Chapter One - Unusual

She strayed away from it. It wasn't normal, at least not for her. Starfire was always touchy, a little invasive, no boundaries. Beast Boy was the same way, maybe a little less so - she snapped at him once and he didn't try anything again.

Then there was Robin. She didn't mind him.

He did it tastefully. Their fingers would brush ever so slightly, he'd grab her waist during training, he'd lean against her on the couch when watching a movie. Little things.

She didn't stop him. She liked it, didn't want it to stop it.

She wondered to herself why it was just him. Only him.

He was quiet, stoic, maybe even a little cold. Sort of like how people percieved her. Maybe they weren't wrong. Except for when he was with her, especially alone. He didn't say much, he never did, the way he looked at her - smiled at her. She could tell what he was feeling.

She knew because she was feeling it too.

Robin sunk into the cushion next to her as Cyborg and Beast Boy debated on which movie to watch. It was a sort of tradition among the Titans, every Thursday night they would gather up and watch a movie of their picking.

Something felt different however. It was Robin, he was there. He usually was back in the evidence room, working on a case or in the training room, working out. He came in late, if at all. He liked to sit next to, liked to be next to her in general.

They picked some horror movie that she was indifferent to. Robin didn't seem to be paying any attention to the move, he seemed more invested in her eyes than the actual plot.

Beast Boy eeped and squealed at every little frightening aspect, Cyborg had seemingly fallen asleep, Starfire didn't seem very interested.

Then Robin pulled one of the oldest tricks in the book, if there even was one for this sort of thing. He scooted a little closer, their hips almost connecting. He feigned a yawn, stretch both arms upward and landed one around her shoulders.

She thought about forcibly removing his arm, throwing him into a deep pit of hell, just simply separating his arm from the rest of him. But she didn't.

She couldn't bring herself to, it felt too good, too natural. He scooted a little. She wouldn't berated anyone else, why couldn't she do it to him? Because he wasn't like anyone else, she concluded in her head.

She sighed softly, she needed to stop this. In an act of defiance, her body acted against her and slowly relaxed into his embrace. What was she doing? This was completely unlike her.

"Comfortable?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Very." She mumbled against her will.

She could sense the smile on his face, "I live to please."

She was very cold usually, even wrapped in three layers of of blanket in her bed, she still found a way to be cold. Not now, though. Now she was warm, her face was hot, but the rest was a comfortably warm temperature.

What happening to her? She must be sick.

The movie seemed to move into nonexistence, all she could hear was his quiet breathing - in, out, in out. It was all she could hear, all she could focus on. He was quiet, didn't say much, like usual. She had heard stories about Robin before - witty remarks during combat, chatty sidekick to Batman's silent and stoic demeanor. She wondered what had happened.

He was always so quiet, but never neglectful - she could feel his eyes on her. That was something he did well, watch.

Her thoughts seemed to fade away, her eyes became heavy, and her willpower unable to force herself awake. Sleep overcame her, a comfortable sleep - more comfortable than that she found in her bed.

She tried to fight it, she knew their friends would tease and make jokes, but he was comfortable and she was tried.

Her dreams were of Robin, she apparently her subconscious hadn't got enough of him. Nothing much happened, it wasn't one of those dreams, she and him stood on top of the room of some building. She couldn't make out much of their surroundings, only seeming to focus in on him.

He didn't say much, not even in her dreams. He just looked at her, he smiled genuinely and pulled off his mask. She couldn't make the color of his irises. Any color she tried to plug in didn't seem to fit.

Green? No

Amber? No

Gray? No

Brown? Definitely not.

She awoke with a jolt before she could finish her list of all the colors. The TV was off and everyone was gone, even Robin. She was suddenly every cold. The clock said that it was around 5 am. She'd slept here the whole night.

A pair of vocies broke into her thoughts. "Okay... I think I'm getting it."

"Very good, Master R. I'm glad you were able to pick up on something under my wing."

It was Robin and someone else, but the second voice wasn't in person - over the phone most likely. On speaker.

"Hey," Robin said in a mock sense of being offended "I'm a good student." He seemed to be mixing some drinks.

"That you are, Master R. Whenever I could keep you awake, you were quite the adept pupil."

She could sense Robin's mood suddenly turn very morbid, "I miss your lessons."

"And I miss teaching you." He replied, his tone turning just as somber as Robin's. "I miss your presence as well, the manor can get quite lonely without your wit to liven it up."

Manor? Who was he talking to? "I'll come down in a month."

"Christmas?" The voice asked hopefully.

"Of course. B will have to beat me with a stick to keep me away."

The voice chuckled, "Do not tempt him."

Robin must've caught a glimpse of Raven lingering near the kitchen counter. He spun around to his phone, "Sorry Al gotta go, she's awake. Call you soon."

Had they been talking about her? "Of course, Master Di- Robin." He corrected "I simply cannot wait for your visit."

Robin ended the call and turned to Raven, "Mornin'." He greeted.

Raven nodded, rubbing her eyes "Unfortunately." She mumbled "Who was that?"

Robin turned and poured the liquid into two tall coffee cups, he offered one out to her "Alfred." He said dismissively "I made tea."

That woke her up, her eyes widened as she moved her eyes back and forth from the tea to his face. "You made tea?" She asked in disbelief.

Robin nodded, "Yep. Alfred's secret recipe, few people have ever tasted it - try it, it's great." He frowned "I probably messed it up though."

She rose a brow.

He pulled back his arm, "You don't have to drink it."

Damn it. Now she had to drink it, even if it was just to stroke his ego. She sighed and took the mug from his hand. It smelled pretty good. Like honey.

He smiled eagerly as she took a hesitant sip. "Wow, this actually pretty good." She noted surprised. It was some kind of green tea with an added mix - honey, cinnamon, a hint of sugar, and a few other things she couldn't identify.

Robin puffed out his chest and smiled proudly, "Now image that same taste, but about a thousand times better. That's Alfred on a daily basis."

She rose her brow, "I might just have to meet this man."

Robin grinned goofily, "I'll take you some time, you and him would get along. You'd love it at the manor - personal library twice the size of our common room. Hundreds of books. Even you would get lost."

She rose her brow, "Truly? And when exactly were planning on showing me?" She said jokingly.

Robin took a short sip, "Haven't been there in awhile." He admitted, "You doing anything December?"

Besides isolating herself and reading? No. She shook her head, taking another sip.

"Wanna spend Christmas with the Bats?"

She wondered if it was a genuine offer or a sarcastic remark. "You don't actually have to take me." She clarified.

"But I'd like you to come." He insisted "Besides, I can't handle Bats by myself."

Batman? Did he even have any traditions aside from beating criminals senseless. She remained mute.

Robin grinned and took her hand, "C'mon Rae." He pleaded "Suffer with me? Please." He was serious about the offer.

"Well... if you really want me to go." She sighed "Ok. It's not like I have anything better to do." She shrugged.

"Thank you." He raised her hand up and kissed each one of her fingers.

Was someone possessing him? Had he hit his head? He was never this affectionate with anyone, not even Star.

Raven mentally kicked herself. Starfire. Raven liked being a solid, but Starfire would surely change that if she caught a glimpse of her and Robin.

Raven and Robin. It sounded good. Sounded natural. Alliteration and all. But they weren't anything, they didn't belong. Just friends. Not a pair. Right?

"Something wrong?" Robin questioned.

She looked up at him. He knew, of course he did. He always knew. Even before their bond, he could always read her. "No." She lied.

"C'mon Rae, don't do that." He said nudging her side, "I tell when you're thinking about something, don't shut down on me."

She hesitated, "It's just... you've been really," she wasn't sure how to word it "Starfire-y."

He chuckled lightly, "Meaning?"

"I dunno."


"Not the word I would use?"


"Not really?" She thought for a moment "Just a little close. Touchy." She said meekly.

"Oh." His smile faded and his normal stoic expression returned. She kicked herself, that's not at all what she wanted. She liked his smile. "Want me to stop?" He questioned, sipping his tea again.

"No." She cringed, she said that a little too eagerly, "I just... I was just wondering why, is all." She noted.

He sighed, "I dunno. Ever since we bonded, I've just... felt different. Touch you feels good. Feels right." He flushed "I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable." He offered.

"No. It's-" She tried, but the clanking of loud metal footsteps echoed through the hall. Cyborg yawned as he entered the room.

Robin chuckled soberly "To be continued..." He whispered.

Cyborg's lips turned upward into a wide smile, "Morning Lovebirds." He noted as walked to the fridge.

Both bird themed heroes flushed and took a step away from each other, they hadn't realized how close they were.

"Morning." Robin grumbled.

Raven mumbled something under her breath that was oddly explicit for a greeting.

The half robot pulled out the carton of orange juice, "Please, don't stop on because of me." He chuckled "After all, it didn't seem keep you two apart last night." He wiggled his eyebrows at them.

Both of flushed matching shades of red, "What're you talking about?" Robin asked for both of them. Raven pulled her hood over her head.

Cyborg smiled and pulled out his phone, tapping on the galley - mostly filled with pictures of the T-Car, some pictures of Bumble Bee, then there was a pair of pictures at the very end.

Cyborg tapped on the first one. It was Robin and Raven snuggled up together on the couch. Raven's head was nuzzled into his chest and her hands on his chest. Raven's eyes went white and the phone exploded.

Robin flushed as a wave of anger and embarssment washed over him, "You deserved that." He was stiff, his muscles were tense - like they were ready to pounce.

Cyborg just smirked, "I expected that - so I sent it to every computer in Titan Tower." He grinned proudly "Even set it as the background on a couple of them." He added.

Raven thought Robin's mask would melt because of the hot and angry glare he was sending.

Robin clenched his fist and stormed away, "I'm going for a run." He told Raven as he marched off.

She nodded, turning her scowl to Cyborg. "You have to be an ass?" She snapped.

Cyborg looked at her sympatheticly, "Sorry Rae, but you're like my little sister - I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to tease my little sis." He noted with that signature Cyborg grin, "What's going on with you two anyway?"

Raven thought for a moment, "I don't know."