Alright! Last chapter, guys. Thanks so much for reading, I hope it wasn't too terrible ;) Enjoy

Once everything was taken care of, Splinter left to meditate in the dojo, leaving his youngest sons to care for his oldest.

After a few hours, Donnie had replaced the blankets and started up the heating pads again.
"How long do we have to wait?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know. Their temperatures have gone up a few degrees which is good, but their bodies still have to recover on their own. A few more hours at least." Donnie answered.

"Okay" Mikey yawned. Donnie gave a small smile.
"Why don't you go sleep. I'll go get you if they wake up, okay" Donnie said. Mikey seemed to contemplate this for a few seconds before slowly nodding and walking out.

Donnie gave a small sigh as he continued to work on his newest project. The Turtle Mech. Right now he was trying to figure out how to connect the main levers to the output of the claw on the right arm.
It was proving a more difficult task than he originally thought. After a few more hours, Donnie decided to call it a night. He turned his computer off and walked over to his brothers to check their temperatures one last time. As he reached his hand out and touched Raphs arm, something moved.

It took a few seconds for Donnie to realize it was Raph's fingers that had moved every so slightly. "Raph? Raph can you hear me?" Donnie asked. He got no answer in return. Maybe he had just imagined it. But then a sound slowly crawled up from Raph's mouth.

"Raph. Can you hear me?" Donnie asked again.

"Y-yeah, I. I can he-hear ya" Raph whispered.
Donnie exhaled a big breath of relief, immediately pulling on every bit of information on hypothermia he knew. Remembering the most important rules to follow, Donnie spoke, "Don't fall asleep, Raph. You have to stay awake for a little bit." Donnie said, as he readjusted the blankets.
"Alright." Raph responded, moving his head to the side. Donnie quickly dashed out of the lab to find Mikey asleep on Raph's beanbag.

"Mikey, Raph's awake." Donnie said as he shook his baby brother awake.
"Wha?" Mikey groaned.
"Raph's awake" Donnie repeated. This new information woke Mikey up immediately.

"Why didn't you say something?" Mikey asked as he rushed into the lab. "I did!" Donnie replied as he followed.

Donnie followed Mikey as close as possible, watching as Raph's head spun over in their direction.
"Raph, I was so scared you wouldn't wake up!" Mikey yelled as he grabbed Raph's head.
"I-I'm okay, Mikey. Let go" Raph ordered.

"Sorry" Mikey apologized as his genius brother stepped in his place.
"Raph. I need you to drink this tea Splinter made. It has a couple healing herbs in it, and the heat will help." Donnie explained.
"Okay." Raph agreed. "You're gonna have to drink from a straw for now, just to be careful." Donnie said.

The genius helped his older brother sit up and lifted the cup to Raph's mouth.
"Small sips" Donnie reminded.

The warm tea felt like heaven on his throat. Raph could feel it flowing down his neck and warming his chest. He complained when Donnie took the straw away from his lips. "Small. Sips." Donnie scolded as he set the cup down on the table next to him. Raph shivered as Mikey messed with the heating pad, "S-so how long h-have I been out?" Raph asked.
"Not long. Maybe a day or so." Mikey answered.

"A d-day!?" Raph yelled.

"Not even a day. Maybe like, 10 hours or so." Donnie answered as he walked around with the thermometer.
Donnie dragged the thermometer over Raph's forehead before Raph startled him suddenly.

"Wait! Wh-where's Leo? He was with me before I-" Mikey interrupted, "Calm down, dude. He's over there." Mikey said, pointing to the other side of the room.
Raph twisted his head to where Mikey was pointing, and visually relaxed.
"Is he okay?" Raph asked, his concern confusing the two youngest.
"He's fine. Cold and unconscious like you were, but fine." Donnie answered before asking a question of his own.

"What happened in that freezer? You two looked about ready to tear each other's heads off last time we saw you" Donnie said.

Raph took a second to swallow before speaking.
"Nothing happened, we just started talking and decided on some...things" Raph explained. Recalling on the memories, Raph spoke again. "Leo's hurt." Raph said, gaining Donnie's attention.
"Leo's hurt" Raph repeated. "He's got a big gash on his shoulder." Raph pointed out.
Donnie walked over to his oldest sibling while Mikey stayed with Raph.
"Move his shoulder strap." Raph instructed. Donnie followed the instructions and inhaled when he saw the blood.

It wasn't as big as Donnie was expecting, but it would need stitches. "Thanks for telling me, Raph." Donnie said as he quickly reached for some alcohol and a needle and thread.
He poured the alcohol on a cloth and dabbed the wound slightly. After cleaning and sanitizing it, Donnie started stitching it up. After wrapping some gauze around the shoulder, Donnie looked up and his head turned toward Raph. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Donnie asked, putting the gauze down.

Raph took a moment before replying "No". Donnie didn't believe it for a second.
"Raph, where are you hurt?" Donnie asked.
"Nowhere." Raph answered.
"Raph, please. We just want to help." Mikey begged.

"His l-left f-foot" A voice answered from behind.
"Leo!" Mikey yelled, rushing over to his big brother.
"H-hey Mikey. Eas-sy" Leo smiled softly.
"My bad." Mikey mumbled.

Donnie shook his head slightly at his little brother's antics as he swiped the thermometer across Leo's head. He looked at the number and frowned.
"Still really cold. How do you feel?" Donnie asked, looking down at Leo.
"Exhausted. How can you ev-ven wake up exhaust-ted?" Leo asked himself. Donnie smirked a bit before setting the heating pads back up to a high heat. Walking back to Raph, Donnie grabbed the gauze he used previously and hooked his hand under Raph's left ankle.

Raph hissed in pain.
"Ow, Donnie. C-careful." Raph scolded.
"Sorry." Donnie apologized before stating, "It's dislocated, we have to set it or it won't heal properly." Donnie explained.
"Noooo" Raph moaned.

"Calm down, you big baby. With your body so cold, you won't even feel it." Donnie assured.
"Fine" Raph sighed. Donnie set Raph's leg down and placed his hands on top of the joint. Raph took in a big breath as Donnie pushed down.

Raph flinched violently and as Leo watched, he didn't want to leave his brother alone.
Leo slowly sat up before Mikey gently pushed him down.
"You shouldn't move." Mikey said.
"But, Raph" Leo argued. Mikey shook his head and held his hand on Leo's chest. Having just woken up, Leo couldn't overpower Mikey's strength. A gasp was heard from the other side of the room and Donnie's voice followed.
"Okay, that's it. All done." Donnie said as he wrapped the joint.
"You o-okay Raph?" Leo asked. "
Y-yeah, just perfect." Raph replied.

The three remaining brother's chuckled at the response as Splinter entered the room. "I see you two have woken up. I am glad neither of you were greatly harmed." Splinter said, walking to his oldest son.

"Thanks sensei." Raph replied. Leo didn't say anything.
"Leonardo. It was wise of you to send your brother a warning." Splinter spoke.
"I am very impressed with your ability to reach the Astral Plain, that is something most masters never achieve." Splinter complemented again.

Leo glanced over at his hot-heated brother and frowned. "Thank you, sensei. But Raph was the one who helped the most." Leo said suddenly.
"What? What did I do?" Raph asked, confused. All he really did was sit and complain.
"You told it as it was and reminded me that giving up wasn't an option" Leo said.
"It sounds like you two had a lot of time to talk." Splinter smiled.
"Oh, yeah. Maybe a little too much time." Raph said. The five mutants smiled.

Leo and Raph would soon recover, and hopefully they would be closer than they were before. Hopefully everything would work out in the end. Hopefully.