Not your choice to make

A/N: Well another story about my favorite couple. I'm curious to know what you lovely readers think about it, so please bombard me with reviews and suggestions…

It will start out as a fun and bubbly story but there will be angst and a little drama along the way. A little warning beforehand that the story contains a certain amount of swearing and the occasional smut will make an appearance.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related, I just like to play in what J.K. Rowling has created and add some of my pervy thoughts to her already great stories.


When Hermione is finally ready to finish her seventh year after the war, she gets bored pretty quickly and is looking for some extracurricular activities, preferably with her dark potions professor. After a while things start to become rather complicated and not everything is as it seems… M-rated for Smut and language.

Chapter 1

It was somewhere during her seventh, or better said, eight year that he started to recognize the changes. Slowly her hair started to be less frizzy, her body got leaner, her bucktooth disappeared and he started to see the swelling of her breasts beneath her ropes.

And worst of all was her attitude. Like she figured out she was pretty. Boys were swirling around her, trying to get her attention. And she goddamn let them! That's what angered him the most.

And all together he knew that he was in no way of making any demands when it came to her. So he let her flirt with other boys. She probably wasn't even interested in him, nineteen years younger, still a student and therefore definitely of limits.

To his dismay, today was such a day. He had to teach a two-hour potion class with the eight-year Slytherins and Gryffindor's. The raging hormones of all the teenagers irritated him to end. Pointing out what he was missing. Stupid fucking teenagers!

'Mister Potter, get your hands of your classmate and open your books.' He liked irritating the golden boy the most. When he looked at him he could still see James, the fucking boy who stole his girl.

To his delight he saw Potter getting flushed. He had been messing around with his best mate Ron Weasley, who he hated even more than Potter, and he just made it sound like they were touching each other in a whole different way.

He heard Hermione giggle and ogling his way with that unashamed face of hers. He would give a lot to know what she was thinking at this moment. He could… no he couldn't. But he was the best… No Snape get yourself together. You cannot and will not use occolumency on a student!

Angry at himself he started to throw insults to random students before they started on their potions. Within five minutes everyone was silent and working on the potion he displayed on the board.

As the lesson proceeded he started to look at the other students as well. It occurred to him that the division between the two houses was almost gone. The war had changed so much for all of them, probably for him the most. No matter how much he hated Potter for the person he was, he respected him even more for giving him the life he always wanted. Not on the run anymore, no more spying, no more Dark Lord. He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

He could still slightly feel the scar straining on his neck. It would never heal properly but if that was the price he had to pay, he would do it without complaining.

His thoughts played back to the night that Voldemort was finally defeated. That night was supposed to be the end of Severus Snape as well, he should never have survived that attack from Nagini. If it wasn't for the persistence of the beautiful woman currently stationed in his classroom, he would have been deep inside a grave right now. Instead he was being tortured by the looks of her, the irony wasn't lost on him.

Spying through his eyelashes he made sure nobody was looking at him. Everybody was working and stressing except for one person. Her big hazel eyes were staring directly at him. Fuck!

For a minute he just stared back, trying to intimidate her with his scowling. It seemed to work, she averted her eyes but only to look at her potion. She added an ingredient and stirred three times, then looked right at him again. He was impressed with her focus and intelligence. He smirked at her and raised an eyebrow. If she wanted a stare down she would get it.

The remaining of the lesson she was stirring, adding ingredients and staring at him. He never broke contact and was grateful for the fact that the rest of the class was busy with their work.

In the meanwhile he was trying to push down his erection. 'Professor?' A boy from Gryffindor was trying to get his attention.

'What?!' He snapped. The boy's eyes went wide when he realized he made the mistake of bothering professor Snape.

'C-c-can I ask something about the potion?'

'Ask!' He demanded. At least his erection was gone now.

'Is it supposed to be pink?' He let out a growl which made a few people jump in their seat, except of course for Miss Granger. Who was smirking at him! What in the hells name has gotten into her?!

'Evanesco!' with one swing the boy's potion was gone. You could see he was holding back tears. For god's sake, nineteen years old and still on the verge of tears, safe to say he didn't participate in the war.

'Don't even bother to turn your potion in if it's pink or any other fluorescent color!'

To his satisfaction a few people looked rather strangled. But not miss Granger of course.

After his warning she just got up from her seat, her robe hugging at her body. 'Here is my potion professor Snape. I believe it's the right color.' She looked very smug and she sounded daring. She was just tempting him to react.

She knew that there was nothing wrong with her potion. She also knew that professor Snape wasn't going to give her a compliment. He was irritated by her smugness and decided that she needed to be put into place. 'That's too soon. Detention Miss Granger!'

He saw her eyes flicker for a minute, was she scared of him? Before he could think twice about her eyes she looked very satisfied with the outcome. Shit! What had gotten into him?

'Of course, what time?' She batted her fucking eyelashes!

'Tonight at eight.' He tried to stare as intimidating and angry as possible.

'See you tonight professor.' She whispered slowly in a way only he could hear. His pants just became very very tight.

Did she take it too far? Probably…

After the war everything was difficult, for a while she was depressed, wallowing in self-pity. Sad for all the people she lost and mourning her youth and puberty that she never got to have because she was too busy fighting Voldemort.

Also sad for her parents which she couldn't find after the war was over. Together with Ron and Harry she had searched for weeks but she left herself not enough clues to solve the puzzle. She didn't want to know where they had gone too when she had wiped her memories. If she had been tortured she might have revealed their whereabouts and she just couldn't live with the thought of that. Eventually it was Ginny that convinced Hermione to give up the search. It was hard on her for a while but finally she knew that it was the right decision. Her parents were probably very happy somewhere on another continent and didn't even know that she excited. You can't really miss something that you didn't know you lost in the first place and all that bullshit.

After a few months and some therapy she decided to go back to Hogwarts, help rebuild the school and finish her education. Only everything she was studying this year seemed so easy. When they were hunting the horcruxes she taught herself a lot of spells and potions. Like the warding spells she had to put up every time they were on a new location.

To put it mildly, she was bored.

At the beginning it was weird to see professor Snape again. When they found him everything made it seem that he was dead. Except for one slight hitch of breath which gave them hope. He gave Harry his memories, thinking he was going to die, and her heart ached for him. He spend a few months at St. Mungo's Hospital and after that he returned to Hogwarts. This time not as headmaster but as the former potions professor he was. Professor McGonagall took over the headmistress position, she was always destined to follow in Albus Dumbledore's footsteps.

When everyone thought professor Snape would have changed because every single person now knew he was the good guy, was very much mistaken. He was still the snarling, scowling and very dark person he had always been. And although he always wanted the position of defense against the dark arts teacher, he chose potions when he had the choice. This could only be taken as a fact that he had changed.

To her it made no difference. After the war she dated Ron for a little while but their romance wasn't heightened by the war anymore and it slowly burned out. They were still very good friends though. Ron was now dating Lavender again. Who would have thought? Harry and Ginny were a different story. War or no war they were always meant to be.

Never really the beautiful popular girl when she was little she was very surprised that after the war this all changed. For the first time guys were looking at her ass, whistling and flirting with her. At the beginning it was fun and welcome, all this attention, but soon she found out that the one she wanted attention from, wasn't interested at all.

She came up with a plan to make him notice her. Change her clothes and hair. This only resulted in more guys liking and flirting with her, all but him.

Next she tried looking at him daringly, trying to provoke him. She'd been doing it for two weeks now and today was the first day she made any progress. He stared back at her. And even though he looked very angry while doing so, she believed she saw the corners of his mouth twitch a little. For Snape this was a big give a way.

After the war she wasn't afraid of him anymore. She knew what lived in his heart and the facade he put around it. He may be a very complicated man but his heart is in the right place. He just needs a woman who will help him break that wall down that he built.

And tonight was going to be the night where she would break down the first piece of it.