Hello again!

Here is the story I promised after finishing "Wings of Honor." I started it so long ago that I'm not actually sure how it got started. Anyway, I hope you like it.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to my sisters, especially Cherise who, though she has never watched the show, provided all the beta work.

Enjoy ...

Chapter 1

Jeff watched in indescribable wonder. His wife, sweaty and exhausted, smiled at him as she held a tiny bundle in her arms. Their son; Scott Carpenter Tracy.

"Look at him, Lucy," Jeff whispered. "He's perfect."

Reaching out, he placed his finger inside his son's hand. He was aware the way Scott gripped him was a reflex, but for a moment he let himself forget the facts, so he could pretend that his baby boy was reaching out for him. For that moment, the world was at peace.

"He looks just like you, Jeff," his own mother commented. "I just wish your father could be here to see this."

The thought of his dad brought a wave of sadness over him. He had only been gone a year, passing just a few months before they discovered that Lucy was pregnant. Jeff had once believed that Grant Tracy was unstoppable; the powerful force that held his family together. When he died, the real strength in his family was found. It was love, and it was looking up at him now through tiny blue eyes.

"He is here, Mother," Jeff promised, moving to give her a hug. "He's always with us."

"You're right," she said with a sad smile. "I'm going to go get some coffee. You two want anything?"

Jeff and Lucy declined, content to just have each other and their new son. It was nice to have a quiet moment, away from visitors and nurses. Today was the proudest moment he had ever experienced, even surpassing the moon landing. This – his son – was what life was all about.

"We really did it," Lucy said, laughter in her voice. "We're actually parents."

"Kinda scary," Jeff admitted, "but I think we can handle it."

"I hope so, for his sake."

The new father chuckled, assuring his wife that she would be the most incredible mother in the world. After all, she was the most incredible woman in the world. It stood to reason that would make her an exceptional mother. Lucy accepted the compliment and returned it with equal conviction that he would be an outstanding father. Looking down at his son as he drifted off to sleep, he promised Scott he would do his absolute best to live up to his wife's expectations.


Lucy looked over to where Scott was sprawled out on his playmat, before returning her attention to the meal she was preparing. Everything had to be perfect for tonight. So far so good.

"Okay," she said to herself, "I have the chicken, the salad, the potatoes, the bread rolls … what am I missing?"

Scott gurgled happily, batting at one of the toys hanging above him; specifically, his favorite blue bird. That was it! Thanking her son for his help, Lucy pulled the blueberry pie out of the freezer. It was one of Jeff's favorites and she just hoped she could get it cooked in time.


Oh great, he was home early! Shoving the frozen pie into the oven, Lucy set the temperature and took note of the time. Here's hoping she could remember to check it before it burned. That done, she took a deep breath and went back to the living room. Jeff was sitting next to the playmat, holding a plastic plane above Scott while the baby tried to get it.

"Hi," Lucy greeted with a smile. "I didn't think you would be home until 5:30."

"The meeting didn't go as long as expected," he explained, getting up to give her a kiss. "How was your day?"

"Eventful. You hungry?"

He nodded, scooping up Scott and depositing him in the highchair. Lucy handed her husband a jar of pureed carrots and one of the baby spoons. While he gave their son his dinner, she dished them up and tried to decide how to go about their coming conversation. She could just come out and say it, but didn't want it to come across as trivial. She could build up to it, but that required patience that her excitement seemed to have erased. Should she hint at it or be more direct?


"Yes?" she answered.

"I'm not sure I can eat that many potatoes."

Looking down, Lucy realized that she had left no room on the plate for anything else. Maybe the direct approach was best; it would certainly explain her behavior. Muttering an apology, she scraped most of the potatoes back into the bowl. She added chicken and salad to his plate, before moving onto her own. Yes, the direct approach was best.

"Jeff, have you thought about what it would be like to have more children?"

Okay, maybe the slightly-direct approach.

"Sure," he replied, seeming a little surprised by the question. "Don't you remember all those talks we had about having a big family?"

"Yes, but how soon did you want one?"

"One what?" Jeff questioned, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What are you saying?"

Unable to keep her smile back any longer, Lucy leaned over and whispered her news to her husband. He was quiet for a second, but soon he was grinning as much as she was. Reaching over, he placed his hand on Scott's shoulder, distracting the boy from the artwork he was making of the carrots that he had knocked onto his tray.

"You hear that, Buddy? You're gonna be a big brother?"

He responded by throwing an orange glob on the floor. Understandable at his age, but Lucy hoped he would react much better when the new baby arrived. She always wanted a lot of children, and she was well on her way to getting her wish.

So, how do you think Scott will react?

Let me know what you think as I prepare the next chapter for posting tomorrow.