I neither own Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Or the Silmarillian. This is my Disclaimer.

'How could this have happened to me? Where am I? I don't recognize anything here. The plants are different the trees feel different as well. Naruto thought as he walked past a nearby stream.

Maybe it was the clashing technique's we used What ever the case may be I'm probably stuck here now.

'At least I still have chakra.'

Looking to his right shoulder he see's a ninetailed fox kit.

"What I'd like to know is how you got out of the seal Kurama.

A growl from the kitling forces him to look him in the eye.

With regret "I'm sorry Kurama. I'm sorry for dragging you into this it's my fault this happened. If I'd been stronger this wouldn't have happened."

The fox in surprising amount of agility raises his front paws and puts his forehead to Naruto's.

"Thank you Kurama."

Then again I look like I'm five years old now. This sucks so much I don't want to go through puberty a second time. Someone please have mercy on me. The worst part of all. I'm now a pretty boy. Delicate eyebrows, sharp cheak bones and the topper pointed ear's. The only problem is his clothes they were from when he was seventeen so he had to stitch some of the seams to make it work so he wouldn't be holding his clothes up and trying to walk.

Sighing as he continues walking hour after hour rolls by. The sun starts setting when he runs in a city with stone walls surrounding it. Also the wooden gate.

A city being more than generous.

Walking up to the gate and he gets stopped when he here's someone talking to him.

Not understanding what the man is saying.

"What are you saying?" He questions the man. In a soft lilting tone.

A twig snaps causing him to turn towards it.

Naruto flinches when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Forcing his attention to the gate man.

A growl comes from the Fox.

The man stares at the pointy eared boy in front of him in shock, before another growl forces the man to take his hand from the boys left shoulder.

He motions for the boy to follow him.

Nodding werrily to the man. Naruto follows him through the gate.

Naruto listens to the man babbling as he follows him.

line break

"Millborn you speak elvish righ'." tthe gateman whom first let Naruto into the City asks.

"Not nough ta help 'n 'is."

"Yous tellen eve'yone yous speaken elvish."

"We have very pretty lasses 'ere. 'is one 'ill be pretty once she grows some more.

The other gate man snorts at this.

Millborn points at Naruto 'girl'

Pointing to himself, with a horrified expression. "Boy."

The one whom 'speaks' Sindarin is looking beyond green from disgust.

"It's a boy."

Surprise flits across the other ones face. "He's prettier than me daughters."

Naruto's head drops sighing.

'What?' The one says.

Pointing to himself 'Pretty boy.' Naruto says sadly.

The man smirks and chuckles.

Line break

"I'm gonna have to find someone to be able to talk to you young'n until then you'll have to stay wit me an me family." The man says before pointing to himself Brendan repeatedly saying the names.

Nodding Naruto points to himself 'Naruto'.

"Naruto." The man says nodding.

Naruto points to the Fox on his shoulder 'Kurama'.

Motioning to Naruto to follow him.

Naruto nods following the man.

Upon reaching the house if you could call it that. Twas a little rundown.

Opening the door to the house Brendan calls out Alwen, Kalian.


"How was your day?"

"Good mama was teaching us some needle point." The youngest one of eight says before seeing a blonde child of six looking at the three with a sad smile.

"Daddy who's that girl?" the youngest says pointing at the child.

Brendon snorts trying to keep his laughter at bey. "Tis a boy."

The two girls blink before they gasp in surprise.

"An Elfling. Never thought I'd see an Elf before usually they stay in their sanctuaries." Brendan's wife says from behind the two girls. "She's a pretty little thing." The woman says smiling.

"A boy mama. Its a boy."

"That can't be right it's a she.'

"Let's get some warm food in our bellies." She ushers the others into the house.

Line Break.

A stew. That's what they had for supper.

Afterwards Brendan explained Naruto's situation to his family.

"That doesn't explain the deformed Fox dear."

They all watch as the boy feeds the little Fox a piece of meat.

"No feeding animals at the table." The woman scolds Naruto.

Naruto tilts his head to the side, before his blue eyes widen some and get teary Kurama follows suit.

"Alright". the woman stands and grabs a another bowl of food for the Fox.

Setting the bowl on the ground nearby the table.

Kurama jumps down from Naruto's lap before running over to the stew.

"Thank you." The boy says to the woman, not that she understands him.

They continue their meal before the woman growls. "Fox what do you be doing."

They watch as the kit pops his head up from under the table in front of the woman. he stands up on his hind legs and rubs his head against the woman's chin purring all the while.

She starts petting the Fox's head, before she turns her attention to Naruto. "Now child. We're gonna have to get you something to wear that actually fits you." Plucking at his too large jacket.

Nodding in understanding he sifts through his pockets and brings out a gold orb bigger than his fist.

Shocking the whole family into silence.

"I think we be going to the tailor on the morrow to get 'im someting to wear."

"Now wash up for bed the three of you." The woman says motioning to the washroom.

Two of the three nod. The other cocks his head to the side.

Line Break

Naruto wakes before dawn. Sneaking outside the house Naruto starts stretching for fifteen minutes after warming up the muscles of his body. Sufficiently warmed up he starts doing Kuwazi kumite(Toad Kata). After little more then an hour since he started Naruto stops disgusted by the physical shape his body was in. No stamina alittle light on the foot, but strength wise very little in that area. It's going to take me a long time to get in shape.

Naruto hears a voice, the wife of the gateman from the day before. Curious Naruto heads back to the house.

"What do you think you be doing young'n." Noticing the elflings sweaty forehead.

Naruto takes a beginner toad kata stance before he starts slowly going through the stances.

She watches curiously at the dancing maneuvers of the boy.