Neutral Chi Rider: Chapter One

(This is a crossover between Kamen Rider OC and Jackie Chan Adventures. This takes six to seven years after the events of season five of Jackie Chan Adventures.

Smart/skilled in Chi/athletic Jade

First Chapter tied in with 'The Dragon Joker' and 'Riders in New York.'

Uncle will be spelt as Unkle when talking about the old Chi Wizard.

I do not own Jackie Chan Adventures or Kamen Rider.

Also Spoiler for The Dragon Joker Chapter six, and a hint at what is to Come for Riders in New York.)

:Story Start:

The Questioning-Unknown Place-Unknown Time-Present.

A dark room with two occupants, one covered in shadow the other is revealed to be a bald man with ginger eyebrows. Wearing a grey turtleneck sweater black dress pants and shoes, his dominant hand covered in bandages up to his elbow.

The shadow spoke, "Agent Augustus Black, apartment head of Section 13, formally of Interpol, but now an important division of SHEILD, becoming the paranormal police division."

"That is correct," Black answered, "A few years back we were investigating a group of criminals, The Dark Hand, suddenly changed their targets. From get rich quick to priceless artefacts, that was discovered to give the user enhanced abilities. After a few months the artefacts were collected and their purpose was revealed, to revive a demon dragon creature."

"What was the Chan family's part in this?" The man in the shadows questioned.

"Jackie Chan was hired to act as our translator and archaeologist, which was later changed to trainer when I was believed to be 'insane' until that whole ShadowKhan turning the world to darkness," Black answered, "Though we never tried to cover up any of the demon attacks, and had to circumvent protocols to aid, the Chan's."

"Perfectly reasonable," the man in shadows replied, "Most of the lower level government organisations were unaware until the decade. What can you tell us about, Unkle and Tohru?"

"Unkle is a major player in the magic community in the last decade, has been a major part in detecting and sealing beings and artefacts of dangerous or world ending ability," Black started, "Tohru was a member of the Dark Hand, the enforcer/bodyguard and less than a year later he was made, Unkle's student, and has proven himself to be just as effective in said ShadowKhan incident."

"Where did the girl, Jade, come in?" the shadowed figured asked.

Black fiddled with his hands and took a very deep breath before answering, "Jade. Jade was major contender for being a security risk. This was proven by us improving the security of our vault and entrances, even considered having her as an Agent."

"What made you thing that changed this view," the shadowed figure questioned, "With her abilities and her mental abilities, five degrees, all for the different fields, top of all her classes and all before her sixteenth birthday, and Olympic level gymnast and martial artist."

"She one day asked me what was needed to become an agent," Black answered, "And I told her the truth, a degree, medical, psychiatric tests and a minimum of three years training with the division."

"What made you deny such a perfect applicant?" the shadowed figure questioned.

Prologue-San Francisco-'Random' alley-Two years previous-Five years since sealing Shendu and Drago in the Demon Realm.

A Yellow taxi pulls up to an alley located in the more run down section of San Francisco, allowing for girl in her mid teens and petite, of Chinese decent, with black bob cut hair with large bangs and a styled ponytail. The young woman was wearing blue jeans, sneakers, a green blouse and an Orange Vest, with a brown satchel resting on her hip, and a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. The teenage girl walked to the phone booth that had been there for a good couple of decades, before she pulled out her cell phone.

"Hey Agent Black," the Chinese teen talked into the phone, "Yeah, is my Uncle Jackie there?" she nods and smirks, "Well could you give me the new code for the phone booth, I want to surprise him?" with that her smile broadens, "Thank you sir." She takes her pack from inside the Taxi with a large green duffle bag.

With that the teen with her two pieces of luggage went to the phone booth, and after closing the folding door she typed in the numbers, '10145-19201516-21851119157-9142015-2085-221211220' the girl smirked as she translated in her head, 'Jade stop breaking into the Vault.' With the code put in, the girl says, "You can't stop Jade Chan when she wants something."

With her piece said, she went was transported through the wall and then straight down until she reached a large open room with cubicles with agents on computers, a tech team researching new equipment and fixing vehicles. From her position on the catwalks above she smiled before heading to the south of the base, pass a hall that at the other end was a large vault door, smiled with fond memories as she continued to walk towards an unmarked door to find a bald man of Irish decent writing away on paper work.

Agent Augustus Black looked up as his door closed, and smiled, "Jade, you have defiantly grown, how was collage? Or was it collages?" he and the girl smirked.

Jade smiled and took a seat and says, "Top of the class, in atomic structures, bioengineering, micro engineering, archaeology and ancient languages."

As Jade smiled while Black frowned, "Jade," Black started as Jade's smile started to fade, "Jackie, he made me promise to not let you join Section 13." Jade began to shake before crying. Above them a red Oni mask were seen, hanging on the wall in a frame and appeared to smirk deeply.

The Questioning-Unknown Place-Unknown Time-Present.

The dark room had the same shadowed figure, the second figure under the spot light was a Chinese man wearing a blue, short sleeved, jumper, yellow pants and brown shoes. The man's hair though had a major silver streak on both sides. The man had a panicked look to him as he says, "My niece is innocent!"

The Shadowed figure raised their hands and says, "We believe you," the shadowed figure saw that the oldish Chinese man was still panicked, "We would like you to answer some questions that could help us to help you. Mr Chan." Jackie Chan Archaeologist, translator and trainer for Section 13, his hands continued to fidget as he nods. "Why did you get Agent Augustus Black to deny your niece a carrier that she was preparing herself for?"

Jackie Chan with tired eyes answered, "My Niece would have been put in danger."

"The training program of Section 13 would have had her training with surveillance, filing and ensuring that she would not have been sent on solo missions without back up and support."

"She is a teenager!" Jackie shouted.

"Who would have had a desk job until she turned twenty two at minimum," the figure said, "Hell, with her scores and degrees she could have easily gotten a job with Section 13 as a technical advisor or even taken your job, allowing you to retire," Jackie remained silent before the man in the dark continued, "What happened when you saw your Niece after she returned from collage?"

San Francisco-Unkle's Rare Finds-three hours after Jade went to Section 13.

An old Chinese man with grey pants yellow vest and cream shirt, balding with grey hair in large spikes, small red glasses was squinting at the sight of an old coloured vase, when the door at the front of the store chimed, and the old man spoke, "Welcome to Unkle's Rare finds," the old man looked at Jade and says, "Oh, Jade how was collage?" Unkle did not wait for an answer when he shouts, "Tohru, Jade has returned."

At that large Japanese man lifted a curtain from the back, the size of a sumo wrestler, wearing black overalls, a white shirt and black sandals. He looked at Jade and saw that she had been crying, "Jade, what's wrong?" instead of answering she ran up to them and hugged the larger man and began to cry.

"Why did Jackie, do this?" Jade questioned.

Tohru closed his eyes knowing what she was talking about, and says, "All he told me was that he would speak with Agent Black."

Jade stepped away from Tohru, with a look of betrayal until Unkle spoke, "Jackie, is an idiot, he should know that we would never have defeated, Shendu, his siblings, Doalon wong, Terakudo and Drago," Unkle then spoke, "Good skills you have, not for Chi magic, but good enough to deal with non magic threats."

Jade glared at Unkle and asks, "So why did he do this?"

At that point a younger looking Jackie Chan entered the shop and says, "Unkle I have a found an ancient tome that will need translating," once he entered the shop he froze at the sight of Jade, "I am so sorry, I forgot to pick you up from the airport."

Jade crossed her arms as she looks at her uncle and says, "When did you get to Black?"

Jackie placed the stone tome on the counter near Unkle and says, "Jade it is too dangerous," his tone final.

Jade laughed and says, "Just like when you tried using the Déjà vu stone. You almost sending me back to China."

"How did you know that?" Jackie questioned.

"You mean how did I see what you did while travelling the time stream," Jade argued. "Where I was watching you with Unkle as you almost died changing the future. With the exception of sealing most of the demons, or turning Shendu to stone, I have been there since the beginning and clearly you forgot that every time I followed you, I helped you."

"Jade, you don't want that life," Jackie argued.

Jade glared at him before turning to Unkle and says, "I am moving back in," with that she went upstairs with her bags.

Jackie took a deep breath believing he has ensured that Jade was out of 'Danger'

The Questioning-Unknown Place-Unknown Time-Present.

We return to the dark room, but instead of Jackie Chan, they are replaced with Tohru, only he is wearing a red business suit and glasses. The Shadowed figure then asks, "What happened between Jade and her Uncle?"

Tohru answered, "They stopped speaking to one another, which was difficult at first as Jade was the only one who could translate the stone tome. It had images of animals given human form. The tablet was at minimum a thousand years old, which made no sense due to that period having paper and books. She kept the information to herself, never shared her notes and when she gave us the tome back, all she told us was that it is not worth knowing and that it was a fake, after a month."

"So this tome had nothing to do with transforming warriors?" the shadowed figure asked.

Tohru's eyes widened and says, "Is this why you are looking for her?"

The shadowed figure says, "Your sensei's grand niece has either found or created something that could change the world."

Brazil-deep in the rain forest-two months later-midday

Jade was following an old dirt road towards a temple that had for the last year, been the secret hiding spot for the criminal, Hak Foo. She reached the outskirts around the temple to see Hak Foo was training. That leaves Jade able to complete her task, she ran to the temple wearing short shorts and the cream coloured adventurers clothes just without the hat. She entered the temple to find Hak Foo's trophy room. She looked around until she found the Pan'ku Box just haphazardly sitting on a shelf with items of 'great' power though looking at them she could tell that they were all fake.

So she just took the Pan'ku Box when Hak Foo shouts, "Leaping Tiger punces mouse," he went to jump kick Jade only for her to throw the box at Hak Foo's face, knocking the Martial artist out.

Jade smirked and says, "Talk about an easy fight," she then noticed the fragments of the ShadowKhan masks that a large portion was stolen from Section 13 Vault during her time in Collage.

With that Jade left the home of Hak Foo and ran to her jeep and sped away, even hearing Hak Foo shouting in the back ground.

San Francisco-three days later-Jade personal lab space-A block away from Unkle's shop.

Jade walked into her warehouse libratory that had taken Jade weeks to convince Agent Black to rent her this place, with the 'fake' Tome resting on the bench next to a locked safe. She went to the Safe and pushed the safe to the side and inputted the code to open it, before taking a large locked box out of the safe. Inside the box was a large leather bound book that was filled with whatever she could get out of Unkle's spell books, that Tohru had brought with him whenever he was studying out of Unkle's way and in his days off from the shop. With the book, was components that was being designed like puzzle pieces, and what appeared to be a set of Sun glasses with written scriptures on the side. All prototypes for her personal project.

She opened the stone Tome, and found the section with the Pan'Ku box engraved in the stones pages before flipping and rotating the box as written in tome, before the Pan'ku box opened to reveal crystal disk in the shape of the yin-yang symbol that once she placed them down where she found that it split in half and that two yin-yang spots were separate crystals.

With that she heard a knock at the door, and she quickly took the boxed items, Pan'ku box and jar of masks, before locking the safe shifting it back and placing the Tome in the front of the safe, filled with blank books. After locking the safe she went to the door and after opening the door she saw, Jackie Chan, smiling with a picnic basket. Jade slammed the door on his face before she locked the door and all other entrances that she knew he could enter from.

Jade went to the safe and pulled out the Tome and began to read the section on seals, and then opening a toolbox holding a carefully crafted metal coin with the symbol of Terrakudo and on the other side was the Japanese Kanji for 'seal' that she flipped back on forth between her fingers.

Section 13-That Night.

A figure in full black bodysuit, full head mask and equipment that were slimmed on the figures petite body, clearly female, was crawling through the vents without a sound or doing anything that could get her detected by security.

The figure crawled through the vents until she reached the empty Office of Agent Black. The female thief lowered herself on a cable and once she was at face level with the Oni Mask, and began to whispered incantations that started to glow silver coin as the kanji and face symbol began to fill with black ink that stopped when filled. With her task complete she hears whispers of Jackie and Agent Black outside and makes her escape.

The Questioning-Unknown Place-Unknown Time-Present.

The shadowed room with Unkle looking the same as before and glaring at the man in shadows. Unkle Shouts, "Turn light on, UNKLE cannot hand in front of face!"

The man in shadows sighs before turning on the light that revealed the man in the shadows to be a man in a suit, brown trimmed hair and blue uniform with the letters, 'SHIELD' sown into the shoulder. "My name is Agent Coulson, and your grand Niece is a person of interest."

"Jade smart girl," Unkle replied simply, "She was good till Jackie took good future from her."

Agent Coulson then asked his next question carefully, "You never considered teaching her your Chi techniques?"

Unkle sighs and says, "Jade, is too young and free spirited for me to teach her."

"And yet she has been reported by Tohru, to be highly skilled in making of spells," Coulson argued.

Unkle then argued, "If she waited for her twenty first birthday I would have started teaching her my craft. The day this all changed when we discovered that she had been teaching herself Dark Chi magic."

"Can you explain what happened that day," Coulson questioned.

Outskirts of San Francisco-A week before the Questioning.

A black motocross bike drove down the mountain road before stopping to take in the sight in the Golden Gate Bridge, the sixteen to seventeen blond with red streaks raised his goggles and pulled out an Instant Camera and takes a picture of the bridge and then Alcatraz. With that done he checked the package tided to the back of the bike, ensuring it would not fall off during the trip.

This is Menma Namikaze (Riders in New York) a Kamen Rider from New York, who was asked by the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. Currently he is wearing his basic hero get up, of ANBU clothes under a red leather jacket.

Menma pulled out a piece of paper and read aloud, "Unkle's Rare Finds, that sounds like an antique store," before returning his goggles to his face and a helmet that does not cover his face, and has a fox drawn on the side.

Then he leisurely followed the mountain road towards the Golden Gate Bridge. If he had stayed a couple minutes he would have seen a being made of chains and shadows.

San Francisco-Outside Unkle's Rare Finds-a Week before the questioning.

A black and green street bike pulled into a stop outside Unkle's Rare Finds, with two passengers. The first, is a teenage boy of Japanese origin, wearing a black and red school uniform and a creamy white with red stripes helmet. The second is a girl with blond hair in drills and a small pony tail, wearing the female version of the boy's uniform only with shorts under the skirt.

"Why did we need to travel half way around the world?" The girl questioned her male companion.

"Ravel, we need to speak with one of the only people on Earth who can actually give us the location of where the GAIA memories are coming from," The boy answered the girl, Ravel, as he called her. The boy removed his helmet to reveal brown hair and amber eyes, opened the bag located on the tank of the bike. He removed the small case that holds what he is searching for. (The Dragon Joker.)

"Seriously Master," Ravel was stopped as the boy rose a finger, she corrects herself, "Issei, why couldn't we just teleport here?"

Ravel Phenix, high class devil and bishop of the Dragon Joker Peerage.

Issei looked at her as she continued to sit on the bike and says, "Have you ever been to San Francisco?" she shakes her head in the negative, "We don't know our way here so we were required to take plane here, before using a glyph to send the bike."

Issei Hyoudou, king of the perverts, student of Kouh Academy, reincarnated devil of Rias Grimory and first reincarnated devil of the current generation, King of the Dragon Joker Peerage, based in Japan.

Issei then says, "Wait here," with that he walked to the front entrance to see the store was open. He touched the handle and was launched away by good chi magic. He was launched into the air and over his bike. After grunting in pain with his hair sticking up, he climbed slightly up on his bike and says, "Ouch," before falling down.

That was when they heard large levels of laughter to the side, and saw Jade Chan watching them with a laundry basket. Ravel glares at the girl and would have fried her if Issei had not stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder. Issei looked at the Chinese teenager and says, "From your amused look, I say you either, see this regularly or you live here."

"Sometimes," Jade spoke, "Names Jade Chan, so what does a couple demons want to enter Unkle's store?"

"We need a tracing spell," Issei answered as he wobbly stands, "To stop some bad people." Then Issei realises what Jade says, "Where not demons."

"Only demons are affected by Unkle's spells," Jade argued.

"We just want to speak with the Chi wizard inside," Issei started, "My name is Issei, this is Ravel, we are trying to save as many lives as we can, human and other."

Jade looked at him in questioning before raising her hand and saying, "I will talk with Unkle first," with that said Jade went inside and came straight out saying, "Come in."

Issei and Revel went to the door; Issei tapped the air of the door frame before the two entered after finding nothing amiss. Issei with case in hand walked to the old man, Unkle, behind the counter and asks, "You are the student of Master Fong?"

"You know of Master Fong," Unkle stroked his chin before asking, "What does demon want from Unkle?"

"No a demon, just close to one," Issei replied before openning his case and says, "I need a locator spell, to find the origin of this device," he pulls out a strange broken USB like device.

Unkle places the device under a magnifying lens and says, "This is technology."

"With a strange glyph that reeks havoc with a couple factions memory erasal spells and all of our tracking spells, Issei replies as Unkle finds the small glyph.

"UNKLE CAN'T READ THIS," Unkle shouts, "Glyph to small," and ends at a neutral tone.

Jade looks in the lense and says, "Wow, Chinese, Japanese, ancient Somalian, Latin and what do you know, about another dozen or so languages in concentric circles, all saying the same thing, 'conceal.' What do you think Unkle, babble stones?"

"Babble what?" Issei questioned.

"Stones from the tower of Babble," Ravel answered and got a deadpan look from Issei, "Ancient structure built and enchanted so that everyone could talk with one another in ancient times," Unkle and Jade were impressed with her knowledge while Issei still appeared confused, "Magic rock, able to translate every language the has and will exist," with that Issei nodded, finally understanding.

Unkle strokes his chin again and says, "Spell will take couple days, you will need to find a place to stay. TOHRU! MAKE TEA!"

Behind the curtain next to the counter they hear, "Yes Sensei!"

Jade sighs and says, "Why do you still call him sensei?"

Tohru leaned out from behind the curtain and says, "I may no longer be his student, but he is still my senor in the ways of Chi magic."

Issei turned to Ravel and says, "Stay here for a little bit, see if you can find a place we can stay for a couple days."

"Where are you going?" Ravel questioned.

"Just going to look around," Issei answered before heading out.

Jade says to her Unkle and says, "I be back in a bit," with that she went and followed Issei.

Unkle's Rare Finds-an Hour later.

Menma arrives at the Antique store and sighs at being right. He heads straight to the door but bumps into an older Chinese man that had greying hair on the sides of his head. Jackie looks at the teen and sighs while saying, "Great ninjas again, look I don't want any trouble."

Menma raises an eyebrow before he lowers his mask and says, "I am looking for an Unkle Chan. A friend of his wanted me to give him this package," gesturing to the package. Menma looks at the papers in his hands and sees tickets to Egypt, "Going somewhere?"

Jackie smiles and answers, "I am going to bring my niece to a three week dig in Egypt; they found a temple of Ra, at the most north western point of Egypt."

"I am sure she will love it," Menma says in sarcasm before entering the shop and felt being electrocuted for a couple seconds but not enough to harm him. "Unkle Chan, I have a package for you, it's important."

Unkle loudly shouts, "I am trying to complete Reeesearch, so demon children can leave," Unkle enters the shop to see Menma sparking, "How did demon enter Unkle's shop?" at that Ravel entered from the kitchen with a tray of Japanese tea, while Tohru stands behind her folding some clothes.

Jackie gets in a martial arts stance while Menma sighs, "Look the Sorcerer Supreme asked me to deliver that book, don't know why, I would have rather stayed with my girlfriend, whose kisses hurt more than your doors."

With his piece said Unkle walks up to Jackie and shouts, "Don't attack envoys of the Sorcerer Supreme," Unkle then accepted the package and opened it to reveal, "The full Guide to all Chi based locations and sacred objects," Unkle reads the title before shouting, "AHya, where was book when Uncle needs Research."

"So with that I am off," Menma started and went to the door.

"Wait," Unkle shouts, "Note in Book says, 'Menma stay a couple days and enjoy the sights, in regards, Director Fury.'"

Menma growls before walking out of the store, and riding his bike down to the coast.

San Francisco Museum of history-Restricted Section.

In the restricted section of the SanFran Museum of old stuff, was closed for renovations/cleaning. The being of chains and shadows ported into a locked room to retrieve an ancient relic. A triangular and angled totem pole the size of an ancient staff. The figure speaks, "The staff of the master of the Eight Immortal," the figure then pulled out a hand mirror and says, "Now, I can now release you all," behind the mirror had nine sets of eyes, each flashing with different elements, "Soon you will all be able to repay your debts to Trigon." Chain, the minion of Trigon then listen to nine different voices speak with distaste, "Before I can release you I need to retrieve a special mask filled with Shadows."

One voice was heard, "The Mask of TaraKudo, is located in Section 13, one hundred feet below ground in the abandoned industrial section of San Francisco, America."

It appeared to smirk as it says, "So I should be complete with this task by nightfall. GOOD." With his last piece said, Chain vanished in a tornado of chains as a security guard arrives and calls the police.

San Francisco-Pier.

Issei walked along the pier before looking out to the ocean and taking a deep breath. Behind him, Jade was watching Issei from behind a news paper. Issei sighs and says, "I know you have been following me."

Jade lowered her news paper and goes to stand next to him, as he watched the sea. After a silent moment, she asks, "So, what brought a demon like you to San Francisco?"

Issei sighs and says, "I am trying to find the origin of a series of mass produced tools that can destroy the person's life and those around them."

"So magic USBs?" Jade questioned.

"GAIA Memories that literally turns a person into a monster," Issei answered with a sigh, "My Uncle used to fight and solve cases that most police were unable to handle."

"Before I turned eleven, I had travelled around the whole world several times, from the ocean floor to the literal moon," Jade replies, "Hell, I have been to the Demon Realm for a day."

With that the two started walking and Issei asks, "So they have any good places here to eat?"

"I know one place," Jade spoke, "A small diner that make breakfast all day, its near the San Francisco Museum."

"You go there often?" Issei questioned.

"Yeah, I perform translations for historical artefacts at the museum. Only job I could get after Jackie," Jade said before she quit talking.

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to tell me," Issei replied.

"No, its fine," Jade added, "Jackie is my Uncle, he made it so I could not apply to Section 13 of Interpol." Issei nodded as they reached the street the Museum was located and spot a series of police cars outside the Museum. The two ran up to the police tape and sees the Curator and she asks, "What happened?"

The curator turns to Jade and answers, "Oh Jade, a thief was caught on camera, stealing one of our newest artefact. I had planned to contact you tonight to have the inscriptions translated."

Issei asks, "What was stolen?"

The curator once again answered, "A staff, on Asian origin, but has an inscription in a language that did not match the location of origin or any known ancient language." Before Jade could ask for any pictures, her uncle arrived.

"Jade," Jackie spoke, "Are you injured? What were you doing here? It's dangerous," behind him Section 13 agents entered the Museum.

Jade looked at her uncle and just shakes her head and walks away with Issei. Once they were far enough away Issei asks, "Who do you think robbed the Museum?"

Jade just shook her head and says, "I won't know until Jackie asks Unkle to translate the photo graphs."

"Then let's go see your Unkle," Issei says with a smile.

Apartment block-across town.

In a rundown building that should be condemned but was still a decent place to get cheap cost of living. Inside one of the somewhat larger rooms, which just means that four apartments had walls between them broken. This is the home to three former Dark Hand Enforcers, Ratso, Chou and Finn, along with their former boss, Valmont.

Ratso, is a dyed dark hair Albino, who always wears a black and white business suit and is the largest of the three enforcers. Chou, is a short Japanese man who wears orange sunglasses, and is the best fighter in the group. Finally the last member of the team, Finn the unofficial leader of the enforcers, always wearing a white suit with pink shirt, and stuck in the seventies due to his love of disco. Currently the three were sitting at their shared dining table enjoying an early beer, after a tiring day. Since their last major career working under demons, their current career path being working with loan sharks, under a semi legal manor.

There was a knocking at the door, that Ratso opened to reveal an angry man with white hair and wearing a fast food restaurant uniform, holding a bag of burgers. Finn spoke, "Valmont, I see you brought dinner."

They let Valmont the newest employee of 'insert random burger joint,' and former boss to the enforcers, and now failed member of the enforcers. Valmont goes to the fridge and shouts, "Who drank the last bottle of beer?"

"Valmont, when you start making enough to purchase beer for the rest of us," Finn started, "Then we will leave you the last bottle," the shit eating smirk on his face spoke volumes.

There was a knock on the door, that Ratso answered again only to be shoved out of the way by a man that looked to be made of clouds entered, "Ratso, Chou and Finn, I presume?" the three in question hugged each other on fear as the stranger speaks, "My name is Weather, I have a favour for the three of you."

Valmont stands infront of the Enforcers and shouts, "Now see here I am Valmont, and I will not be ignored."

Weather sighs and says, "Very well, I have some gifts for the four of you then," he reveals three coloured and bony USB, with the letters, I, M and D, Weather then throws another memory that was plain, with M for Masquerade to Valmont. "These shall give you all power, and I hope you will be able to give me a needed distraction, for the next couple days."

Finn looked at Weather and says, "We have had very bad experiences with Magic."

"I understand, all I ask is a distraction for a couple days," Weather spoke, "Keep the abilities you will have when you inject these into your body."

Weather hands the Memories to the Enforcers, Finn receiving the Disco Memory, Ratso the Money Memory and Chou the Iceage Memory. Valmont looked to the GAIA Memory and pressed the button, -MASQUERADE- and injected the device into his neck, changing his head into a black and white mask and his clothes into a black suit. Valmont says, "So long lackies," and leaves the apartment.

Weather sigh and says, "Well with that reject gone, feel free to use the memories, however you want. Just beware, there is a Kamen Rider in town but three on one, in your favour, Good day," with that he vanished in a fog of smoke.

Finn was the first to speak, "Who does he think we are? A bunch of chumps."

Before the other two could speak a new figure appeared in a tornado of chains and shadows, what came of was a being of Chains and Shadows arrived before looking into the demon mirror and asks, "Is this them?" Chain points the mirror at the Enforcers.

It was then a new voice made its presence known, "Yes these are the humans with the experience in breaking into Section 13."

"Shen-dude?" Finn questioned.

Chain places the mirror into its chain styled coat and says, "I have a need of your services," Chain sees the humans grumbling about Chain made a circle with a chain that glowed gold before a stream of gold and jewels fell through and Chain says, "Advance payment to get me inside, I can get us out, after I get Terakudo's mask."

Chou looked at Chain and says, "Wait you are helping Shendu, why do you need Terakudo?"

"They all have debts that need to be repaid," Chain answered, "Do you accept?"

The three enforcers huddled up and whisper to one another before coming to an agreement, that Finn voiced, "Where in, if you double the score."

Chain simply nods as a second pile of Gold and Jewels appear next to the first. Chain then says, "We attack at night fall."

Unkle's Rare Finds

Issei and Jade return to her Unkle's shop to find a strange bike outside and a strange teen maning the counter with an annoyed look on his face. Menma looked at the two, and laughs lightly when the boy was shocked a second time, by the entrance. Once Menma calmed down, Menma spoke, "Welcome to the Old Goats Junk Store, I am his forced unpaid employment."

Jade looked at the man strangely and says, "Okay. Unkle I am back."

Unkle came out of the back reading his new book and says, "Oh Jade, This is Menma, he is spending a week here," "Against my WILL!" "He will be staying in the spare room," Unkle then focused on Issei, "Demon boy and Girl will find somewhere else."

Jade sighs and says, "They can stay with me."

Menma then speaks, "Well I would prefer to head home to New York."

Unkle would none of that, "Note says you here for Vacation, you work here for week, then leave."

Menma sighs and says, "There is nothing stopping me from leaving," that was when Unkle tried to flick him with two fingers, by ducking under Unkle's hand, "One More Thing, If you don't stop doing that I break a vase every time you do that," his glare told much.

Jade then asks, "Did Jackie get here with information on what was stolen from the Museum?"

As if playing a trick on her, Jackie arrived and says, "Unkle, some kind of demon stole a staff from the Museum."

Jackie raised some pictures that Unkle swiped, "Strange, Unkle does not recognise demon or inscriptions."

Jade looked at the pictures and her eyes widened, while Menma looked over her shoulder and spots Chain, and they both say at the same time, "Damn."

Unkle looked at the two and asks, "You recognise staff and demon?"

"Of course I recognise the staff, it belonged to the unnamed teacher of the Eight Immortals," Jade spoke first.

"Then we need to stop Chain," Menma spoke before asking, "Who are the eight Immortals?"

"The Eight Immortals, sealed the eight Demon Sorcerers centuries ago," Unkle answered.

Issei started rubbing his chin before asking, "Wait, are these Sorcerers still around?"

That was when, Jade, Unkle and Tohrus' eyes widened as Jade asks, "Would this Chain be able to release them?"

"Only Original Chi Wizards could know how to release them without the Pan'ku Box," Unkle shouts.

"Accept their teacher," Menma adds, "Great, I am on forced vacation and now Chain is about to release a bunch of magicians," he turns to Jade and asks, "Is there a place in San Francisco that would allow for Chain to perform any rituals?"

"Besides Section 13?" Jade spoke before she asks, "Who is Chain."

"The question is 'What is Chain?'," Menma answered before asking, "Is there anything at this 'Section 13' that holds great power or history?" Jade nods, "Then take me to Section 13," he walks through the door and suffers a small zap, while Issei and Jade follow him out of the store.

"Jade!" Jackie shouts only to slam into the closed door that slammed into his face by Jade.

Issei then says, "You two need any help?"

Jade stopped walking before she says, "If 'Chain' is going to release the demon siblings, them I need to grab something from my place."

Jade's Lab/apartment/workshop/research room-ten minutes later.

Jade unlocked seven separate locks, before opening the door revealing a lab revealing a black motorcycle located near a roller door, with a strange empty inlay at several points. At the other side of the motorcycle was a desk with written notes and designs for what appeared to be a belt buckle like device, along with different pieces of Technology.

Jade went to the bench where a black belt with an octagon shaped gap on the front, connected to a computer that shows one hundred percent simulations completed. She smiles and then grabs what appears to be a sword that she straps to her back.

Issei then asks the question bugging both him and Menma, "You built a driver?"

Jade looks to Issei and says, "This is going to be my mark on the world. But the final pieces, require something else," with that she presses the hidden button on the safe that causes the Safe to slide over and she opens the Safe to reveal a glass bottle with glowing green liquid.

"What are you planning?" Menma questioned before Jade pulled Menma and Issei towards the door.

"We need to get to Section 13, It is almost Sunset," Jade spoke as she pushed them outside to their bikes and gave them directions to Section 13.

Outside Section 13-Sunset.

A white Cadillac was parked a block away from Section 13, in the Driver's seat is Finn, tapping the GAIA memory on the steering wheel, while Chain disguised as a human, in his twenties with chain grey hair in the passenger seat. Ratso and Chou sit in the back seat.

They look ahead at their point of entry, an old parking lot, a couple feet away. Finn looked to Chain and asks, "So what did Shen-dude promise you?"

Chain was silent before answering, "The Demon Sorcerers and Terakudo have a debt to my master, but only Terakudo can succeed in bringing my Master to this realm." As the sun began to set, Chain stepped out and shifted into its true form and revealed the staff he had stolen from the Museum earlier. Chain throws the staff and then a Eyecon, where the two combined and created a being, wearing ancient robes over a shadowed body with blue spots for eyes.

Finn being the first to comment for the enforcers, "Wow."

Chain turns to Finn and says, "Lead Staff and me into Section 13." With that Finn, Chou and Ratso wearing black clothes and harnesses, led Chain and Staff into the Parking lot, where they enter the lowest basement floor that connects to a sewer entrance. Finn opens his gold locket that holds the key to the locked door. Chain then asks, "This is how you gained access? With a key?"

Finn sighs and says, "My cousin works in boiler maintenance, all the civil boilers have the same key to enter the room. Made a couple dozen copies," Finn opens the door and adds, "We just never told Velmont or Shen-dude."

Chain asks, "Any reason for that?"

"Self preservation," Chou answered.

"If Shendu or Velmont had learnt how we got in Section 13, they would straight up get rid of us," Ratso added, "Then there is the fact that those who would hire us would have just taken the key."

"And we would have loss our meal ticket," Finn added before opening the lock. The group of five entered the boiler room where they then walk to the back of the room, where Chou and Ratso pushed a supply closet while Finn extended his hand through the door and locked the door from the outside and placed the key to the side, where it can be retrieved at a later date.

Chain looked at the small gap in the wall that was covered by another closet, "Humans are idiots."

Ratso smiled before saying, "I can't complain," his smile appeared would piss off those who saw it. Chou then helped him move the janitor's closet from behind allowing the enforcers and Genma from entering Section 13. They then concealed the hole on both sides and opened the vent towards the roof and the group enters.

Outside the secret entrance of Section 13.

Jade, Issei and Menma arrived at the secret of Section 13, where Issei and Menme looked at the phone booth that acts as the secret entrance to an underground base. Menma looks to the entrance and says, "Well at least entrance no one will use by accident. Or that anyone finds it strange that use it," Jade and Issei looked at him strangely, "The secret entrance my 'team' uses is a detention hall."

Jade nods knowing the problems something like that, Issei not so much. Jade brought the two into the phone booth, and typed in the last code she had used, when Issei asks, "So why did you bring me, I mean all you have seen is me looking around town."

"And making yourself look like a target," Jade replied as she tries another code, "I don't know what you can do, but clearly you have been expecting something to happen."

Issei remains silent as what she said was the truth. Jade attempts a third code and it fails, she punches the wall behind the phone in irritation. Menma sighs and inputs the code, 15145-52654-517125-007, the result was the phone booth being pulled into wall behind the phone consol that pulls the occupants. They shot through the halls that change direction by ninety degrees, before being launched out at the end to see, a large group of Section 13 agents aiming at them with guns.

Agent Black shouts, "Hold your fire, it's just Jade and a couple friends," Black sighs, "Jade, I know you can't be here."

Jade sighs and says, "I know, but someone stole a staff from the Museum today and I have information that there is a high possibility some demons arriving."

"Jade," Agent Black started before -Menma sends a message- Agent Black's phone went off and he hears a voice he did not expect, when the call finished Agent Black says, "I believe you, and apparently so does the head of SHEILD."

"Where is the TeraKudo Mask?" Jade asks as the four head to the vault.

"Safe," Agent Black says sure of himself.

Issei then asks, "When you say mask, do you mean a mask filled with magic?"

Agent Black stops and says, "Why yes, it is locked in the Vault," his eyes twitch to his office.

Issei looks in that direction and asks, "So there isn't say, a copy hidden in the vault while the real one is located where you can see it."

That was when Jade's eyes widen and whispers, "It is," that was when they hear a loud crashing coming from Black's office.

Once they reach the room, Menma goes to open the door when the door is launched into him and sends him flying back. Black aims his gun into his office before he was disarmed violently, his dominant hand bleeding and broken. Issei pulls the agent out of the way of the door before summoning a red armoured gantlet covering his left arm up to his elbow. Issei then shouts into the room, "I suggest you surrender, or we will have to use force!"

Jade looks at him strangely before a voice that she recognised was heard, "Fat chance," was the intelligent insult made by the enforcer.

Jade sighs, "What do you know the Dark Hand Enforcers, the only idiots that break into Section 13, without the smarts to pull it off."

"Great the Chan junior is here," Finn spoke before Menma stands.

"Chain, why are you here?" Menma shouts in question that also leads Chain, the new Genma and the Enforcers to come out of Black's Office.

At the sight of Chain and Staff, Issei reached inside his jacket, as he speaks, "So whats the take, I mean, you break into a government facility, what was the point?" Chain looked at Issei before flinging chain whips at him. Issei pulled Jade out of the way, before asking Jade as they took cover, "If they take the mask, what will happen?" when he asks the question.

Chain speaks to the Enforcers, "If you can't fight stay out of our way."

With that the Enforcers pulled out the GAIA memories, and activated them, -DISCO- -MONEY- -ICEAGE- and the three turned into strange creatures. Disco was an exaggerated disco suit over a bulky frame with a disco ball for a head. Money was gold with holes that held gold coins. IceAge was white and covered in spikes, like a frozen hedgehog. Money swings a golden rod and runs forward with the other Enforcers.

Menma growled before going to punch Disco, only for Disco to spin and unbalanced Menma went tumbling past the Dopant. Menma barrel rolled towards Chain and went straight to the two Genma.

Chain blocked Menma and shouts "Start releasing the demons" Staff nods and starts its task by jumping over the railing.

Menma gets past Chain only for Chain to ensnare Menma with a chain around his wrist. Menma began punching Chain as Chain forced Menma in close.

Issei places a red and silver device to his waist that creates a belt around his body, before pulling out a black and purple USB and presses a button, -JOKER- is placed the GAIA memory into his belt and says, "Henshin!" swiping his right arm over the driver and knocking the activation switch. The result was black fragments that combined into a armoured suit. Joker then speaks, "Kamen Rider Joker," The Enforcers looked at Joker, "Now, Count up your sins."

With his piece said he punches with his red gauntlet to Disco's head cracking the glass, with that IceAge and Money attacked Joker and pushed him back. Jade ran for the stairs, and headed down towards Staff.

Chain continued to fight Menma, before Unkle, Tohru and Jackie arrived from the stairs outside. Jackie and Tohru went straight to Agent Black as he clutched his injured arm. Unkle looked to Chain and spots, the Mask of Terakudo, on Chain's waist and shouts, "Jackie, don't let new evil destroy mask and release ShadowKhan army!"

Menma freezes at that and shouts, "What possessed you to shout that near the creatures that want the mask, and would willingly do just that!"

Chain appeared to smirk before using the chain to send Menma flying towards a wall. Menma presses a button on the side of an eye like device, that summons a ghost like belt, that he inserts the eye into the belt. –KAIGAN! KITSUNE!- and an orange body suit with black lines, an orange and black short sleeve jacket with hood covered, with a black masked helmet with orange eyes and silver horn. The result was Kitsune smashing through a stone wall.

Chain smiles and takes the mask of Terakudo, and drops it to the floor before stomping the mask into dust releasing deep shadows spread along the floor. From the shadow raised the form of a red demon with white facial hair, a loud deep laugh is heard before Terakudo speaks, "I am free!"

Chain then speaks up, "Consume the world and pay your debt to Lord Trigon!"

Terakudo looks to Chain and smirks, "Well that was the agreement," Terakudo spoke, before he looked to the Chans, smirks and says, "Rise my ShadowKhan armies," what happened was a hundred shadow ninjas raised out of the ground, and attacked the agents around the base. Terakudo looked at his hands before noticing a ShadowKhan ninja went beyond a hundred meters before evaporating. TeraKudo looked to Unkle and Tohru, and shouts, "What did you two Chi wizards do to me!?"

The Chans raised an eyebrow each and Unkle says, "What, all we did was seal all your power in Mask," Unkle's no nonsense response through everyone through a loop.

Terakudo then shouts, "THEN WHO STOLE MY POWER!?" Terakudo looked around before asking, "Where is the girl?"

SECTION 13-Vehicle Bay-Below the battle.

Staff summoned the staff that was used in its creation, then pierced the ground and began chanting that created a glyph, then adding hand movements that made several shapes until a green circular portal with red flames inside, before two pairs of hands came through, revealing a tan dragon with green loin cloth, and a green dragon with tentacles, wings and blue and red clothing.

These are Shendu, the fire demon sorcerer and his son, Drago, who had absorbed the chi of his aunts and uncles, to be on the same level as his father.

Shendu was the first to speak, "Section 13, Trigon's slave could not open the portal somewhere else, preferably away from the Chans!" he shouts towards the end.

Drago then speaks, "What scared they will seal you in stone again?"

Shendu glares at his son and adds, "You listen boy, the only reason you were freed with me was because of our last battle as enemies," Shendu then proceeds to flick Drago on the forehead, "Now stop insulting me." Before he feels the one thing he dreaded most, "No!" and starts running in terror, to reveal Jade with glowing green hands and pulls out three stone talismans.

"Jade?" Drago looked at the Chinese girl and says, "Well time sure flies when you are stuck in a timeless VOID!" he attacked Jade with fire.

Jade crossed her arms to block before the fire hit and once the fire passed, Jade was uninjured. Jade looked at the Talismans she had to see, Dog for Immortallity, Rabit for Speed and Dragon for the power of Combustion. Jade smiled before blasting Drago with the Dragon Talisman before she used the Rabot Talisman to steal the rest of Shendu's talismans. Shendu transforms into a stone disk statue that Jade spins after completing one final task.

Drago then spots Jade running with the Rabit Talisman. Drago looks to the statue that was his father, and says, "Well you were useless," expecting an insult in return, he became confused when one did come back, "Whats wrong? Chan got your tongue?" Drago turned the statue around so that the front was facing him, what he saw caused him to scream like a girl, at the sight of Shendu's stone prison without a head. Drago then realised what happened before he charged to the catwalk above and shouts, "Jade? Come out and play! If you return my father's head I will make your death instant."

What Drago saw was Terakudo and Chain fighting Kitsune, the enforcers as monsters fighting a black armoured Kamen Rider Joker, the Chans chanting spells. Staff stands next to Drago before slaming its staff to the ground and all the intruders, minus Joker and Kitsune vanished in green mist. Kitsune was in mid punch when Chain vanished, almost causing him to fall over the railing below.

Jackie runs forward and shouts, "Where is JADE!?"

Ravel steps out from the stair's door and says, "Something sped past me at the top of the stairs."

Unkle looked over the railing and shouts, "Hyah, Shendu's body in sealed state," with that the two Chans, Tohru and Black went down stairs, while Ravel, Joker and Kitsune went to the phone booth, and hear Unkle scream in shock as they went through the passage.

Jade's lab-Five minutes later

Jade finished running across town, night fully claiming the city, knowing her Unkle, he would have revealed the secret to free Terakudo which could double as a distraction for her to get back to her temporary base. Once inside the door she touched glyphs written onto the wall that glowed green sealing the place away from all magic based entry.

Jade walked to her desk and placed the green liquid on the desk with all twelve talismans. Once done she heads to a bench on the other side of the lab and opened her coat, to reveal the severed stone head of Shendu. Shendu appeared to be dead before dead except that she could hear light groans of pain, proving that Shendu was still alive, but just a head. So she placed the head on a book stand on the bench before she knocks on its forehead and says, "Wake up Shendu!"

Shendu groaned before opening his eyes, and spotted Jade, "Chan!" before spewing fire towards the girl.

Jade dodged, before face palming and placing a paper seal on the back of Shendu's head. Jade then started an interrogation of the Fire Demon Sorcerer, "Why where you and Drago freed at the same time as Terakudo?"

Shendu glared at the Chan, "Why should I tell you child?"

"Because, I want to know why you did not betray those who freed you, especially when if you had you would get the whole world to yourself," Jade countered, "I mean the Dark Hand, Xaio Long, your siblings the first time."

Shendu growls and says, "My siblings and son made a deal for all of us, I had no say."

Jade's back was to the main door, when the knocking started, she ignored them and says, "What deal?"

Shendu was silent before he says, "My siblings had made contracts for power when we first had control of the world, I was the only sorcerers that looked to other avenues for power, instead of making a deal with the demon of betrayal."

Menma with his hands on Ravel and Isseis' shoulders phased through the door to see the distracted Jade, while Shendu spotted them. Jade asks, "What was the deal?"

Shendu spoke with confidence, "They made a deal with Trigon, for power in exchange for their aid in freeing Trigon."

Menma stands next to Jade, scaring the crap out of her and having her pat her chest in shock. Menma then asks, "If you didn't make a deal with Trigon, why did they free you?"

Jade calmed down enough to say, "That was the only way to free them," Menma looked to Jade, "The only spell that could free them works in sequence, Shendu and Drago were sealed at the same time and," Jade's eyes widen before she shouts, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE!? The doors are sealed with magic, so that no one could get in here physically of with magic! Hell the walls were painted with onion juice mixed into the paint."

Menma just shakes his head and says, "I can become intangible for a couple seconds, great for a sudden defence is needed. Can you please now explain the spell?"

Issei shook his head and says, "Tingly." While Ravel looked green.

Jade sighs and says, "There is two components needed to perform the spell, the staff that guy was using and the knowledge to perform that spell," Jade then opened the front of her safe and shows the stone tome, "That is all written in this."

Shendu spotted the Tome and exclaims, "The book of the Immortal Teacher? Why do you have this object of power?"

Jade sat back in front of Shendu and says, "I am the only person who has seen it, and been able to read it. So I told everyone it was fake."

Shendu looks into her eyes and says, "Smart, the knowledge in that text could destroy all of reality or just the walls separating realms. Have you reached the section on the creation of Talismans?"

Jade looked Shendu in the eyes and says, "Yes, which is why I want to ask you," there was a pause, "To help me."

Shendu looked at her determined look and straight up laughs, "Me help a human?" Shendu returns his focus to Jade and see her still determined, "What do I get in exchange?"

Jade smirked lightly, "Jackie thinks of me as nothing but a child, claiming everything is too dangerous. And he took away a future I had seen for myself," Shendu would have raised an eyebrow at that, if he could move, "I saw a future where I got what I wanted most. He practically killed the future version of me that came to the past to stop your son."

Shendu spoke, "He should not have done that. The only reason I changed the past was out of desperation that is why I only changed one line about our original sealing. Changing the future and the past with a single action could be catastrophic."

Issei then spoke, "Great, not only do I have three Dopants to deal with but demons as well. Why could this not wait until after I got that locator spell," he leaned on a bench as his red armoured hand scratched his head.

"You think you have it bad, I am here instead of home with my girlfriend," Menma spoke, "All because some dumb ass decided to host a world's deadliest game with lunatics." (;P)

Jade growled and says, "Hey, trying to make a deal here," she then turned back to Shendu and says, "You did not make a deal with this Trigon, so why help him?"

"You saw the result of what happened when I failed to return them to their former glory," Shendu spoke, "Being reborn was my best chance to escape and I succeeded. Drago being born was another matter, I had no control over that. Seriously, I never found humans appealing in that matter," Jade glared at Shendu with a blush, "In any event, what are my choices, if my Siblings discover I was turned to stone, they would just destroy my body. Or I help you and spend the rest of my existence as a stone ornament on some wall," Shendu made some clicking sounds with his nonexistent tongue and says, "Yeah I will work with you, but no Jackie Chan."

Jade smirks and says, "Deal, and if you think I would just hang you on some wall. You are mistaken," She retrieves a small vial of magic dust with an exact amount a dust grains, "Shendu," she tilts the vial so that the contents falls out and she blows the dust on Shendu resulting in Shendu shrinking to the size of a Talisman, "This way, I can always keep an eye on you."

Jade places Shendu in a special holder that stays around her neck, "Intriguing," Shendu spoke normally, "This spell normally turns the victim into an ant."

"One of my best spells," Jade speaks, "Now for us to stop the revival of the Sorcerers," she goes to the bench holding the Talismans, placing the sword next to them as well as the belt device. Jade then takes the Dragon Talisman and places it in the Octagonal slot on the belt, this gave the buttons colour. Three horizontal buttons to the right of the Talisman, and two vertical buttons to the left of the Talisman. The buttons on the right had pictures from top to bottom of a flaming foot, a sword and a motorcycle. The buttons on the left had octagons in both only the one closer to the Talisman was hollow.

Issei looked at the device and asks, "Did you build this?" Jade nods in the affirmative, "Why?"

Jade places the Rooster Talisman of Levitation into the octagon slot on the sword and says, "In preparation for a Greater Evil. But really I was just preparing for when someone was dumb enough to release the already defeated evil again."

Menma looks at the Driver and says, "Well, I have your back if this goes south, I mean win or lose, people will want to talk to you," he was cryptic about the who that caused Jade to nod in understanding.

Issei was about to say something before his phone went off. He pulled out a large flip phone and says, "Hey Rias, I am just waiting on the spell I will be a couple more days," he was silent for a second, "Yeah bumped into a couple Dopants, I will place the seal if I need the Roller." He then went a distance from the three other teens.

Ravel spoke, "I am sorry, my King was only expecting to have to wait for the Locator Spell and probably be in the dog house with his girlfriends."

Menma nods while Jade comments, "Talk about playing the field."

Menma then speaks, "We need to know where Chain and the other Genma is, otherwise we can't stop them."

Jade rubbed her chin in thought and says, "Well the spell requires time and space to perform. Especially for the larger demons," with that she turned her laptop on.

Menma leans over her shoulder and asks, "What about that Terakudo? Chain went to a lot of trouble to get him."

Jade smirks and says, "He used to have the ability to send the Earth to a shadow dimension, before I stole some of his power," Jade looks to Menma and says, "All that power in one place, talk about a disaster waiting to happen," She says that last bit as she looks to her safe, "Plus, we will need to stock up on Onions and a plan."

Levi's Stadium-an hour later

Staff Charges the Glyph once again to summon the next Demon Sorcerer, out came a large grey frog with blue grey armour, and known as the Wind Demon, Xiao Fung. He was the seventh Demon Sorcerer released, the only demons still in the vicinity was, the Water Demon Bai Tza, the Sky demon Hsi Wu, The Earth Demon Dai Gui and Drago, Terakudo discovered that his Generals were gone and that his control was shot, meaning that he needed to have new Generals, which is where the Demon Sorcerers were with Terakudo receiving an army of ShadowKhan each, Bai Tza receiving the SquidKhan, Hsi Wu receiving the BatKhan, Dai Gui received the SumoKhan and Drago receiving Ninja ShadowKhan like his father. The Dopant Enforcers were messing with their new abilities on random pieces of the area.

The Thunder Demon Tchang Zu and the Moon Demon Tso Lan, left as soon as they were free, their pride had them refuse the offer of the power, saying they would not need it. They vanished after receiving the offer but listened to Chain, when they had accepted that they needed to lay low.

In the upper levels of Levi's Stadium, Jade, Menma, Issei and Ravel watched the demons from afar, for five minutes before Jade asks, "You four remember the plan?" and receives four vocal agreements.

Menma speaks, "I will handle Chain and his Genma, but take on one or two of the demon Sorcerers."

Issei looked down, "I have the Enforcers, deal pot shots and Hsi Wu," he placed his belt on his waist.

Ravel looked to the field below them and says, "I will send pot shots at the shadow people."

"How long will it take for those Section 13 guys to arrive?" Menma questions he then looked to the green vial and adds, "Will this stuff work on that Drago?"

Jade shrugs and says, "I can give it a try, but if all else fails destroy that staff," she then pours some of the Talisman removal spell on her hand, and Menma and Issei's hands, before they rubbed the spell over both their hands. "Let's go, she had the Rabit Talisman in hand she ran through the group of demons plus Terakudo, and came through with two spheres, one with a lotus blossom inside and the other with Castinets.

Drago looked the same when he shouts, "Jade, where is your uncles, you know for a real fight," what happened next was a thunder bolt slamming into his stomach from the Castinet Sphere, or as it will be know, the Thunder sphere.

Jade then points the Moon Sphere at Bai Tza, and the demon was raised into the air before being rocketed towards Navada. Her departure was witnessed by several Section 13 agents, two Chi wizards and a concerned parental figure.

Dai Gui dug into the ground and vanished from the battle while Hsi Wu, decided to taunt Jade, "Well short stuff," he froze as he got a good look at the petite and attractive Chinese teen, "You definitely have undergone an improvement," he smiles before summoning a group of humanoid bats that go to capture Jade, "How about we go on a date."

The Batkhan were then burst by orbs of fire from the stadium. Drago stands to reveal that the tendrils and the oversized arms were gone, he looks at himself before roaring at Jade, what happened next was Menma phasing through Drago and holding another four orbs, the symbols of a drum for Mountain, a flower for Earth, a flute for Sky and a gourd for Water. With these four spheres removed Drago change into a more humanoid green lizard with a long tail. Drago looked to Menma and his mouth ignited with flame before he was tackled from behind by Issei, with his hand in Drago's back before he pulled out on last sphere with a sword. Drago looked to Issei and blows smoke from his mouth. Issei simply decks him with an armoured fist.

Issei, Jade and Menma stood with their backs to each other as the Enforcers, ShadowKhan, demon Sorcerers and Chain, surrounded them. Terakudo stepped into the shadows and vanished from the battle, while Xiao Fong burped an flew away backwards away from the stadium.

This was the sight, that Jackie sees from the top of the stands and shouts, "Jade," in a panic, before the Section 13 agents arrived, along with Unkle and Tohru armed with Blowfish. Ravel then created a circle of fire before launching a barrage of fireballs towards Hsi Wu who took to the sky to avoid the blasts.

Menma raised an eye shaped device, while Issei raised his JOKER memory, -JOKER- -KAIGAN- Jade presses the full Octagon button as Issei and Menma insert their devices to their drivers, "Henshin!" the two boys said while Jade says, "ZhuanBian!(Chinese)"

-KITSUNE!- -JOKER!- -LONG!(Chinese for Dragon, with Shendu's voice.)-

Menma transforms into his orange armoured form known as Kamen Rider Kitsune.

Issei, becoming Kamen Rider Joker.

Jade' s body was covered in a full body black suit with cavities on the hands, feet, lower and upper legs, upper arms, shoulders and upper back, along with a circle on the top of the helmet that sports a silver mouth piece. Red energy then sparks along her body before her shins, forearms and back were covered in red scales, on her helmet a Chinese style dragon head with moustache tendrils falling to each side of her head like her hair, at the end of her hands and feet had dragon talons at the tips, of her fingers and feet tips.

Kitsune looked over his shoulder to Jade and asks, "You have a name?"

Jade shrugged before saying, "Used to go as T-girl, but I think I will go as Talis."

"Kamen Rider Talis," Joker replied, "That should work."

Kitsune nods before says, "You both better survive this," with that the three riders charge forward, Joker towards the Enforcers, Kitsune towards Chain and Talis towards Drago and the ShadowKhan ninjas.

With Ravel, Unkle and Tohru.

Ravel continued her barrage of fire balls towards Hsi Wu, as Hsi Wu growls on as he is forced to fly as fast as the ancient demon could, which was as fast as the fastest supersonic jetfighter, the Blackbird. Unkle and Tohru took pot shots at the BatKhan that tried to strike the young heiress. Ravel just continued to fire the fire balls towards the Sky demon.

"Sensei, these ShadowKhan are very disorganised," Tohru spoke.

Ravel answered with, "That is because part of Terakudo's power was taken from him. He needed new Generals."

Unkle eyebrow rose before he says, "Then Demon Sorcerers be possible replacements, but who would steal Shadow Chi?"

Tohru was the first to speak, "Sensei," he blasts another BatKhan, "There is only one other who could have taken that power, taking such a risk and she was there when he was first sealed."

With that Unkle eyes widen before he shouts, "Jade!?"

With Joker and the Enforcers.

Joker was dodging strikes from Money's staff and kicks from Disco, while IceAge took pot shots at a distance. Joker was knocked back by Money, before having to dodge the attack from Disco. Joker then placed Disco in a full nelson when IceAge, went to freeze Joker in a glacier, but froze Disco instead. Money went in for a swipe but hit Disco instead with his staff.

Once Joker got some distance from the Enforcers, with Disco recovering, Joker raised an orange and blue GAIA memory with the letter N on the side, and a green GAIA Memory with the letter C. Joker activates the two Memories, -NAZCA- -CYCLONE- He then inserts the NAZCA memory into the slot on his chest and the CYCLONE memory into the slot on his hip.

The result was Joker receiving orange and blue stripes over parts of his body and the purple details turning green before two small wing frames sprouted from his back before green energy shot from them giving him clear green glowing wings, and a white scarfs off his shoulders.

Joker then floated up and says, "Let's see you handle the speed," he vanished and appeared kicking Disco in the face, "Of light," before vanishing again. Joker then reappeared a simple short sword, with a memory slot in the hilt. (CycloneJokerXtreme's sword without the sword.) Joker inserted the Joker Memory –JOKER MAXIMUM DRIVE!- and slashed through Money and IceAge resulting in Ratso to fall unconscious and Chou screaming on the ground with severe frost bite. Disco jumped in the air, and spins for a flying kick, only for Joker to vanish and appear behind Disco, -NAZCA! MAXIMUM DRIVE!- he had replaced the Joker memory with the NAZCA memory before saying, "CYCLONE SLASH!" and destroyed Finn's Memory and left him unconscious between his fellow Enforcers.

Joker then looked up and shot forward into the sky, leaving the Enforcers to be taken into custody.

With Kitsune vs Chain-near Staff.

Kitsune was doing everything he could to get past Chain, even letting the Genma strike him to counter the attack to get past. Unfortunately Chain's version of attack is to ensnare its opponent, before crushing the life out of the victim.

Kitsune used his gun dagger and Kunai to cut and deflect the chains for several minutes before the entire stadium shook as a giant portal opened and a pair of green hands started pulling the owner's body through.

Kitsune looked between Chain and looked to the Green Giant pushing their way through the portal. He growls as Chain appears to smirk and says, "Well I win."

Kitsune takes a deep breath before pulling out a white Eyecon with red and blue line. He then switching the Kitsune Soulcon with the new Eyecon. –Kaigan! UltraKitsune!- Kitsune ran towards the portal as the demons face was revealed through the portal. Kitsune steps began to shack the ground before Kitsune started to grow to the height of the demon coming through the portal with his coat being replaced with a white coat with red and blue stripes but the same style as his regular Kitsune coat, while his face remained the same only with to horns slicked back over the top of his helmet. The Mountain demon was about to place her foot over the threshold, before an orange gauntlet punched her in the face and held her in the portal while Staff appeared to struggle to hold the portal open.

With Talis vs Drago, then Talis and Kitsune Vs Chain and Staff.

Talis struggled against Drago's physical attacks, and struggled with Drago's tail as it would trip the teenager whenever he managed to distract the younger teenager. Talis, ignited her hands in flames before clawing at Drago, and leaving a light scratch on his arm before Jackie kicked Drago in the face and got between the demon and his niece.

Jackie then spoke, "Jade, stay behind me," as he got in a stance.

Talis glared at her uncle and lets Drago fight him, while she ran towards Staff and was blocked by Chain. Talis took her sword and taps the Rooster Talisman where it speaks, -Gongji- before Chain struggled to hit the new rider, as its chains would change direction without Chain's consent. Chain got between Talis and Staff as Jade noticed a red light on Kitsune's chest. So with that she presses the sword button on her belt before the blade ignited with fire. She goes for a sideways, slash before pulling the trigger on the sword, causing the blade to follow her movements as she swung the blade towards Staff's staff, and sliced the staff in half, with the top half coming with the sword blade straight back to Talis.

She catches the top half of the staff, and attaches it to her belt before Chain increased the level of attack.

The Mountain Demon Sorcerer screams as the portal closes removing one of the demons hand, falls to the ground while Kitsune fell back onto the stands as he shrank down to normal size and sitting in the stands before turning back into Menma.

Talis looked at him, when he sent her a thumbs up, she sighs in relief before having to dodge Chain. While Staff appeared to crack before turning to dust and its Eyecon bursting, disabiling Chain's ability to reuse it. With that Chain silently vanish in a tornado of chains. Talis sighs before she hears Jackie, "Jade," before Drago kicked him towards Talis' feet.

"Well, Jade let's see you took my power, you beheaded my father and now you decide to let your Uncle Jackie, get the crap beaten out of him," Drago commented, "A girl after my own heart."

"Screw you Drago," Talis spoke, "Shouldn't you be running away, before Section 13 puts you in a fire proof cell, again."

Drago smirked and says, "See you around," he made a kissy face before running off.

Talis looked to Joker to see him in a dog fight with Hsi Wu, going faster then she could follow without the Rabit Talisman. She looks down at the Section 13 agents heading towards her, and starts running to the bikes.

With Joker-Five Minutes earlier.

After taking out the Enforcers, Joker flew into the sky and slashed Hsi Wu back forcing him scream in pain, before focusing on the fast moving Joker. As the demon went to attack, Joker dodged and Hsi Wu had fire balls slammed into his face. Hsi Wu, glared at Ravel before smirking.

Hsi Wu shouts, "I think these belong to you," he flew to Ravel, captured her and placed her between himself and the fireballs.

Ravel sighs while Joker crosses his arms and watched. Ravel spoke, "Ever since I joined Issei," the fire balls went around them and hit Hsi Wu in the back, "I never miss."

Hsi Wu then ran through the Stadium while summoning a hundred Bat Khans to distract Joker, Ravel, Unkle and Tohru, and even attacking the Section 13 Agents.

Everywhere in the stadium.

The BatKhan attacked everyone, even the resting Menma, who simple punched the Bat Khan as he stood up annoyed, before vanishing in a swirl of leaves. Joker sped through all of the Bat Khan, slashing as he went until the NAZCA memory flashed red, before he transformed back to his base form with the green accents and fell to the stands, destroying several chairs. Ravel rushed to him and he hands her the sphere he retrieved, before she flew off with flaming wings.

With Talis, as she reached the bikes/Menma vanishing.

Talis reached her black bike that was styled like her suit without the Dragon cosmetics. What she saw was Menma holding the four spheres he collected and when Talis was close enough he handed them to her and says, "If you are ever in New York," before handing her a card that advertised a bar called, 'Devil May Cry', "Feel free to say hello."

Ravel then lands and gives her the last sphere, "If either of you are anywhere near Japan, please stop by the town of Kouh, stop by and I will make you some tea." With that said Section 13 agents were heading towards them and she hands Talis her address.

Menma looks at them and gets off Talis' bike and says, "Get going I will distract them while you clear your lab out, the last thing you need is someone trying to mass produce that suit."

Talis got on her bike and inserted the Rabbit Talisman. –TUZI- Talis looked to Menma and says, "Thanks, see you two at a later date," with that her bike gains a Rabbit head for headlights, before she drove away so fast that it made a miniature sonic boom.

Menma and Ravel groaned on the ground before saying, "This happens every time I meet new people."

The Questioning-Menma

Menma sat there looking annoyed at Coulson and says, "The reason I helped was because her freedom of choice had a large shit taken over it already, and the last thing she needed was for her to be in my situation."

Coulson sighs, "Menma you were given the choice-"

"That I refused before that one eyed birdie with the fixation with number seven, decided to play the law card," Menma spoke in anger, "Frankly I am still pissed that it wasn't me he threatened."

"Then what do you think Miss Chan plans to do with the Driver?" Coulson questioned.

"I don't know. What I do know is that it is her choice."

Jade's Lab-the day after the battle at Levi's Stadium.

Jackie Chan had just arrived at Jade's Lab with Tohru, Unkle and a couple Section 13 Agents. The Agents smashed the door open with SWAT gear to find the Lab empty all the paper work relating to Jade's armour destroyed, while all her translations where kept intact and her safe empty from both doors.

Jackie looked around until she found a note from Jade and reads aloud, "Jackie, if you are reading this, then you finally woke up from getting knocked out by Drago. Don't try and find me, because you won't find me." Jackie falls to his Knees and begins to cry.

With Jade-Las Vagus

Jade can be seen in the Driver's seat of a Winnebago, at the back was her Bike that could be lowered to reveal a queen size bed. (Think a tour bus, only with the Band equipment replaced with a miniature lab, a decent sized bath room and a stocked Kitchen with dining table that can be folded into another bed. With the entrance being in the middle on the side of the bus.) The outside was a basic creamy white and on the roof had an interesting communication system, which in truth was a satellite television system. Her Driver and sword resting on the passenger seat.

Jade with a determined look as she looks forward and says, "This is just the beginning."

:End of Chapter One:

(Well that is it for the first Chapter of the Jackie Chan Adventures X Kamen Rider OC and I checked there is no Kamen Rider Talis, and this story will be Jade focused with Jackie Bashing, in the written sense not in the physical. =P

The villains will by the Majority of the Demon Sorcerers, TeraKudo, Drago and maybe Daolon Wong. But I may add a couple OCs or lesser known villains from JCA.

As Jade is Chinese, the driver, weapons and equipment uses Chinese words.

Here is some information on the affiliation and Talismans.

Talisman-Chinese translation=Ability



Tiger-Hu=Yin and Yang, dividing good and evil




Pig-Zhu=Heat beam eyes


Rat-Shu=Motion to the motionless, animate immobile objects.


Sheep-Yang=astral projection

Monkey-Hou=animal transformation.

Shadow Khans-General

Ninja Khan-Drago

Razor Khan-Xiao Fung

Bat Khan-Hsi Wu

Sumo Khan-Dai Gui

Samurai Khan-NA

Squid Khan-Bai Tza

Crab Khan-NA

Mini Khan-NA

Mantis Khan-NA



Chi Spheres


Well that is all for now please review and comment, an apology for any spoilers once again. Please leave a review and comment, without spoiling the story for others, flamers will be ignored and made fun of.

Until Next Time... Beware The Wraith!)