"And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know

Wo wo wo

God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson

Heaven holds a place for those who pray

Hey hey hey, hey hey hey"

It was a sound Tweek had grown accustom to while adjusting to life on land. Craig had grown quite talented at his guitar, often waking up and sitting on the docks and playing while he enjoys his morning coffee. Tweek eventually joins him, but not before lying in bed for an hour while he listens to his husband. Tweek grinned into his pillow, humming as he listened to Craig play this morning. It had been three months since they told Greg, Steven, and Andy, and that means it has been roughly three months since Craig graduated college. They officially moved into the house about a month and a half ago, and Tweek couldn't be happier. His parents have yet to visit, but that's because Richard started up his own coffee bean dispensary, and business was going well. Sitting up and stretching his stiff limbs above his head, Tweek could just make out Craig on the docks. Kicking his legs over the side of the bed, Tweek bent down and grabbed one of Craig's sweatshirts off the floor, tugging it over his head before walking out onto their little balcony. The balcony had been Tweek's only request, and Craig was happy to oblige. It was a decent size balcony to have off their bedroom, a small table with two chairs on it and one love seat for when they had company over on it. Tweek liked to have breakfast on the balcony, often waving to small children on boats that were coming in and out of the bay with their families. They loved waving back, happy that someone saw them. There weren't many homes on the block, but that was okay with Tweek and Craig, because the less people on the block, the less people potentially spotting Tweek coming to the house from the ocean.

Leaning against the railing, Tweek smiled as he saw Craig sitting on the dock playing his guitar and singing still, Pluto sitting in the other chair on the dock. The octopus resided with Craig most of the time, but will sometimes travel with Tweek when he went to see his parents (which wasn't as often anymore). He had his own special tank in the living room that was big enough for him to swim freely in without feeling cramped, and Pluto loved his new tank. It was about the length of their couch, and about three feet deep, so it was a hefty tank to have in the living room. But Pluto was family, and so he'd be treated as so. Jack had bought them the tank as a house warming gift, and Tweek had a hard time removing the octopus from Jack that night when it was time for him to leave. There was no top on the tank, so Pluto was free to exit and enter it whenever he pleased, hence why he was joining Craig on the docks this morning. He was smart enough to know when he should go back in his tank, especially when company was over.

Craig looked up as he finished playing, sipping at his coffee and chuckling around the rim of the mug as he saw Tweek. His hair was still messy from sleep, but he always managed to have a glow about him regardless of his sleepy state. He waved to his husband, feeling his heart pound in his chest when he waved back. Grabbing the neck of his guitar, he held his elbow out to Pluto as he stood.

"Come on, bud." He murmured, Pluto grabbing on and crawling up to rest on Craig's shoulder. He walked back to the house, Tweek in the kitchen when he walked in rummaging through the fridge.

"There's my handsome man."

"Me or Pluto?" Craig teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Tweek snorted, smacking his ass as he walked past to put his mug in the sink.

"I meant you, but Pluto's handsome, too." He cooed, lifting the octopus off of Craig's shoulder and cradling him. Pluto nuzzled into Tweek's touch, his eyes closing as his arms wrapped around Tweek's chest and neck. Craig smiled, putting his guitar back in its stand in the living room before coming back to the kitchen. He pushed past Tweek to reach into the fridge, grabbing an apple and taking a bite before plopping at the counter top, running a hand through his hair.

"My parents want to come out with Tricia and see the finished house." Tweek grabbed some eggs from the fridge, turning to look at Craig as he shut the fridge.

"That's okay! When were they thinking?"

"This weekend," Craig said around a mouthful of his apple. "Do you think your parents would want to come? I know they haven't seen the house…or met my family." Tweek blinked, thinking back to all the times he swore his parents had met Craig's.

"They've met, right?! What about your show freshman-"

"Nope. They weren't there. How could they have come to a land locked show?" Tweek puckered his lips as he thought.

"Hmm…you have a point…" Craig chuckled and kissed his puckered lips as he walked past, tossing his apple core into the trash.

"What, you don't want your family to meet mine?"

"No! Nono it's not that! I just…they can be…embarrassing." He mumbled, kicking his feet. Craig tangled a hand into Tweek's curls, something he's discovered calms him.

"They're wonderful. And they do it because they love you. Just like I do embarrassing shit and you still love me."

"You don't do anything that embarrassing."

"I just yelled koo-koo-ka-choo to a family passing by on a boat this morning." Tweek let out a laugh, adjusting Pluto hanging from his neck.

"That's not embarrassing that's funny." He giggled, Craig taking Pluto off his chest so he could cook his breakfast.

"If you say so." He laughed, placing Pluto back in his tank as he noticed the cephalopod had drifted to sleep.

"Red and Greg went on a date." Tweek said from the kitchen as Craig sat in the living room. He blinked, looking at his husband from the living room.

"She actually agreed to a date?!"

"I was surprised, too. But they had a picnic in the middle of the ocean on the boat he rented."

"Romantic." Not long after Greg realized he could be introduced to the cute mermaid he discovered was real, he pestered Tweek to introduce him to Red every time he saw him. Finally, a few weeks later, Red followed Tweek to the house one night to introduce her to Greg. Red recalled the day fondly, having been watching Greg from a rock in the water. She found him charming and handsome, and that's why she spent hours watching him do homework on the beach. The two instantly hit it off, Greg spending most of that evening bent over the edge of the dock in an effort to get closer to her. Red found it adorable, so the two planned to meet up again, one on one.

"My friends are quite fond of humans." Craig looked up from the magazine he was flipping through, eyebrows furrowed.

"Aren't…aren't you?" Tweek snorted as he walked out to the living room with a plate of scrambled eggs, sitting next to Craig.

"Well, duh. But I just think it's funny that Butter's and I gave up our tails for humans, and now Red might be as well. I never thought growing up that I'd do something like that." Tweek held his fork out to Craig, his husband leaning over and taking the eggs off the fork without looking away from the article he was reading.

"It's funny how life works out, isn't it?" Tweek smiled, biting onto his lip as he looked at Craig.

"Yeah," He took another bite of his breakfast, still staring at him. "Life works in crazy ways."

The weekend rolled around, and boy, was Craig happy for it. Craig had found a job at a laboratory that was studying the migratory patterns of certain fish and sea mammals. They didn't know that Craig could access sea life so easily, but that's okay, because Craig didn't want them to know. Because of his easy access to marine life, Craig is able to bring them the most accurate data, meaning they have him working the most hours. It was a double edge sword, because it was great in the sense he earned more money, but bad in the sense that he worked long days. Thankfully, he had Friday through Sundays off to compensate, and Craig thanks his boss mentally every time Thursday night rolls around. Coming home around eleven at night, Craig kicked his shoes off next to the door, locking it behind him before turning to go to the kitchen. He tugged the fridge open, smiling slowly as he saw a delicious plate of food saran wrapped in the fridge with a note on top of it. Pulling it out, he looked at the post it stuck on top with a tired smile.

Hopefully I'm still awake when you come upstairs, but here's some food for my busy man! If I'm not awake, I hope you had a good day at work, and I love you very much!- Tweek xo

Craig laughed softly at the note, pulling his wallet out and tucking it into it. He kept every note Tweek gave him, but he'd never directly say he does that. He wasn't sure if it was weird or not, but Craig loves every note Tweek leaves behind. Unwrapping his food, Craig tossed the saran wrap in the trash before putting the plate in the microwave. While he waited for the food to cook, he grabbed a beer from the fridge, rummaging in the drawer for a bottle opener.

"It's in the dishwasher." Craig jumped, turning to see a half asleep Tweek in the doorway. He chuckled, tugging the dishwasher open and grabbing the opener, popping the cap off and setting it aside.

"Did I wake you when I came in?" Tweek shook his head, walking over and wrapping his arms tightly around his husband, who now leaned against the counter top as he sipped his Corona.

"No…just couldn't sleep. I heard you put the food in the microwave so I figured I'd join you." He murmured into his chest, Craig smiling softly at that. He kissed the top of Tweek's head, keeping his face there until the microwave went off. He set his beer down to grab the plate out of the microwave, Tweek handing him a fork with a tired smile.

"Thanks." He murmured, scooping a pile of mashed potatoes in his mouth. Tweek chuckled, taking a sip of Craig's Corona.

"It was my first attempt at a pot roast. I wanted to try a small one since I wanted to make it for your parents this weekend." Craig hummed as he ate, clearly enjoying the cooking.

"'s so good." He slurred out, mouth full of mashed potatoes and pot roast. Tweek let out a soft laugh, smacking his arm.

"Fucking chew your food, you pig." Craig snorted, swallowing his food and then sipping his beer.

"Have you talked to your parents about this weekend?" Tweek's face fell a bit.

"They, um…they said they're not sure if they can make it." He whispered, Craig frowning at how sad Tweek looked.

"You okay?" He asked, setting his now empty plate into the sink before wrapping his arms back around Tweek.

"'m fine…I just…sometimes I think my parents don't like I live on land most of the time now…" Craig tangled his hand into Tweek's hair in an effort to relax him.

"Don't think like that. Richard just opened his new business, right? So I'm sure that's time consuming." Tweek was silent for a moment after nodding, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Richard. It's so weird hearing you say his name." Craig tugged on his hair playfully, enjoying the way Tweek's face lit up.

"What's so weird about it?" He purred, placing a light kiss to Tweek's now exposed neck.

"Say it some more if that's how you'll react." Tweek gasped, a grin crawling across his face.

"…you want me to say your father's name?" Craig laughed, glancing up at his husband. Tweek blinked, glaring at Craig.

"Please forget I ever said that," Craig grinned slowly, letting out a laugh as he kissed Tweek, hand not in his hair gripping at his lower back. Tweek giggled a bit against his lips, arms wrapping around his neck. Pulling away, Craig quickly chugged the last half of his beer, threw it into the recycles, and tossed Tweek over his shoulder, despite the protests from the blonde. Before speaking, Craig, of course, let out a loud belch from chugging his beer, Tweek smacking his ass. "Jesus Christ, Craig!" He laughed

"Hush up will you? I've had a long day and it's time for sex." Tweek grinned, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, his other hand supporting the arm holding his head up.

"Sex, huh? You think I'm in the mood after you just chugged that beer and belched?" He screamed in surprise as Craig tossed him onto the bed, grinning up at Craig as he crawled on top of him.

"I do think you're in the mood." Tweek puffed his cheeks out, toes wiggling as he tried to fight the urge to kiss the stupid smug look of Craig's face.

"Nope! Not at all." Craig shrugged, flopping onto the bed next to him.

"Oh well!" He tugged his pants off, Tweek yelping as he saw his boxers go with them.

"What are you doing?!"

"Well, I'm still horny, so somebody's gotta get me off, and I guess it's gonna be me." Craig whined, Tweek licking his lips at the thought of just letting Craig jerk off next to him. But he couldn't, because he'd be lying if he said he wasn't horny.

"God, you're impatient! Can you wait five minutes?" Craig thought a moment, before sighing.

"Fine, but I'm already hard, so hurry up."

"You're so fucking pushy!" Tweek yelled over his shoulder as he rushed into their bathroom. Craig tried to distract himself, because it as agony sitting there with his husband so close yet so far. Reaching for his phone out of the pocket of his discarded pants, Craig scrolled through his phone, grinning as he decided to play music in an effort to distract himself. Happy with his selection of Cum on Feel the Noiz by Quiet Riot, Craig sat up in bed, leaning his head back against headboard as he let his body do anything to the beat of the song as he sang. He was painfully hard, and Tweek making him wait was not helping his cause. After what felt like an eternity, Craig opened his eyes as he heard the bathroom door open, the lyrics of the chorus getting caught in his throat as he saw his husband leaning against the doorway in a black mesh outfit that exposed every inch of Tweek's chest and stomach. It was high neck, the material around his neck more lacey. Craig noticed it became a pair of black briefs that had lace along the hips, garters attaching to fishnet leggings. His mouth felt dry as he dumbly reached for his phone, trying to turn the music off. Tweek shook his head, the lyrics ringing in Craig's ear.

So cum on feel the noize

Girls rock your boys

We'll get wild, wild, wild

Wild, wild, wild

Tweek sauntered over to his husband, a grin on his face as he straddled Craig's lap, noticing the way his chest rapidly raised and fell.

"Where-where, uh, when did you get this?" He croaked out, eyes fluttering shut as Tweek started unbuttoning his shirt.

"The last time Wendy, Heidi, and Bebe were in town," He whispered in his ear, nipping lightly on the lobe. He smiled as he felt Craig's leg kick under him. "Our anniversary is coming up…so I wanted to do something."

"Do-do me. Fuck, you look incredible." Craig groaned, his hands going everywhere they could across Tweek's body. Tweek grinned slowly, leaning back and pushing Craig's shirt off his shoulders.

"I still want to be the bottom…but I want to be on top." Craig let out a choked moan, head rolling back into the pillow as he nodded.

"Fuck, I love it when you're this confident." He moaned, Tweek not even doing anything and his husband is already putty in his hands. Tweek grinned a little wider, humming softly as he started undoing the garters.

"How slow do you wanna take this?"

"Not-not at all."

"Mmm. I had a feeling you'd say that." Craig blinked.

"Tweek, what does that mean?"

"I may have…gotten bored earlier." Craig stared at his husband, slowly taking in a breath as he licked his lips.

"Did…you…finger yourself?" Tweek hummed as he took off the fishnets, wiggling his hips to get the tight brief's off.

"Well, I am in heat, so it was easy." Craig couldn't stop the hand that flew to his dick, groaning at the friction he was so desperately craving. Tweek watched him, eyes darkening slightly as he watched Craig get himself off. Quickly returning to his position on top of Craig, Tweek leaned down and kissed him, Craig groaning into his mouth as he ran his free hand over Tweek's chest.

"You're so fucking hot." Craig managed to groan out, the words resonating within Tweek for some reason. It wasn't the first time Craig has told him he was hot, but he didn't say it often, so each time made Tweek feel so confident and good. With a grin on his face, Tweek quickly lined himself up with Craig's cock, watching how Craig's mouth slowly fell open the more Tweek sunk down onto him. Craig wasn't sure what to do with his hands, so he opted to put them on Tweek's hips, his face turned into the pillow. With a surge of confidence, Tweek reached out, grabbing Craig's jaw to force him to look at him as he slowly started to fuck himself on Craig's dick. Tweek was in awe as he actually heard Craig whimper underneath him, this new found confidence something he hadn't realized he needed. Tweek hummed as he continued a steady rhythm, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to Craig's lips as he still held his jaw.

"You deserve this." He whispered, Craig's eyes fluttering shut as he let his arms wrap around Tweek's waist. He's right, he does deserve this. Craig works hard to the point where they haven't really been able to be intimate, and Craig hates that about his job. Romance and intimacy are important to him, and although he'd never admit that to anyone but Tweek, it was killing him that work has been taken time away from him like this. So yes, Craig Tucker decided he does deserve this. He opened his eyes as he felt the weight of his husband lift off his chest, instead replaced by his hands to steady himself. Craig eventually found himself smiling up at Tweek, soft moans still falling from his lips as he watched him. Reaching down, he started to touch him in time with Tweek's rhythm, watching the man on top of him falter slightly at the sudden contact.

"I got you." He whispered to reassure him, Tweek letting his eyes close. Craig has said those words to him time and time again while intimate. 'I got you'. It was so simple, but yet it meant the world to Tweek. The blonde gasped as he realized Craig had started moving his hips in time with the pace Tweek set up, a moan tumbling from his mouth as he moved himself faster. He needed this release. Craig needed this release. Before they both could say anything, their names were ripped from each other's mouths as they came, both gasping as they tried to catch their breath from the intensity of their orgasm. Tweek collapsed next to Craig in the bed, eyes half lidded as he buried his face into his shoulder, a lazy grin on his face. With a grunt, Craig peeled himself from the comfort of his bed to wash himself off, Tweek humming as he realized music was still playing.

She turned around to look at me

As I was walkin' away

I heard her say over my shoulder

We'll meet again some day

On the avenue

Tangled up in blue

Craig came back out, humming along softly to the Bob Dylan song as he laid back down next to Tweek.

"You okay?" The blonde asked, a tired smile on his face. Craig had a similar tired smile, nodding.

"I'm more than okay," He wrapped his arm tightly around Tweek from behind, glancing over his shoulder to watch the waves in the distance like he does each night, "I'm perfect."

"Fuck!" Craig jolted awake, wiping the drool off his cheek as he turned to see Tweek stumbling out of bed.

"Wh'?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Your parents are coming in an hour, we over slept!" Craig rubbed his eyes, looking at the alarm clock. Twelve thirty eight. Cursing under his breath, Craig jumped out of bed, shaking his head in an effort to wake himself up, quickly jumping into the shower. He opted for a cold shower to help wake himself up, and God, did it work. Getting out of the shower, Craig quickly made their bed before getting dressed, toweling his hair dry and rushing downstairs. Tweek had already straightened up the living room and cleaned the kitchen up, but he still needed to clean himself.

"Go get showered, I'll finish cleaning," Craig said, kissing his cheek as he started unloading the dishwasher. Tweek quickly thanked him before rushing up the steps to get ready, Craig finishing the dishes relatively quickly. He looked over as he heard splashing, Pluto leaning over the edge of his tank. With a smile, Craig rummaged through the freezer for some bits of crab, clam, and shrimp they had prepared as food for Pluto. He quickly popped it in the microwave to dethaw it, taking the handful of food and dropping it in the tank for him. "There you go, bud. You good?" The octopus patted his cheek before diving under the water to eat, Craig taking the time to sit and strum idly on his guitar as he tried to kill the little bit of spare time he had. As Tweek came down the steps, there was a knock on the door, Tweek furrowing his brows as he looked at Craig.

"Guess they're a little early." He mumbled, heading to the door to let the Tucker's in. Tugging the door open, he blinked as he came face to face with his parents.

"Surprise!" They both said at the same time, Craig blinking as he recognized the voices. Tweek blinked, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"M-mom…dad?" He breathed out, Mary wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"We're here, my sweet boy!" She giggled, Craig blinking as he realized they had legs.

"Craig!" Richard said with a grin as he came up to the door, Craig smiling a bit as he shook his father-in-law's hand.

"Good to see you, Richard." He breathed out, trying to put together how they're both on land. They both wouldn't give up their tails like that. Tweek finally noticed it, too, his eyes widening.

"Wait…you…y-you both-"

"Have legs?" Mary finished with a grin, Richard wrapping an arm around her as they entered the house. Craig shut the door as Tweek walked in with his parents, the taller man falling the family.

"Y-Yes! How-how is this possible?!" Tweek said, fingers tangling into his hair. Craig noticed it, tugging Tweek's fingers out and replacing it with his own, because he knew he wouldn't pull out Tweek's hair like Tweek would. Richard looked at Mary and chuckled.

"How do you think we knew so much about human and mermaid relationships?" Tweek blinked, looking up from his lap slowly.

"You…?" Richard chuckled, eyes casting towards Mary.

"Your mother. I fell in love with her while she was on the beach one day. I knew she saw me. I panicked and fled before she could stand up. But…I had to see her again. So, that night, I returned in hopes she would still be there…and she was." Mary blushed, a smile on her face.

"I saw him, and I swore to my friends I saw what I saw. They didn't believe me, but I wanted to find out for sure. I stayed on that beach all day, even after my friends left me. Just as I was about to leave, I felt like someone was watching me…and sure enough…your father came back." Tweek's eyes were wide as he listened to his parents talk. It was a lot to take in, but then again, it somehow all made sense.

"She gave up life on land after her parents tragically died in a house fire…" Richard explained, a sad smile on his face. Mary smiled sadly as well, nodding.

"There was nothing left for me on land. Sure, I had my friends, but they wouldn't last forever. Your father…I knew he was something special, so after we…consummated our love in the waters and I got my tail…I just decided to stay in the ocean with him. I know we could've come to Colorado when we found out you were there, but it was too risky to leave the new reef. We were almost captured ourselves, and everyone was so shaken up…I hope-I hope you understand that, sweetie." Mary cupped Tweek's face in her hands, her son nodding.

"No, I-I understand…I wouldn't have wanted you two getting captured and sent somewhere…"

"Even if we transformed our tails into legs, they would've done horrible tests on us." Richard said, a frown on his face.

"It's okay," Tweek whispered, grabbing each of his parent's hands. "I-It's okay. I'm not mad. It's just…a lot of information."

"I know, and on our first visit to your new home!" Mary squealed, standing up. "Give us a tour, sweetie! I'd love to see the place! It's so you two!" She giggled, Richard chuckling as he stood up with Tweek. Craig smiled a bit as he watched Tweek whisk his parents off for a tour of their home, heading towards the door as he heard a knock. Opening the door, he found his family standing there, grins on their faces. He smiled at them, hugging his mother as she walked past.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Mr. Homeowner." She teased, a grin on her face as she walked into the home and started looking around. Craig snorted, giving his dad a hug as he walked in.

"So you finished it, huh?"

"As you can see, yes."

"Smartass." Thomas chuckled, Tricia punching his arm as she walked past. She had just finished her freshman year at University of Colorado-Boulder.

"Sup, nerd." She chuckled, Craig flipping her off as she walked into the house.

"Remember, brat, you're in my house." He teased, a grin crawling across both their faces. Tricia immediately rushed over to Pluto's tank, the octopus excited to see a familiar face. Craig joined his parents in the kitchen while his sister talked to Pluto, Laura looking over her shoulder as she grabbed a soda from the fridge.

"Where's Tweek?" She asked, Craig snorting.

"Just making yourself at home, huh?" Laura flicked the side of his head, Craig letting out a laugh.

"You made yourself at home in my home for eighteen years, brat."

"You had children!"

"You're making me wish I hadn't." She teased, pinching his side. He grinned, sitting at the island after passing a beer to his dad and grabbing one for himself.

"He's…showing his parents the home." Thomas blinked, sipping his beer.

"His parents?"

"Turns out his mom was human, so they can both go on land and sea like me." Craig had eventually let his parents know in a casual conversation that was now part mermaid. They took it better than he thought. It happened over dinner, Craig casually mentioning it and his parents just nodded and asked to be shown some time. No yelling, no questions, just accepting it at this point. Thomas hummed, nodding.

"That must've been quite the surprise." He laughed, and Craig nodded.

"It definitely was." Laura smiled a bit as she heard footsteps coming down the steps, Tricia grinning and rushing over to hug Tweek.

"Tweek!" She giggled, the blonde grinning into her hair.

"Hey love bug!" He giggled, Tricia pulling away and blushing a bit as she realized Tweek wasn't alone.

"Oh! H-Hi, I'm Tricia!" She said, sticking her hand out. Mary grinned, cupping her face in her hands.

"I'm Mary, and this is my husband Richard." Richard gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"I take it your Craig's sister?" She snorted.

"What gave it away?"

"The smile." Mary said, and Tricia blushed a bit more. Laura walked out into the living area with Thomas and Craig not far behind, Mary grinning as she saw them.

"Mary and Richard, huh? I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally put some faces to the names." Laura said, sticking her hand out. Mary happily took it, giving it a squeeze as she shook it.

"The same can be said to you two," Mary chuckled, looking at Thomas. "My, I see where Craig gets his looks from." She said, the similarities between the father and son so obvious when they're standing next to each other. Despite the hair color, it's very obvious they were father and son. Thomas chuckled, taking Richard's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Tweek had made his way over to Craig, leaning up on his tip toes to whisper into his ear.

"They like each other!" Craig snickered, whispering back into his ear.

"Of course, Tweek, it's not like they wouldn't." Tweek rolled his eyes with a smile, the pair watching their in-laws talk with each other. Suddenly, Tweek gasped and rushed into the kitchen.

"Shit!" They all watched the blonde whirlwind that was Tweek rush around the kitchen, Mary smiling a bit.

"Tweek, sweetie, you okay?"

"No! I forgot I needed to start prepping for dinner early since it takes all day to cook!"

"What's for dinner, son?" Richard asked, his curiosity peaked.

"Pot roast and mashed potatoes!" Thomas and Richard both inhaled, sighing happily at the mention of such a dinner.

"Ohhh that sounds fantastic." Thomas practically groaned, Mary and Laura smiling as they walked into the kitchen.

"Let us help then!" Laura said, Mary already grabbing the roast from Tweek's hand and setting it on the counter. He blushed.

"Nonono it's okay! It'll just be a little later than anticipated!" He breathed out, cheeks red.

"Tweek," Mary said, giving his hand a squeeze. "When do we ever get to cook together?" She asked, and Tweek calmed at that. With a smile on his face and his nerves calmed, Tweek happily accepted the help from his mother and mother-in-law, and it was the perfect way to spend his Friday afternoon.

"So this is how coffee is meant to be enjoyed?" Richard asked, eyes wide as he sipped at his mug of coffee after a delicious meal. They were all sitting outside, enjoying the summer California air and some coffee over the desserts that Mary insisted on making while the pot roast cooked. Craig will never deny Mary from entering his kitchen if she always makes the pastries she made. He wasn't even sure how she made them with the ingredients in their cabinets, a moan escaping his lips as he bit into it once more.

"Is your mermaid power cooking?" He asked around a mouthful of pastry, Laura laughing at the question. Mary did too, giving her husband's hand a squeeze. He was so excited over his cup of coffee.

"My mother had a bakery, so she taught me every recipe she thought she had perfected. It was something I just always remembered about her. My powers actually change with the seasons, much like Richard's." Craig hummed, nodding slowly.

"Do you have powers, Craig?" Tricia asked, humming around her own dessert. Craig looked at her, Tricia's eyes widening as she could no longer move her hand closer to her mouth.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Craig, don't control your sister!" Tweek swatted his chest, the impact causing Craig to break his gaze on Tricia.

"Yeah, Craig, don't control me, my God!" She yelled, quickly finishing her pastry in case he tried anything again. Mary chuckled.

"I see you got that power from Tweek?"

"I can also control water and walk on it…freaked my friends pretty good." Richard let out a laugh, standing and walking to a small patch of dirt that was under a tree. He waved his hand over the patch, flowers quickly blooming. Tweek blinked, his eyes widening.

"In the summer time, I can control the water that's trapped in things, as well as water in general. If it happens to be soil, I can bring life to any flower seeds that might be trapped in it."

"What about the other seasons?" Thomas asked, Mary smiling.

"In the fall, we can manipulate the weather. If the water starts to get too cold, we have the ability to warm it up."

"In the winter, it can get dangerous because there's an increase in fishermen looking for certain crabs. We have the ability to create creatures out of water if we find ourselves in danger. The fall and winter are mainly for survival since they're the hardest months in the ocean." Richard explained.

"And the spring…the spring is my favorite," Mary smiled. "In the spring, we have the ability to transform our bodies into water, so that way if we want to enjoy a nice swim without being caught, we blend into the water. We also gain our ability to control water in the spring as well, that lasting through the summer." Mary finished, Tweek smiling a bit. He had never really heard his parents talk about his powers before. They were always so preoccupied with helping Tweek learn and control his that they never showed him.

"Tweek's powers have to do with his emotions." Tweek blushed, smiling a bit.

"Dad…" He whined.

"It's interesting, almost all mermaids have powers based on the seasons, but Tweek was the first to have them based on his emotions in our group of mermaids." Richard explained, the blonde blinking.


"That's why we tried so hard to help you through puberty," Mary giggled, Tweek blushing more. Craig wrapped an arm around him, chuckling. "You were very emotional during puberty, and we think part of it has to do with your powers. When he cries, the water freezes. When he gets mad, the water boils. When he's depressed, the water darkens around him so he can be alone. If he grows anxious in open waters, the tide starts going every which direction," Mary hummed, running her hand through Tweek's curls. "He was brilliant, my boy. He still is." Thomas chuckled, running his hand up Craig's back.

"Craig was pretty angry during puberty…and sad. As he got older, his hearing just continued to get worse and worse. By the time he was sixteen, he was fully deaf."

"Ah, yes. I remember Craig mentioning that to us when we met him." Richard said, smiling sadly.

"We weren't sure what to do. I mean, what do you tell your deaf son? That it's going to be okay? It wasn't! My poor baby boy was struggling and there wasn't much we could do besides be patient with him and use sign language at home as often as possible." Laura said, Craig staring at his feet as she played with his hair.

"But…Tweek really helped our son," Tweek looked at Thomas, smiling a bit. "This…aura he gives off that allows him to hear…it's been incredible. Craig has grown more in the past four years than he has since…well, ever! It's been an absolute pleasure welcoming your son into our family…and I thank you both for him." Tweek let out a shaky breath as he wrapped his arms around Thomas, the taller man chuckling and ruffling his hair.

"We should be thanking you!" Mary said, looking at Richard and giving his hand a squeeze. "You took care of our boy when we couldn't after he was caught, and as parents, I'm sure you understand the stress of not knowing if your kid is safe or not," Both the Tucker parents nodded, Laura reaching out and placing her hand on top of Mary's. "We just…can't thank you both enough. You didn't have to take care of him and welcome him with open arms, but you did, and we thank you. We will always thank you." Mary's voice had fallen to a whisper, Tweek smiling at his parents as he walked over to sit between them. Craig smiled a bit at them, leaning his chin over his mother's shoulder. Laura turned and pressed a gentle kiss to his nose, her son humming in content. Laura chuckled, looking at the three people sitting in front of her. That blonde boy with the pointed ears and impossibly big eyes smiled at her, her heart swelling as she realized how much he's really done for her son.

"It has been our absolute pleasure welcoming him into our lives."

Tossing and turning, Craig found himself unable to sleep that night, his mind constantly buzzing. Wincing, his mind flashed back to that day almost thirteen years ago, Craig swearing he felt the cool ocean water hitting his side as he fell overboard. He needed to get some air. Maybe that would help him sleep. Pushing the blankets aside, Craig crept over to the balcony door, opening it and walking outside. He was surprised to see Tweek leaning against the railing, chin resting on the crook of his elbow. Craig chuckled at the sight, walking over and wrapping his arms around him from behind.

"Can't sleep either?" He murmured, the blonde humming softly as he turned around and buried his face into Craig's neck.

"Yeah…all this talk of the past made me think about it."

"Me too." He murmured into his hair, holding him close. Craig took a moment to glance out at the water, watching the moonlight dance over the surface of the water.


"Hmm?" Tweek pulled away, his cheeks a light pink as he swallowed hard.

"This is a random question…but…why do you always say 'I got you' when we're intimate? I'm-I'm not made you say it! I'm just…curious." Craig blinked, not really knowing why he says it. With a wince, he closed his eyes as he flashed back to that day, hearing a tiny voice speak to him.

"Shhh, it's okay," Craig's eyes fluttered open as he realized why. "I'm going to help you." He's heard the tiny voice of his husband speak in the back of his mind for thirteen years, and now he knows why he says 'I got you'.

"Do you remember the day we met?" He whispered, Tweek smiling up at him.

"I…of course! I saved you, after all."

"That's why." Tweek blinked.


"Your exact words to me were 'Shhh, it's okay,'" Craig cupped Tweek's face in his hands, making him lock eyes with him. "'I'm going to help you'. Those are the exact words you said to me. You were going to help me. You…you had me. You pushed me up to the surface when I couldn't manage to get there on my own. That's why I say it, because you had me, and in return, I got you." Tweek blinked, letting out a shaky breath as it all made sense to him now. Overwhelmed by a wave of emotions, Tweek let out a soft sob, but he smiled as he tossed his arms around Craig's neck. Rubbing his hands up and down Tweek's back, Craig smiled softly into his shoulder. Here he was, twenty three years old, already married to the love of his life in their home. Sure, Crag had a hard upbringing, unable to hear the world for most of his life. But now? Life was different. Life wasn't so quiet anymore, and Craig was more than okay with that.

"Shh, it's okay," He whispered, swallowing the lump that suddenly appeared in his throat. He let out a soft laugh as he looked out to the ocean, thankful for everything it has given him. Turning his gaze back to the man in his arms, Tweek pulled away to look at him, both smiling at each other. Craig chuckled softly, leaning their foreheads together. Despite being able to hear everything now that Tweek was permanently in his life, Craig wanted no one else to hear what he had to say. So he whispered, but even that spoke volumes to Tweek:

"I got you."

NOTE: IT IS COMPLETE! Thank you all SO MUCH for the love and support you gave me during the writing of this fic. This fanfiction has grown in popularity in ways that I couldn't even imagine, and I'm so proud of this piece of work, and I can't thank you all enough for the kindness you have showed me! This is only the second fic I have ever completed, and I'm so proud of this piece of work. Thank you all again, I seriously cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to read this silly fic! I will return in a few weeks with another fic (lets see how long my break lasts this time) and I think you're all gonna like this next one ;) As always my loves, any and all feedback is appreciated! Until next time!-Summer 3

Mrs. Robinson-Simon & Garfunkel
Cum on Feel the Noiz-Quiet Riot
Tangled Up In Blue-Bob Dylan