Chapter One

Regulus P.O.V

"Beautiful done! You managed to reach a level exceeding a God's...!" The murder of my father, Rhadamanthys said. I knew someone like him would die in standing position.

"You know," I began to speak with him. "... I could hear something during the whole time we were fighting. You had never wished a god's strength. Like when I was looking for my father...weren't you also looking for someone?" Then I close my eyes feeling it. My time is running out. I walk away from that standing dead man. I apologize to all my friends that are still fighting as I make my way to Leo. I start to fade into the air while touching Leo.

"I'm sorry Leo. I don't want to leave you alone. You have always been there for me. I know you go through a great depression every time a saint of yours dies. You and Athena aren't that different when it comes to loss. I just want you to know that you were my great friend and thanks for having my back." I close my eyes and finally fade.

It was cold. The area white and cold. Nothing but myself stood there. Father? Uncle? Nope. Not even a long blond hair white dress wearing woman that Father said was my mother. I look around walking for what must have been hours before I saw something, Leo? Leo was crying I run to it and hug it. Leo hugs back.

"Once more, can we fight as one?" It asks me.

"Of course, anything for my greatest friend." I tell it as I reappear in the land of the living in front of Hades. Time for this guy to know that humans are full of possibilities! "For possibilities!" The arrow is released and a bright light hits him. Hades leaves the body of Alone and flies to Italy that he placed up in the sky. Then I fade back into the earth to same white area. Father and Uncle should be around here. But where? I walk around wondering where they are. I'm alone. I never liked being alone. When I lost father, Leo was there for me. Leo had always been there for me. When Uncle would scold me for something Leo would comfort me and looking at Leo reminded me of what I had to do. My goal, that I can't let anything keep me down. Leo was my real source of courage. Always there for me when no one else was. My one true ally in any fight I was in. The one that never faltered on me. The one that never left me alone. I sit down holding my legs rocking myself slightly when I hear something. Footsteps? I look behind me seeing a lion standing behind me and it runs to me.

"Leo? Leo!" I hug it crying into its fur.

"It's okay, shh..."

"Leo, do you know where my family is?"

"Of course, I know, this way." Leo leads me back the way it came. "I won't ever leave you alone. I won't let you be alone. Not now, not ever." Leo said I smile happily.

"Thanks Leo." I say when two figures looking around for something appear. I narrow my eyes trying to get a better look at them. it was Father and Uncle! I race to them waving and shouting their names to get their attention. They both perk up to my voice and turn. I tackle them to the ground hard.

"Thank you, Leo, thank you, so much." I turn smiling at the lion. Leo says something I can't hear. But then father holds me close with uncle and the everything fades into a warmth. "Leo...thank you."

Leo P.O.V

I know I shouldn't have done it. But I couldn't stop myself. Regulus the one thing that kept me from killing myself was gone, no I was going to bring him back. And that's what I have done. With permission and help of the entity, I was able to bring them back. Regulus, Sisyphus, Ilias, Lugonis, Albafica, Degel, Kardia, and Krest.

"Leo, you know what must be done when they are freed."

"I know, I know."

"Don't prolong it." I stand there in my box crying. I did it for him. I couldn't let him die. I couldn't live with myself I didn't attempt something.



"A job well done, my old friend. We aren't higher beings remember we die too. And don't worry. I'll be there for you when they are freed." She said to me. that gave some comfort for what was to happen next in later years.

A/N: Sorry for it being short but trust me it will be worth it. if not then sorry! XD