Five times Natasha trusted the team and one time she didn't (but she really should have)

1.) Bruce

Natasha had one hell of a mission and waking up the day after coming home in her own bed at Stark Tower was rather wonderful. Feeling well rested but still a little on edge from mission, she rolled her eyes at the glowing 5:30 am on her clock and pulled back the covers.

She headed down to the kitchen, somewhat surprised to find someone else awake. Bruce sat at the table, cup of something green in hand.

"Morning, Natasha." He said kindly, gesturing at the kettle. "I just filled it up if you want."

"Morning, and yeah thanks." She smiled, reaching up the top cupboard to grab her favourite morning tea. She winced slightly, rolling her shoulders and neck as she filled up her cup.

"Sore?" Bruce asked softly, looking over the rim of his glasses.

"A little." She admitted. "I was locked up for a while and the restraints were not...friendly." She shrugged, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"You know, when I wake up after being the other guy for a while, my whole body burns. My muscles scream at me." He hummed. "What do you usually do?"

"Work out, loosen my muscles then sleep." She shrugged. "Why?"

"Just trust me." He smiled, finishing his drink and standing.

"With what?" She asked warily, eyebrow raised.

"A work out is good sure, but you want gentle stretches, you don't want to risk hurting your body further."

"Alright, Doctor, what do you suggest?"

"Yoga. Honestly, it helps more than you'd think. Plus, no offence, I can see you're still a little twitchy."

Natasha's lips curled up in a smile. "Perceptive." She hummed. "Fair enough, I'll give it a go."

Bruce ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay. Want to now? We've got a while before anyone else gets up."

"Sure, why not." The redhead drained the rest of her tea, placing the cup in the dishwasher and following after Bruce.

They headed down to the gym and instead of heading to the bag or elliptical machines, Natasha watched Bruce lay out two mats.

"Okay, the first thing is the easiest. Jut some stretches."

Natasha smiled and nodded.

"I can do that."


Almost an hour later, a relaxed Natasha rolled up her mat.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked softly.

"Surprisingly, pretty good. Not so sore and definitely not so twitchy." She smiled kindly.

"You were a natural, it took me a long time to get flexible enough to do half of those positions."

"Goes with the job." She shrugged, pushing hair off her face.

"Yeah I suppose so." He hummed.

"But honestly, I do feel better." She said softly, squeezing his shoulder. "I appreciate it, Bruce, thank you."

Bruce flushed ever so slightly, nodding.

"Any time, Natasha."

"Maybe we can make it a weekly thing?'' Natasha suggested, a little shyly.

"I'd like that."

"Okay. Thanks again." Natasha smiled.

"I meant it, Tasha, my pleasure."

/I hope this was okay! Can you tell I've never done yoga (hence the time skip). The next chapters should be up soon, so please stay tuned! Kudos and comments mean a lot, thanks and enjoy! 3