Meet the Family

AN: Holy Schneet did I make this long... AAAND cue face palm. Anyway, I was wondering how to write the first meeting... and... well, see for yourself.

It had been about a week since Dahlia joined team RWBY, and the team has finally gotten used to her for the most part. Although, Yang still had episodes of feeling inadequate as a woman, even though she knew that it's not about what you have, it's how you use them. Still, part of her couldn't help but pray to have even bigger pair.

Physique aside, Dahlia is very nice. A clear contrast to Weiss. Something that the other girls still point out. Though even Weiss had to admit that Dahlia is... tolerable to say the least. Evidenced by the fact that the heiress actually went and did something that made the rest of the team laugh their heads off.

Anyway, the classes were over for the day and the team had decided to take a walk around Vale. Each with a different reason.

For Ruby... she wanted parts to rebuild Crescent Rose. Despite having Roze, she still felt compelled to rebuild her baby. To Yang's amusement, Roze looked a little jealous when Ruby talked about her first weapon with clear affection.

Anyway, for Weiss... she had decided that Dahlia would need clothes, much to the ice Blade's confusion. "What's wrong with my clothes?" was the question that came out of her, and Weiss did't feel like explaining the concept of "public decency". At least, not without feeling insanely awkward for having to explain it to a woman that looked older than her.

Blake wanted to buy a new book she had been waiting for. Of course, Yang had to accuse her of it being a smut book. Which Blake denied, as usual.

Yang herself... she just didn't have anything better to do.

Anyway, right now, Weiss was in a clothing store with Dahlia. Sadly... it seemed like none of the clothes fit the busty Blade. Surprisingly, the said bust was only part of the reason. The bigger problem was that she can't put pants on, because of the claws that act as high heels get in the way when she tries to put them on. And when someone suggested clipping them... Dahlia looked so horrified that Weiss had to try and comfort her. So instead, they were trying skirts, but it seemed like no matter what they tried, none of them looked good on her. Anyway, Dahlia's impressive bust did get in the way when she had to try some of the shirts, tops etc. With anything that had long sleeves, her hands barely fit through, and the sleeves themselves felt tight around forearms because of her fur.

And that's not even counting the last and what should've been the most obvious of the problems. "This skirt is pressing against my tail, like all the others," Dahlia complained in clear discomfort, as she tried to move the offending cloth upwards. Only for it to slide back down.

Weiss sighed at that. "I should've realized that," the heiress of the Schnee company lamented. Unfortunately, this particular store doesn't sell clothes that accommodate faunus of any kind. In fact, if Weiss wasn't a Schnee, the store wouldn't have let Dahlia in for being a "filthy animal". That's not even counting the fact that a police officer stopped them earlier, thinking Dahlia was a... "paid escort". Something that irritated Weiss, and Dahlia to lesser extent, surprisingly.

"I still don't understand what's wrong with my appearance. I'm a Blade, we don't always appear like humans think," Dahlia said as she had enough of the torture on the small tuft of fur on her back.

"Blades are new to Remnant," Weiss said patiently, "Not everyone can understand that." Then the heiress felt a little guilty about what she was going to say next, "The fact that people think you're a faunus doesn't help either."

That made Dahlia frown, "Blake mentioned that humans and faunus have a bad history with each other." Then the woman came closer to Weiss, "It's also my understanding that... your family's company uses them as cheap labor." It was clear that Dahlia didn't like pointing that out, but she also didn't like the possibility of it being true.

Weiss looked around the store to see if anyone heard what Dahlia said. Thankfully it looked like the workers, as well as other customers were trying to stay away from them. "...Can we talk about this somewhere else," Weiss asked with a down cast look. The topic of her family's... controversy is a very sore topic for her after all.

Understanding that much, Dahlia agreed. And with that, the two exited the store.

"Finally it left," one of the workers said in annoyance at having to tolerate a faunus.

"Why isn't the government doing anything? Everyone knows that the creatures of Grimm are harmless compared to those freaks," another complained.

Thankfully, Dahlia or Weiss couldn't hear them anymore.

Few minutes later, Dahlia and Weiss find themselves in a cafe. Thankfully, this establishment is faunus friendly. Although the owner was a little hesitant to let Dahlia inn, due to her... appearance. Thankfully it didn't take too much to convince that Dahlia is no trouble for anyone. Though Weiss had to wonder... since the world of Alrest, where all the Blades supposedly came from, has had Blades for ages, does that mean that the people can dress however they want without any consequences. Or are the Blades simply exempt from any kind of dress code.

"So...," Dahlia started as she sipped on a tea she had ordered, while Weiss had a coffee. "Before you start again, I want you to know that I won't force you if you don't feel like talking," Dahlia said with a sincere look.

Weiss appreciated the sentiment. "Thank you, but I'm fine." But she wasn't going to stop now. "As you know, I'm the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. The largest producer of energy propellant in the world," Weiss began her explanation, before frowning, "However... as you may have guessed, my father... he has been operating in the morally gray area to gain profit."

Dahlia nodded with a frown, "The way you say it gives me the impression it hasn't always been so."

"You would be right," Weiss said, now feeling better as she talked about the next part, "The company started small with my grandfather. He went to a huntsman academy, but dropped out to learn about business and Dust mining." Weiss had grown up with the stories of her grandfather from the family butler Klein, and she felt very proud to be related to someone like that, "It was all so that he could oversee the mining operations himself. While also protecting people working for him from any Grimm attacks single handedly."

Dahlia chuckled at Weiss' enthusiasm. "Your grandfather sounds like a great man," Dahlia said, taking a sip of her tea. "But I take it things changed when your father took over," the ice Blade said with a frown.

"Yes," Weiss sounded out, ashamed of her father's policies, "Letting my father marry into the family was his greatest mistake."

That surprised Dahlia a little, to hear that Weiss' father was not a Schnee by blood, but through marriage. Still... "How so?" Dahlia was interested even though she had an idea.

Weiss took a sip of her coffee before she felt like talking. "My father... he rose the Schnee company to what it is today through some... questionable means, one of which you have heard already," the Schnee heiress said as she was getting to the topic that almost made her an anti-faunus, "Because of that, the White Fang have been at war with my family. As in, actual bloodshed." At this point Weiss clenched her hands tightly around her cup, "Family friends going missing, exectuives dying, and every time father always came home angry."

Dahlia placed one of her hands gently over Weiss'. "I'm sorry... This must bring you bad memories," the Blade said to her distressed Driver.

"Thank you." Those words didn't even begin to describe how she felt right now for Dahlia listening without judging. "But that's not what's important. Someday, when I do take over the company..." Weiss looked around the cafe. She had picked the most secluded spot for a reason, but she still had to be sure. Satisfied at the lack of people nearby, Weiss motioned Dahlia to come closer, which the Blade did with a curious look. "I plan to make some changes," Weiss whispered, which made the Blade giggle at the childish way of keeping a secret.

"Sounds like you're a lot like your grandfather, if that's how you feel," Dahlia said in amusement. She may not have much information on this man, but if he was willing to put his own life on the line, then he couldn't have been a bad person.

"Thank you, that means alot," Weiss said, feeling happy about the compliment, before she frowned, "Though I'm still ashamed of being related to my father."

That made Weiss' Blade frown, before she had a nice idea. "I guess there's only one good thing your father has ever done," Dahlia said with a conspirational smile, earning a confused look from Weiss. The Blade leaned in to say her next piece quietly, "He helped in conceiving you." Those words were followed with a shameless giggle.

"Dahlia," Weiss whisper yelled, as she looked frantically around to make sure no one heard her say that. She did not need that kind of thought in her head, even if she knew it to be true. Or anyone to hear her having that kind of conversation, thank you very much. Thankfully, the few people that were in the small cafe were either not interested, or just thought they were crazy with all the giggling that came out of them.

"You know it's true," Dahlia said suggestively, prompting Weiss to make a noise that sounded like groaning and giggling mixed together.

"You're terrible," Weiss said without meaning any of it despite herself.

"You say that, but the other day you called me mother," Dahlia reminded with a deceptively sweet smile.

Which made Weiss bury her face with her hands, " Dahlia, please don't bring that up ever again." When she made that mistake, her team, especially Yang, laughed their heads off.

The Blade responded by flat out laughing at her Driver, which made the few patrons and workers wonder what this white faunus did to get a laugh at a Schnee's expense. "I'm sorry my dear sweet Weiss, I just couldn't resist," Dahlia said like she was a mother comforting her child. All the while she pat Weiss' head.

"This day can't get any worse. It just can't," Weiss thought desperately as she could do nothing but to suffer this humiliation. Seriously, she has suffered enough when Yang actually sounded serious about Dahlia being Weiss' mother, just to tease the poor girl. Worse yet, Blake and Ruby joined in on it, tellign her that it's okay to be related to a faunus. Even Weiss doesn't understand why she went and made such a stupid mistake. And now... she'll probably never live it down.

After few hours, Weiss and Dahlia have returned to Beacon on an airship. Unfortunately, Weiss had noticed a certain ship parked on the air pad. One that she recognized all too well. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?" Weiss screamed inside her head with a horrified look. "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" Whatever deities were out there clearly had a deep hatred for Weiss for even using her own sister to make her suffer. Now don't get her wrong, Weiss loves her dear sister Winter, but she wasn't sure how she would react to Dahlia. Better yet, what if she has already seen their room and has decided to pull strings to pull her out of Beacon.

"Weiss, what's wrong," Dahlia asked in concern.

"She's here," Weiss said in terror, already planning on where to escape. Unfortunately, none of her ideas had a happy ending.

"Who's here," Dahlia asked, now worried about what kind of evil had come to hunt Weiss.

"We have to run," Weiss quickly said as she grabbed Dahlia's fuzzy arm and started dragging her to one of the airships. "Maybe we can escape to Mistral or even Vacuo before-" "WEISS!" No such luck for the poor girl, who froze at the commanding tone she was all too familiar with.

Now Dahlia noticed Weiss' reaction and turned to look at the monstrosity that instilled such fear into her. Only to become mildly confused at the young woman who bore a striking resemblance to Weiss. Few differences though. A uniform of some kind, hair tied to a bun as opposed to Weiss' off-sided ponytail, and what looked like a permanent scowl on her face.

"W-Winter," Weiss stammered as she dared to turn towards her sister with a look of pure terror. Now holding onto Dahlia's arm like her life depended on it. "It's not what you're thinking! Whatever this looks like, it's not what you think it is!" Weiss' desperate cries were enough for Dahlia, who made her bitball appear in preparation to defend her Driver.

Winter raised an eyebrow at Weiss' panicked attitude and the faunus woman, whom the specialist now could tell was indeed a Blade, looked like she was ready to defend the younger Schnee from an unspeakable evil. "You have resonated with a Core Crystal, which earned you a Blade who I assume is the one you're clinging to?"

"No! That's not-" Weiss started frantically before Winter's words fully registered in her head. "...Oh... In that case... it's exactly what it looks like," Weiss said a lot more calmly as she loosened her grip on the lifeline that was Dahlia to the point of letting go. "Wait! You know about Blades? How," Weiss questioned even as her sister was now walking calmly towards them. Only to be stopped by a bitball that crashed just a few centimetres away from the specialist's foot.

"That's close enough," Dahlia said as the projectile returned to her.

"Dahlia! That's my sister, you dolt," Weiss cried out at her Blade.

"Then why were you so scared of her," Dahlia asked, still distrustful.

At that question, Weiss looked down in shame, "...I was afraid Winter would hate me for having you... and..."

"Weiss I'm not mad at you. Least of all you having a Blade," Winter said in a softer tone and gentler look on her face. "I just got my hands on a picture of you with a strange faunus. So I thought I would investigate. But it looks like the faunus in question is actually your Blade."

"Yeaaah... One of my teammates was trying to be funny and she accidentally sent you that picture," Weiss said, feeling immense relief at Winter not hating her. "But how did you recognize Dahlia as a Blade," Weiss asked again.

That question earned a sigh from Winter,"The Core Crystal is in plain view. But if you want to know how I know about Blades, then come. It's easier to show you." With that command Winter turned towards her personal airship. Since it was a private jet essentially, it wasn't too big, but it had enough room to house her... luggage.

Not knowing what else to do, Weiss glanced at Dahlia who had dismissed her weapon, seeing as Winter wasn't a threat, before the younger Schnee walked after her sister.

It didn't take long before the trio reached the hatch that would lead into Winter's ship. The specialist banged on the hatch three times before issuing an order, "NEWT! FRONT AND CENTER!" With that powerful command, Weiss and Dahlia heard some scrambling in the ship before the hatch opened and Winter's "luggage" practically dashed outside, right in front of the said specialist.

"Newt, reporting for duty ma'am," Winter's Blade said as she gave a salute with her extra arm pair mimicking the motion.

"At ease, Newt," Winter said, finding satisfaction that Newt at least follows orders quickly and in... relatively orderly fashion. When the Blade visibly relaxed, but still had her attention at Winter, the specialist turned towards her sister, "Newt, meet my little sister Weiss. Weiss, meet Newt, my Blade." Winter motioned between the two as she spoke.

"Uhhh... Greetings," Weiss said unsurely as she took in Newt's appearance, "And I thought Dahlia was bizarre."

"Greetings, miss Weiss," Newt greeted, switching to a more professional tone, "I must say, I'm a little... disappointed."

"Excuse me," Weiss asked, not sure how to take that comment.

"Well, since you are related to specialist Schnee, I assumed you to be much more militaris-" "Newt," Winter said in a warning tone, "Beacon handles it's huntsmen and huntresses differently from Atlas." At that explanation, Newt looked very chastized. Satisfied with the results, Winter turned back to Weiss with an apologetic look, "Apologies for Newt's behavior. It has been quite a... hassle working with her."

"It's... quite alright," Weiss said, worried about the hesitation on "hassle" part. "But... How many Blades has Atlas awakened," Weiss asked, picturing an army of Atlesian soldiers as Drivers.

"As of now, I alone am a Driver. The general thought the risk was too great after ten of our recruits were injured," Winter responded, seeing that this wasn't critical intel. "Speaking of which, how did you come to posess a Blade," the specialist then asked Weiss in return.

"...It's a long story," Weiss said, not sure if she was allowed to talk about it.

"I'm not going anywhere for the next two days," Winter replied, not letting Weiss weasel out of this, "And while I'm here, I might as well see if your living quarters are up to my standards."

Dahlia laughed at that, earning a questioning raise of an eyebrow from the older Schnee. "Oh nothing. It's just... well you have to see it to believe it," the ice Blade said with a giggle.

"Dahlia!" Weiss did not share her Blade's amusement. The heiress had a pretty good idea of how Winter was going to react to the improvised bunk beds. Weiss was against it in the first place, but... well... she did always want bunk beds when she was little.

"That does not sound promising," Winter said while giving her sister a pointed look, "Now I really must see for myself."

Weiss resisted a slump and accepted her fate. "I'm gonna miss everyone."

After reaching the RWBY dorm, Winter took one look at the sleeping arrangements. "Weiss... what is this," Winter asked sternly, ignoring the curious looks from the rest of team RWBY who had come back earlier.

"... Our bunk beds," Weiss said, still resigned for the inevitable.

"Uhhh... Weiss... who's this," Yang asked as she looked between Weiss and Winter, pausing in her video game as she laid on her bed.

"This is unacceptable," Winter said, clearly displeased at the arrangement.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Dahlia said from the doorway, "I would feel much more reassured if my Driver didn't sleep beneath that rope trap."

Roze, who was inspecting Ruby's old blue-prints for Crescent Rose with his Driver, nodded in agreement. The two have tried to get the girls to get proper bunk beds, but their worries fell on deaf ears. Hence Dahlia planned to have Weiss' sister do that.

"That's what this is about," Weiss gaped in disbelief, figuring out Dahlia's plot. All the while a certain someone wasn't allowed inside yet.

"HEY! I can't see in," Newt complained as she childishly tried to hop to see over the taller ice Blade blocking her view.

"Uhhh... Hello," Ruby greeted the stranger that might as well be Weiss 2.0.

That earned Winter's attention for a moment, "You must be Ruby Rose. The team leader my sister has written about in her letters."

"Uhhh... Yeah," Ruby said shyly as Roze eyed the woman and Weiss. Before giving Dahlia a questioning look.

"How appropriately... underwhelming," Winter commented, causing Ruby to slump a little.

"And who are you to say that," Roze questioned as he came close to make eye contact.

Piercing blue eyes met an empty white gaze. Winter considers herself calm and composed, but unfortunately, something about gazing into the white void this Blade calls his eyes made her... unnerved. "... I am Winter Schnee, an Atlesian specialist, and Weiss' older sister. And you must be the Blade that was awakened as a result of an attempted murder," Winter hoped that her introduction made the Blade realize who he was dealing with.

All the while the rest of the team gave Weiss an accusing look, which prompted Weiss to mout, "Sorry.".

"...Your title means nothing," Roze said sounding unimpressed, "Though your relation to Weiss does." To Winter's credit, her eyes widened only a fraction at the blatant disregard for her position, but it was instantly pushed back at the next part.

"How so, might I ask," Winter asked this insolent man that started to remind her of a certain drukard.

"...Because that means you can finally talk some sense into them to get rid of these atrocities they dare call bunk beds," Roze explained, motioning towards the said "atrocities", "Or perhaps simply to replace them with proper ones."

"TRAITOR!" Ruby cried out in outrage. An outrage that was shared by Yang and to lesser extent, Blake.

Roze's response surprised Winter, who looked between Roze and Dahlia. "It seems that you two share my views on these... bunk beds," Winter said, hesitating to call these death traps that.

"Come on, they're sturdier than they look," Yang said, emphasizing her point by bouncing on her bed a little. Unfortunately, this one time, Yang managed to bounce in a way that made the bed shift ever so slightly on the book stacks that kept it upright. Which made the bed drop on top of Blake's. Thankfully, the bed stopped on the beams of Blake's bed, saving the faunus from being crushed to death. Yang chuckled nervously, "Ehhehheh...Whoops."

Winter opened her mouth to snark at Yang, *Crick* only to be stopped by the sound of a straining wood. This made every person in the room to turn their gazes slowly at the source. Turns out the short fall of Yang's bed was enough to make the beams of Blake's bed crack.

Blake herself had completely frozen in fear of being crushed to death. Which promptly made her regret every life decision she ever made that led her to this moment. Even leaving the White Fang, and that's saying something. *CRACK* And then the beams failed. With Blake closing her eyes in panick, waiting for the impact... Which never arrived. The cat faunus opened her eyes hesitantly to see a giant white gloved hand holding Yang's bed in the air.

"Phew, that was close," said Newt who had barreled into the room, pushing Dahlia out of the way in the process, and used one of her giant arms to catch and hold the bed in the air with ease. "That could've ended badly," the militaristic Blade said as she tipped the bed in a way that made Yang fall on top of Blake with a loud yelp from the both of them.

"Thank you, Newt," Winter thanked her Blade for quick action. As this happened, Blake was glaring at a sheepishly nervous Yang.

"Off. Now." That simple command made Yang scramble off of her partner.

*Snap* That sound made everyone glance at Ruby's bed. One of the ropes had snapped. What's worse, Dahlia was only just recovering from being flung onto Weiss' bed by Newt's dash.

"DAHLIA, GET OUT OF THERE!" Weiss' scream was useless, because at that moment, the rest of the ropes snapped. Thankfully, Newt used her other arm to catch the bed, before it could crush the ice Blade.

"...Once again, thank you Newt," Winter said again, although she was still a little rattled at the death traps being triggered now of all times, "Though I do wonder what would've happened if I wasn't here today... Or if this had happened in your sleep."

That last part made each and every one of the girls fearful for more than one reason as a horrible thought crossed their minds.

Ruby had a mental image of waking up to find her partner crushed to death by her fallen bed. The thought alone made Ruby look like she wanted to cry. After all, these improvised bunk beds were her idea in the first place.

Yang had an equally terrifying thought about the same fate happening to her own partner... The blonde bombshell wasn't sure if she could live with herself if that had actually happened.

Weiss and Blake... Well they just got a terrifying thought of dying like that in their sleep. Weiss more so because Dahlia was almost crushed... Or actually, maybe Blake was more fearful, since she almost was crushed.

"Ruby... I told you these were bad," Roze said, this time sounding tender. Because as far as the rose themed Blade was concerned, his Driver has suffered enough.

"...Sorry," Ruby said, letting tears come out of her eyes. With that, Roze went back to his Driver's side and pulled her into a hug.

"Uhh... ma'am," Newt called Winter, still balancing the two beds, "What should I do with these?"

"Just put them outside for the moment," Winter sighed as she moved to a spot where she wouldn't be in the way. After all, the room itself was too small to hold four beds with all the stuff the girls owned. Which was also the reason why they went with this "bunk bed" idea in the first place.

"Understood!" With that proud proclamation, Newt wiggled each of the beds in her hands one at a time through the door and into the hallway.

"She's strong," Yang commented, in slight jealousy. She's physically strongest of team RWBY but even she couldn't have moved the beds that easily. Although the problem is more on balancing them, rather than lifting them.

"Newt may look like a brute, but she is very precise in her actions," Winter said, once again finding pride in one of her Blade's good qualities.

"Operation complete!" Newt said proudly with a salute, which earned the blade a nod of approval from her Driver.

"...Winter... I...," Weiss tried to talk, but she didn't know what she could say that would not make her sister pull her out of Beacon somehow.

"You and your team are going to need proper bunk beds," Winter said not caring what Weiss had to say right now, "Therefore I am willing to provide them for you, if only to ensure that you four wouldn't get a stupid idea like this again."

That comment earned some very surprised looks from the girls. "Uhh, you don't have to do that," Ruby said awkwardly.

"But she could," Roze butted in, giving a small smile at Dahlia who gave the male Blade a thumbs up.

The exchange wasn't lost to the girls or Winter who couldn't help thinking that these Blades are much more shrewd than Newt. Still, it doesn't change the fact that she doesn't trust the girls not to pull something like this again in the future, unless the specialist takes away the need to do that. "It's as miss Rose's Blade says, I can and will do it. And if you're worried about my finances, don't be," Winter said, while at the same time shutting down the only possible argument Weiss could give, "Something as trivial as two bunk beds hardly puts a dent into my account." Despite being a Schnee, Winter doesn't have any kind of allowance from their father. After all, she joined the Atlas military against the man's will. However, her job as an Atlas specialist has really paid off, meaning that for the past few years, Winter has lived on her own merits.

"Miss Schnee, you are awesome," Yang cheered with a fist pump, earning an eyeroll from the woman. "Can I have a match against your Blade?"

That question caught Winter and Newt off guard. "Why would you want that," Winter asked, wondering if this stacked blonde was brave or stupid... Winter was leaning towards the latter.

"I wanna see who's stronger!" And there's the proof.


"Yes ma'am?"

"What do you think?"

Newt grinned at her Driver, "With your permission, I could use some fresh meat."

The specialist grimaced at the phrasing and the savage tone. "Permission granted." But she still saw no reason to deny the request. Which made Newt clap her normal pair of hands in excitement, while the giant pair just floated passively.

"So then... miss..."

"Yang Xiao Long," Yang said with a smirk as she walked over to the shorter woman, "But just call me Yang, pipsqueak." Newt dropped her grin at that phrase.

"...Shall we go," Newt said, her previous enthusiasm gone completely.

All the while Winter looked on in exasperation. "Now she's done it." Newt isn't overly sensitive about her height, but if you try to use your size to belittle her then prepare to be her punching bag.

That's why the team and their Blades find themselves sitting in the seats of the arena, with Yang preparing Ember Celica, her shotgun gauntlets. And Newt cracking her knuckles, all four sets of them.

Yang had a confident grin at the shorter woman, while Newt had a savage grin. "Ma'am. Permission to use semi-lethal force," Newt requested from Winter, the Driver in question making eye contact with the eye on the back of Newt's head.

"Permission denied," Winter said without missing a beat. She wasn't unnerved enough by the extra eye anymore to not respond.

"Aww... but why not," Newt complained, turning to her Driver with a sad look in her normal eyes.

"I don't want to explain to the headmaster why one of her students died in a sparring match," Winter said, sounding completely serious. Sadly, having wielded Newt's power, Winter was dead serious about it.

"Riiiight, that would be a problem," Newt said while tapping her chin with one finger in a thinking pose.

"So are we gonna start," Yang asked eagerly.

At that, Newt turned back to Yang, before crossing her hands behind her back, all four of them. "Whenever you're ready," the fire Blade said with a smirk.

With that, Yang propelled herself with a shot from Ember Celica to punch Newt in the face. Only, the blonde brawler got back handed by one of Newt's giant arms. Her normal arms now being across her chest.

"Lucky shot," Yang said, as she launched herself again. "Let's see you take this," Yang shouted as she raised her fist. Only to be flicked away by a giant finger.

"Take what exactly," Newt said in amusement, her normal arms still crossed, while the floating ones doing a "come hither" motion.

Yang was seriously getting pissed at being looked down on by a shrimp. A shrimp with giant floating arms, but still a shrimp. "Stop hiding behind your arms and fight me like a woman," Yang shouted this time forgoing launching and instead ran at her quarry.

Newt laughed at Yang's shouting, "Hiding? How is me using my arms any different from you using yours." And then she blocked one of Yang's punches with a giant finger.

"I don't have freakishly huge arms like yours," Yang shouted, her eyes red, as each and every one of her punches was blocked by one giant finger after another. Until Newt decided to catch Yang's next punch between a thumb and index finger.

"Are you calling me a freak, or are you just jealous," Newt mocked as she lifted Yang off the ground and slammed the blonde on different spots on the floor. "Seriously, I haven't even used my weapon." After that last remark, Newt let go of Yang mid-swing.

That remark earned wide eyes from everyone. "Wait, aren't those arms her weapons," Ruby asked, thinking the giant floating arms were an orbital weapon of some kind.

Winter scoffed at that, "Of course not. Those floating arms are as normal to her as ours are to us."

"So... what is her weapon then," Roze asked as he looked at Yang, who had charged her semblance alot from the punishment Newt gave her. "Never mind," Roze said as Yang's fist collided with a giant palm.

To Newt's utter shock... her fist was being pushed back. "Impossible!" Newt shouted in her as she struggled still keeping her normal arms crossed. Honestly, the Blade could easily swat Yang with the other arm, but this block attempt had Newt's pride in her strength in line.

"Just...BREAK!" Yang practically roared, as her hair let out a fiery explosion. And then... the blonde was flung back.

"If you want to break me...," Newt said with light gasps for air. Her normal arms out of their position with one of them having done a thrust, and the corresponding floating arm had mimicked the motion. The same floating arm that Yang was trying to overpower, "You have to do better than that."

"How the hell did you still block me!?" Yang roared, her aura flickering from all the damage she took. "I took your fully powered strikes more than once!"

"Fully...powered," Newt mouthed questioningly, before bursting into laughter. "You... AHAHAHAHA thought I was using my full power!?" And the Blade laughed harder. "I was holding back!"

"You're lying!" Yang shouted, for she had quickly looked at her scroll to see that her aura was already in the red. "YOU HAVE TO BE!" Yang couldn't bring herself to accept that this... shrimp was out of her league.

"Name one time I actually punched you, or used more than one finger at a time to repel you." The fire Blade's words were accompanied by a savage grin.

In the stands... everyone had gone silent at this revelation. "She's strong," Roze said a little dumbfounded at someone being much stronger than a semblance powered Yang. Worst part is, Roze knew that Newt was right. The motions she used to beat Yang seemed... lazy until the last block. That's when Newt actually tried.

"And she wasn't even using her weapon," Blake addded in, wondering how one sided this fight could've been if Newt had used her weapon, whatever it is.

"...Can a Blade be this powerful on their own," Weiss wondered, now wondering if she was good enough to be Dahlia's driver.

"...Winter must've unlocked a lot of Newt's power," Dahlia said, also surprised at the strength Winter's Blade possessed, "Makes me wonder about the damage she and Winter could cause together."

For all intents and purposes, Weiss should be scared at the thought. But... she can't see her sister doing anything insanely destructive. "Dahlia... will you be this strong one day," So Weiss decided to ask her Blade, now thinking that she had only seen a fraction of her power.

"...Maybe not in the same way Newt is, but most likely," Dahlia said, making Weiss feel useless as a Driver "But I will need your help to unlock it, Weiss," the ice bunny said while lightly hugging her Driver.

Blake looked at the exchange in slight jealousy. Then she shifted to Roze who had his hand on Ruby's shoulder as a show of support.

"NEWT! STOP!" Winter's shout made everyone look towards the Blade in question.

Newt was now holding a giant katana in a sheath with her giant arms. Her normal ones mimicking the motion this time. And Yang was charging at the Blade in one last attempt to take the shrimp down.

Worst of all, Winter's cry seemed to fall on deaf ears, as she sliced at Yang who was flung back by more than just the cut. But none of them could tell immediately what kind of damage Newt caused.

"If you have time to complain, you have time to grow stroger," Newt said, dismissing her weapon while fixing her glasses. Only to suddenly be punched in the head by Winter who had come down to the arena.

"Newt! What did I say! No semi-lethal force," Winter shouted, clearly not happy about her Blade's insubordination.

"...That wasn't semi-lethal force. That was... mini-lethal, yeah that's right," Newt stammered with her pathetic excuse for an... excuse.

Anyway, Winter was not happy about the said excuse. But, for now, she would focus on making sure that Yang would live through this.

The blonde's teammates already doing that... "Urghh," Yang groaned as she got up from the spot she was flung to. "Fine... I admit it, you're stronger than me," the blonde grumbled loudly, finally coming to terms with her shortcomings. Unfortunately, halfway through getting up, all her limbs failed her. Using that final burst took what little heat she had left. "Urgh... guys... can you help me, I'm a little burned out at the moment," Yang said with a weak pun.

The team rolled their eyes at Yang, who seemed to prove that puns are encoded into her very DNA. And then two out of three girls blushed for some reason. With Ruby giggling nervously.

"What," Yang asked weakly.

"Poor you," Dahlia commented as she pointed towards Yang's chest while using her other hand to cover Roze's eyes.

"What are you doing," the male Blade asked in mild annoyance.

Ignoring, Roze's complaint, Yang looked down at her chest... and saw a little problem. Her top had been cut in half. Jacket, tube top, even her strapless bra. And because they were just tight enough to emphasize her breasts, the garments had moved aside to reveal her glorious mounds to the world. "EEEYAAAK!" And Yang grabbed the cut halves to pull them over herself.

"Perfectly calculated," Newt commented, while adjusting her glasses with an evil grin. This comment earned a blanched look, not just from Yang, but her teammates as well. Dahlia too gave the fire Blade a very annoyed look. "She possesses an... adequate amount of strength, but she clearly doesn't know how to use it. Unlike me," Newt then explained with a smug grin.

Team RWBY, Dahlia and most of all, Winter, were not impressed by Newt's perfect cut, that only destroyed Yang's top without so much as a scratch to her skin. "Newt... was there a point to that," Winter asked icily as she pointed at Yang who was covering herself, all the while the blonde's eyes were red again.

"Just wanted to show how such strength is wasted on her," Newt said savagely, earning a furious look from Yang.

"That's it," Winter shouted, snapping Newt into attention, "You're on a time out!"

That gave Newt a horrified expression, "But ma'am-" "No excuses! I don't care what you think is 'semi-lethal' force. What I consider lethal force, is you drawing your weapon. And you disobeyed an order to not use it," Winter lectured the now downcast Blade.

"ATTENTION!" Newt stiffened into attention. "DISMISSED!" With that, Newt marched to who knows where.

Team RWBY watched this exchange, completely flabbergasted at how the crazy lady was put in her place so easily. "...Winter... where is Newt going," Weiss was first to ask.

"To my ship, where she will stay until I order otherwise," Winter replied, relaxing ever so slightly. "And now you know why dealing with Newt is a hassle. So consider yourself lucky, Weiss," the older Schnee felt the need to add.

That put several thoughts into Weiss' head. If this is Winter's every day life with Newt, then the heiress indeed should consider herself lucky. Dahlia can tease sometimes, but most of the time, she's like a... mother? And now Weiss realized why she made that mistake that cost her a portion of her sanity. Maybe Dahlia is what Weiss wanted from her mother at some point. Sadly she had to make do after her father admitted that he only married Weiss' mother for the family name. Dahlia is no replacement for how Weiss' mother used to be, but... she couldn't help but appreciate her Blade more now. Especially seeing how... rambunctious Newt was.

"What is it, Weiss," Dahlia asked, finally not covering Roze's vision. The heiress had started staring at the ice Blade during her thoughts.

"It's nothing," Weiss said with a smile.

"Uhh guys... a little help here," Yang complained, still covering herself with her ruined top, and too tired to get up.

"Sure," Blake said, finding it hard not to find amusement at Yang being in a position to be teased. Still, the cat faunus wasn't that cruel, and just went to help Yang to her feet. Ruby coming to assist. The younger sister took off her cape and put it over Yang's front to recover some of her modesty... whatever was left of it.

"Thank's Rubes," Yang said switching from holding her cut garments to pressing Ruby's cape against her.

"Soo... infirmary or dorm," Blake then asked her partner.

"Dorms. Just one good rest and I'll be Yangin out in no time," Yang punned, which earned a groan from everyone, except Dahlia and Roze.

"Yang... Blake and I will drop you if you don't stop," Ruby threatened. How the red reaper was still sane after growing up with her puntress of a sister was beyond anyone.

"...Shutting up now," Yang said, deciding not to push her luck. With that, Ruby and Blake helped their humiliated and dead tired team mate to the dorm.

As those three left, Weiss also moved to follow, alongside Roze.

"Dahlia." Only Winter stopped Dahlia, before she could follow her Driver. "I would like to talk to you a little," the older Schnee said curtly.

The ice bunny crossed her arms beneath her chest with a curious look, "What is it?"

For a moment it looked like Winter wasn't sure what to say. "I once told Weiss that I won't always be there to save her... No one will be able to," Winter said as she looked down a little, "But as her Blade... you are an exception. So... can you look after Weiss for me?"

Dahlia was a little surprised at the request, but never the less, she smiled, "You make it sound as if that wasn't my plan in the first place." After those words, Dahlia turned to walk where team RWBY went. "...Although... From what little I have learned about you and Weiss, it would still do her wonders if you kept contact with her every now and then. Even after you leave," Dahlia said before speed walking towards where her Driver went before Winter could answer.

The said specialist did think about the Blade's words. "I can see Weiss being in good hands," she thought with a smile, before walking at her own pace as she fished her scroll out. "Still... I believe I should order those bunk beds now." She even had a specific one in mind that she checked on a whim once. Didn't think she would actually buy two of those. They would be pricey, but if the sales pitch is to be believed, they were designed to withstand rambunctious huntsmen and huntresses. The bunk bed business aside, it looks like Dahlia isn't the only one who has Weiss in capable hands if what the few good things she's seen of the team has given any indication... Or at least she hopes. Regardless, Winter now has two whole days to spend with her sister, and she intends to make the most of it.

AN: Aaand there it is... So, what do you think?

At the shopping, I couldn't help but have that shopping failure. Because let's be honest, unless you grew up in a world where female Blades can have very little clothing, you would want more clothes on them. Sadly the clothes were not designed for something like Dahlia. Also... well, she resembles a faunus, so I believe she would be treated like one, if Weiss wasn't around. And sadly the way Dahlia dresses might give off a... wrong impression to people.

Anyway, I had fun writing both Dahlia and Weiss bonding, and Winter's and Newt's exchanges.

Speaking of Newt... I'm pretty sure that under different circumstances, she and Ruby could be BFFs. After all, Ruby's a weapon nut, Newt is a titan weapon nut.

Lastly... I'm sure some people are wondering why Yang got bashed in this chapter. I'll let you all know when the time comes. But as far as I'm concerned... time for the next vict- I mean candidate.