Author's Note: Well, my last one didn't work out, so here's another story for yah. Besides how Could I resist a crack at doing a crossover between two series called Overlord? Read, Review, Favorite and Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Heirs of the Empire

Deep inside of a underground cavern, a convoy of most unusual company was trudging along the underground caves. There were four varieties of goblin like creatures, brown, green, red and blue, riding on wolves, spiders, lizard like creatures and slugs.

"We minions lot in lives, are not the best." A wheezed voice stated aloud. "Our Overlords come, they go, and usually go painfully, leaving us to pick up the pieces. In this case though, our last Overlord was kind enough to leave us a heir." Being dragged along the underground caverns via carriage were three women, a red head with wild hair, a brown woman with silky black hair, and a pale woman with white hair. "Or in this case: Three heirs."

Earlier that day, a attack had been launched on the netherworld spire by a bunch of over puffed shiny do gooders calling themselves the Shining Justice.

"Naturally, we minions defended our homes with all our might. But we were met by a most unusual of enemy. Ourselves." Several Unicorns charged into the Neverworld spire, as the Minions ran to meet them they were transformed, their ears made longer and rabbit like, while their bodies were covered in purple hair and were skipping, all happy and joyful and "GAH GAK! Sorry, I had something in my mouth. Naturally, our Overlord immediately set about expunging this infection from our ranks." And a Overlord he was, tall, clad in spiked demonic armor and animal furs. "But unfortunately..." Said rather intimidating person subsequently exploded under the fire of the enemy spell casters, the only thing the minions had left to remember him by was his boot, with his foot still in it. "Easy come. Easy go."

Suddenly though, the Minions and associates had been saved from the cute fate, by a person dressed in Mages robes teleporting in, and then teleporting all of them out. When The smoke cleared, another red head stood before them, but much older, old enough to be the two human women's mother.

"Much like Rose, the mother to our previous Overlord, Mistress to the one who came before, ex-wife to the top lieutenant of our hated enemy the Golden Empire, Daughter of the man who slayed the Overlord before that one and perhaps most importantly, the lady who changes sides so often that it's hard to imagine trusting her at all. But yes, we are that desperate."

The minions and associates split up with each of the color coded goblins going with a woman each and each of them were led down a different underground path. The browns and their wolves went with the first red head Kelda back to her home village of Nordberg, The greens and spiders left with the dark skinned Juno for the island of Everlight, the Reds and their lizardy mounts left with the now extremely pale once more Fay for the wastelands that surround our one time home the dark tower, while finally the blue Minions and their slugs went with Rose to the ruins of the Glorious empire.

"And so our forces were divided, each of us sent off to different parts of the world in search of survival from the plague of the shining justice, the heirs of our Overlord raised in Secret. But that just leaves you."

Among the group of Blue Minions, there was one brown, a old and shriveled little thing dressed in a shaggy cloak with a lantern hanging over his head, his name was Gnarl, also he was the one who was speaking until now. Rose had rebuilt the ruins of the Empire's Heartlands, making use of her own elite forces of the Fallen Knights, the Silent Monks, and the Cult of the Red Dawn whom her husband subjugated during his reign as Overlord.

"Where were you when this so called Shining Justice invaded our home and massacred us! Transforming us into those... UGh! Things!" Gnarl visibly gagged while he thought about their purple brethren, the Blue Minions visibly shuddered imagining such a horrible fate. "I can take a wild guess, I think you led them to us!" Gnarl stated in a deeply accusatory tone of voice. "It seems that your loyalties only lie with whoever happens to be losing at the time. First you aid your father in defeating our Overlord, then you help his successor to kill him, then you aid the Glorius Empire when they tried to take their tower, but after you blew it up you came crawling back to us for help! Now we have fallen for the third time in your lifetime and here you are!"

"You know better then anyone the cruelties of your former master, tell me again if I was wrong to support my father." Rose was circling around the Minions now, the blues had already pulled out their magic staffs and were getting ready to strike. "After my husband was trapped in the abyss his lands had fallen into chaos, not even you could stop your kind's endless rampaging, I sought to grant you a new Overlord, one who I thought could end the madness once and for all and restore the balance. When he instead sought to destroy it in his mad pursuit of power I aided all of you in his downfall. Now this... Shining Justice seeks it's destruction as well, I will see them ended as I saw Florian ended." Rose stated glaring down at the shriveled little goblin.

"Hmm." Gnarl hummed to himself as he thought about this situation. "In other words we can only trust you as long as we're losing. Any reason why we would keep you around for the long run?"

"To win the war against the Shining justice, you require resources, something that is difficult with the Shining Justice taking control over the continent." Towards this end, Rose brought up a map, depicting unfamiliar lands that was not known to Gnarl. "The choice is yours. Stay here, and rot under the cute plague of the Shining Justice, or leave for new lands for your Overlord's to conquer, and new hope for your species to survive." Rose stated gesturing towards the map. "We'll need to wait a few decades, we can't very well launch an invasion led by three new born babes now can we?"

Sixteen years later, and the three heirs have grown into one young man and two young ladies.

"Kelda managed to raise a fine young warrior, a real slaughterer of carnage and pillaging! Kirian the Red Eyed Black Knight!" Indeed Kirian's apethet was appropriate, having distinctive dark crimson eyes and wore a suit of full Arcanium plate armor, the skins of some manner of unpleasant animal draping over his body, and swinging a huge flaming long sword in wide arcs, turning to ash all that got in his way. "Of course, he learned everything he knows from us." Nordberg itself looked much like a fortress now, the sanctuary formerly controlled by the elves and briefly occupied by the Golden Empire now dedicated it's magical power to cryomancers who used their power over ice to raise mighty walls and craft horrific monsters of ice and the flesh of creatures, not even the so called heroes who slayed the Overlord could penetrate this place.

"Juno's daughter is a schemer and political mastermind just like her mother, her cunning and her father's power to rule, Balloma the Fox of Everlight!" Balloma had dark skin, with the swirls of light that often appeared on her father's skin, and a clear preference for her mother's gold accessories, but dressed in black like a proper villainess, she was casually getting a haircut with a group of her constituents concerning a legislation she passed, she asked those who were against to raise their hands, and a snap of her fingers later they were missing their heads. In time Everlight was filled to the brim with every sinful delight one could imagine, and every manner of exotic man eating plant that humanity fears filled it's jungles.

"Sadly our previous Overlord and his minions were not the only casualties of the cute plague. Queen Fay, previously a mistress of darkness after our Overlord sucked her dry of all her magic, has once again been filled to the brim all that is good in the world, including Guilt, so now that she admits to said draining of both herself and the sanctuary she once governed was her idea now not even those creatures of light trust her. Worst still the infection appears to have spread as far as her child, Koriander The Mad." Koriander unlike her siblings could only be summarized as half and half, her skin was half black and half white, her hair was half red and half white, though the red had been combed over the white and braided together, and she had one red eye and one blue. Her clothing on the other hand was much more single toned, a elegant red magicians cloak with gold embroidery and chunks of bone for plate and padding. Currently she was carving flowery calligraphy into a length of bone, noting however that her canvass had fallen asleep she subsequently splashed a dose of her alcoholic beverage on his wound and woke him back up. "I can't say that I care much for her taste in aesthetics, but her methods are undeniable!" The Darktower had been rebuilt to it's full glory, the forests of Evernight twisted by evil magic and mutated by the magical plague now covered the lands producing a cacophony of twisted and horrific monsters.

The three heirs each alongside a contingent of Minions arrived outside of the Dark Tower, which would be serving as the central hub for their invasion.

"Why aren't we using the Nordberg fleet?" Kierian asked cocking a brow at his sisters suspiciously.

"The distance would be much shorter if we launched from Everlight." Balloma stated displeasure clear in her voice.

"And the shortest is through the underground tunnels that the minions dug to the new continent." Koriander stated a odd look on her face.

"If we leave the armies behind yes." Kirian stated cocking a eye suspiciously.

"Excellent, we'll lay the ground work, and the armies will arrive behind us!" Saying that, Koriander went into the dark tower, the four hives were loaded onto the carriages.

The other creatures and even the minions themselves they could risk loosing to the Golden, but if they lost the Minions hives, it would mean the extinction of their species, so protecting those hives were as paramount to protecting the heirs. Additionally there is also the matter of setting up a base of operation, lumber and stone was fairly common no matter where in the world you were, and the minions are highly efficient builders when properly supplied, so they were taking the minimal of building supplies with them, besides most of their base would be underground anyway. More important than the buildings were supplies like food and the like, the journey would be long for the creatures that would be pulling the carts, and the minions require life force harvested from a living creature in order to replenish their numbers, a must if they are to establish a beach head in the new world.

There was also the idea of using conscripts, individuals like the Fallen Knights, the Silent monks, The cult of the Red Dawn, The Nether Elves, and the army of former Dwarfen Mercenaries the Utter Bastards could all count themselves among the numbers of their troops, united in a shared hatred of the Shining Justice and their genocidal desires against them. Still after many months underground, they did make it to the other side.

Carne Village was a simple little town, it produced a average amount of food stuffs for a village of it's size in the area, it's population wasn't too big, and it hadn't managed to produce a exceptional individual in it's entire history. Enri Emmot grew up in this boring village her entire life, working the fields and was probably one of the five strongest people in the village in spite of being a teenage girl. Therefore Enri found it rather strange that while she was on her way home from retrieving a couple of buckets of water this group of soldiers came charging in on horseback swords swinging killing their people.

Among the people that she could see, was her father, he was in the process of wrestling with one of the knights for his weapon, but as they were turning around he locked eyes with her, the word 'RUN!' silently escaped from his lips. Enri foolishly noisily tossed the two buckets aside and ran, unaware that the two knights that her father was attempting to take by himself had heard her noisy. Enri immediately ran into the market place, her father was likely dead by now, but her mother and sister Nemu should be in the market right now.

Enri ducked into one of the shops as more of the knights ran by, but it was the bakery, where her mother worked, and where she had taken Nemu that morning as well. Wordlessly, Nemu's mother shoved the two of them into a closet and closed the door on the both of them with a bitter smile. A few moments later the loud thuds of heavy boots accompanied their mother's anguished cries. Enri had to silence Nemu's cries with her hand, and found herself doing the same thing to her own.

Eventually the steady thudding of boots indicated that the knights had lost interest in this area. Enri opened the cabinet door a crack and looked out to see that they had indeed left before she promptly hightailed it out of that building carrying Nemu in her arms. The two sisters hid where they could as they made their way outside of the village, under benches, in bushes, any where they could find that a passing knight, a Knight who was chasing people that Enri grew up with down like dogs, wouldn't immediately think to look, places that left a large enough view to witness their fellow villagers being slaughtered.

They had made it all the way outside of the village before they were spotted, even then two unarmored young ladies were a lot faster then a group of those brutes. But at the same time, those brutes had horses and ranged weapons, Enri had gotten a significant distance from the village before a arrow pierced the back of one of her thighs. That is how she wound up in this situation, on the ground, bleeding out, desperately thinking and putting together ways to escape from this situation, someway that her sister could get out of this alive, some way that she could grab or harass the knights so that Nemu could escape into the forest, into the forest that was filled with monsters that would at best consider her in the same vein that they would chunk of chicken, a juicy piece of meat to be eaten in one bite.

While Enri was thinking about that one of the knights had dismounted and had approached sword raised up high to strike the pair down in one blow, Enri closed her eyes and held Nemu close to her waiting for the death blow. And kept waiting. Enri opened her eyes and saw the sword wielding knight who was suppose to be chopping the two of them to bits had instead frozen up, the look visible through his helm the same one on Nemu's, her's and everyone else's in the village all day, Fear and confusion. Slowly turning around, Enri was greeted by the sight of a portal that had appeared...