Just like the beginning of every day, it was sunrise, vivid hues of orange and red were visible across the lengths of the vast, once darkened, sky. The air was filled with the beautiful and harmonious songs that the birds provided for the world to hear. The forest was alive and well. The city is bustling as always. It was just another day on cruel yet beautiful world on Earth. Rays of light started to climb over the horizon to claim the land with the sun. The light had reached a familiar window of a cave that was home to three bear brothers and a small yet well-known guest.

Loud snoring was audible throughout the room. A small creature groaned and turned over to a bright ray of light shining down onto his eyes. He quickly shielded his eyes with his arms. The koala turned his head away from the bright light only to find his face within some thick fur, it was warm, but it was also a bit filthy. "Yuck!" Exclaimed the koala as he finally sat up. His eyes could barely make out his surrounds as he was still a bit asleep. All five of senses just started to work to their fullest as he began to smell the sweat of the bear beside him and heard the loud snoring that was also coming from the bear. Yes, it annoyed the koala, but he knew it wasn't directly the grizzly's fault.

Nom Nom sneezed and proceeded to shiver. It seemed to be quite chilly in the cave on this fine morning. The grizzly suddenly sprang from the fetal position he was sleeping to a more upright one with his paws bawled up into fists in front of his face. "Wha- Huh?" The grizzly frantically looked around. The sneezed seemed to put the grizzly into a state of caution. "It was me, you big oaf." Grizzly focused his vision on the shivering koala. "Oh. Heh." The grizzly chuckled his embarrassment off whilst scratching the fur on the back of his head. The bear snapped his focus once again to the koala. "Hey, are you shivering?" The grizzly said, being caring as always, as he reached his paw towards the koala. The koala smacked his paw away, covering his nose. "Ew, don't touch me, you're filthy and you stink." The grizzly lifted his arm and sniffed under his arm to confirm the koala's assumptions. Yuck. The bear gagged. "Yeah, you're right, I'll go." The grizzly left the room, went to the bathroom, and proceeded to take a shower.

Nom Nom sighed as he found himself alone and bored. He decided to read some of the action comic books that Grizz had stored in his room. It was all Marvel comics. Nom Nom decided to read one, it was apparently about some hero named Black Panther. Despite not having any kind of care for comic books beforehand, he found this one quite interesting. After almost twenty minutes of reading that comic and then skimming a few others, he was interrupted by knocking on the door and a familiar voice speaking through it. "Breakfast is ready, Ice Bear put his heart into it." Damnit. Nom Nom's heart skipped a beat. The door slowly opened, "Older Brother is not doing weird things is h-" Ice Bear peeked into the room and saw the koala on the ground with the comic book in his hand. The koala gulped and chuckled nervously. "W-What's up man?" Ice Bear, wide-eyed, couldn't believe that the little trash can found a way into his brother's room. What was he doing here? How did he get in here? Ice Bear's mind just bounced back to a newspaper he read this morning. Famous koala missing, nowhere to be found, upset fans and friends- friend. Ice Bear initially wanted to kick the koala out of the house but was now kind of curious about his whole situation. Ice Bear finally spoke up, "Ice Bear wants to know what's going on." Nom Nom wanted to make some kind of snarky remark towards to the bear but he was currently staying in their house and has not been kicked out yet. Nom Nom sighed, "Alright. First of all, thanks for not killing me, I-" Nom Nom's head jerked forward a bit, he gagged. "I a-appreciate it. I wanted to get away from the media, it was becoming too much. I tried to bare through it but then it became too much and I found myself constantly in distress. That's when your older brother came around, he helped me out and brought me here. He's done so much in little time and even after all I've done to you guys." Nom Nom surprisingly didn't tear up, not even a little while telling the bear what had happened. Ice Bear opened his mouth to say something but then a door creaked open.

Grizz stumbled out the bathroom, holding his toothbrush in front of him if it were a microphone. "Oh, baby!" He dramatically falls to the ground. "Take me, to the, feeling!" With every two syllables, he struck a different pose while kneeling. "I'll be your hero, I'm winning!" He gets up and swings his head with each word, trying to put expression and emotion into his singing. He bounced out of his false moment of stardom and saw his brother standing halfway through the door. Oh no, he forgot, his brothers were home rushed towards the door, already panicking and sweating. "I can explain!" Grizz exclaimed before being interrupted by his brother who was monotonously chuckling a bit, "No need, Ice Bear welcomes your friend." Ice Bear backs out of the doorway and goes back into the kitchen but remarked something back at them.. "Also, breakfast is ready." Grizz and Nom Nom's stomach growled simultaneously. They both broke into a mutual laughter before going to the kitchen together.

Panda was tapping away on his phone like always, he was checking if he had any replies or new notifications on the new dating app he had been using for the last couple of days. Not really anything interesting, other than him strangely getting a couple of messages from guys, weird. Panda was ready to eat but him and his brothers always tried to wait until at least two of them are at the table. Ice Bear suddenly enters the kitchen. "We have a guest, be nice." Panda looked up from his phone and put it to his side, "What? Who?" He heard two voices chuckling from the other room and turned around to see his brother Grizz, casually joking with Nom Nom! Why would that dingle be here? Nom Nom turned his attention away from the grizzly and towards the Panda who had been glaring at him in a hateful manner that made him uncomfortable. Nom Nom wanted to be the bigger person so he gave a small smile and waved as he approached the kitchen. Panda turned around and looked back at him through the corner of his eye. Disgusted. Nom Nom grabbed his arm anxiously and looked up at grizzly who wasn't there and already sitting down in the kitchen. "Woo, I'm ready to chow down," said Grizz. Ice Bear pulled up a chair to the one inhabited side of the table and stacked a couple of books so Nom Nom could actually sit down and eat on the table. "Thanks." Nom Nom appreciated this effort to make him feel comfortable. Ice Bear had made everyone a three stack of pancakes with syrup on top, veggie bacon, and strawberries on the side.

Breakfast was, at first, mostly filled with Grizz's loud munching and Panda silently giving Nom Nom the death from the corner of his eye while he was trying to eat. Halfway through breakfast, Nom Nom decided to speak up about it. "Hey man, is there something you want to talk about? You've barely eaten anything and mostly glared at me." Nom Nom wanted to get to the bottom of this, he knew that the longer he waited, the worse it would get. "Maybe it's because you've been nothing but a pain in our fur everytime you try to do anything with us." Panda got up from the table and leaned over towards Nom Nom. "You may be fooling them with your fake sob story but you won't fool me. I'm not buying it." Panda was set on this being one of Nom Nom's fake stunts where he uses the bears for his benefit and no one else's." Ice Bear was washing dirty dishes but stopped for a second to listen. Nom Nom was about to speak but then Grizz stood up. "Panda, don't treat him like that! Yeah, he's done things in the past but it's now the present and you can't hold grudges forever! He's dealing with some tough things and I can confirm that he isn't faking the wh-" Grizz was suddenly interrupted by Panda. "Grizz, don't start with that bull crap. You just try to be sooo nice to everyone and then your oblivious and naive self just goes along with everything you're told! You let him in our house and didn't even ask! Stop being so stupid!" Panda was not having any of Grizz's excuses as they were in this exact situation before and he knew it was probably going to end just as he suspected it to end. Grizz stepped in front of Panda, fur standing on edge. "I'm not stupid! You're just being a jerk!" Grizz exclaimed. Panda's fur stood on edge. "Just shut up!" Panda said while he shoved Grizz. Grizz was pushed back a bit but then gained his footing again and started growling. "Your fake wild animal impression is bad," Panda remarked. Grizz pushed himself off the ground and launched himself towards Panda in attempt to tackle him. Suddenly, Ice Bear intervenes and catches the wild angry grizzly, trying to hold him down. Primal. Ice Bear knew this wasn't the brother he knew and loved. Grizzlies and other bears get super aggressive when they need to protect something that is dear to them or when put into extreme situations.

Ice Bear did his best to hold back the beast from hurting anyone, including the beast himself. Panda's expression suddenly went blank, seeing what was before turned him into one scared bear. His face now read worried and scared as he slowly backed up into the living room while the beast was thrashing about. Nom Nom had never seen Grizz like this before, he was trembling with fear. What happened to the loud, annoying, yet lovable bear that was once sitting at the table eating. Nom Nom wanted to somehow help in this situation but he didn't know what to do. Ice Bear started being pushed around the kitchen while trying to hold him back, knocking over the table and bumping into a wall, causing some pictures to fall. "Ice Bear thinks you should talk to older brother," said Ice Bear quickly yet of course monotonously to Nom Nom. Nom Nom nodded his head in acknowledgment and agreement. He jumped up onto the table and broke into a sweat. He hoped this worked. "Grizz!" The grizzly's head turned towards the koala, acknowledging his words. "You need to stop this and calm down, this isn't you." Nom Nom paused in thought and then resumed. "You don't need to defend me. I know you wanted to but look where that got you. Look at yourself." The wild grizzly looked down at himself, his fur was all ruffled. He looked at his paws, they looked more realistic than usual and his claws were unsheathed. The grizzly face had now shown that he was worried and upset. The grizzly started to feel himself getting dizzy as his head started to spin. Vision, blurred. Body trembled. Everything went black.

Grizz suddenly jerked awake, breathing heavily. He was in his room, lying on his bed. He placed his paw on his forehead, it was pretty warm and he had a massive headache. What had happened? He looked out the window and it seemed it was around noon. He wanted to get a damp rag for his head, so he turned his body towards the edge of the bed and jumped up. He stumbled out of his room and into the bathroom and turned on the light. He first ran cold water and used his paws to splash it on his face, an attempt to wake himself up. He looked at himself in the mirror and found that his fur was very rough. He grabbed the nearest brush and proceeded to brush his fur in a top to bottom motion until it appeared as straight as he could get it. He was unhappy with his appearance but it was the best he can do for the time being. Oh yeah, the rag. He took a washcloth and dampened it under the water and then turned off the water and applied it to his forehead.!He cut off the lights and left the bathroom and headed towards the living room.

Nom Nom, Panda, and Ice Bear were sitting on the couch, trying to put together what just happened. "Again, I'm so sorry, this wouldn't have happened if I didn't say anything." Panda had been constantly apologizing for the past five minutes."Ice Bear accepts your apology." Ice Bear reassured his acceptance for the twentieth time, a bit annoyed. Nom Nom sighed, "Yeah man, its fine. I should be the one apologizing, this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't here, to begin with." Nom Nom looked down, trying to blame himself for the whole situation. "Don't beat yourself up, I jumped to conclusions and let my attitude get the better of me. No hard feelings right?" Panda, once again, asked for reassurance and held out his paw, bawled up, meant to be a fist in an attempt to fist bump him. Nom Nom looked at nodded. "Yeah, no hard feelings." He said while bumping fists with the bear. Ice Bear added in, "Ice Bear is glad you two made up but what about older brother?"

Right on cue, Grizz walked into the room, scratching his head fur. "Hey, guys, what's happening." His two brothers and Nom Nom were perplexed and it was all over their faces. Nom Nom was the first to speak up, "You don't remember what happened?" "Did something happen?" Grizz apparently missed something as he doesn't recall anything happening. Grizz pondered for a second then snapped his fingers, "Oh! Uh, Panman, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. That's not how a brother should act." Grizz grabbed his arm with his paw and looked down in embarrassment. "Oh yeah man, it's fine, it's fine." Panda tried to make sure he got the message of him forgiving him while giving some reassuring nods. Nom Nom gave a fake yet convincing grin. Grizz wiped his eyes, "Okay. Thanks for understanding." He still felt a bit drowsy and still didn't know why. Grizz extended his back upwards and extended his arms outwards to stretch while he yawned showing his fanged teeth that weren't supposed to be there. Nom Nom and Panda side glanced at each other with a frightened expression for a split second. He doesn't remember and he's experiencing some side effects. Great. "Ice Bear thinks we should all go somewhere." Ice Bear broke the silence. Grizz's face lit up with excitement as a big smile came across his face. "Sounds great! where could we-" Grizz stopped himself and glanced over towards Nom Nom. "Actually, I don't think we can." Grizz pauses in brief suspense. "Nom Nom can't reveal himself to the public just yet." Grizz scratched his fur trying to think of an alternative before Panda intervened. "Oh! I think I got an idea!" Panda was excited to try his plan. He dashed towards his room and came back with a ruler and kneeled in front of Nom Nom. "May I?" Nom Nom could see where this was going. "You may." Nom Nom held his arms out, stretching them in the opposite direction of each other while keeping them parallel from the ground. It was a T-pose, perfect! Panda started to use the ruler to measure Nom Nom's body dimensions into inches. Grizz and Ice Bear stood in awe as they watched their brother work. Panda then nodded his head, giving himself the okay in accomplishment. He then ran into his room, slammed the door shut, and locked it. "Well, I guess we wait," said Grizz. They attempted to watch television until Panda was done but there were loud noises that resembled the buzzing of a bee but louder.

After thirty minutes of trying to ignore the sounds, they finally stopped. Panda finally came out of his room, his fur was roughed and he was sweating a bit. He wiped his brow and then came into the living room with a thick silk purple shirt, a small baseball cap, and jeans. The jeans did look like they were just old cut-up jeans but the rest looked amazing! "Whoa! I didn't know you knew how to sew, Panpan." "Ice Bear is proud of Panda's accomplishments." Grizzly and Ice Bear were happy to see Panman create something so amazing. "Y-yeah, I've taken sewing classes before." Panda handed the clothing down to Nom Nom. "Here you go, see if these fit alright. "Okay, also, thank you, I appreciate it." Nom Nom gave Panda a light smile before putting on the clothing. He looked down at himself and he felt like a new person. He's never really put on clothes before unless it was for a special occasion. He twisted his caps backward and turned around towards the door and proudly put his paws on his hips and tilted his head upwards. "I think I'm ready to go!" Enthusiasm was radiating from Nom Nom's voice. Grizz grinned and chipped with more enthusiasm, "Yeah! Let's go!"

Once they got outside, the bears proceeded to get into a stack since it was kind of tradition to them. The koala suddenly felt like he was in an awkward potion then suddenly Ice Bear grabbed him and tossed him up, all the way to the back of Grizz. He could see, everything! It's been a while since he's been up this high. "Grab on, man," Grizz told him just in case the ride is too fast or bumpy for him. After about, a five-minute ride then arrived at the mall. "Okay Bros, remember, don't spend too much money," said Grizz, hopping off the stack with Nom Nom still on his back. He waved back at them as they all went their separate ways. Nom Nom hopped off of Grizz and walked alongside him. "So, what do you want to do?" Nom Nom wanted to do something fun or at least not boring but still asked the other so he doesn't come off as being so controlling. "Usually, I just sit around GameStop, play some games and maybe buy some." Grizz voice had a hint of happiness. Nom Nom could tell Grizz was very excited when it came to gaming, he gave Grizz a small smile. "Why don't we check it out then," said Nom Nom, watching Grizz burst with energy. "Yes!" Grizz grabbed Nom Nom's hands and walked at a quick pace towards GameStop. Nom Nom felt his heart skip a beat and he suddenly felt...weird again when Grizz grabbed his hand. Jeez, Nom Nom felt like his breaths became short. Next thing he knew, he had let go and there were inside the store. Grizz's looked around and then his face lit up with joy like a child when he saw something that peaked his interest. It was a game demo for the PlayStation 4. Nom Nom looked up in attempt to see what he was so excited about. Nom Nom couldn't see the screen but he saw as Grizz grabbed the controller and started to play the game. Nom Nom couldn't see what was happening but it sounded intense. He could hear tons of bad language and heard cutting and liquid sounding noises. Nom Nom got upset that he was missing the action as others started to come over to watch Grizz play, they were cheering him on. He climbed up the bear's legs and onto his shoulder. Nom Nom squinted his eyes at the bright screen and most of what he could make out was some character swinging around these super big...nude people, Nom Nom tilted his head in confusion at this. The game did seem action packed though. "Hey, uh, Grizz, do you have this game already? You're really good at it." Nom Nom was puzzled on how he was this good, he must own the game. "I can't afford to buy it yet, so I come by here almost daily to play it, man," said Grizz, focused on completing the mission he had started in-game. "Oh," Nom Nom felt kind of bad for him, he seemed to enjoy it so much and he was subjected to coming here to play it. Nom Nom snapped his fingers. A-ha! Nom Nom reached into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out a wallet that had a palm tree printed on the front. "Grizz, I'll be over here for a second," said Nom Nom before he walked away to another part of the store. Grizz heard Nom Nom but could only mumble under his breath to keep his focus, "Yeah, ok."

Nom Nom went up to the counter of the establishment. He was too short to look over it though. "Hey! Down here!" Nom Nom raises his voice so he could be heard by the clerk behind the cashier. "Huh?" The clerk looked around before leaning over the counter and looking down at him. The clerks seemed like he was in his teenage years and had a bright expression on his face, almost too bright, thought Nom Nom. "Oh, sorry sir. Welcome to GameStop, is there anything you need assistance with?" Nom Nom sighed and pointed towards the game demo that Grizz was playing. There were now a few other people on the other side of him, watching him play. "I would like to purchase that game, please." Ugh. Nom Nom didn't like using please too often. "Oh! Attack on Titans 2. Great choice sir, I heard it got great reviews." Nom Nom knew the clerk was just trying to make small talk but he wanted to hurry up and buy it. "The cashier looked behind him and in multiple drawers before finding the requested game. He put it in a GameStop plastic bag, along with the newest Game Informer magazine. He tapped a few keys on the computer/cash register and then looked back at Nom Nom. "That will be, exactly $60 sir." Nom Nom thought that he had misheard him as he wasn't use to things being that cheap, at least that cheap for him. "Alright," replied Nom Nom as he jumped up just barely enough to put the money on the counter." The clerk took the money and put it in the cash register and watched as a smaller device printed out the receipt. He grabbed the receipt and the bag to the edge of the counter for the koala to take. "Thank you, very much." Nom Nom graciously thanked the kind man, grabbed the bag and receipt and went over towards Grizz. He put the receipt in his pocket.

Grizz was intensely focused on the game. He was almost done with the mission. He just needed to defeat one more- Mission Complete appeared on the screen as Grizz jumped up from the controller, pumping his fist in the air and letting a loud, "Yeah!" He was being showered with praise by his peers that were watching him and high fives all of them. Nom Nom then came over to Grizz to congratulate him and give him something. "Hey Grizz, Congrats." Grizz heard Nom Nom's voice mid-celebration and looked down at him. "Thanks, buddy, I-" Nom Nom interrupted him mid-sentence and pulled the bag from behind his back. "Surprise!" Grizz covered his mouth with paws. He was touched. He then gave one of those joyous yells that he always did when he was excited and then scooped Nom Nom into his arms and gave him a gracious hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," said Grizz, repetitively. People around were staring and giving the typical "Awww." They must have thought they were in some kind of relationship. Nom Nom usually disliked too much affection but he found this wonderful. Grizz checked his watch which he had apparently brought with him to keep track of time. It was almost 4 o'clock and the mall closed at 6. "We have about two hours to spare, what do you want to do now," asked Grizz, putting Nom Nom down. Nom Nom looked down and scratched his chin, thinking. "Well, I guess we could go get something to eat? I'm kind of famished," replied Nom Nom, putting his hands on his stomach for extra emphasis. "Alright, sounds good." Without another word, they took each other's paw and walked out of the store and headed towards the food court.

Nom Nom put the GameStop bag around his shoulder so there wasn't so much weight on his free paw. Nom Nom suddenly noticed that his other paw was interlocked by Grizz's paw. He looked around while they were walking and they were getting some interesting glares. His cheeks had a soft pink tint to them as this made his slightly embarrassed. Did we really look that much like a couple? I wonder if Grizz is noticing this. Nom Nom thought to himself without saying a word. They finally got to the food court and found Ice Bear and Panda waiting in the back of a line. They seemed to be waiting in line for New York style pizza. Grizz's walk turned into a brisk jog and it caught Nom Nom be surprised as he had to put extra effort into keeping up with him due to his small legs, also since he was still holding hands with him. Once they got next to the brothers, Grizz gave a friendly wave and greeting. "Hey guys, what did you guys do." Panda and Ice Bear immediately noticed that he and Nom Nom were holding hands. Nom Nom tried his very best not to make any kind of eye contact with him. "Oh, uh, I got some manga and art supplies," said Panda, gesturing the bag that he had on his shoulder. "Ice Bear went to the gym." "Had extreme work out." Ice Bear then flexed his arms. "Wow, sounds like you two had fun." Grizz gave a big smile. Panda snickered a little and mumbled under his breath, "Seems like you two had fun as well." Grizz's ears twitched. "What did you say," asked Grizz. Panda shook his head and gave a small fake smile, "Oh, nothing." Nom Nom and Grizz joined them in the line and waited patiently to get to the front. They each ordered 2 New York style pizzas. Once they received their food, they left the counter and went to table and sat down. They are their lunch peacefully and quietly until Grizz suddenly started bragging a bit. "Oh, hey, look what Nom Nom bought me." He held up the GameStop that contained the PlayStation 4 version of Attack on Titans 2. Ice Bear and Panda glanced at each other for a moment. "Oh yeah, that's cool. You've been wanting that game for a while," said Panda. Grizz nodded, "Yeah." Nom Nom looked up from his phone to see Ice Bear mouthing some words but didn't audibly say anything. Since Nom Nom is used to the world of fame and drama he could understand read his lips well enough to know what he was saying. "Ice Bear thanks you," mouthed Ice Bear. Nom Nom gave a small smile and nodded.

Suddenly, Grizz started snickering to himself and then turned towards Nom Nom. "Hey Noms, wanna hear a joke," asked Grizz almost hopping out of his chair with excitement. "Uh, sure, why not," replied Nom Nom, wondering why the grizzly was so excited. Grizz took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Okay. What is a bear' favorite drink," asked Grizz, patiently waiting for the other's response. "Uhm...I don't know, Pepsi?" Nom Nom had no idea what the answer. Grizz snickered and suddenly yelled, "KOKA-KOALA." He then slapped the table while went into a laughing fit. He was attracting eyes towards their table. Ice Bear snickered and Panda gave a sarcastic, "Heh." Nom Nom, on the other hand, he went from snickering to soft laughing and finally to loud laughing. He had never heard a joke so funny before. He tried to speak between his laughs, "That's a good one." He then started laughing to a point where he kicking his feet, holding his stomach, and leaning his head back. His baseball cap fell to the floor. Oh no. His ears were suddenly exposed and he didn't even know. People were gasping and pointing. Many also asked each other, "Is that the famous koala, Nom Nom?" Just seconds before a lot of people came running over with their phones. Panda, Grizz, and Ice Bear were trying to get his attention a few seconds by calling his name but he was laughing so hard that he could not hear them. Nom Nom didn't notice until he the sound of a lot of footsteps over his laughter and looked down to see that their table was now surrounded by people recording him with their phones. He then felt a cool breeze on his head and felt for his hat but only felt fur. "Crap," exclaimed Nom Nom. His vision started to blur and his stomach started to cramp as anxiety, stress, and tears tackled him at once. People were starting to murmur amongst themselves things such as, "Nom Nom has been found, this is great," "Who are these bears that are with him," "Did these bears kidnap Nom Nom," and "Why is the brown bear always seen with him?"

The bears immediately got out of their chairs and nodded to each other simultaneously. In a blink of an eye, the bears climbed into a stack. They went around the table and stopped beside Nom Nom. Grizz extended his arm and held out his paw towards Nom Nom giving him a serious yet caring expression."Come on, we need to get out of here." Nom Nom looked up at Grizz and suddenly everything but Grizz's got blurry. He never noticed how handsome he was before and he felt that weird feeling in his chest again. The koala shook his head, trying to clear his weird thoughts an took Grizz's hand and climbed onto his back. "Hold on tight," commanded Grizz. Nom Nom wrapped his arms around Grizz's sides and kept his head low. Panda looked up towards Grizz, "All ready?" Ice Bear bent his legs into a squat and furrowed his eyebrows. "Ice Bear is a train that is raring to go." he then proceeded to run in place and made train noises, repetitively saying "Chuga." Grizz then looked down and yelled, "CHARGE!" Ice Bear took off and headed straight towards the crowd, who was now stunned with fear and couldn't move. "Woot, Woot," sounded Ice Bear, making more train noises. The bears made collision with the crowd and everyone was either being knocked back or trampled, all of the bears looked downward and closed their eyes. There were plenty of screams and use of some explicit language. The bears eventually got enough momentum to where they were being slowed down by the crowd anymore and soon they busted out the other side of the crowd. Nom Nom looked back to see people on the ground, some crawling, and some were chasing after them. Suddenly, out of all of that came about 5 security guards with batons and tasers, rushing towards them. He then carefully climbed up to Grizz's ears and whispered what he saw. Grizz then patted Panda's side and said, "We need to leave, security is after us." "Ice Bear hears you loud and clear," said Ice Bear before taking a sharp right turn around the corner. The exit was in view, they could make it out. More security guards appeared in front of the door, barricading it. Ice Bear then looked around and found a nearby escalator and ran up it, even though it was moving downwards. They were now in the clothing section of the mall and Ice Bear slowed down a bit to catch his breath. Panda looked around to find another set of stairs or escalator. He squinted and saw a sign on the wall that said Fire Escape and pointed, "Look, over there!" Nom Nom, Grizz, and Ice Bear looked over there and saw the door and started heading over there. When they got in the door, the security guards were standing on the stairs, blocking their path. "Just surrender yourself and we won't have a problem," said one of the guards, snarking. Nom Nom took off his coat, balled it up, and threw it at one of the guards but t just bounced off him. Dang, that's all Nom Nom could do. Ice Bear looked beside the guards and saw the rails of the stairs. He then started to run in place and make those train noises again. Then he bent his head down and charged the first guard like a bull and then jumped onto the rail and rode it down the stairs. This, of course, hurt Ice Bear's paws immensely but he tried his best to hold on. Nom Nom felt like he was filming an action movie but he had never done his own stunts before and of course he was screaming. Panda held onto Ice Bear for dear life, thinking that this was over dramatic and dangerous, he was also screaming. Grizz was yelling with joy as he thought this was fun. Once they got to the bottom, they dashed out of the door, setting off an alarm. Ice Bear started to slow down once they got onto the grass, his paws were red and they were severely bruised. Panda thought to himself for a second and then hopped off of Ice Bear. "You need to rest man, come on, get on top," said Panda. Ice Bear slowly but surely climbed to the top and saw Nom Nom sitting on Grizz's back. "Oh, I'm sorry, he dropped down to the side of Grizz and held onto his fur and watched Ice Bear climb onto the top of the stack and then proceeded to climb the top of him. Once Ice Bear was firmly on top, Panda dashed off across the grass and into the parking lot. The guards came out the entrance a bit too late as they were already on their way towards the sidewalk. Nom Nom turned and may have done some questionable gestures with his fingers towards them.

It took what felt like forever to get home. Once they got inside, all four of them collapsed on the couch. All of their furs were ruffled and they smelt really sweaty. Ice Bear kicked his feet up onto the table and curved his leg towards him to look at the damage. He cringed at the sight and groaned, turning them back the other way. Grizz grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. It was news, he immediately turned to another channel. The news was on that channel too. What? He flipped through each channel and all of them were the news. Grizz smacked his lips and put down the remote in defeat. The headline was: Nom Nom kidnapped? A reporter was at the scene of the food court with a lot of people who looked like they got beat up. She talked about these three bears, all three different species, were with Nom Nom. Grizz turned off the TV and they sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Nom Nom hopped up from the couch, "I guess I call dibs on the shower first." He went into the hallway, towards the bathroom and a door slam was heard. "Little bro, I'm going to get you a bucket of ice for your feet," said Panda, getting up and walking away. "Ice Bear would like that," replied Ice Bear, giving a very small smile. Grizz and Ice Bear were on the couch alone now. Grizz was about to say something but then Ice Bear spat out, "Ice Bear wants to know why you didn't tell us." Grizz rose an eyebrow and turned to look at him. "Tell you guys what," questioned Grizz, puzzled. "You and the koala," responded Ice Bear. Grizz's face suddenly felt warm. "Bro, I don't know what you mean", said Grizz. Ice Bear opened his mouth to speak but then Panda came in with two buckets of ice, one for each foot. He placed the buckets in front of Ice Bear. Ice Bear took his feet off the table and put it into the buckets. He groaned with pleasure from the ice. Panda sat down beside his bros and scratched at his neck. He had something on his mind. "Hey Grizz," started Panda. "What's going on between you and Nom Nom," finished Panda. Grizz was now flustered. "What do you guys mean? There's nothing going on", exclaimed Grizz. "Then why were you two holding hands," remarked Panda. Grizz put his paw up about to object but he couldn't. He had nothing to say about it so all that came out was, "Uhh." Panda patted Grizz on the shoulder. "It's okay bro, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Bears can love and that's a beautiful thing," said Panda. "Ice Bear agrees," remarked Ice Bear. Grizz smiled, "Thanks, bros." Grizz expression changed to a more serious one. "But really, we haven't really had anything or expressed any kind of affection really." Panda and Ice Bear scratched their heads. "Well Bros, I'm going to bed, I'll just take a shower in the morning, good night," said Grizz getting up and going to his room.

Once Grizz was in his room, he cut off the lights and he basically collapsed onto his bed. He missed the warm and cozy feeling of his bed. He later across his stomach and spread his arms out like he was hugging the bed and sooner or later he was asleep. Nom Nom had just finished his bath was walking in the hallway. When he approached Grizz's door, he heard loud snoring. He opened the door and turned on the light to find Grizz knocked out, snoring like always. "Wow, I thought he would at least take a brisk shower or something first." Nom Nom could definitely smell the bear's sweaty body odor and he was definitely not sleeping close to him without something between them. Nom Nom searched the closet for something he could wrap himself in, he found one of Grizz's old pajamas and wrapped himself in it and planted himself under Grizz's arm. He could feel the warmth radiating from the grizzly and his vision soon became blurry as he yawned, soon being engulfed into the world that was sleep. Ice Bear and Panda soon walked into the room to check on them. Both of them smiled and Ice Bear turned off the light and shut the door as they left.

~Bells were ringing. Doves were flying in the air. Two lovers were announcing their vows to each other whilst in front of bunch of people that were sitting in chairs, including a Bigfoot holding hands with a Panda Bear, a Polar Bear, a bald security guard, a young Korean girl and a tall women beside a bunch of kids that were wearing the same uniform. The two lovers were a grizzly and a koala. The had finished their vows and the minister had now said the infamous lines, "Grizzly, do you-" He was interrupted by the grizzly, wearing a black suit, "Yeah!" The minister cleared his throat and looked towards the koala, who was standing on boxes, "And you, Nom-" He was once again interrupted but this time by the koala, who was also wearing a black suit, "Yes." The minister sighed and looked at the grizzly then the koala, "With the power vested in me, I pronounce you, grizzly and koala. You may now salute the koala." Grizz took a step forward and was now inches away from the Koala's faces. He lifted the koala off the boxes and when he was leaning his face for the kiss…~

Grizz opened his eyes, face very warm. Grizz was startled and as he tried to look around, he couldn't see but he could feel something small under his arm and suddenly, he felt much better and drifted back off to sleep.