The three of them gathered the remaining items from the vault. With Pete's help, they complied a list of things that John was taking signing them out. The guard on duty had to confirm that none of the items were dangerous as he checked off each item that they were taking. There was one item in particular that he was hesitant to allow out of the vaults and it was only on Pete's order that they were finally allowed to take it. With everything secure, Jack went back into the vault to wake the sleeping Time Lord. He found him where he had fallen asleep in the aisle, his head still resting on Artemis. His breathing was even as he slept on peacefully and Jack almost hated to wake him.

"Come on sweethearts, it's time to wake up," Jack cooed as he ran his fingers through the sleeping man's hair.

"Jack, time to go home?" the Doctor asked sleepily.

"Yes, it is time to go home," Jack reassured him. He lifted his arms and Jack scooped him up. Artemis yawned, stretching as she got to her feet ready to follow her owner out of the building. Jack carried the Doctor to the main door, then made him walk as he had to help carry artifacts to the SUVs. They loaded them into the boot of the vehicle before climbing into the front. John was impatiently waiting for them with a few supplies that he picked up from his labs. He raced back to the mansion, eager to disappear into the TARDIS to begin working on fixing the crown. As he pulled up to the mansion, though, a little boy came running out.

"Daddy," he screamed happily.

"William," John called just as happily as he opened the door. He knelt down catching his son as he flung himself into his arms. He hugged him as he lifted his son up off his feet.

"Can we play Legos?" Willam asked.

"I'm sorry, William, but I need to go into the TARDIS for a little while to work?" John apologized.

"Please don't leave me again, Daddy. I promise I'll be good," William begged him.

"Oh, William," John started to respond.

"Please, daddy," William cried. John hugged him closer as he felt his heart breaking. He had never been a good father towards his first children. He had tried but he had been unhappy on Gallifrey, dreaming about leaving as he stared up at the stars. Once they joined the academy, they saw that he was a bad Time Lord and just like everyone else on the planet looked down on him. William was also the child that Donna had always longed for and he swore that he would be a better parent than his own mother or Father.

"I need to help Jack, and Ianto move somethings into the TARDIS and then I will be in to play Legos with you, John told his son.

"Promise," William whined.

"I promise," John replied. He kissed him on the head and then set his son down. William didn't go far as he watched his father help carry the items into the TARDIS. Once the boot was empty, John disappeared with his son into the mansion as the others went in the TARDIS. They didn't see each other again until dinner where once more the Doctor refused to eat. He didn't like it here and just wanted to return to his own home where things made sense to him. He could eat his foam bananas hidden upstairs in his desk and there was always food he liked to eat in the fridge. He missed Jack's Torchwood where he had free range and could watch telly in Jack's office or nap on his bed.

"Jack, Doctor go home?" The Doctor wondered.

"Not quite yet, sweethearts," Jack replied.

"Fine," the Doctor sighed. He looked at the food on his plate and pushed it around with his fork not bothering to eat it. He flicked a piece of the meat on the floor and Artemis happily snatched it up.

"Please try a bite of food," Jack requested.

"No," the Doctor sighed as he knocked another piece to the floor. Jack rolled his eyes. He finished his own meal as the Doctor flicked the rest of his onto the floor, Jack, and Ianto. The meal done, they retreated to the living room to watch a film. It was a children's movie but the Doctor, Tony, and William enjoyed it. John cuddled his two children as he enjoyed once more being with them. The movie over, he took them to their room tucking them into their beds. He stayed with them, telling them stories until both children drifted peacefully off to sleep. As he talked, he made a decision. He had already missed too much time with them and he knew within his heart that he shouldn't miss more. No matter how badly he wanted to bring Donna back to him. His mind made up, he crept quietly out of the room to where the others were still sitting.

"We need to talk," John told them upon entering.

"That doesn't sound good," Martha spoke up.

"I have decided that I don't want to leave my children again right now. They have already lost their mother and I have been selfish by leaving them for so long," John stated.

"I understand, but we can't drive the TARDIS back to the other universe without you," Jack informed him.

"I know and I will help you take her back," John promised.

"You can't come back here without her," Jack told him suspiciously.

"There's a way around that but I will need your vortex manipulator," John explained. He could use it to jump to the future to a time when his own TARDIS would be ready. In the meantime, Jack would move her to the Torchwood vault so that the two TARDIS's wouldn't be in the same place at the same time. Jack agreed and they said their goodbyes as the small group headed to the TARDIS to return to their own universe. The trip was short and the Doctor eagerly ran out once they landed, just happy to be home.

"So you have given up on Donna?" Jack wondered as he took of his manipulator.

"Of course not. I will be back in a month's time to continue my work on the crown. One way or another I will save Donna," John declared. Taking Jack's manipulator, he put it around his wrist. John hugged Martha, and Jack goodbye then shook Ianto's hand. Setting the time and date, he disappeared.

"Do you really think we will see him again?" Martha wondered.

"I do," Jack stated. Turning, he headed into the home to find the Doctor sitting on the couch eating a bowl of pudding with his fingers. He smiled as life was quickly returning to normal. He could once more set to planning his wedding with Ianto and in a month's time John would return and the Doctor would have his friend back. Flopping down on the couch beside the Doctor, he wrapped his arm around him as he settled down to watch his cartoons.

-Author Note-

Yes, this really is the end for now. I promise there will be another story with John and Donna's return but the story I have planned is too vast to tag on to the end of this one. So, for now, we leave everyone happy. I can't promise that they will stay that way though.