The next couple of days passed rather smoothly. Hakudoshi hardly let her out of his sight. If she thought Jaken was a mother-hen then Hakudoshi was on a whole other level. The only time he left her alone was when he was training/sparing with the Avengers to see who he would allow to come with them to the mountain. When he did that, he made sure to just pass her off to Bankotsu. She never had a moment to herself, but she was finding that she didn't really mind all that much. They kept her out of her head. She spent most of her free time in the greenhouse that Tony definitely didn't have to build for her. She had been beyond surprised when after everything had settled down that day, and Koga and his crew left, Tony had taken her aside saying he wanted to show her something. The greenhouse was amazing and she wanted nothing more at the moment to build it to its full potential. Tony had said that she could pick out any plants she wanted to start in it. He told her that it was hers now so she could do with it whatever she wanted. He had directed her to a few websites of local flower shops and plant stores. If she couldn't find what she wanted there, that could be easily delivered, she should tell him what she wanted and he would find it for her.

She had picked out a few full-grown plants so there would be at least some plants in there. Most of what she picked out were bulbs or seeds. She also picked out what kind of fertilizer and plant food she wanted to work with. She didn't feel too bad about using Tony's money anymore for the simple fact she was keeping track of how much she would need to pay him back in the end. After she had her baby, she would find a job and start making some money to pay him back with. She didn't care if he didn't want her to or not. She was not the type of person that just let other people pay her way. She never had been and she never will be. She was raised as a shrine girl, and shrine brats took care of themselves.

There was a small relaxation area in the back corner that had three rocking chairs, a nice rug, a small bookcase, and a coffee table. When her back started hurting from too much bending over from planting she would go into the corner to read a book or flip through her photo album. Darcy was spending a good bit of time with her as well. She had brought her I-Pod and a speaker to plug it into. They would talk about everything and anything. Darcy had a lot of fun going through her photo album and asking about certain pictures. The peppy brunet didn't have a whole lot of free-time, taking care of Jane seemed to be a fulltime job. She was pretty sure that the others asked her to spend time with her, but she was letting that one slide.

"So, I heard that with you having a baby demon, things are a bit different. How much longer is baby Gome cooking in the oven?" Darcy asked with a tired smile. She liked her downtime with Kagome, it was relaxing. She learned little things about her new friend over the past few days. She didn't like being touched yet at the same time she liked being close to people. She had been a big people person before the whole trauma thing. She loved cute things and would fawn all over her new plants. She would listen to everything that Darcy needed to get off of her chest. She was very thankful for her new friend.

"About four more months. Time is dwindling down now." She whispered the second part.

Darcy frowned slightly as she kicked her feet up onto the table. Kagome's mind tended to get depressed easily and when that happened it was best to keep her talking.

"Do you have any names picked out?" Darcy asked curiously.

Kagome hesitated as she carefully planted her next batch of herb seeds, "Possibly. Sesshomaru and I had talked it over a bit. We didn't settle on one for sure, we decided it was pertinent to see them before naming them."

Darcy grinned, "So you have a couple of names for either sex then?"

"Yes," Kagome said simply.

Darcy nearly growled in frustration. She had spent most of today up here with Kagome, Jane took the day off to spend with her boy toy. Kagome was slowly shutting down today, which was getting frustrating. It was extremely hard to keep her talking today. The white-haired shorty had stood at the door glaring at her for hours before switching out with the black-haired beauty. The tall drink of water tended to station himself just outside the door and just check in on them every few minutes or so. Speaking of Mr. Handsome, a smile split her face.

"I have to ask you something super important, my friend," Darcy said in a serious tone.

Kagome turned around to glance at her, "What is it?"

"Bankotsu. Is he free for the taking?"

Kagome couldn't help the bark of laughter that escaped her. Especially when she heard Bankotsu choke on his spit on the other side of the door, "You are aware that he can hear you, right?" Kagome laughed out.

Darcy shrugged and grinned, "All the better. He knows I'm interested then."

Kagome shook her head in amusement. Darcy had absolutely no personal shame to her, "I wouldn't know. If we were in the past, I could honestly say that he was available, but to highly advise you to stay away. Now in the present, I only met him again a few days ago. I know practically nothing about him other than he's been with Koga and his pack for the past century or so."

Darcy gave a dirty grin, "Ooh, an older man." She relished in the laughter she had managed to drag out of her friend. If she knew all she had to do to keep her talking was talking about boys she would have done that ages ago, "So what was Mr. Handsome like in the past? You both seem to have respect for each other so he couldn't have been all bad."

Kagome put down her trowel down, took her gloves off, and made her way over to the relaxation area. She was enjoying Bankotsu's discomfort so she didn't mind this conversation topic all that much, "Let's see. To start out with he was a hired mercenary, an extremely good one. He was human back then and he pulled together a group of six other people to work with. They were called the Band of Seven. By the time I met him he was already dead, he had been betrayed by one of his employers and sentenced to death. He and his group were brought back to life by Naraku. From what I remember he was extremely cocky and a bit self-absorbed. He thought he was better than everyone. But he also had a softer side to him. He cared deeply about his brothers. He inspired respect from his followers, well except for Renkotsu. But Renkotsu thought he was smarter than everyone else and thought if he gained enough jewel shards he could take over.

"He was very skilled with his halberd. He was loyal to people who were loyal to him. He followed Naraku's orders, but only to accomplish his own ends. I know he was searching for a way to make himself and his brothers fully alive again. I did respect him, not really sure why to tell you the truth. But, out of all of the enemies, Naraku threw at us Bankotsu was the nicest. Both him and Jakotsu. Jakotsu had a big thing for Inuyasha which creeped him out."

"This Jakotsu guy is gay then."

"Oh yeah, big time. I wasn't joking when I said Jakotsu had a very vibrant personality. Being gay is barely being accepted nowadays, just imagine how bad it was way back then. He didn't care though, not one bit, and Bankotsu didn't mind it either. All he cared about was loyalty. Personality and what they did in their spare time was none of his business."

A large smile brightened Darcy's face as she said in a much louder tone, "Well if Mr. Loyal wants to have some fun, I'm totally up for it."

They both heard a little crash outside and they fell into laughter together. Bankotsu opened the door and glared at both of them, "Would you two stop it already? You're making it hard to concentrate."

"Am I bothering you?" Darcy purred at him.

"Not going to give you an answer. Short and angry should be back soon. Is there anything you want me to bring you once guard duty is passed over Kags?" Bankotsu asked, ignoring the previous line of questioning.

"No thanks, I'm good. I'll probably head down once Hakudoshi gets back. Getting a bit tired, so I think I'll take a nap. So, if you want to have some fun I won't mind." Kagome said innocently.

Darcy chuckled behind her hand, "Yeah, we don't mind. In fact, I have the rest of the day off. Plenty of time for some fun."

Bankotsu sighed, "You two are incorrigible. What happened to the innocent blushing mini-skirt I remember from the past?"

Kagome smirked up at him, "She got married to a demon lord. You would be surprised what got discussed within his army. If I wanted them to respect me, I had to be able to hold my ground."

Hakudoshi burst through the doors of the greenhouse, "Lady Kagome you are to come downstairs. Stark wishes you to see something, I believe it is important."

"Right. Darcy, could you put my stuff away for me?" Kagome asked as she stood up.

"Yeah, no problem. You go kick butt." Darcy answered as she got up to start cleaning up the place. There wasn't much to put away, Kagome tried to keep the place as clean as she could. Well as much as a greenhouse could be in the middle of planting.

Kagome was practically escorted to the rooftop elevator. Hakudoshi in the front while Bankotsu kept rear-guard. She wondered what this was going to be about. She had never really been summoned before. They usually just let her do her own thing. So, this must be urgent and/or time-sensitive.

When they got back down to the common floor everyone was huddled around a hologram screen set up at a table. Uneasiness filled Kagome's gut; something was going on. But what?

"Hey kid, glad you're here." Tony motioned her over to them a serious look in his face, "I've been having Jarvis run facial recognition pretty much everywhere for your brother and your son pretty much constantly in the background. We just got a hit that could possibly be your brother. We need you to confirm if it's him or not."

Tears started building up in her eyes at the possibility that they had found her brother. Worry was building up in her as well, she was worried why Naraku would have him out. Her mind drifted to Kohaku and all of the atrocities he was forced to do. She prayed to the gods that Sota wasn't being forced to kill anyone.

She went over to the screen to focus on the still picture. Without even meaning to tears started streaming down her face. Sota was in the middle of walking down a hallway, following a man Kagome would bet money on was Naraku in disguise. It wasn't any of the people he used to pretend to be in the past so he must have killed someone else to take their place. She felt empathy for the man that died for Naraku to be able to be parading around as him.

"That's him." Kagome breathed out.

"Right team that means suit up. We have a kid to save." Steve said as he started walking away.

"Wait!" Kagome shouted.

"Gome I know how much this means to you, but you are not coming and that is non-negotiable," Clint warned her.

"No, I know that. It's too risky. I'm holding out to go with you all to get Sesshomaru." Kagome rushed out, "That man." She pointed to the man that Sota was following, "That man is most likely Naraku in disguise. You have to be extremely careful."

Everybody looked back to the screen, new purpose building within them. They had a possibility to end this all together tonight. They hadn't had too long to practice against Hakudoshi and Bankotsu to learn how demons fought, but a few days were better than nothing.

"Everybody put their mean faces on," Natasha smirked.

"Hakudoshi go with them please," Kagome asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Hakudoshi frowned, "I should not leave your side, especially if Naraku is starting to make his move."

"Bankotsu will be with me, as well as Jaken and Kirara," Kagome argued.

"I can stay behind to help; I won't be much help in this type of mission anyway," Bruce suggested.

"If that guy with Sota is Naraku that means that he is an entire continent away. They were spotted in Russia, so if we want to keep track of them it's best to leave now." Tony said.

"Hakudoshi, please. Please bring my brother back to me. Do not let him become another Kohaku. I wouldn't be able to stand it. Please." Kagome practically begged him.

Hakudoshi finally nodded, "Very well my lady." He turned to the owner of the building, "Stark, is there a safe room to put her in while we are gone?"

Kagome had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying that was unnecessary and a waste of time. She had just won one battle; she didn't want to risk another.

"Yeah, actually. It's on the fortieth floor, Bruce knows the way there. He can take her there while we head to the quinjet." Tony answered.

"I'll come with you Gome. We'll grab some stuff and have a bit of girl time." Darcy said announcing her arrival, linking her arm with Kagome's.

Bankotsu literally could not help himself, "Girl time? What happened to free time?"

Darcy choked and a burst of laughter escaped Kagome. The rest of the room looked at them oddly, not knowing what the hell they were talking about.

"I can always lend you out when they all get back." Kagome teased to the past mercenary.

"Might just take you up on that Miniskirt." He teased back, sending a wink over to the now pink-faced brunet.

"Evening goals." Darcy breathed out dreamily as she sent him a smile.

"Uh, what just happened?" Thor asked, a confused look upon his face.

"You don't want to know," Jane answered, shaking her head. She had spent more than enough time with Darcy that she knew exactly what her intern was thinking. That Bankotsu guy was exactly her type. With a sigh she started heading towards the kitchen, "I'll grab the pop tarts."

"Woohoo, girl time!" Darcy said excitedly as ran off to grab a few things to take with them to the saferoom.

"Ah, did she forget that Bruce, myself and the toad are going to be there?" Bankotsu asked with humor in his tone.

"Naw, she's just trying to make the situation a bit less scary," Kagome said with a fond grin.

"Come on Kagome, I'll show you the way down," Bruce said as he started walking towards the elevator.

Kagome heard a purr at her feet and scooped up Buyo. They usually let him wander the common floor when Kagome was up in the greenhouse as there was at least one person for him to bother. Kirara jumped up onto Bankotsu's shoulder and made herself comfortable.

With a silent 'go' everybody spread out to get ready. The Avengers that were going on the mission left to suit up and grab their equipment. Jane was grabbing food and drinks for everyone. Darcy went to grab her new friend's photo album. And a pillow and blanket to make her comfortable as well. She had a few aunts and what seems like hundreds of cousins. She knew how to handle pregnant ladies, even ones that didn't show that they needed any help. Jaken waddled off quickly to grab his staff from the other room. He always kept it close, but he was getting a bit old to constantly be carrying it around.

Just like that, a game plan was made and in the process. A rescue was going to be made and hopefully, an enemy killed. Determination flowed through all of them. This had to be a success, it just had to be. For Kagome's sake, they had to make this rescue mission a success. Nobody knew if she would be able to pull through if this wasn't successful.

Mission was a go.