

'for those who can't find love. Fuck love, find crazy, your kind of crazy, and run with it.'

Deadpool Copyright by Marvel (Obviously)

Jigsaw Copyright (not really) by Iland Girl

Chapter 1

It was a normal day at Sister Margaret's and Weasel couldn't have been crankier about it. Kelly was sick and their newest employee spent more time bidding favours than actually working. He was at the end of his rope trying to get the broad to do her damn job when a new patron walked into the bar.

She was small, barely over five feet tall, with enough curly locks to clothe an orphanage if you could get through the disarray. She looked meek, shy. Weasel immediately questioned why she was there. Yet the woman marched up to the bar, her eyes hard and practically peeling his skin off with how sharply she looked at him.

"Welcome, what can I get ya?" Weasel asked as he filled up two pints for Jones seated next to the blonde.

"I hear you're hiring, and I'm looking for a job." The woman said, resting her arms on the counter as she leaned in to Weasel. He barely heard her over the noise, but her low voice didn't match her tiny frame. He slid the drinks down the bar as he came closer to her.

"Got any experience serving?" He asked, eying her hipster look of denim and plaid. He was cringing already. Didn't matter how hot she was, he definitely didn't want any millennial shits waltzing around this bar.

"Nope, but I'm a quick study." She said, not shaken in the slightest when he turned away to continue making drinks.

"Sorry, no can do princess. Maybe try the coffee shop on the corner, or a library." Weasel said as he continued his work. Jones picked this time to open his damn mouth. The hulk of a man slithered closer to the petite blonde with a sleazy grin. Great, now Weasel would have to save her sorry ass.

"Well if you're looking for work, I could get you a steady wage." Jones said as he slapped her ass. A chuckle left his lips and no sooner was he holding his face and letting out a cry. Weasel never even saw it coming, but he certainly saw the woman shaking her hand out from clocking Jones.

"Bite it, chunky." She yelled, her glare now settled on the man. He remained doubled over for another second before standing up to glare at her. The petite blonde didn't even look fazed staring up at the beast of a man.

"Bitch!" He yelled, blood dripping from his nose as he grabbed at her. She was faster though, grabbing his jewels without mercy. Jones squeaked at the sudden intrusion, his back stiffening as regret swam in his eyes. Meanwhile Weasel and a few other patrons watched with disbelief.

"I dare you." She said slowly, her voice dropping another octave and a few other patrons gave a glance at the shrimp disarming the beast.

"I-I apolo- I apologize!" He said in a rush as she let him go. Jones stumbled away immediately, and the woman turned back to Weasel as though nothing had ever happened.

"I can pick up a rag and start any time." She insisted, and honestly after the display he had just witnessed Weasel didn't feel he was in the position of power anymore. He figured one chance wouldn't be bad, and so he tossed her a rag and shook his head.

"What's your name?" Weasel asked.

"Jenna." She replied. Weasel hesitated for a moment before throwing caution to the wind.

"Alright, let's see what you can do." He said, and almost regretted. Almost being the key word. The woman worked hard; which surprised him since she looked like she had crawled out of some Woodstock promo. He had to hand it to her, she worked like a rented mule. All while not looking bothered. She was definitely used to labor, and more than easily evaded men's oggles. She worked through the night without complaining, and Weasel knew he sure as shit would've bitched at least one at the workload. Halfway through the night he fired the other broad because she'd only returned once to the bar. He figured tonight would actually end well.

That is until that pain in the ass showed up.

"Weasel, looking suspicious as usual." Wade nodded to his friend. Weasel poured him his usual with a sneer.

"Wade, assholish as usual." Weasel replied. Jenna returned to the bar then. Instead of listing off an order though she just walked behind the bar and began to mix them herself. Wade gave a look, confused as to what was happening before his very eyes.

"Now what's a place like you doing in a lady like this?" Wade asked, sizing up the woman as she flipped her long curls out of her eyes to continue mixing. Weasel stood idly, glancing at her but otherwise not intervening.

"Working son, some people work good wholesome jobs but me?" She looked up to him and it was the first time he saw the intense green of her orbs. "I promote addictions."

With that she carried the tray off filled with drinks. Wade watched her as she left, eying the way her legs swung her hips smoothly. He turned back to Weasel, who stood there with a glare.

"Don't you dare." Weasel said immediately. Wade leaned back in his seat, clutching a hand over his heart in mock hurt.

"I didn't even say anything. I can't believe you would think such things of me." Wade said before Weasel leaned against the bar.

"She's probably the best worker I'm going to have. You start distracting her and I'm screwed!" Weasel insisted. Jenna returned shortly after, excusing herself to behind the bar to have a drink. Wade glanced at Weasel before a grin slipped onto his lips. Before Weasel could say anything more Wade turned to Jenna and smirked.

"So what brings you here? Recovered addict that just likes to watch the world burn?" Wade asked. Jenna glanced at him before raising a brow.

"Obviously, both my parents were just a mess." She said in a very lighthearted tone; her lips pouting in a childlike manner. Weasel rolled his eyes as he watched the entire thing unfold.

"Let me guess, daddy was a drunk, mommy was abused. Wow, you'd think this cliché would run dry with you millennials but no. You just gotta beat it one more for good measure." Wade mocked. Jenna narrowed her eyes before glaring at Wade.

"Plot twist. Daddy's just a dick and mommy was the alcoholic. Can't you tell?" She challenged. Wade didn't even bat an eye as he countered back.

"I could, didn't want to… offend you younger generations though. All sensitive to being offended and all." Wade said gently as Jenna gasped.

"I'm offended you think I was offended." Jenna said as she leaned closer to the counter.

"See? Real easy, especially when you decide to slum in places like these." Wade gestured to the bar. Jenna gave a glance around as she spoke.

"Sometimes I like to go to…. Exotic locations, you know?" She asked. Wade nodded, leaning in closer to her.

"I hear you. Bagdad, Thailand….. Jacksonville. Been all over." Wade said in such a nonchalant way that Jenna raised a brow.

"Wow, real prince over here. Hope my commoner blood doesn't tarnish you." She said with a smirk. Wade frowned.

"Oh it has. It offends me deeply too. However I have to be modest. I wasn't always this dashing prince you see before you." Wade mused. Jenna raised a brow.

"Oh? You mean you weren't always wearing a fur lined jacket? Is it actually a fashion choice?" She asked. Wade shook his head.

"No no. I did come tumbling out with the jacket. Did a number to my momma's uterus too. Poor gal was picking wool out of there for weeks." Wade said in a wistful tone.

"Let me guess, momma dies in this one." Jenna said. Wade eyed her up before shrugging.

"Don't know, she left right after I was born." He replied. Jenna laughed.

"My Momma left before I was born." She countered with a sadistic smirk. Wade narrowed his eyes and leaned closer.

"Was a shame really, she left me at the hands of my alcoholic daddy and molesting uncles. Left me all alone with them for hours. They would take turns doing what they called 'Pinning the tail on the donkey'. Oh and if you couldn't guess," Wade pointed to himself with and intense sorrow on his face. "I was the donkey and the tail was their fingers."

"Wow, you had it rough." Jenna said shaking her head.

"Right up the butt." Wade said shaking his head.

"But at least you had a place with familiar people. I had the circus. And trust me, the bearded lady ain't no lady." Jenna said bluntly. Weasel felt himself mentally coiling away from this conversation. He'd never seen someone throw back and forth with Wade like this before.

"I see." Wade said with mock sympathy. Jenna nodded before whispering.

"Huge penis." She said, gesturing about a foot and a half in length. "It's like a snake."

Wade paused for a moment after that and gave a small chuckle. He looked at the beauty before him and tried to figure out exactly what was happening. He couldn't piece it together, but he liked her. Something seemed sort of off though.

"Well if it's a snake you want to see I could show you a…. Modest gardner snake later tonight." Wade taunted. Weasel rolled his eyes, but to his surprise Jenna just wiped up the bar as she moved away.

"Sorry son, but I'm not a hooker." She said simply.

"Oh I wasn't intending to pay." Wade replied quickly. Jenna smirked at him but otherwise shook her head.

"No thank you." She said in a dismissive tone. Wade found himself defeated, and so he nodded to her before taking his drink, gesturing a cheers to her, and waltzing off. Weasel looked at her in surprise.

"You've got to be the first girl to turn down Wade Wilson. Wait, you're a lesbian right?" He asked. Jenna just laughed before picking up her tray and shaking her head. As she walked away from the bar she threw back a comment over her shoulder.

"Nah, I'm just too busy."

Busy she was. The night was high with customers, and while she technically was supposed to have another waitress Jenna handled herself fairly well. She was an absolute shrimp net to the hulking masses of men and most women towered over her. Weasel often had a hard time tracking her in the crowd what with her head barely passing anyone's shoulders.

Weasel wasn't the only male watching her though. Several had their eye on the tiny beauty. Watching as her too skinny frame wriggled between patrons and slipped around drunk fights. It definitely didn't go unnoticed that there was a new waitress at the bar. Although the display with Jones earlier seemed to keep wandering hands to themselves for the most part. Granted there were a few jostles when drunks slid into her. Jenna felt a bit bruised, but far from broken.

It was close to two in the morning and the bar was beginning to settle a little bit. People partnering up and leaving or passing out on the floor. Jenna was busy cleaning tables when she came across a table with a man still sitting there. He eyed her up as she cleaned the empty glasses in front of him. She glanced at him and caught his gaze. She felt herself go on alert from the sharpness of his gaze. He grinned at her.

"You're too pretty to be working here, girl." He said in a husky voice. Jenna slowed what she was doing as she gave him a questioning look.

"Where should I be working then?" She challenged. He was slow to respond before he smirked.

"Not sure, but not here." He said as he glanced at the bar where Weasel was counting cash at the register. She followed his gaze before looking back at him. "Though as a newbie you can't be making much money."

Jenna glanced him up and down quickly before trailing her eyes back up to his. She narrowed her deep forest green orbs before cocking her hip.

"What are you offering?" She asked.

"Simple blow, $100." He said slowly. Jenna laughed at him before shaking her head.

"Fuck off dude." She said while gathering the glasses and carrying them to the bar. The man wasn't done yet though as he yelled out after her.


Jenna paused in her walking, biting her lip before turning to look at the guy. He didn't look very dirty, actually he looked pretty clean and suave. A bit on the chubbier side but nothing she minded. Mostly, he looked kind of lonely to her. So she didn't think he had any ill intentions.

She could also use the money. Really, really badly.

Jenna walked back over to him and, very quietly under her breath, she said, "Five minutes."

So he waited while Jenna went and quickly cleaned up the mess and told Weasel she would be back soon. She glanced at the man before nodding to the door. He smirked and followed her out the doors and into the back alleyway. They were alone, something Jenna sort of hoped wasn't the case. Granted she was kind of thankful. Considering she had never done this she was sort of happy nobody would see her make an ass of herself. She'd make it work, especially for $300. She could really use that money.

Once they were outside the man gently leaned against a wall, his eyes raking over her body freely. Jenna crossed her arms over her chest as she looked him over too, seeing a tent already built in his pants. She cringed inwardly, almost second guessing herself. Almost.

"Show me the cash." She said, trying to stay authoritative. It worked well enough as he smirked and pulled out a wad. She took in a short breath, taking a step closer as well. The man pocketed the cash again and closed the gap between them. He wasn't huge, just shy of six feet. Jenna looked down at his pants as she slowly knelt in front of him. The rocks from the street leaving odd dents into her knees, stinging them and likely to serve as a reminder later as to what she had done. However just as she was bringing her fingers to undo his jeans, albeit a bit slow and hesitant, she felt his fingers gently pat her head. Jenna flinched back, glaring scornfully at him.

"Don't touch me." She snapped, ready to leap away. The man didn't look bothered though, instead seeming even more empowered.

"See? Even wild girls like you will get on your knees for some cash." He commented. It sent Jenna reeling as she glared darkly at him. Quickly getting off her knees she took a step back.

"Well go fuck yourself then." She snapped and went to quickly turn away. The man had other plans though and grabbed her hair. Jenna squeaked as he yanked her back.

"I don't think so. We had a deal." He said in a controlled anger. Jenna swung and swiped at his eyes. She managed to just nick the side of one and made him flinch. The blonde took that moment to get away and rush for the door. Just as she made for it the large and heavy door swung open and none other than Wade Wilson stepped out. She ran full tilt into him and his fluffy fur coat before he glanced down at her and assessed the situation. Jenna felt like she had run into a brick wall the man was surprisingly solid under all that wool.

"Hey!" The duo heard as the guy rushed over. He stopped a ways away when he saw Wade. It only took a quick glance between the other man's cut eye and Jenna's pale face to realized what had happened. The taller man pushed Jenna behind him and raised a brow.

"I think we're done here." Wade said in his usual preppy voice. The man glared at Wade and went to take a step closer, btu Wade flourished a gun and casually pointed it at the man who immediately raised his hands in surrender and began to back off.

"W-We had a deal…. Ugh, sir." He said while glancing at Jenna. Wade nodded.

"Deals off." Wade said in the same tone. The man gave a sour look at Jenna before Wade caught his attention. "And if you don't leave you're going to have two more holes to be fucked in while you're in prison."

The man had made to argue but wasn't sure exactly what he was arguing. However after Wade loaded his gun the man immediately backed away until he turned and marched out of the alley way so briskly he put those 50 year old grannies at the gym to shame.

Once the threat had left Wade sheathed his gun back into his pants before turning to look at the trouble maker.

"You really are an awful hooker, are you new or something? I didn't think it was a difficult field to get into but there should be some screening with women like you waltzing in." Wade pouted, looking pretty disappointed. Jenna had opened her mouth to thank him for helping her, but one Wade had run his all she wanted was to kick him in the crotch.

"I'm not a hooker." She reminded him. Wade nodded.

"Probably not…." He began before getting awfully close to her. Jenna resisted to shrink into a small ball as he towered over her.

"…. But you are a minor."

Hello! Welome to Jigsaw and thank you for stopping by!

Before you go any further there will be a few things you should know.

Now as stated literallya t the end of the chapter, the main OC is a MINOR. Yes, she is only a minor. Now you may have also seen this story under the romane section. Possibly, I mean I haven't actually published it yet so maybe it is. Anyway, you should know that while my OC is paired with the lovely Wade Wilson there will be nothing happening while she is a minor. Wade is NOT a pedophile and I would never do that to him. (Granted he technically is because in the comics he was dating a 17 year old and that is kind of where I got the idea for this story.)

However, AFTER the OC becomes of age expect an over seualized mess. There, i said it, no surprises. This story's outline has been written for YEARS. I actually saw Deadpool and then went home and immediately wrote this out that night. I wish I was joking but there was just soooo much potential. I hadn't written it because I wasn't sure it would be well recieved. However after a few years in theatre I have developed the 'fuck it, this is happening' attitude. Especially in the past month or so.

Anyway, This story will contain a lot of seual jokes, Wade-ness, and Jenna's equally fucked up humor. There will be jokes at many people's expense, and I'm honestly just wanting to make an honest Deadpool fanfic. So if you like it, let me know and review! If you don't, well that sucks, but thanks for stopping by!

For reference, this is taking place about 5 years before the start of 'Deadpool'. Wade is 32 turning 33 and Jenna is 17 soon 18. So yeah, juuuuust for reference. And one again, I got this idea because of the comics. I was searching females and came across Wade's relationship (I think it was copycat (his GF in the movie but she's a lot older there) but it's been a while so somebody correct me) so it is actually canon that Wade has se with minors (as much as I don't think he actually does but anyway) So enjoy!


Iland Girl