I stood looking at the empty walls and pile of boxes surrounding me. This new house, this new town, is supposed to be a new start for my parents and me. If you were to ask me why we suddenly uprooted and left a city to come to the quiet mountain town of South Park, my answer would be to mind your own business. Thought, as upset I was at my parents for moving us here, I have to admit that snowy days are way better than the gloomy, rainy days of Seattle.

"Honey, can we come in?" My mother's voice followed the soft knock at my bedroom door. I didn't reply, still just standing and staring at the walls around me as my mother sighed and entered my room.

"Do you like it?" My father asked, poking his head in behind my mother. "I know it's not anything like our place in the city, and the environment is very different as well, but I think we will all be safer here now." He continued as he observed my blank stare.

"You do know I'm still upset right?" I finally spoke, anger seeping into each word. "I have no friends here, and my room is too.. too blah! I just don't understand why we moved, our cover wasn't blown… Was it?"

My parents exchanged glances, quietly deciding between the two of them if I should be told or not why exactly we moved. The silence thickened as the seconds passed by, the three of us looking at one another as I waited for an answer.

"Sweetie," My mother began to talk, finally moving from the doorway as she put a hand on my shoulder, "we moved only for the fact that people began to question about you." She looked me in the eyes before continuing. "No, no one found out who we are… What we are, but the questions they were asking about you, they would only believe the answers we were giving for a few more months before questioning again. We figured the sooner we moved the better it would be."

W...What kind of questions?" I asked skeptically. My parents have never been known as liars, but I was finding it hard to believe that we up and moved so fast just because some people began to ask questions about me.

"Well, you know you grew a little faster than other kids but you also know our type don't really look any older after so long. You know this." My mother paused as I nodded my head in understanding. This was not anything new to me. "Since you are still young in comparison to others like us, you are growing a tad faster than normal kids. And once you get fully grown you know you too will stop aging, just like your father and I have."

"Mom, I know all this already. I also know that's why you and Dad always have to 'act your age'." I crossed my arms, annoyed that she felt the need to explain basic facts to me yet again. "So what if I grew a little fast, some kids do! I mean how hard is it to just say I had a growth spurt? And I only have a few more years before I stop aging, which should have let us stay in Seattle for a good while. Even with you guys living there for years before you decided to have me."

My mother just sighed as she removed her hand from my shoulder and moved back to the doorway with my father, "Luna, I know moving means having to make new friends and get used to the new area, but this town is quiet and I'm sure there will be plenty of people for you to make friends with."

"But I knew who I could trust in Seattle! I have no one here!" I angrily replied, turning my back to them once more. I don't ever argue with my parents, but meeting new people and making friends was not one of my strong points. Having to do it once was okay, but doing it twice? In a small town where there aren't others like us? That was a horror waiting for me. "Why did you guys even bring us to this place? It's nowhere near anyone else like us! I also highly doubt there is anything to do at night besides stay home! At least in Seattle I had clubs and places open late to go to!" I kept complaining, my anger level rising as I clenched my hands into fists at my side.

"Luna Kearne! That is enough out of you! Now your father and I are going to get some stuff for dinners, but for now there's a full thermos for you in the kitchen we brought with us from your favorite place in Seattle. You have your first day of school tomorrow so you need to make sure you eat." My mother firmly replied , ignoring my anger as they both headed off down the stairs and out the door.

"Yeah, whatever...not even hungry.." I quietly replied to myself as I listened to the sound of the car starting up and starting down the road towards the store.