Hello everyone, welcome to my new story. This is a Star Wars story, based on the idea of what would happen if the main characters watched their movies. None of the movie lines will be used in this chapter, but after this one, all bold text will have to do with the movies.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for The Creator, Cal and Coal. Everything else is owned by Disney. I am making no money off of this it is purely for my own enjoyment.

Ahsoka sighed. Her master and her had gained a rare moment of peace at the Jedi Temple, though by her master's actions, he did not see it as peaceful. Judging by his flurried pacing around the training room, Anakin was eager to get back out on the battlefield. She guessed his attitude towards the war was part of why people called him 'The Hero with no Fear'.

Ahsoka on the other hand could have used a break. After battling Dooku's assassin, Asaji Ventress, with Master Unduli, she was thourghly worn out. But since Skyguy was lucky enough not to be involved in that failed mission, he was ready and inching for action.

Unfortunately they were stuck waiting for Master Obi-Wan to come out of his council meeting. She knew they wouldn't take too long, however. In fact, she could already feel several Force signatures heading their way.

In less than a standard minute, the owners of those signatures entered the room. Masters Kenobi, Windu and Koon lead the way with Grand Master Yoda following behind with his gimmes stick. Skyguy instantly relaxed upon the sight of his friend and former teacher.

"So Obi-Wan" Anakin said. "Where are we going to be stationed now?" The Jedi Master opened his mouth to reply before jerking his head to the side. The other Jedi didn't question his actions, they had felt the disturbance too.

With barley any warning except for what the Force provided, a bright orb of pure white light suddenly appeared in the middle of the training room. The occupants of the room could only stare at it. It expanded rapidly with a bright flash, swallowing up the Jedi. Then, as fast as it came, it disappeared, leaving only the echoes of startled cries as proof that it was ever there.

The silence that had existed since the creation of the empty plain was suddenly punctured by several pained groans. The white portal, for that is what the bright orb was, had formed around 10 feet off the ground and dropped its passengers midair. Startled, the transported individuals landed in a heap on the floor.

As Ahsoka lifted her head, the first thing she registered was a lone figure standing separated from the group piled on the floor. The figure was a human female, only a little older than Ahsoka. Her hair was a bright red, almost too vibrant to be natural, green eyes that seemed to shine and a small smile.

She was wearing a black shirt with six coloured boxes, red, yellow, blue, white, brown and green. Gold pants were worn immediately below. Sandles that matched her eyes adorned her feet while her hands had fingerless gloves the colour of her hair.

A groan from beside Ahsoka made her look over. Aside from the Jedi she had been with before the portal appeared, there were several people lying on the floor as well. Some she recognized and others she didn't.

Among the unrecognized were a young man around Skyguys age with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. He was beside another man with darker hair and a scruffy sort of look. A young woman lay next to them both, her brown hair up in buns. A large Wookie was acting like a pillow for the group, only distinguishable from a walking carpet by eyes and mouth. Slowly getting to his feet nearby was a tall man in a black life support suit. He cut a very imposing figure and seemed to radiate the dark side.

Four more people and a droid were also collapsed in close proximity to the Jedi. One was male wearing a pilot jacket and looking unshaven. He was checking on a little round droid covered with orange circles and a dome head. Another guy was beside him, his darker skin matching Master Windus. He wore a similar jacket to the first man. A girl with a staff strapped to her back sat close by, her clothes looking a little rough for wear, and a lightsaber strapped to her belt. A dark haired young man was seated slightly separated from the others, an odd looking lightsaber on his hip and an astonished look on his face as he stared at the imposing black suited figure.

There were some people that were familiar however. Two of them were droids, R2-D2 and C3-P0. The other three just happened to be the biggest leaders on the opposing side of the war. Count Dooku, General Grievous and Aasji Ventress.

Ahsoka saw both Skyguy and Master Windu jump up, hands on their lightsabers at the sight of the enemy. They were about to pull them away from their belts and ignite them when a voice rang out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

All heads turned simultaneously to the unknown female. Her small smile widened to a large grin.

"And why shouldn't we?" Anakin asked. His blue eyes were narrowed in a glare as he stared at her.

"Because if you did, I'd have to take your weapons away. And I would prefer if you kept them on you." The mystery girl said.

"Like you'd be able to take all our weapons." Ahsoka scoffed. There was no way this girl could steal their lightsabers. Out of their dead hands maybe.

"I managed to bring you all here, didn't I?" She stated, wiping all the smug looks off their faces.

Plo Koon glanced around. "Where exactly is here?" He questioned through his breathing mask. Ahsoka blinked in response to the Masters reasonable question. She hadn't even thought to look around before. Once she did, Ahsoka noticed a definite lack of, well, everything. Aside from themselves and the surface they stood on, nothing else seemed to exist. Everything was black in colour, yet there was enough light to view their surroundings.

All of the newcomers to the world gazed towards their summoner for an answer. She spread her arms wide as if to welcome them to her world.

"You are currently in a blank universe, a world untouched by the necessary energy to develop life or even an environmental. I made it specifically for you as it's easier to exert my own power here. I call it the Neutral World."

The scruffy man decided to chime in. "Oh very helpful. The Neutral World, now we know exactly where we are." He said sarcastically. "How about you tell us who the hell you are?"

"Gladly. I am The Creator, a being of almost unimaginable power. I can transport myself or others anywhere, even other universes. I can create matter out of thin air and even design and create complex organisms such as a person. And no, I'm not a God. I just happen to have God like powers."

While most of them stood gaping at this God like person, Obi-Wan remained cautious. "No one can make something out of nothing. And certainly nobody can make a life form in the way you are describing." Spoke the master. His hand was on his chin in a way that Anakin and Ahsoka jokingly called his thinking face.

The Creator raised an eyebrow. "Doubting me, are we Obi-Wan Kenobi?" His eyes widened in surprise at the use of his full name. She sighed. "Fine. I shall prove the truth of my claims then."

She raised an arm. Her fingernails were pained the same colour as her hair. "First, a test of abiotic."

Suddenly, something appeared in the outstretched hand. It appeared to be a small dog of green, steadily growing in the palm of her hand. It grew until Creator was holding a large crystal. "Emerald." She explained to the questioning looks. Most had never seen a crystal as beautiful as that, unless you were talking about a lightsaber crystal.

"Satisfied?" Creator inquired. Several surprised looks were thrown her way at the obviously easy show of power but she merely grinned. "No? Well I suppose we'll have to move onto the biotic test." She flung out her other hand. A shimmering circle appeared slightly off the ground and two startled looking people were flung out of it.

They both appeared to be human. The first was a human female. She looked to be slightly older than the Creator. Her hair was a dark red, almost black. One of her legs had bandages wrapped around the pant leg, almost glowing against the dark fabric. A cape lay on her shoulders, black like the rest of her clothing. Even her eyes were darker, like dark plant leaves. Twin lightsabers rested on her belt.

Ahsoka quickly scanned over her companion. Unlike the other, he hadn't managed to land on his feet. He wore much simpler clothes, looking more like a farmer than a noble. However, his light brown hair was neatly done and his dark brown eyes screamed that he was something more. A black glove covered his left hand. The boy, for he looked to be about Ahsokas age, had a familiar curved weapon on his waist, though he tried to quickly hide it from view.

The woman glanced around after helping her cohort to his feet. She spotted the Creator and opened her mouth. "Uh, is there any reason we're here? Specifically I mean."

The Creator lifted up two fingers. "One, they were doubting my abilities. Two, I wanted you here anyways since you have to do with all of this." She turned towards the crowd. "This is Cal and Coal. Two of what I call Guardians because their main purpose is to protect the universes they are from. Both actually reside in your universe."

The unshaven fighter pilot observed them critically. "Then how come I've never heard of them before?" He questioned.

"They belong to an alternate version of your universe." Creator answered. "But they will be going back to insure everything goes as planned once this is all done."

"When will we be going back?" The kid with blue eyes asked.

"When you have accomplished what I've brought you here to do." Was the answer he received.

"What did you bring us here to do?" Came the deep voice of Mace Windu.

The Creator smirked. "Now that is the question I was waiting for. Which I will answer in time. But how about some introductions first since I am sure everyone does not know each other." She pointed at Anakin. "Let's start with you."

Skyguy straightened up, aware that he was being observed by everyone in the area. "Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight." Two gasps echoed out. The sandy haired kid and the one with the odd lightsaber were both staring at him.

"Your Anakin Skywalker?" Blue eyes exclaimed.

"Yes, he is." The Creator chimed in. "We can touch more on that later, continue for now."

Ahsoka jumped in. "Ahsoka Tano. Jedi Padawan to Skyguy over there." She guestured to her Master.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master." The bearded human explained. He was met with wide eyes from the scruffy man, as if he couldn't quite believe his eyes.

"Plo Koon, Jedi Master." The masked alien said.

"Mace Windu, Jedi Master." Spoke the purple lightsaber user.

The little green master took his turn. "Grandmaster of the Jedi, I am. Yoda is my name."

"Good, that's the Jedi. Next, Sith and Separtist from the same era if you will." Encouraged Creator.

The older gentleman, known for being the leader of the Separtist, scowled at being forced to go. "Count Dooku, Sith Lord."

Next came the assassin. "Asaji Ventress, assassin and Sith apprentice."

Finally, the cyborg general. "General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems."

By now, the unknown people were starting to look uneasy. Even if it went unspoken, it wasn't hard to tell that there was a time difference between the three groups. Everything from their clothes, the changes in technology, and even their reactions to certain Jedi screamed about it. Not to mention the Force was yelling it out for anyone who could sense it.

The Creator was the first to bring it up. "As I think some of you may be able to tell, you are not all from the same point in time. These people," she guestured to the Wookie's group "are from the slightly distant future for those from the Clone Wars. The others," this time it was the soccer ball droids group "are from a several years after that. So do not be alarmed if there are relatives or those connected to people from your timeline mixed in. Solo, you can go first."

The scruffy man stepped up. "Han Solo, professional smuggler." As he was about to step back, the Wookie roared. "Oh yeah, and this is Chewbacca, my copilot."

The woman with buns came next. "Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan and a leader of the Rebel Alliance."

"Your Bail Organa's daughter?" Anakin asked at the same time Obi-Wan exclaimed "Rebel Alliance?"

"Yes and yes." Leia said.

When Obi-Wan opened his mouth (undoubtedly to ask another question) the Creator jumped in. "Patience. Everything will be revealed with time."

C3-P0 stepped up. "I am C3-P0, human cyborg relations. And this is my counterpart R2-D2, an astrodroid."

"And I'm Luke." Said the sandy haired man. He looked both nervous and a little hesitant to continue. "Luke Skywalker."

Anakin choked on air.

"Your Skyguy's relative?" Ahsoka stuttered out. Luke looked at her.

"Er...I guess you could say that." He swivelled over to face Anakin. "Hi Dad."

There was a few seconds of silence, where most simply stared at Anakin. He only blinked. Within a few heart beats, he had crossed the space between them and embraced his son in the biggest hug the Galaxy had ever seen.

"Awe!" Cooed the Creator, totally ruining the heart felt moment. It disrupted the silence enough to startle the father and son and make them separate. Master Kenobi took this opportunity to scold his ex-Padawan. "Anakin! That completely breaks the Jedi code!"

"Hey, we don't know what happens in the future Master! But in the meantime, before we do know, I'm going to enjoy the time I have with my son." Anakin said while throwing an arm around Luke. The Jedi Masters looked on disapprovingly but said nothing.

It took a hand signal from Creator for the introductions to continue. The intimating figure was the last from the inbetween future and was the next to go. He spoke inbetween heavy breaths through a respirator. "Darth Vader."

"Another Sith?" Inquired Mace. A nod confirmed it. Some of the Jedi looked longingly towards their sabres while the Rebels glanced towards their blasters. But no one dared draw them. Nobody wanted to know what happened when you disobeyed a direct order from the Creator.

The pilot was the next to go. "Poe Dameron, pilot for the Resistance."

"Resistance?" Luke exclaimed. "Is that a branch of the Rebellion or something separate?"

"We're after the rebels. We fight against the First Order." Poe answered. "Which came after the Empire, in case you were wondering."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Force, what has the galaxy come to?"

The other Resistance man raised his hand. "Can I go now?" He got the nod of approval and proceeded to introduce himself. "Finn, former First Order Stormtrooper and current member of the Resistance."

"Rey. Um...I guess I'm an aspiring Jedi." The girl with the staff said. She jumped slightly when the round droid nudged her leg. "Oh, and this is BB8." He beeped at her.

Everyone turned to look at the dark haired man. He flushed slightly at everyone gaze. He had a scar across his face that looked like it was being healed with cybernetics. "Kylo Ren, commander of the First Order."

The Creator coughed pointedly. "Your real name Kylo." He glared at her but didn't say a word. She met his gaze until he weakened.

"Ben Solo."

Han Solo jumped in surprise. "Your my son?"

Ben glared back. "You are not my father."

The tension between them was almost visible, despite one of them just having met the other. To breach this tension, Ahsoka decided to bring up something that was bothering her. "What about your two Guardians? They haven't introduced themselves yet."

"Good point!" The Creator said. "If you will my friends."

The girl stepped forward first. "Cal Greensource. Guardian during the clone wars and throughout the Rebellion."

Plo spoke up. "Judging by your presence, you must be Force sensitive. However, I am unable to tell of you are a Jedi or a Sith."

"Well...I was a Sith during the Clone Wars. On the side of the Separtist, obviously." Cal reached down and ignited one of her lightsabers. It glowed bright red. "However, I became a Grey Jedi after the wars ended." She took the other one and lit it too. The contrasting colours of green and red reminded Ahsoka of a quaint holiday from a world her and her Master had once visited.

"What is a Grey Jedi?" Leia asked.

"There is no Dark side, nor a Light side. There is only the Force." Cal recited. "Grey Jedi maintain the balance in the Force."

"That's interesting." Luke said. He turned to the other Guardian. "Who exactly are you?"

"Yeah, and why do you have Dooku's lightsaber?" Anakin interrogated. At the mention of his name, the Counts head swung towards Coal and stared at him. The boy blushed at all the attention.

"Ah, well, the thing is..." he trailed off and mumbled something. When asked to speak up, he cleared his threat and spoke aloud. "My name is Coal Dooku. The good Count there is my grandfather." His statement was met with stony silence. Several heads swivelled back and forth from the elder to the child.

"Yeah, so, anyways. I am Force sensitive though I have no allegiance to Sith or Jedi. Um, I come into play near the end of the Empire and during the time of the First Order. The Rebellion and the Resistance are my home, I've helped them every chance I get. As for how I got the lightsaber, well, you just have to wait and see." His introduction done, the boy closed his mouth and waited for people to stop staring at him.

"Are you going to tell us why we are here now?" Finn asked.

"Yes, I think now is a good time. Each of you," The Creator spread her arms wide, guestering to all of them, "are influential people who hold a great deal of power over how your universe will pan out. Your universe is almost contstantly at war with itself, and it is your duty to fix it. My goal is to stop it from escalating to the scale I know it could easily reach."

"And how do you plan on accomplishing that?" Questioned Anakin, his arms crossed.

She grinned. "By showing the past, present and future to you so that you do not make the same mistakes. See, I have access to things called movies which are like your holograms. We have several movies based upon your universe which shows the main story. I hope by having you watch the movies, you can correct the mistakes they show."

"And trust me," Cal chimed in. "Some major decisions will need to be made."

"Why is she here again?" Chirped Solo.

"Cal and Coal are here because they are present in the movies as well. Though they have some addition scenes due to some...help from me. After the movies are done, all of you will be returned to the clone wars time. After the universe is fixed for the better, you will be returned to the proper time, with all the changes in place." Creator stroked her chin. "Which reminds me, I need to confirm I gathered you all from the correct time. So, one person from each time, please state what was the last big event that took place."

Anakin stepped up. "Well, Ahsoka just faced off against Ventress." He paused to throw her a dirty look. "And now the Jedi are searching for Gunray, who's running like the coward he is."

"Good, that's right at least. Now Luke."

"The Rebellion just fled the planet Hoth. And I was just on my way to see Master Yoda...who I release is just right over there." Luke guestured with a blush on his face.

Poe took the opportunity to jump in. "And we just blew up Starkiller base. Now we're sorta...tactically retreating."

The Creator clapped. "Perfect. Now, how about some comfort." She waved and several different chairs appeared from nowhere. There was every colour imaginable available and she instantly collapsed into a green one. Hesitantly, everyone seated themselves in a chair of there own, some of them relaxing and others sitting stiffly. Cal sat in between her designer and the Separatist squad. Coal was right beside the Rebels, although he kept throwing glances towards his grandfather.

"Next, the screen!" With a snap, a glowing blue rectangle the size of a fighter ship formed in midair and hovered there. Evidently, it was waiting for instructions on what to show.

"The first movie is the first in the timeline. It's called Star Wars, Phantom Menace. For those from the Clone wars, it's about eleven years before your time. It depicts the initial conflict on Naboo." Creator flicked her wrist and the title appeared on screen.

"Why exactly is it called Star Wars?" Plo asked.

"Because you fight wars in the stars." Creator said in an obviously type voice.

"And why is it called the Phantom Menance?" Piped up Ahsoka.

"You'll see." Was the answer she got back.

"And how long is this going to take?" Huffed Solo in a irritated manner. He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair while his son glared at him.

"A good amount of time." The incredibly powerful person said. "Which is why I've prevented time from progressing in your universe. That way, we have all the time in the world. You will need to eat and sleep if you normally do, however. Don't worry though, I can provide all that."

There was silence for a moment. "You are pretty awesome, you know." Luke commented.

"Thanks. Let's get started, shall we?" Without pause, the movie started to play.

A.N. Hello my friends. I can can you that, right? Even though I don't know any of you in person? Well, this is my newest story. As I'm sure you can tell, it involves the Star Wars characters watching their own movies. Not sure if I'm going to include Star Wars Rebels, Rouge One or the new Solo movie that's supposed to be out soon. But I will be including the regular movies and the Clone Wars tv show because it directly involves the main characters.

No, I'm not abandoning my other story. I just had a lot to do so I haven't updated in a bit. I'll be getting back to it shortly. As for this story, updates will be slow, warning you now. Two reasons for that, one is that I don't have the time to get out the movies all the time and start writing. Two, every chapter from now on will contain a full scene from the movie. And I'm talking the scenes you see when you go to scene selection. They are about 8 minutes long apiece. So bear with me.

This was my original plan for Coal. His appearance is slightly altered in my other book, though his skills are fairly similar. I needed a male friend for Holly in that book so I chose Coal. They aren't connected.

I think that's all for now. I hope the people who read this like it. I spent some good time writing this. Hope you enjoy.