A/N. Oh wow, my 100th story on FF! (I have no idea how many stories I wrote before joining, because most of them were RPF and/or terrible, and most are now lost to the winds of time) Hope you enjoy this one, and that you've enjoyed my previous 99!

When Klaus awakens he is naked and on a bed that isn't his own. Sunlight is streaming in from a crack in the shutters, and his eyes roam around the room. It doesn't take long to realise that this is Elijah's room, or that Elijah isn't in it. The nudity isn't a mystery; wherever possible Klaus always prefers to sleep this way. The rest of the situation is rather more perturbing. Klaus is on top of the bed sheets, the other half of which look like they've been slept in. His head is also not on the pillow, as he is lying cross-ways, his feet curled up under him. Klaus doesn't remember sleeping in such a manner since they were turned a millennium ago. Mikael's cruelty led to Klaus' need to make himself smaller. Invisible. Pushing such thoughts from his head for the moment, Klaus sits himself up and looks around. There are no sounds coming from the compound; which means either everyone is still asleep, or it's quite late already and everyone else is out.

By the time Klaus makes it downstairs; dressed and thankfully undisturbed by anyone so far, his mind is racing. Where was Elijah? Where is everyone else? What exactly happened between Klaus going to sleep in his own bed, to waking up where he did? It's not the first time Klaus has woken up in Elijah's bed by any means, but usually Elijah is in bed next to him –or at least in the room- and Klaus has certainly never forgotten the events of the night before. Time spent with Elijah is always memorable, for one reason or another. Klaus' internal meanderings are stopped upon entering the study at the sight of Hayley and Hope sitting on the sofa. Hayley looks up at Klaus' shocked expression, and concern flicks across her features.

"You didn't forget it's your day with Hope, did you?"

"No!" Klaus hastens a smile to his face as Hope looks up at him. "I just wasn't expecting to see… Elijah usually brings her."

"I haven't seen him today," Hayley offers while moving over a little for Klaus to sit down. Klaus does as he's been silently bid, and Hayley hands Hope to her father. "Did you two fight?"

"Not recently," Klaus mumbles as he hugs Hope. "He barely speaks to me these days." Klaus looks up, expecting Hayley to dig at him over the reasons for that, but instead she has an odd look on her face.

"You smell… different," Hayley explains when she sees Klaus' confusion. "Earthy… like… have you turned recently?"

"I…" Klaus stops himself and looks down at Hope. She's asleep in his arms, and Hayley is looking at him with such worry that he can't stop himself from confiding in her. "Maybe, last night. I woke up in Elijah's room this morning with no memory of getting there. Elijah was nowhere to be found."

The concerned crease of Hayley's brow deepens. "Klaus, if you're turning involuntarily…" Klaus watches Hayley's eyes flit towards their sleeping daughter, and his heart clenches. With a soft kiss to her head, Klaus hands Hope back to Hayley.

"I'll speak to Freya; find out what could be happening. If you see Elijah, please tell him I need to speak with him." Hayley nods her understanding. Klaus knows she would never have said it out loud, but he shares her fear at what his uncontrolled wolf could do. Hayley squeezes Klaus' shoulder –offering the only comfort she can- before leaving with Hope.


"Good afternoon, brother," Freya doesn't look up from the manuscript in her hand as Klaus enters. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you know of any way that someone could affect my wolf without my knowledge?" Klaus doesn't mince his words; at this point his fear is more pressing than his need for privacy.

Freya looks up at the question. She regards Klaus for a moment, as she puts away whatever she was working on.

"Do you mean someone turning you against your will?"

"Not so much against my will, as without my awareness entirely."

Freya's brow creases for a second and she steps towards Klaus. "Explain."

Klaus huffs in frustration, but obliges. "Last night I went to bed as normal; this morning I woke up in Elijah's room with no memory of getting there, and Hayley says I smell like I've recently turned."

"What does Elijah say?"

"Elijah's not bloody here!" Klaus growls and starts to pace. "I woke up and I was alone."

"Klaus, you don't think…" Freya trails off, and Klaus looks over to see the fear in her eyes. With a weary sigh, Klaus approaches his sister. He knows she never wants to think the worst of him, but he doesn't blame her for the question.

"There was no blood anywhere; mine or his. If Elijah was there last night, he got up and left under his own steam."

Freya nods in gratitude, both at Klaus' explanation, and that he didn't bite her head off for asking. Freya was surprised to note over the past few months that her brother was at least trying to be more considerate of others. Whether it was real change, or just a desire to appease Elijah, Freya didn't yet know.

"It seems unlikely that someone would expend the magical energy required to turn you, if they didn't want to you hurt someone," Freya reasons. "From what I've heard of your disagreements with Davina, you know that a forceful turning is a painful process. I doubt you would have slept through it."

"Then what is happening?" Klaus has desperation in his eyes, and Freya can't hide her pity as she answers.

"I'm afraid that's for you and your wolf to discuss."