Kings...everyone in society wishes to be one. Powerful, unwavering, second to none, being a King meant absolute power and authority over all others in society. It is a position only that only the most talented can achieve. Its privileges are many; respect, power, authority, and potential for greatness. To all low-tiers and mid-tiers, being King meant freedom from bullying and alienation from the powerful; to them, it was freedom from the prison that is their powerlessness.

Yet, little do they know, that Kings are also confined in their own prisons. Everywhere they went, they would be recognized and watched; a king who shows even a sign of weakness loses respect and control over his people, and will inevitably have his title challenged by his peers. No matter what they do, Kings were always...watched. The eyes of judgement would scrutinize each and every action they do, and any sign of weakness could be an opportunity for others...and the downfall of the King.

Yes, Kings may be the most feared of all, but they are also the most fearful...