Waring: Were planning on replacing this chapter on Tuesday due to editing errors and scheduling problems.

Here he knew chapter and the first one to be proofread by my new beta reader Retrogunner7.

Endme: You asked me how the sacrifice quest would affect my story. To put it simply, not much. I was one of the people who predicted most of the storyline except for one part. Still, most of my planned storyline will remain mostly unchanged.

Thank you guys for the support given and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 9- Making a molehill out of a mountain

Marbo bulked in his harness as the transport went into re-entry. The crewman was giddy with excitement as the project Miss Amara Luxior gave him was just a dream come true. He was turned into a CEO of a newly minted company named Cloud B, a reference to crewmen robotics but that was a nod to his fellows. The companies purpose was to develop marketable technology and develop settlements into Orokin own cites. The company was made for multiple reasons but there were three prime directives given by Lady Luxior herself. The most important one is to create a good relationship with the locals. The second goal was to give an alternative to their A.I. Research. They did not want a repeat with the Sentients, as they don't have planets to spare this time. Lastly was to help them handle the local wildlife and hopefully wipe it off the face of the planet. There were other directives that had less value, like developing the local's tech levels, creating a space program controlled by them and become a major power in the world.

After that, he had leeway in how he got to those goals and he had plans. Of course, he had to give every painful detail to his Miss Luxior and it went as he predicted. When he said he wanted to have a constant growing profit margin and maybe create a monopoly or two, Miss Luxior completely misunderstood him. She told him to do things that went against his code of ethics. When the words non-profit and charity had been thrown out, he went ballistic. Marbo had to admit to himself he was a bit vocal when he showed his dismay. He didn't throw any insult, thank the stars for that, but he did say he was better than an Orokin at something, like economics. It was a tense few seconds before Miss Luxior gave him a warm smile and was enthusiastic about something he didn't understand. There was something weird going on but in the end, there was a compromise. If he had to overthrow a few major companies, then he would target the ones she found deplorable. As a form of punishment toward those who abused their power or something.

Still, it was a win and if she tried to make him participate in some sort of charity case he had a few

ideas to spend as little money as possible.

The transport speakers came to life with a synthetic voice. "Time of Arrival, one minute." The Crewman readied his personal shields and checked his hosted worn Detron. The low guardians did the same with their old Dera rifles and often than not the weapon was quickly maintained form some visible imperfections. The weapons were in working order but it was going to need replacing soon and parts were scarce. There was a talk on unvaulting old pre-war technology and arming the low guardians with them. Marbo felt a bit uneasy by the thought but he understood that the sentients were beaten and nothing on this world could possibly take them over like those boogymen.

The whole crew tensed up as the inertia dampers shut off and they could feel themselves being tugged, only being kept in place by the harness they wore. Marbo swore under his breath as he wishes they were using an Orokin model. They were far smoother and faster than their newly design dropship. In fact, everything they producing is inferior to their Orokin counterparts. The factories needed to make the superior machines were still being created up in space. The resources also had to be cultivated into Rubedo or Morphics. All they had was the raw resources like steel or silicon and the dust this world had also had useful purposes. They made these for the sole purpose of being a stopgap until they can get the Orokin version of a dropship. He could modify the blueprint to make an atmosphere version and sell it to the locals for a profit.

The new craft landed with an audible thud and the doors hissed. Marbo's and the low guardian's harness loosen, letting them move freely. Two low guardians took point in front of Marbo and the other six stayed behind him. The back bulkhead slowly lowered itself and revealed a bustling Village. These were the humans and Faunus of the many newly contracted villages near the Tower of Remnant. Marbo saw the two low guardians march forward with their rifles close to their chest, their march was synchronized as well. Marbo moved forward and the other six behind him followed suit. The residence had their eyes on their new managers the moment the Spacecraft came into view. They watched with both fascinating and awe at the efficiency they displayed. they held and Marbo was enjoying every moment of it. Soon these people will understand what it means to work for something and forge it into a company that will be the greatest thing this whole world will ever see. Every person will be implied to him, every piece of currency will be own by him. Then the world will be delivered to his Golden lord and she will reward him for it.

The party stored across the village and they saw men and women working on automated defenses and electrified walls. Newly invented dust powered Moe's with ballistic based light machine guns readied for trouble and patrolling the perimeter. Bio gardens were being yielding crops to feed the families of the settlements, on top of the local houses and solar panels absorbed light greedily. Either powering the home or storing it in conduits for later use. Marbo smiled at the improvements that had created for the village. People worked so much harder when they know their safety depended on it. Still, as he turned his head at the children laughing and playing, he felt not all of the resources were being used properly.

The party stopped in front of newly built factory building, being crowded by a sizeable portion of the settlement's population. In front of them was a stage with a man standing on top of it. It was a plain looking man speaking into a microphone, organizing the work gang of the day. The man was a stocky built and had the face of a man who worked in the fields all day. When he caught sight of the Orokin party, he told off the workers and they scampered into the factory.

With a slow jog, he entered a casual speaking distance with Marbo. "Hello! I'm the Representative of the Mineral Processing village A-12. Representative A-12-23- Ah! Dust Damn it. Can't I just tell you my name and skip the whole formal crap boss!" The short stocky man told Marbo.

The Crewman preached his lips behind his boxy helmet. "I'll make an exception this time. But please follow protocol next time." Marbo told the man firmly.

He just shrugged. "Alright boss. I'm Todd Hue. From the contract you sent me, by the way, you might want to shorten it. It was the length of a novel and I had to skip most of it."

Marbo let out a smirk under his helmet. "We just want to make sure nothing is left out. What would happen if a natural disaster and we didn't line up proper protocols and any insurances? People might die or worry about their future, my fine sir." Marbo said in a fake worried tone. In reality, Marbo had some fine print put in and some benefits for the future.

"Ehh, fine but not even the Schnee Dust company had contracts this thick." He said with a tired look on his face.

Marbo activated his holographic interface. Hue simply mimicked his motions and put up his own holographic display from his wrist. Marbo spoke. "From what I see, out of the thirty-four settlements who decided to join our little business venture, A-12 is the most productive. I want to commend that."

Todd's tired face turned from a tired too excited in a flash. "Oh right! There was that whole tier system you mention."

Marbo clasped his hands together. "Why yes, my friend. From the project estimates, you exceeded them by producing 5.793% more and reaching your allotted time frame two weeks earlier than expected. You are a shining example of we want to work for us." He said with a practices fluency.

Todd took a small step back, wary at the statics thrown at him. He didn't want to be told that he was expected to keep those numbers up. It was a classic Schnee plot or suffer penalties and the reason he escaped the city life. He would have told these newcomers to stick their offer where the sun don't shine, but they offered something too tempting. Protection.

Todd poked further. "I'm expecting you didn't come down here to just to congratulate us?" He said as neutral as didn't want to be submissive but he neither wanted to be rude.

Marbo answered with enthusiasm. "Your contracts states that priority of new supplies goes down to the most proactive settlements. Your rations will be doubled and all of your defenses will be upgraded.

That not all, your tools of the trade will also be upgraded first and should make work far easier."

Todd Hue smiled. "Well, that's just dandy. We appreciate that." He said with gratitude.

Marbo continued. "That not it either my friend. I also want to tell you about a special project were planning and your settlement is involved." Marbo told Todd.

The short man titled his head and started fidgeting with his work gloves. "Is it bad?" He asked concerned.

Marbo raised his hands in defense. "Oh no, my friend. Quite the opponent. We found your choice of location quite impressive. In fact, we believe this place is so good, that it seems city worthy material." He told Hue by punctuating that last part.

Todd was taken aback by the responded by throwing dozens of non-coherent questions, the only ones that Marbo was able to notices were the last few. "H-how! You already built that gold deposit you call a city. How in the hell can you build a second one! Are you planning on giving us golden toilets too? If so, are we able to say no?"

Marbo didn't miss a beat when he responded. "The Remnant Tower was built with speed and practice of Orokin artisan skill. We poured our very souls into it and so far we can't repeat the week time frame we had last time. This time, we'll slowly build up your settle through the years, gradually adding new buildings and citizens with a blend of Orokin and Remnant buildings. This will happen to be a great course of action and in the future, you'll thank me for making you the local governor." Marbo hoped that last part entices the man.

Todd smiled a bit and Marbo knew he convinced him. "Governor eh? Is that a good promotion for you people?"

Marbo let out a low raspy laugh, "Hehehe. It's a very privilege promotion, my friend. I expect to hear more great things about you, because of it and we might even see each other at the side my master."

Todd thought of delving deeper. "Your master eh? Gotta ask, what's so special about that las?"

Marbo found it fair to be curious. He argued whether he would tell him or leave it at that. He didn't get the chance to decide as warning and yells could be heard from the background. Marbo turned with the low guardians forming a protective perimeter around him. Their guns weren't raised but their bodies were ready to shoulder them in a split second.

Marbo saw a man being escorted by both robotic and human , who were both armed with the same rifle. They were surrounding a man in a business suit and the workers of the settlement were trying to deter him. Making an effort to make him turn around and go away.

Marbo knew this wasn't Atlas military. The Machines and humans weren't wearing the right colors. These were grey and covered in digital camo. They marched toward a collision course that will end in meeting them. Marbo waited patiently as he strode towards him.

When he did he did so with a stomp and so did all his troopers and robots. The sound resonates in the air and is an impressive show of cohesion. It even intimidated the people around him, except himself and his Low Guardians of course. The man in the suit introduced himself.

"I am Alexandre Gustave, I represent the Schnee Dust Company and I am tasked with interacting with the lower personnel. We've noticed that there was a drop in my numbers and found them trickling towards these areas. Mind telling me why Mr. Marbo?" The man said with a pompous greater than thou tone.

Marbo was surprised that they knew his name. Though he wasn't surprised the Schnee Dust Company came complaining to him. Their disgruntled employees were just the perfect recruits They gave them an alternate and they ran towards him.

The whole Could B project took this whole world by storm. Stock markets flooded with raising and falling numbers. Whole companies sunk overnight at their mention. All because of their advanced technology and ability to trivialize the Grimm. Then they learn what their company had to offer and billions of lien started to fly into their pockets. The whole world is getting ready to accept them and they want to make sure they come out on top. There was backlash from the larger companies who felt threatened and kingdoms complain they were upsetting the status quo. It didn't matter, in the end, he would be the one in command. It would be easier if Miss Luxior eased up on him, but he had this in the bag.

Marbo offered his hand. "I'm quite impressed of your information gathering. About your employees, they are doing nothing wrong. They've been paying back their debts." Marbo told him calmly.

Alexsander wasn't amused. "We've lost 4% of our personnel to you and that number is growing. We're concern over our stability."

Marbo titled in agreement as his helmet wouldn't allow any wide range of motion. "That's more of a coincidence. We simply wanted experienced staff and we put out the offers that they couldn't refuse. It isn't our intention to take yours at such a concerning rate." Marbo told him with a slight amount of ego showing.

Alexsander stocked his chin and hummed in agreement. "I see, you're absolutely right. I must rectify that and I know the exactly what to do."

Marbo shifted. "I assume you're about to try to do something now."

Alexsander smirked, then he pulled out a file and handed towards Marbo. He grabbed it and started skimming it. "This is a contract you're holding there. We're offering you both a position of leadership and a very generous salary. We promise that any connections between you and the Orokin will be severed and you'll be safe under our protection. All we ask is to share your expertise."

Marbo wasn't an honorable man and he knew he could get away with this. Everything they wrote down is very possible and with Miss Luxior being very passive of late, he is sure that he could reason with her. It was actually a better position to be with the Schnee Dust Company. He will be able to have more control and he'll have access to all of their broader stretch of power among the kingdoms. It wouldn't take long for him to upgrade their gear either, making it very possible to compete with his master.


While on paper he would be safe from Orokin retribution, that's just the paper. He knew Maxus Dax and his massive temper or the sadistic nature of Lulu the Telepath. They would kill him and make him suffer after death. Even if he could set up the defensive and repulse them. That void demon would come for him. That things comrades killed off the mightiest empire of the origin system alone. Hexus may be one, but he'll have the support of the Dax and he is still a Tenno. He would swipe aside any defense and take his head.

He may like the Schnees way of life better, but the Orokin own his life. He handed the file to Alexander. "I'm sorry, but I must decline and you must clear of the premises. Now." He said distantly.

He was stuttering at the flat-out refusal and tried to raise questions about but the low guardians moved information.

Todd gave a deep gutter laugh at the sight. "This Luxior lady must be something special if your willing to refuse a paycheck from the Schnees!"

Marbo responded with a chuckle and moved on. He didn't want to look like he had second thoughts. When he returned to The Remnant Tower. Then he'll have to manage the other projects Miss Luxior gave him. If he remembers correctly, the Grimm studies are hot now and days. They've been gathering samples with stasis cages and studying them. They did die quickly under their care but the crewmen of the Orokin a very capable. He just hopes that the people gather their specimen could keep it up, he's afraid they might wear themselves out early.

[Deep within the Forest of Vale]

Hexus was jumping from tree to tree in rapidly, becoming but a blur to any regular eyes. The tenno was given another mission after clearing that White Fang Base. He was tasked to capture Various Grimm, it was different from the other jobs but just as easy. There was no real danger in this, at least for him. He just needed to aim and scan and watch it atomize. He normally did it hidden, not allowing the targets to notice him until too late. He was down to his last target. An Eldar Deathstalker, a dangerous beast by the locals records but he will enjoy the challenge. That's if it attacked.

He continued to bounce without even rustling the leaves, making sure that no one noticed him. He had a lead on his next target but it was just a record of attacks from the locals. They've been noticing a larger than usual deathstalker attacking caravans. It should be around a couple of kilometers from his position. They did hire a well-known hunter who was passing by. They insisted that he didn't need to interfere with the hunt, he didn't care.

Between the time he had until he met his target he wonders about these Grimm and what were to him. These things weren't all that imposing of an enemy. Not because he found himself to be a god of war that could beat anything in a single motion but because he fought these before, at least he fought similar enemies. They were an enemy that fought in close quarters and throw endless waves of cannon fodder towards you widdling you down for the more powerful forms. The ones that survive the battle normally grow more experienced and powerful. These fought just like the infested. All he had to do was fall back to old tactics and the rest was a simple dance that he had practiced a thousand times over. Then again there were differences that made them inferior to the infested. The Grimm couldn't infect others and use them to upgrade themselves and they lack both the infested ranged biological attacks that spread due to being viruses. They also couldn't hack machines and infect robots the same way they would human but at a much slower rate. The Grimm had none of these and seemingly were at a disadvantage. Which made them even easier targets for him but not exciting.

He stops on top of a sturdy branch and wondered if he had time to find one of these Grimm and give it a few tests blows. He checked his clock and found that he had a half an hour extra. There was no one monitoring him at the moment, there was no long-range comms up yet. He was tempted to take the rare moment of independents. There was no overwhelming sense of duty pulling at him and Miss Luxior Wouldnt need to know and that Lulu girl couldn't dig into his mind without great risk. The task ahead of him was a boring capture mission and if he found a group of Grimm and fought them, he would just be doing a little extra. Yeah, he had time.

He came to a decision, and decide to leave his Warframe and approach through stealth. His young scared body landed on the floor with a quiet thump. He stretched his muscles and enjoyed being out of his warframe. The wind blew and a soft gentle breeze caressed his tan leathery skin. His robotic arm gently vibrated and the crystal harness the void energy radiating off of him. His orange Prime Zarimon suit made him stand out in the dark green forest but that didn't matter to him. He used a red and gold Excalibur prime and he could just turn invisible at will. He looked up at the tree branch that held an Excalibur sitting on it like a puppet without its strings.

A fresh gust of wind brushed against his tanned skin. Hexus frowned and put on the hood, he never liked fresh air. He preferred the stale chemical air of Saturn's moon Titan and its moist hot airs from its factories. Then again the forest was quiet compared to the industry of the factory moon which will make tracking easier. He decided to stand still and concentrate on his hearing aid. The white noise filtered out and Hexus soon became far more sensitive to the sounds around him. Birds were singing, predators stalked the bushes and young prey spawn was calling out for their mother. Not even the slightest flap of a bug's wing made it past him. He stood there for minutes and no Grimm.

He tried for a few minutes more and all he got was the young spawn now frantically making noise making more difficult to hear for Grimm. He hand twitched and a sensation to kill the damn animals himself filled him. It was probably the better choice as well, that way the scramble would be over quicker. He just wishes that they would be quieter. He moved on and decided to look for Grimm on foot. As he looked he heard fighting, not of the regular sort he was used to but one of a more primal nature. It was the predator but he heard it rustling with another animal, not one of the smaller spawn. Most likely the mother…the mother.

The female doe charged and tried raming the wolf pack toward them away but the well-coordinated group jumped away. The doe returned to have her back to her son. The little fawn coward behind his mother and licked its chewed hind leg. The father deer laid dead next to him as his throat was torn out and it legs ligaments were chewed to a bleeding pulp.

The wolves growled with blood-soaked mouths and with growling bellies. This pack was starving and they won't give in until they had their meal. The twelve of them tried circling around but the mother responded by backing up to a tree and it's fawn kept near with a limp. The father body was pounced on and wolves devoured the carcass. Getting their fill and feeding most of the pack. Most being the keyword. Three of the runts were pushed out of the feeding frenzy and left to alone. The mother had no other choice but to fight off the rest.

The three spread out and mentally growled their mouth mentally showing off their fangs. The first one charged and the mother fell for it, she tried headbutting the wolf but only met air. With her head raised her legs were left exposed. The other two wolves charged in and bit down hard on her ankles. Tearing apart her muscles and forcing her to fall on her third wolve jumped in and went for the throat. Its teeth sunk in deep on the deer's neck and blood started seeping out. Before it could rip in deeper and finish the job, a beam of energy turned its head into ash. The other two wolves saw their comrade fall and saw a humanoid figure. They growled at it but inside they felt fear towards something that killed one of their own. The rest of them noticed.

Hexus fired a second void beam into the next wolve and it also fell in a heap of ash. The smell of burnt wolf made the other fear him. Good, that meant they were almost broken and fired for a third last time. When he hit the third wolf that attacked the mother, the rest found him to be too much trouble and with filled bellies, had no reason to stay.

The Pack ran and left a dead animal with jagged horns at their wake. Its belly was torn open and entrails devoured. The sight of it made Hexus heart drop. The sight of the parent who died such a horrible death made his old memories return. Ones that hurt him deeply and forced him to return to the present.

He quickly got closer and knelt near it. He ignored the smaller one that was most likely the child but it noticed him and weakly moved away in fear. Hexus saw the writhing parent and its slow death, he put a had to administer medical gas but his hud told him it was too late. It had bled out and its eyes were glassy. Hexus was frozen for a moment and he felt a form of dread at the sight. Terrible memories flooded in and images of the Zariman 10-0 and the sight of broken bloody bodies flash through his mind. The screams and laughter of children. His mind remembers those who tried to console him, to remove his guilt. He tried to hard to forget but it stuck with him.

It all just stuck with him, the first souls he sent to the void. He still remembers their malnourished bodies. The gunt face's with thin greasy hair obscuring their eyes and their mouths showing crooked chip teeth, growling menacingly. The raised the jagged pieces of metal, sharpen into crud knives and pounced. He remembers when his hands first burned with the power of the void, it's chaotic energy following his fear soaked mind and lashing out. When it was all said and done his parents were dead. He never recovered from that, he never could heal and his friends drifted after being rescued. He was taken separately to be trained by the house of Luxior. The other kids tried laughing and playing to forget it but he remembered. He remembered making his mother scream and his father falling limp without a head. He couldn't forget how he killed them and that he didn't do anything to stop it.

He looked at the small animal and felt nothing but hatred for it. It was a selfish thing, expecting its guardians that fed him, protected him to just throw away their lives. The emotions Hexus felt took over him, a small wisp of void fire formed around him and he forgot his surroundings.

There was a growl and Hexus caught a black mass from the corner of his eye. He turned and had his robotic arm raised. He saw a Beowulf inches away and its claws were going to tear away his arm before he could react. It found him without being spotted and knew when he was at his most vulnerable.

A shotgun blast both knocked it away and left it with two holes in its chest. Hexus didn't hesitate and turned with his arm raised and feet parted at the direction of the shot. He saw a middle-aged man in a grey outfit and with a cape flowing from his back. In his hand was a weapon of sorts, Hexus couldn't pin what exactly it was, it a mix of gears, blades and shotgun barrels. It was a mess and Hexus wondered what madman design such a weapon. Hexus stood there thought quietly to himself. The stranger just looked at him with a look of worry.

Hexus was a bit nervous at the sight of the man, he never had to deal with an outside element like him. He was a non-combatant with no relations to him what so ever. There was no protocols or past experience he could call upon to deal with him. The stranger violated no rules hunting the Grimm in his own territory and did end up saving his robotic arm. By all rights, Hexus was indebted to the man and he didn't like that. He thought of saying something to the man but the time he took to do so was too late.

The scraggly man with the cape spoke first. "Hey there… Kid? Why are you here alone and what's with the getup. You look like a rich janitor or something." He said with a raspy voice.

Hexus posture slackens and his head tilted to one side. "I'm here on Ororkin business. Thank you for the assistance but I should get going." Hexus told the stranger in his normal voice as he saw no need to disguise it.

The Tenno started to walk away but the stranger was in front of him before he could take a step. He looked at him and saw a serious face. "I remember those guys. They are the Fancy aliens or other humans or something like that. Whatever, That isn't important, what is important is why did they send a kid in the middle of a Grimm infested forest." He was a bit more serious in his tone. It felt like being scorned by a parental figure.

Hexus stood tall with gripped fists. "I am a capable warrior. I find being called a child insulting." He said with a bit of stain voice, holding himself from screaming at the stranger.

The stranger towered over by a head and shoulders. He tried to use his imposing figure to intimate Hexus, at least that's what the tenno thought. He may be shorter than your average tenno but he wasn't any younger than any of them. "You look no older than my niece and by the look of it, you don't have any weapons. I don't know what you want to prove but it isn't worth getting yourself killed."

Hexus frustration was boiling over, this man infuriated him to no end. He wanted to lash out and scream at him to get out of his way but he didn't. Instead, he gave a quick meditative hymn and let it go. The man looked at him with sharp eyes and most likely noticed his anger. Hexus decided to be Brief but polite. "Apologies for my rude behavior, I wish to thank you for your assistance but I must continue my mission." Hexus said in a smooth voice. Trying for a second time to end this quickly.

The stranger looked at him and they let out a breath.

"I guess you're welcome but whatever mission you're on, has to be put on hold. As you notice I'm a hunter and I'm on a mission to take down an Eldar Deathstalker. It's nearby and too dangerous for you. I don't know why the Orokin sent a kid like you out here but it's better if you go home." He said with a hint of worry. The man wasn't trying to be insulting to the boy but the kid looks frail to be a fighter. Even if he had an aura, his body looked thin, to the point where he looked malnourished and he sounded no older than a twelve-year-old.

Before Hexus spoke he thought about it. This man must not know what he is and he seems overly concern because of his youth. He could take of his hood and show the scars of his battles but the man would most likely kick up a fuss about it. He needed to get this man to move aside but he can't do it with his current appearance and he didn't know how he'd react if he told him who he was but that was a double edge sword. The warframe might as well be a different person to him. Hexus came with an idea that would make a sense to the local. "I'm sorry but that specific deathstalker is my mission. I am to scout out its location and report it to master Excalibur, then he'll do the rest. If you wish to enter into a compromise, you can give me its location and we'll let you take the credit." Hexus said in a perfect liers tone. He studied a bit about the warrior culture the locals had and found the hunters. They trained at an early age and the stranger would understand if he was a mear novice in training.

The man eyed him suspiciously. "Who is this Excalibur guy?"

Hexus bowed politely. "See I'm his apprentice and he is a elite Dax specialist, I was just scouting ahead as per my duties. We only want to achieve our goals, we'd be more than content to let you have the credit. If you'd be so kind as to give me the location so I may give it to my master."

The stranger didn't seem to relent in his suspicion but he seems to look a bit less at odds. "Fine kind I give you the location but only if you tell your boss to stop sending you to dangerous places. You should be doing drills or learning from textbooks at your age."

Hexus noded. "I'll be sure to tell him."

The two of them were stopped at a whimper coming from behind them. The stranger walked past him and knelt down next to the body. He noticed a small frail body bleeding but alive. The stranger looked at the bleeding animal while obviously thinking about something. Then he spoke. "I didn't know it survived." He saw as it shivered in fright, injured and alone. "Still not for long if left alone." He let the moment sink in. He can't take it, he already had a job as a hunter and the village was as poor as it was. That was the sole reason he took the job in the first place. Then he gazes set upon the child in black and orange. His foot tapping impatiently.

"Hey kid, you owe me right?"

Hexus was uncomfortable for a moment but he answered. "I am in your debt."

The stranger smiled. "Then do me a favor and take care of the fawn. At least until it can take care of itself. Being Orokin would make it an easy job right?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

Hexus frowned but the stranger didn't know it. He was more than content to let it fend for itself and if it died, then so be it. The stranger must be enjoying this prank he is playing on him. At least he won't be in debt to the man. Hexus response didn't show any emotion to the response. "Understood, I'll send a probe to pick up the specimen and we can trade information" The man raised an eyebrow but after a moment to pawn over it, he shrugged and accepted the explanation.

They did and it was done after that, the two said their goodbyes and Qrow Branwen walk away with an easy job done. The hunter took a leisurely stroll back to the town that hired him. He wasn't going to collect on the bounty, he may not be a stickler for rules but he had a code of ethics. Too bad, he needed the money but he'd prefer to avoid a diplomatic incident with these guys. He just hopes that kid will get better treatment from that Excalibur guy.

His thoughts delved deeper and he remembered Tai told him that his kids were sent off to that Orokin city for a field trip. He cursed to himself and swore that if they did anything to his nieces he would

make sure they pay.

[Orokin Tower of Remnant-Courtyards]

Ruby was dying. Her body was giving up and she planted face first into the mud alongside her classmate. A moan escaped her lips and it joined the courses of pain her class was singing.

A gruff older man voice boomed across the mud-soaked fields. "Pathetic, three hours of endurance training and you're taking a nap in the mud like Pegis! I was hoping to be impressed by your limits! You all are not worthy to be called a disgrace to your kingdoms. You're all better described as parasites! If you can't even pass the standards of being a low guardian, then it's an insult to try Dax training! Unless your all contempt letting your cities burn and its people are torn apart by its enemies, you'll get up!" Maxus Dax screamed.

Ruby moaned into the puddle of mud and cause it to bubbled. She felt a hard tug on her arm and then she was pulled up from the mud. She was face to face with her teammate Weiss who was wearing the work out gear that was making the training hellish endeavor. It was a thickly padded suit that had braces in every joint, that made even moving a finger a chore. Ruby was breathing hard in the first five minutes of ware the thing and from the looks of Weiss, she was fairing no of them exchanged words, as they were both too tired to speak. They just ran and internally begged to whatever forces that listen that it would end soon.

The entire class wade through the thick mud and moved over obstacles clumsily climbing, jumping, and crawling around them to make time. None of them moved faster than a brisk walk. A handful collapsed and didn't get up due to exhaustion, Ren the ever calm agile member of Team Jnpr was one of these students, only to be picked up by Nora his best friend, and be carried away with her screaming "No one left Behind!" The display was comical at best due to the suits making them look like sumo wrestlers. Still, the Teachers mentally award them points.

The students didn't get a chance to get used to the way of the training course, because as soon they got into a rhythm was when it truly got difficult. Bean bags peppered the still remained students, then came the concussive blasts, the mud became thicker making any progress become greatly hinder and finally was the kubros. Those genetically engineered animals harassed and bullied the students who still remained. They worked together to lure them into traps and purposely destroyed any progress. This was the last straw the broke the camel's back and all but five students quit.

Pyrrha was the champion and local celebrity of Beacon Academy. Shy at times and one of the most talented fighters of her current generation. She pushed forward not because she wanted to test her limits but because of the second student still enduring the training. Jaune in terms of fighting was the opposite of his teammate. He was sort of a joke and he knew it, because of that he wanted to push forward and prove something to himself. He may have been dead last but his massive reserves of stamina had him survive this far. The next one was Nora and by extension, Ren. The girl screamed at the top of her lungs as she relieved scenes of old war movies. Where the main character would carry his war buddy to the Evac zone. The last student yet to be mention was Yang and she gasped and fumbled but a burning willpower kept her moving. She didn't do it for some vain need for victory or a sense of comradery. She moved forward because she forgot to erase her internet history and she let Rwby use it because her sister scrolls battery died.

The first to pass was a tie as Nora kept a recovered Ren on her back. He insisted to be let down but his teammate ignored him and Nora collapsed. The boy fanned her until a nurse came. The Second was Yang and she tackled her sister as soon as she saw her. Causing confused screams and a frantic deletion of embracing tastes. Pyrrha and Jaune came dead last. The Former patting the back of her teammate who was vomiting on the corner.

Maxus looked at the boy and girls he was forced to teach. He hated them with every ounce of his soul. These kids were being trained to be an elite fighting force that had no masters. A disgrace but he was a dutiful warrior and followed Amara's orders to the letter. He was a proper honorable Dax. These kids were just mercenaries.

One of the teachers walked up and said his name. He turned and was surprised to see a worried face. The teacher he was currently addressing is a Miss Goodwitch and she was supposed to be one of the more disciplined ones. That's why it confused him more what she said next.

"Mr. Maxus, I believe these five need to be sent to the nursery. We've pushed them too far." Goodwitch said with a concerning voice.

Maxus kept his attention firm but shook his head in disagreement. He kept his gaze towards the students limping towards their dorms. "The point of this exercise was to push their limits, a few broken bone and bruise should be expected." He told her without an ounce of remorse for the students.

Miss Goodwitch question what she just heard and upon accepting what was just said she gripped her horse crop. "These children are going to need weeks of recovery before they can move again. This sort of training is only going to hurt their education." She told him.

Maxus attention moved to the teacher lechering him. "Irreverent, we hold the technology to med their injuries and have attended the next lesson within the hour." He told her with a detached tone.

When she first saw the Orokin their striking appearance and beautiful technology put her in awe like anyone else. She wouldn't need much coaxing to make her like them. Still, the Maxus Dax's callus care for her students started to stain her opinion. "These are not your soldiers. They are my students under my care and their health is a priority for me." She said firmly but made sure her voice remained steady.

Maxus didn't outwardly react to that comment. He knew when to keep his Dax honor in check in front of his masters, It isn't difficult to do the same here. Yet it still insulted him that she even dare put his training in question. He trained a clan of those unruly tenno clans an entire division of low Guardians. He has created an entire generation that fended off an invasion. He has every right to train these students the way he has. Whoever this Goodwitch is, she doesn't come near his caliber.

He responded only a second after Goodwitche's response, "I needed to see the limits of their endurance, which means causing a few bruises." Goodwitch's face remained twisted into a displeased form. "I assure you that none of this will create any adverse effects on your students in the possible future. May a Low Guardian is put through such training and make it out the stronger for it." He told her confident of his argument.

The teacher was taken aback. "Your soldiers are augmented with implants and technology that lets them move beyond regular limits. Our students may have Aura that gives them great strength and powers. Limitless stamina isn't one of them and when it breaks, their limits are more apparent. They become vulnerable like never before and without their Aura, they can come to harm by the slightest amount of damage. Your energy shields may be weaker but they can recharge, Aura needs rest and time." Goodwitch countered.

Maxus felt frustrated at this teacher. He still maintained his infallible Firm discipline, his anger was visible to the trained eye. "I am a veteran of a system spanning war, thanks to my tutelage men and women came out of that war alive. I know what is needed to not just survive a battle but to dominate one. This children's Aura may be powerful but they are nothing without it. They must learn to expand and move beyond their limits. They need to strengthen their stamina and learn to defeat entire armies if they must because that's what your enemy is. An entire Army dedicated to destroying all of humanity. Tell me Miss Goodwitch what is your solution to Anti Grimm Tactics." He said with a proud voice.

Ozpin's second in command continued. "It's a moot point in concentrating on endurance. I understand the theory your testing, we've here on Remnant have been toying around the concept of Aura much longer than you. You believe that the greatest weakness of a hunter is attrition and that the enemy we face is numberless. That we are doom to fail if we cannot withstand the waves through towards us but you must understand we cannot win like that. To beat the Grimm we must adapt and flow with the hoards, target their pack leaders and break the cohesion, then we pick of the broken packs. I understand your position, I've read the files and you're more than entitled to be wary but we have more experience with Aura. Please, next time you plan on an activity, work with beacons staff. Were not Remnants best school for nothing and working together will bring the best of both of us out." Goodwitch said with professionalism but with a tinge of anger showing.

Maxus kept quiet for a solid half a minute, his facial expressions never betraying him the entire time. He spoke with a strained voice. "I'll have it seen that your idea is implemented." He said with his pride injured.

Goodwitch nodded. "I'm glad that you saw reason." She said calmer.

Maxus turned his head in disagreement. "Lady Amara wanted me to be as helpful as possible to your school. If there is any gratitude to be expressed, it should be too her."

The two of them departed after that, Maxus filled with anger and Goodwitch striking a name from a list.

[Orokin Tower of Remnant-Infirmiry]

About the entire class was in the medical building of the Orokin city. Some have gotten here sooner as they dropped out of the test in the beginning, others were being recently rolled in. None of the students of Beacon were spared as their limits were reached as the design of today's class. Few were already recovered thanks to the miracles of Orokin medical technology and one of these early recovers was Weiss Schnee.

The Heiress was being given her last check-ups before the all clear was given. It was said that she suffered from muscle tearing and a dislocated hip, which made sense because what took her out was a hard foam ball hitting her aura depleted side. It wasn't lethal but it did hurt. She sat still as the man in the jumpsuit and the boxy helmet taped a few buttons on his tablet and the weird laser-like beams caressed her form. She saw that Ruby was still hooked up to some IV bags and swing her legs like some sort of child. Yang was collapsed on her medical bed, her body finally giving in after the whole tackling incident. Blake, on the other hand, was given a little trouble about something but the staff seems to have worked it out.

A few beeps and click and she was given the thumbs up. She graceful got off her medical bed and was stopped by a high pitch voice yelling out her name. "Weiss! Did you finish already? If you wait a few more minutes I can join you!" Ruby yelled out with her usual chipper voice.

This prompt Weiss to power-walk out of the room. The automatic doors slid open before she could reach them and the figure in front made the entire freeze for a split second. Weiss looked at a silk-like veil covering the face of the Orokin leader. Her skin stone grey and the dress she wore flowed with smooth with perfect nit work and with gold weaved into the fabric. It created a striking image of an angle but the illusion cracked when her eyes laid on the elongated arm and disgust soon replaced it.

A female voice heavily accented took her out of her mind. "Excuse me but your being quite rude!" Weiss saw it was a girl around her age with red hair braided into a not. Her skin was pearly white except for the freckles dotting her face. She wore a skin-tight suit made from unknown materials from the neck down but her finger was obscured by cloth dress being worn like a toga.

A soft beautiful voice responded. "Lulu! You mustn't be so brash. If you wish Miss Schnee to step aside then just be polite and ask." Amara lechered the girl.

Weiss didn't expect Miss Luxior to know she was yet. Then again, she was a prodigy and greatness isn't hard to spot.

Weiss saw the Named Lulu girl fix her with an angry stare and was confused by this. Her next words were just as confusing. "Apologise My lady but this child is being nothing but rude herself."

The heiress found that unprecedented. "Hey! I have done nothing to elicit such a response. I demand that you apologize right now." Weiss said with a huff.

Lulu opens her mouth and most likely was going to dish out an insult but never got to it. "Lulu," Amara said silencing the girl. "Whatever thoughts Miss Schnee made in her head does not equal an action. Which mean she did nothing wrong, so please do apologize before the thing gets far too out of hand." Amara said in a motherly voice to her subordinate.

Weiss was confused again, was she insinuating that it was something she thought that abrogate that Lulu girl? Then that would mean she could read minds. Then it dawns on her that it could be possible. The letters received from her father told her that if she were to meet the Orokin, that she had to weary about their genetic modifications. They could give powers to their subordinates that could manifest onto anything. It worried her father that she might spill her secrets to someone who had the ability to rip it out of her. This made Weiss fluster. It was a breach of her privacy for that Lulu girl to read her mind, then she wondered if anything else could have been leaked.

The coy smile coming from Lulu confirmed Weiss's thoughts. Weiss was thoroughly uncomfortable and Lulu made the situation worse. She nodded to her leader and spoke. "You're right My lady. I was being rude and I have to admit that. I don't like causing scenes in front of my betters." Lulu said all of that whilst having her hand planted on her stomach. This mortified Weiss as memories from her seventh birthday bombarded her. The word broccoli repeated over and over in her head.

Amara fixed Lulu with a stare and redhead giggled with an awkward smile. The Lorest just signed. "We'll talk about this later Lulu, first must move away from the doorway before we block somebody's pat-"

Was all Amara said before she heard someone behind her. "Excuse me." She turned and saw the teacher Goodwitch. Amara did so and Lulu quickly followed suit. The teacher walked into the nursery and gave a quick glance at the filled room. She let out a tired sigh and turned to Amara.

"Thank you but I have to ask. Do you happen to have the statics on the injured students." Goodwitch asked.

Amara nodded. "Yes, and none of the students will be fine by the morning but I have gotten a disturbing report that there was a child with a form of shell shock. I wanted to come down here and give the student some psychotherapy, to restore them to their former self."

Goodwitch adjusted her glasses. "Ah yes, I received the same thing but I don't think its mental scarring but more of a case of simple fatigue. I am curious on how you were planning on treating the student but before that. Miss Schnee, is there a reason why your standing there gawking." She asked Weiss.

The girl stood there uncharacteristically nervous. Both the authority figures stood there as Weiss fumbled with her words, her cheeks tomato red. Amara watched her eyes and saw them bouncing the between the Goodwitch, Lulu and herself but hovered over Lulu the longest. Amara knew what was happening from the light giggling her telepath was making. Amara learned that Weiss was quite good at picking up hints.

She stepped in to save Weiss from falling into a labyrinth of mental barriers. "I believe I know what's happening. "Lulu here is a telepath and when we met with Weiss here, she must have had a thought that offended Lulu. Now she wants to figure out how to make her stop but she can't think of an idea because she doesn't want to think of something embarrassing. Leaving her in a vicious cycle. I am I correct?" Amara asked with frighting accuracy.

Weiss nodded while making a puffy flushed face. Goodwitch maintained her composure regardless of the fact that her mind could be read. She just kept her posture and spoke. "I see, well that answers both why Miss Schnee is far less proper the usual and what your Psychotherapy was going to involve."

Amara answered in kind. "That's quite perceptive of you Miss Goodwitch and I apologize for any distress Lulu caused your student."

Goodwitch saw Weiss returned to her normal self but she still looked a bit wary. "Then I trust that you'll remedy the situation while I handle the students?" She told Amara. It was to sound like she trusted Miss Luxior. In reality, it was a ploy to get away from the telepath, if not then her mission will most certainly be exposed.

The Orokin Lorest slightly bowed to show respect. "Thank you for your understanding."

Goodwitch thanked her and walked away, sparing a single glance toward the three and saw the red-haired girl staring daggers into her as Amara's back was turned to her. Goodwitch knew that the girl must know that her mission is to find someone sympathetic (or at least flexible enough to be) towards their cause. Goodwitch would have to see on how things folded out but she doubts the girl will keep the secret. The power Lulu hold just screams informant. She took out her scroll and wrote a note that Lulu was both cross off the list of potential candidates and a possible threat.

Amara turned to see a cautious heir and a slightly annoyed telepath. She addressed the redhead first. "Lulu, I'm putting a new protocol in. I unless I order you, or you're doing a security check, or that

there is a plausible reason too, you are not to violate the privacy of a person's mind." Amara said with a strong authoritative voice.

"But-" Lulu complained but stopped when Amara placed her finger where her lips would be in the vail. Then and there Lulu knew the order was absolute.

Amara turned to Weiss. "I take it that should ease your mind."

Weiss gave a suspicion look at Lulu. "How can I be sure." Weiss asked, still a bit nervous at the threat Lulu posed to her.

Amara wrapped her arms behind her. "When I speak, they listen and never have anyone under my command has ever disobeyed." She knew it was because of their slave-like loyalty and it still stung her.

"Oh, okay." Weiss said with a lack of enthusiasm.

Amara tilted her head a little, showing her lush dark grey lick turn into a slight frown. "Something else

bothers you? Please go ahead and ask." She said with sincerity.

"What no! It's fine." Weiss tried to deflect the question and tried her best to keep her attention towards the veil that hid the hypnotic eyes of Amara. The gesture was appreciated but Amara saw the

heiress clutching her right hand and easily understood what bothered her.

Amara knew Weiss a well-bred girl from a noble family known for their high status. A lot of pressure must be put on the girl to be better than everyone else. Still, there are cracks in the little diamond and it ate her up because of it. It was easy for Amara to read her, the girl wanted to ask about her arm, but would not because Weiss saw her person she will need to deal with in the future. She needed to be on good terms with the Orokin people.

Amara displayed her elongated arm to the student. "In Orokin culture, only the seven Emperors may be perfect and to show that we low-class Orokin are inferior, we create a blatant flaw visible to the world. This arm that has cracks and dry skin is that flaw I show to the world. I have no hard feelings towards those who find it appalling as that is its purpose." She explained.

Weiss seemed to have relaxed but still seemed confused at something. Amara encouraged her to ask. "You want to ask something more, then go ahead and I will answer."

Weiss took the offer. "I don't want to bring up awful memories but I need to know. If the Orokin Empire is gone, then that must mean those seven emperors must be dead. If so, then Why not return your arm to its former form? Don't you want to be perfect?" Her voice both was curious and a bit frustrated.

Amara carest her right arm, feeling the rough skin and the bump of every metal piece. "That train of thought breeds hubris and I intend to keep my arm as such as a warning. Unless I fall like those before me."

Weiss felt a bit of admiration for the Orokin, she didn't know why as she just sprouted a contradiction to her ideals. Yet in her mind something about such humility made Weiss respect the woman.

The moment was broken when Cardin and his goons bumped into her and ran out the door. Screaming something about bunny ears? No doubt they are going to torment someone weaker than they are. She pities them but the place was massive and plenty of places to hide. They should be fine as long as they avoid those four.

Then she heard the voice of Rub and wish she gone with her.

[The Halls of the Tower of Remnant]

Velvet footsteps echoed across the ivory floors. She was wanted to get a head start from Cardin and his friends. She saw them teasing her across the room and made threatening gestures towards her. When the Jumpsuited man told her that she was good to go, Cardin screamed at her to stay put. That he wanted to talk to her and they were almost done. She ran like hell and did her best to put as much space between her and those boys.

To be honest with herself, she was a bit lost. She past dozens of doors and saw them and didn't put attention to the route she was taking. She halted in her tracks and took stock of her surroundings. She was in the middle of a deserted hallway with only one door in sight. She decided to investigate it as if it wasn't meant to be explored then they would lock it. If it was, then she would turn and find another way out.

When she reached it the holographic image appeared and there were two boxes. One red and the other green. She reached for the green and the doors slid open. It was a barren room devoid of any decoration and had only a bed in the corner. There was a lump on the bed and she decided to see what it was. The doors automatically closed behind her but she didn't mind. Velvet knew she was just out of range.

As she took a closer look she found dozens of boxes that held images that you would find in a family sitcom. The group of mismatch family members in a series of positions. There was an oddity though. As she picks through the pile, the heads of one of the little brother would be burnt or scratched away. It was a bit unsettling but there were a few that weren't vandalized and they seem like a good watch. For a few minutes, she wondered what kind of person owned these and it dawns on her that they might be on their way.

She dropped everything and ran towards the door. It was too late as they swung open and all of her sense were overwhelmed.

[Orokin Tower of Rement- A few minutes prior]

Hexus returned to base with more ghosts following him. The endless slaughter he has to commit via his orders. Yet he did not fear it, he embraced it. Not because of some sort of dread or guilt but because it was a trophy to him. The sound of the graveyard was deafening to him and as it gained volume, he felt a sense of pride from it. A sick twisted version of it that made him aspire for the digits in his kill count to go higher. Yet he wondered if he could count the Grimm as proper kills, they felt more like automatons than actual combatants. Still, he had to credit the larger forms as the Deathstalker he capture didn't go down without a fight. It took several scans and a great deal of movement to get his objective done. He wonders if he would have enjoyed killing the Deathstalker. He didn't get it from the pack of Beowolves that show up after.

The doe bulked in his arm and Hexus spared a quick glance at the animal. He had been able to heal the little animal with the inbuilt medical systems his warframe had. The tiny strains of tamed infested quickly healed the wounds the animal held. He hated the fact he was honor bound to raise the thing until the time it could take care of itself. He reinforced his grasp on the animal and returned to his thoughts.


He didn't know why it was like this, he just knows that the murderous intent only manifested after his training. He can't blame the Orokin or their ideas because His master was far too different to lump her with them and she was the only one he ever encountered. Everyone else just ignored him and he does so in kind. He wondered and eventually, he came to his own conclusion. It's what helps him forget and return to enjoying life once more. He didn't care about the validation the Dax would give him when he reports no survivors, or when the terror mission success beyond expectations. The only one that matters is his master and her well being. It is his purpose.

Hexus made it to his personal quarters but was surprised at the fact it was open. He was sure the mechanical doors were shut when he left. Maybe it was an enemy, it couldn't be the staff, they rather rot that enter his room. He reflexively moved to draw his Dual Skana prime but only grabbed air. His body didn't notice he isn't allowed to carry weapons on base. He'll have to comms in for backup and engage with his abilities alone.

With a click, he contacted the nearest armed forces on base. "Possible hostels in base, location, Hexus quarters. Require assistance." He said in a deadpan voice.

The response was not something he would call, professional. "It's your den infested freak. You can deal with it. We'll come if it starts breaching the other section of the tower."

It was a vexing situation but he'll deal with the hostiles alone. First, he put the still unconscious form of the doe next to the door and secured it. He would recover it after the mess was over. He readied to his set of abilities and formulated a battle plan. He knew his room was practically barren and held a small bed in the corner, the strewn about video casings could act like a terrain hazard. The plan was simple. Open the door and use a radial blind, then he will see how many there are. If there is just one, a slash dash, if many hostiles, radial javelin, if a powerful enemy, exalted blade. If the enemy could be incapacitated, hell do that instead. He was sure he was readied for anything.

He waved a hand and the doors slid open and Hexus quickly activated his second power. Light flooded the room and a high pitch noise cause any ears to be flooded with white noise. A youthful scream signaled Hexus to charge into the room. He only found a woman writhing on the floor, clutching her long brown ears. She was alone and seemly unable to fight back.

Hexus decided to turn her over to security. He walked towards her and grabbed her by the neck. He squeezed hard and lifted her until her toe couldn't touch the floor. She struggled and gripped his wrists. Hexus responded by slamming her against the wall. A scream escaped her mouth and her hands slipping off the wrist.

Hexus didn't have to bother with the prisoner by asking questions and decided to skip formalities. He restrained the female hands in front of her. Then forced her on her hands and knees and then released her. She gave a large gasp of breath, it was all pushed out when she was slammed onto her stomach by Hexus placing a foot on her back. He looked for weapons but only found a box latched onto her backside. He rips it off its hinges and clapped it to his thigh. He saw she had pockets and checked those. He found a rectangle device and some colorful plastic cards. He took those as well in case it was a weapon of sort. The woman in the brown outfit started struggling and trying to taking air, only to let out rasp of suffocation. Hexus let up some from pressing on her back and once again she took in the air. He didn't let her recover when he forced her on her feet again.

He protected her up and started pushing her forward and came in again. "Unknown person with animal ears has been incapacitated. Taking her in to be incarcerated. Will there be a cell ready?" He asked with his usual deadpan voice.

He walked past the still sleeping fawn resting in the makeshift bed made out of blankets. The animal had a chip already installed so if it walks off, he could find it again and those who patrolled would also leave it be.

The voice was surprised this time. "Wait! Animal ears? Stars, damn it infested freak! That's a Beacon student. Lady Luxior is going to be livid at the news you beat up a kid."

Hexus was confused. He looked at the struggling woman and quiet whimpering. She looked at him with submissive fear. Her walking wasn't firm and nothing about told him about a confidence. This woman was too meek to be a student of a warrior school. It had to be a misunderstanding. He stopped his march and she would have fallen over if he wasn't holding into her arms.

He used his comms again. "Contact the nearest teacher of the school and asked them if they have a student that fits the description I gave you."

"Understood" The comms spoke.

Hexus decided that integrating the woman was a good way to pass the time. He activated his warframe voice and spoke slowly and in a low pitch tone. "Who are you." His voice wasn't intimidating by any stretch but at least it didn't sound like a child's.

"M-my name is Velvet Scarlatina from Beacon Academy. Please, whatever I did I didn't mean to offend." The animal eared girl said hoarsely in an unknown accent to the tenno.

Hexus found her to be quite the timid one. It didn't create any positive opinion on the girl, he expected some malice or a form an opposition towards his rudeness. Yet the Girls pride as a warrior seemed non-existence. It made him question her status as a warrior.

His comms hummed back to life. "Tenno, the nearest teacher can be at your location around ten minutes. Five if we give her a drone guide." staff member announced to him.

"Get the teacher here as soon as possible." Hexus responded.

"Understood," The Comms officer told him.

Hexus didn't let his grip lighten. He activated his warframes voice again and pitched his voice low enough to not seem obvious but made it confusing of his age. He made a mental note to ask for a voice modulator. "A teacher from the school you claim to be from is coming. Once we confirm your status as a student, you'll be released to her care." Hexus said in a deadpan tone.

He saw the face of the girl light up at the news. "Oh thank dust!" She cried out.

This irked Hexus even more, he hated on how she was so submissive. Any form of defiance would be welcomed or some sort of visible hatred. That way he could respect the school and its warriors.

They waited for the teacher to come and while the time passed the girl with animal traits remained still. Not even fidgeting in his grip, most likely not irritate him but again, it annoyed him to no end. For such a timid warrior, she certainly was the curious sort. Then again he assumed that she had the courage to wonder an unknown territory. He decided to ask. "Why were you inside the room." He asked in his normal deadpan tone.

The girl fidgeted at the question. "I didn't do in on purpose. I promise I wasn't doing anything bad." She pleaded.

Hexus didn't want to know that. "Clarify on didn't go inside on purpose."

Velvet broke what passed for eye contact with the tenno. Instead, she shifted in the way she stood and looked down to her feet. "I was running away from Cardin and his friends, they were being… threatened and I ran."

Hexus tensed at those words. His body became incredibly stiff and his grip became ironclad which elicited a painful moan from the girl. "Hey, that hurts." She bit out.

All of Hexus possible respect just plummeted at those words. She ran at the sight of trouble and she was supposed to be a warrior. Rage built up in him, boiling to the point where the lib Hexus had on it would soon explode outwards. His grip became tighter and tighter and Velvet started to be vocal about it. She told him about the pain she was in and she wanted him to loosen his grip. Hexus tuned it out as his inner voice started screaming at him.

He hated the girl no doubt now. The students at beacon couldn't be this cowardly, which only damned this one further. Hexus could forgive almost any fault in a warrior and often he did but being spineless isn't one of them.

The Velvet started struggling in the tenno's grasp, her wrist would have been shattered if it wasn't for her Aura. She wondered what she did to agitate the Man in the red and gold suit. He gave no outward signs as to way, all she could get was that eyeless helmet staring back at her. She didn't want to provoke the man further but fear started setting in. Sweat started to form on her brow and hope that something would end this. Her answer came in the form of Miss Goodwitch.

The two were violently separated by an unseen force and Hexus was snapped out of his head and got into an agile stance. He has moved away from the girl and she was pulled towards a woman in a cape and native clothing. The girl who named herself Velvet was invisibly pulled towards the woman in the cape. She was skidded to a halt next to the woman.

Hexus remained still, this was most likely the teacher and it would be best to speak that to fight.

"Name yourself." Hexus demanded.

"I am Glynda Goodwitch, a teach of Beacon Academy and I demand what you were doing right now!" Goodwitch demanded.

Hexus responded honestly. "Your student frustrated me, I found her reason infuriating."

Velvet was surprised at the man in red confusing. "I just said I was running away from bullies!? How are did you get angry for?" She asked surprised.

Good Witch found that appealing. "Is she saying true?" She asked Hexus.

The tenno nodded. "He acts of cowardice is both shameful and dangerous. I will not tolerate it." Hexus said with a bit more emotion in his voice.

Goodwitch was furious at those words. "You're a cruel man. How can you hate people who are victims of abuse." She asked

Hexus decided to clarify his answer. "Those who don't walk the path of a warrior are free to wonder for their safety. They I don't mind screaming in fear. I understand them being afraid that since my time on Remnant I've seen people coward when their role in life is a warrior. Never in all my service have I ever seen such cowardice. Those who don't are a danger to their fellow brother in arms and put that they defend in danger. Your student Velvet is running away from a problem when she should be standing in defiance against. She has no excuse unless there was a mistake and she wasn't supposed to be a warrior of Remnant in the first place." Hexus told to the teacher in an infuriated voice.

Velvet shrunk at the accusation Hexus was throwing at her.

Goodwitch stood her ground. "Miss Scarlatina is a fine student and isn't a mistake and this will be the last time this will be brought up as your free to be far away from Classis of our school."

Hexus posture straightens up. "Your better teach that student of yours how to grow a spine or I will." Hexus said almost as if he was threatening them.

The teacher crossed her arms. "You better not and you better not get near my students again!" She ordered.

Hexus pushed the situation further. "You can't stop me." He said in a calm steady voice.

Goodwitch shook her head in disagreement. "Miss Luxior gave an order to be cooperative with us and that means staying away when we believe you're threatening our students."

"So" Hexus responded.

The air was thick and tensions were high. If this continued then blows would be exchanged. Goodwitch knew it would be better if she just went to Miss Amara directly and let her sort this out. Whoever this person was he was most certainly dangerous as she could almost feel the murderous aura the man radiated.

Without a word, Goodwitch turned on a heel and dragged Velvet with her. Making sure that she was ready for anything unexpected when her back was turned. Nothing happened.

She heard Velvet sigh in relief as they walked but couldn't help but find the man's argument had some point. Velvets timidness was not fitting for a huntress and needed to be iron out of her. If the situation was better, she might have agreed. Still, it was unusual that someone would be so blatant in disobeying Amara word from this point was law. This man certainly was far more opinionated than the rest…

Her temper was cooler and as she thought about it he was certainly a mystery. Maybe she should invite him to show him the students worth and that way things would be solved. Goodwitch will still tell Amara about the incident.

She took out her scroll and made a note to put a question mark on the man when she got his name.

Hexus himself chuckled to himself. The teacher thought it was the end but he still had the girls belongings.

[In the deep evil lair of the league if villains!- JK It's just an abandoned warehouse]

Cinder was enjoying a warm mineral bath she had her underlings installed. It was a relaxing scene of bath soaps and calming music halting any complexing thinking. The bathtub that cinder used was something they looted from a rich type and it was covered in bells and whistles that improved the relaxing experience. A bubble blower that shot out bubbles filled with a pleasant smelling perfume. It had a cooler that held various types of wine of vintages as old as fifty years. The machine could also create dim candles that improved the relaxing atmosphere. Yet all of this was still Cinder livid. Everything was falling into place without raising any suspicion and nothing was in sight to stop her.

Then they came. Those gold-plated long-armed freaks.

They appeared out of nowhere and created a whole new dimension to this chess game. They have technology that outstrips everything they have by miles and are far beyond their reach. It made them all but untouchable by her means. Then there was the threat they posed. They seem very willing to help humanity and turn it into a star fairing people.

She has no real counter for the Orokin and their tech. She could try stealing it but it was most likely to fail. They had ample target for it as the Orokin started trying to spread their influence by recruiting independent settlements. The problem was the tech they gave was just high-quality security that one would normally find in an atlas base. It would be worth stealing if it wasn't for the fact that reinforcement would be called in a mere hint of danger. It would take more than they would gain. They could try taking one of the Orokin people and try making them squeal but again there was the problem. Targets were far too rare to be taken and those that they could find had a small army following them or were in the middle of a heavily defended area.

It is a fatal blow to their plans. Which is why it's important to crush it before it grew too large for them to stop but that also had a different can of worms. They had to remain out of their radar at all cost now. She had to pat herself on the back for making those white fang mongrel their target. It should buy them a few months of breathing space for the moment.

Still, it was just a temporary fix as soon those golden freaks fix their sight on Salem, it was over. They'll use that ship to find her castle and drop a city-destroying space rock on it unless they already held a weapon for that sort of purpose. Then it just came to aiming towards them and creating a new crater.

Then again Salem seems a bit too confident at the aspect of stopping them. She knows something she doesn't. Does she hold a secret piece of information that she plans to withhold until the last minute? It frustrated her to no end but she had to keep it under control. She could not show any signs of weakness in front of her subordinates. If not then her plans would be questioned to no end and there was plenty of room for that.

She fully understood the insanity of hijacking a ship they didn't even know would work to hijack another, far more advanced ship with unknown defenses. It's just they have nothing, zip, nada. She still had multiple plans in the oven but that ship of there had to be put out of commission or put under new management, preferably hers. It was possible to take it. Salem promised several Eldar Geist when assaulting the ship. That way they won't need to understand how to pilot it, they just needed to get the Grimm inside the ship. She just hopes that they don't have some countermeasure for that too.

Her arm rose from the mineral water and grabbed the champagne glass on the wood desk next to her tub. She put up to her lips and took in the bitter tasting champagne in a greedy gulp. She can't handle more of the universe surprises.

[Origin system- Location unknown]

The clan warlord was in the observation room that gave a beautiful view into the endless black with both her hands clutching her elbows. She enjoyed the twinkling of the stars and the majestic celestial bodies floating within space. It made her heart beat with hope for a possible peaceful future.

Cephalon Mordis, her ships mind spoke to her. "The others are estimated to arrive within the hour, estimated time of arrival is one hour. *Zzz Do they hate us? zzZ*" She told her in her usual glitchy manner.

She gave a kind smile to the hologram. "Thank you Mordis, I wouldn't know what to do without you." She said to support her depress Cephalon.

"Thank you, operator. *Zzz I know your lying. zzZ." With that, she blinks out of sight.

The Tenno pulled a small device out of rift space. It was a small data chip that held the location of an Orokin era beacon that recently went online. When she research into the subject her founding was spectacular. It was in a different solar system and only a tenno with access to advance to Orokin technology could have created it.

She knew nothing else but one thing. It was a treasure trove that can save the Origin system and its people.

Hey, Y'all! As you just read, more tenno is on the way to join in the fun! I was originally going to just make them myself but then I thought of a different solution. I going to send in a team of three Tenno, plus the clan leader, in and I have their characters planned and their rolls. I don't have their names and descriptions.

So this is what I am thinking, why don't you guys Pm me your own Operator of your own making. Give me their names and a appearance. You can give them gear like weapons or Warframe's but just know they can switch out of them if the situation calls for it. You can post a character sheet and a plot revolving around them but I will most likely not use them due to plot reasons or they might take up to much time. There is one rule to all of this. No umbra, I have a special place for him.

That it and I hope you are into the idea. If I don't get any submission for the Tenno then that's okay. I'll just role like I normally do. Thank you for your time and support.