The Monsters of Mewni:

An Anthology of an ancient history

Volume 1

As told by Jacob Cupcake Junebug, and Willgard 'Threetusk' Junebug,

A Mewmen and Monster respectively.


Mewni is a land of great wealth, great joy, and at times great sorrow; a land that is home to a rich history and a variety of colorful cultures. As of the time of this writing, this glorious land has reached a golden age of growth and tolerance among it's people, spearheaded by the wise rule of Queen Star Butterfly of the Butterfly kingdom, whose fairness and diplomacy has bridged a gap long thought impossible to even fathom. Yet now more then ever, our peoples face a long and difficult road towards true unity, as the reluctance of both sides is evident. Still it is clear that even with the possible failure of this venture, our views of each other have begun to shift and will continue to change for years to come.

It is during this time that we, the brothers Junebug, have felt it necessary to document a history that has been orally passed down through the generations, but has never gone beyond the swamp hut of a salamander hatchery, nor the nest of a Ursanare birth cave. Though the knowledge of Mewni's history is relatively well known and well documented, much of the time before Mewmen influence has been lost through out the ages. It is therefore in the interest of this brand new age of acceptance, that the story of the Monsters be told.

Before our book begins proper however, it's important to distinguish what we mean when we call these creatures "Monsters." The word "Monster" as we know it in Mewni, originates from the ancient Mewnien language, when the first Mewmen settlers came from the west to colonize. It is said that upon arriving they could see glowing eyes watching them from the darkness, and strange deformed animals coming out of the forest before quickly ducking back in.

The Mewmens at the time, were a group of recently liberated slaves who had escaped the confines of their previous civilization; an empire whose legacy is now lost from living memory. Those that survived long enough to find their way to Mewni were far from well educated nor did they have any real insight of the land they had founded. Some theorists say that these early people believed the creatures to be the work of evil magic whose corruption had soaked into the local animal population, thus making them savage. This information lines up with the earliest records found on the settlers, and is supported by the name "Monsters" which is a variation of the word "Momounoonstars" which is believed to mean "sick animal" or "corrupted animal" in ancient Mewmen.

But to simply file all of these creatures under the false category of 'Monster' is a huge oversight, especially considering that the unification of the Monster people was only put into place some 50 years before the arrival of the Mewmen settlers. As you will find in this book, there were at least three separate known attempts to create a single empire for the Monster people, the fourth and last being what was considered by most Mewmens to be the ruling body of the population, though admittedly revered by its people to be an empty husk of an empire.

The truth is that these stories have more then one telling and more then one origin. Sometimes the legendary Jinadara of the Sand was a Serpian woman, and sometimes a Scarab. Many of the earlier myths and stories are altered to fit the purpose of who ever is telling them. For our purposes we will be following the most know versions of these tales as well as whatever we find to be the most accurate source from the region they were most closely based in.

As we move forward towards the time of Mewmen discovery, our focus will shift from myths and fables to factual recorded accounts in ancient history. Like myths, there are several different variations of historical events depending on whose experienced and recorded them. We will do our best to represent all sides of each account to see the overall bigger picture to each individual event, and the effect they had on Monster kind over the years.

Now, despite the years of conflict between the Mewmens first arrival and today, we were able to pull together a significant amount of material and research in preparation for this book; certainly more then we ever thought we could uncover during initial planning. With that being said, much of our findings have been limited to only the most important aspects of the mythos and history. Individual legends and interesting but small footnotes will have to be saved for another anthology at a later date, hopefully in the wake of this books success.

And so, on behalf of the citizens of Mewni, the good Queen Star Butterfly, and all of the Monsters and Mewmens who were kind enough to contribute to this project, the brothers Junebug are happy to present to you: The Monsters of Mewni: An Anthology of an ancient history.