he's improved these past few months, but even now I can still see the untapped potential he has. Goku definitely saw it, otherwise he'd have never brought up reviving Natsu back to life. *sigh* Even though I know things are gonna go bad soon enough, I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't at least curious to see just what Natsu does once he arrives on Earth.' Turning back towards where the pink-haired fighter had exited, the Kai thought to himself, 'You're gonna go far, kid…that's something I know for a fact.'

While the Kai was stuck in his thoughts inside his house, Natsu had already begun to introduce himself towards the three Z-Fighters that had perished from the Saiyan's might. However, Tien's Chiaotzu's, and Yamcha's introductions were quite short though seeing as how Goku had seemed to tell Natsu quite enough about the three fighters. It was a bit awkward at first, but thanks to the pink-haired teen's rather boisterous personality, it helped speed things into a more friendly and open conversation between the four fighters. At the moment, the four were sitting in a small circle as Yamcha was finishing up a tale from his past. "WHOA WHOA, WAIT!" Natsu said, holding up his hands as he pointed towards the ex-bandit. "You mean to tell me you wanted to use the dragon balls to…cure your girl-phobia?" The dragon-boy asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"What?" Yamcha asked, shrugging his shoulders. "So what if I used to be afraid of talking to girls? I'm not now, and once I'm revived, my wonderful girlfriend, Bulma, and I will reignite our love once again an-"

"Okay, I'm bored now. Anyone else have any interesting stories about yourselves?" Natsu asked, cutting off the ex-bandit.

"Ooo Ooo!' Chiaotzu murmured, shooting his hand up in the air. "I could tell you about how we first met Goku!"

Tien chuckled with his eyes closed as he nodded. "Now that's a memory I'll never forget."

"Alright, sounds interesting! So wha-"

"HOLD ON!" Yamcha interjected, yelling at the top of his lungs. "I wasn't done telling my story yet!"

Natsu nodded at that. "I know, but I got bored of it, y'know?" He shrugged carelessly, pointing at the smaller fighter along with the three-eyed warrior beside him. "And now I wanna hear one of their stories." The dragon-boy said bluntly, eliciting mild chuckles from both Tien and Chiaotzu to the dismay of Yamcha.

"Grgh!" Yamcha grunted, gritting his teeth towards the grinning pink-haired fighter. "Oh yeah! …Well why don't you tell us something about you, huh?"

Hearing that, Chiaotzu nodded fervently at that. "Yeah, you told us you've been here for so long. You've gotta have some stories about when you were alive and someone with your power must have some real awesome ones!"

However, instead of an elated pink-haired fighter begin to tell a story like the three intended to see, they were surprised to see an embarrassed one crossing his arms in frustration. "Hehe, yeah…about that. See, the thing about that is…I have absolutely no idea what I did or who I was back when I was alive." Natsu replied. He could see from the shocked faces of the three fighters that they found it rather hard to believe. "I'm serious. I've tried countless times, especially when I meditate, but I can never find something to grab onto. All I ever get are headaches whenever I so much as try to think about my past. It's…really rather irritating, but I gave up a long time ago." The teen shrugged to himself. "I mean, I've been here for years and anyone who might have known me either died or moved on long ago. No sense trying to figure out a past filled with that, right?"

Tien was the first to speak up after hearing that shocking revelation. "I suppose so, but…I'd still at least be somewhat curious if I was in your shoes. I can't imagine not being able to remember Chiaotzu or any of training. They made me who I am today. My memories are what shaped me into the person I am and just forgetting all that…I have no idea what I'd do if that ever happened to me."

Natsu merely shrugged again. "Believe me, I felt the same long ago. All I tried doing was try to remember my past, but like I said, it was pointless. But it's not all bad. With all that empty space, I was able to make new memories filled with Goku and the ones who raised me, the Eternal Dra-" The teen was suddenly cut short by King Kai's sudden appearance beside the crew.

"It's time." The Kai stated, positioning his antennae towards the direction of a certain blue and green planet.

"T-Time for what?" Yamcha asked.

The Kai stood still as he replied, "Your friends have finally summoned the Namekian dragon, Porunga, and have already made their first wish to summon the souls of both Goku and Krillin from the now destroyed Planet Namek." Hearing that news, Natsu quickly sprinted up and placed his hand on the back of the Kai's back causing him to jump up slightly. "Geez, would you give a Lord of World's a little warning before you put your grubby hands on top of him!" He growled towards the dragon-boy.

"Sorry, King Kai." The dragon warrior apologized before continuing. "But I have to see…I have to see if Goku is really dead…" Quickly, Natsu closed his eyes and allowed himself to see through the Kai's vision and saw his Uncle Porunga surrounded by numerous individuals underneath a darkened sky. 'It's begun…'

'Yes…it has.' The Kai replied, via their psychic bond.

Through the Kai's vision, Natsu was able to see his uncle Porunga reply to the Earthlings and Namekians below him as he stated, "I have summoned the soul of the one called Krillin. But I cannot summon the soul of the other for he is alive and well."

Natsu's heart suddenly began to speed up at hearing that revelation from his uncle. 'Yes…I KNEW IT! I told you, King Kai!'

'So you did. Hehe, I think this is the first time ever I'm glad to actually be wrong about something. It feels oddly humbling.'

Quickly, the Kai delivered the news to three Earthling fighters who were currently living on his planet as he turned back to concentrate.

The two then continued listening to the conversation back on Earth.


It was a shock.

Perhaps the greatest shock the Z-crew had ever felt in their lives. Their friend, Son Goku, had indeed survived his bout with the evil Frieza. To say everyone was ecstatic at the news would definitely be an understatement. Numerous cheers went out from the mouths of such ecstatic individuals such as Gohan, Puar, and Oolong as they hopped up in down in boisterous jubilance. However, while everyone was cheering at the good news, a certain long-haired, bluenette beautiful genius was scratching her head in confusion. Bulma, whom was currently dressed in a white, long-sleeved turtleneck beneath a dark blue shirt that ended at her mid-thigh with the words, 'Bulma' plastered on the front along with belt tied around her waist, asked aloud, "But if Goku's alive…why hasn't he come back?" As she asked, several people began scratching their own heads as they tried to come up with an answer.

The first to speak was none other than the man's own son, Gohan, whom was wearing a white and yellow striped long-sleeved shirt underneath blue overalls along with his embarrassing bowl-cut haircut, replied, "M-Maybe his spaceship's broken!"

Muri, whom was the new Namekian Grand Elder, answered, "Then ask Porunga to summon him!"

Bulma nodded in agreement. "Right of course!" She then turned towards the large green Eternal dragon and asked, "Wish number two: bring Krillin back to life!"

Porunga nodded.

Suddenly, a short, bald man clad in Saiyan gear appeared before the Earthling and Namekians as if from thin air.

"HOORAY!" Everyone cheered, seeing their friend alive and well.

"I'm…so confused right now." Krillin muttered, staring at his friends when the last thing he remembered was being blown up on Planet Namek. He then grunted as he was tackled by Gohan in a tight hug.

"It's good to see you again." Gohan sniffled, hugging his friend.

The bald ex-monk chuckled, "Yeah…good to be back hehe."

"It is done. I also pulled his tattered body and clothes back together…my treat." Porunga smiled down towards the group below him.

Bulma gave him a smile and wink back as she replied cheerily, "You're awful sweet for such a scary looking dragon!" It was hard to tell from so far below, but she could've sworn she saw the Eternal Dragon blush from her words. She giggled, "And finally…bring Son Goku back here!"

"He refuses. He says he will return on his own."

King Kai's planet

"What? Why the heck would he do that?" Natsu asked aloud towards the King Kai.

Yamcha, feeling glad someone started talking again after such a long silence, asked, "Wait, what's happening now?"

The dragon-boy turned back and replied, "Your friends tried summoning Goku back to Earth from whatever planet is on, but he refused and said he'd come back on his own."

"Wait, why the heck would he do that?!" Tien asked, shocked.

The Kai merely shrugged. "Why does Goku do anything?"

"Training." Natsu deadpanned.

"Training." King Kai deadpanned.

"Training." Yamcha deadpanned.

"Training." Tien deadpanned.

"Training." Chiaotzu deadpanned.


Everyone was shocked once again. Here they had just found out moments ago that their good friend was alive and well, but now refused to come back to his friends and family? It stunned everyone present as they starred upwards towards the Eternal Dragon. Piccolo, however, whom was wearing his usual white turban, white cloak, and purple gi, was the first to recover. "If he says he'll come back on his own, let him be. We might as well bring someone back from King Kai's back to life."

Some however were still stunned and irritated at the Saiyan's refusal to come home. 'Hrgh…Goku. How could you just refuse to come home when your wife and child have been worried sick about you?' Chi-Chi, whom had black hair tied up in a bun and her usual Chinese-like attire on, thought to herself, biting her lip in silence.

Bulma slowly nodded. "Well…guess you're right. Who should we wish back though? Maybe Ya-" Suddenly the bluenette was cut off by the Eternal Dragon.

"Forgive my interruption, but your friend has a request. He asks that you do revive someone of his choosing. He said that he had made a promise to this person and wishes to use his wish to revive said person."

Everyone was shocked to hear that. Goku wanted to bring someone back to life? Well, surely he knew that they all were planning on reviving their dead friends, but then why would he interject to say he wanted to wish someone back? Gohan was the first to speak up, "Who does my dad want to wish back to life?"

Strangely enough, and to most people's fears, Porunga began to chuckle under his breath at the question. "But of course…as you wish, Son Goku. He asks that you revive my nephew, Natsu. Your friend says he trained with him at King Kai's while he was training to defeat the Saiyans. He says he is a powerful friend and wishes to revive him so…they can train together."

Everyone suddenly facefaulted to the ground at hearing that.

'Of course…what does my dad ever think about besides training?' Gohan thought to himself as he chuckled awkwardly.

King Kai's planet

The North Kai was the first to react as he slapped his palm to his face and sighed. "Guess I knew this was coming…"

Natsu, however, was chuckling to himself as he scratched his head. "Well this is…awkward."

"What? What's awkward?" Yamcha asked.

"Well…hehe…Goku wants to use the last wish to…uh…wish me back to life." The rose-haired warrior replied, scratching his head awkwardly.

Yamcha's jaw suddenly dropped to the floor, while Tien and Chiaotzu merely chuckled to themselves. He suddenly turned on them, "What the hell's so funny?! Goku wants to use one of the wishes on some guy he just met instead of his own friends!" The ex-bandit yelled at the two.

The three-eyed man stared back at the ex-bandit and said, "I heard, but so what? It's not like it's the end of the world, right? Two of us would've had to stay behind anyways, so what's another 130 days in this place?"

"W-Well yeah, but-"

"But nothing. If Goku wants to use the wish on this guy, then let him. Obviously Goku must have some sort of plan for him, otherwise he'd have never asked in the first place." Tien retorted back towards Yamcha. He then turned his head towards the dragon-boy and asked, "You're strong, right?"

Natsu's eyes widened at suddenly being called out and replied, "Uh…y-yeah! I am."

"Stronger than Goku?" Tien continued.

"…Well, let's just say I have a higher win count than our Saiyan friend." Natsu grinned, slamming a fist to his chest.

Tien smiled at hearing that. "Of course you do. No wonder Goku wants to wish you back."

Yamcha, however, was still flabbergasted at his friend's calmness. "I can't believe you're being so calm about all this…"

The bald three-eyed fighter merely shrugged. "I would've stayed here with Chiaotzu forever if the dragon balls couldn't bring him back. 130 more days is nothing."

The ex-bandit traced his eyes towards the smaller, pale fighter. 'Right…he's already been wished back with our dragon balls once…I can't believe I'm the one whining while Chiaotzu is completely calm. I'm so disappointed in myself…' "F-Forgive me, Chiaotzu. I wasn't thinking clearly." Yamcha apologized, bowing towards the small warrior.

Chiaotzu raised his hands in the air in front of him as he said, "Hey, there's no need for all that. It's okay. Really."

Yamcha sighed in relief at hearing that. "Thanks, Chiaotzu." The ex-bandit smiled and was glad to hear that his friend accepted his apology. He then turned towards the rose-haired fighter and asked, "Hey, when you get back to Earth, if you see a blue-haired woman, tell her to wait a little longer and I'm thinking about her, okay?"

Natsu nodded in reply.

"Thanks…you're a good person. I hope you really help us out in the times to come." Yamcha said, giving the teen a thumbs up.

Natsu replied with his own thumbs up. "And I can't wait to train with all of you when you all get back to Earth. Thank you…all of you." He smiled towards the three fighters before turning back to the North Kai. "Okay…I'm ready."

The Kai stayed silent as he concentrated back on Earth.


Bulma sighed as she stared upwards at the Eternal Dragon. "Well…if that's what Goku wants, then so be it. Hey, dragon, bring this Natsu guy back to life!"

It was strange, but she could've sworn she saw a smile stretch across the dragon's face as he yelled, "And so shall it be!" Porunga shouted, his eyes glowing red as suddenly, and to everyone's shock, a young rose-haired man suddenly appeared in front of them just like Krillin just had moments ago. The man seemed shocked to be in front of them, as if he was as surprised as they all were. His eyes looked down as he slammed his foot down on the concrete streets of West City with his sandals. His eyes then shot up above his head and a wild smile stretched across his face.

"I'm alive…I'm…I'M ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!" Natsu yelled at the top of his lungs, stretching his arms upwards in the air! The rose-haired fighter took a huge influx of air into his lungs as he said, "Oh wow! Is this what air tastes like in the living world? It tastes…oddly polluted and stuff…ah who cares! I'm alive! Woo-hoo!" He yelled hopping up into the air in glee.

"Well…he seems…like a chipper one." Bulma muttered, getting nods from the others in the group. 'Kinda cute too…in a simple sort of way.'

Hearing that, Natsu turned his head towards everyone and smiled. "Wow…so you must all be Goku's friends! He's told me so much about you, but meeting you finally is just so different! Nice to meetcha, the na-"

"YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT A PROPER GREETING!" Porunga suddenly shouted, scaring everyone below him, with the exception of the rose-haired fighter who was chuckling nervously.

"Hehe…sorry, uncle!" He apologized before continuing with his introduction. "Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for bringing me back to life! My name is Natsu and I hope we can all be great friends!" Natsu grinned before giving them all a slight bow.

Natsu raised an eyebrow at everyone's silence as he looked upwards from his bow to see everyone sweating and looking at him nervously. "W-What? Do I have something on my face?"

"D-Did you just call Porunga, a-an Eternal Dragon…uncle?" Krillin stuttered out, inwardly praying he heard that all wrong.

'Bald head…short…buff…must be Krillin!' "No, you heard right, Krillin! Porunga is one of my many uncles! Hehe, practically all the Eternal Dragons are my family! Shenron included!" Natsu replied, laughing as he scratched his head.

"WHAT?!" Everyone replied in shock.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND THAT'S A WRAP! WHOOOP! DONE! Took me a bit, but I finally finished! Haha! Sorry for the wait, but I was busy with other stuff. Anyways though, Natsu is finally back to life…YAAAAAAAY! And as you can see, his heritage with the Eternal Dragon's is something a lot of Goku's friends are gonna fear haha. I like this idea and I feel it's something unique to the DBZ fanfics. Maybe it's been done before (but what hasn't on this site, right?) but I hope you all enjoy what I do with this fic! So, next chapter will be when Frieza's on his way back to Earth. I'll summarize in the beginning how Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu are brought back along with all the Namekians transporting to Earth so as to get a move-on towards the Android saga and see more badass fights!

Also, people have asked me if the movies and Xenoverse stuff are gonna appear in this fic. To which I reply, most movies and Xenoverse most likely will happen, I just need to figure out when will it take place and how.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, please leave a favorite, follow, and a REVIEW!