1 year and 3 months.

1 year and 3 months. 550+ pages. 220.000 words. 89 chapters, 18 interludes, and 3 vignettes.

That's how long you've stuck with me. *amused* Not too bad for a fic that was just supposed to be a small story on the side to cure my writer's block.

A lot of the credit for this goes to Ageless, though. She's the one who stopped me from fucking up too badly, and she was the one who made me continue when I only wanted to hit 'delete' and forget about the damn thing. *hugs* Thank you. Din støtte har betydet mere end du tror, babe.

Thank you to the character creators, too, for letting me play with their creations like this ^^ I'm pretty sure that a lot of them didn't turn out like they were supposed to, but really...it's all the characters' fault. *nods* They made me do it.

And thank you to the reviewers for your comments, suggestions, praise, and feedback. Those comments have inspired the plot and various characterizations more than once, and made it much more interesting. Knowing that someone reads their stories means a lot to a writer - thank you for not giving up on me, even if the story became kind of long.

To any MiSTies out there: you have my full permission to wreck havoc on this (God knows that if you made it through all of this, you damn well deserve it). Give Mike and the 'Bots hell from me, mail me a copy, and keep circulating the tapes.

Now, on the topic of a sequel...no. Fun as this has been, I won't do a sequel, for several reasons. First of all I like it as it is now. Secondly, I care about these characters, and prefer to stop the fic before I grow tired of them. So let's leave it here, and call it...well, let's avoid 'The End', shall we? Their lives go on, even if we're not there to pen it down.

The epilogue is left open, and I intended to let it be that way. The fic can go anywhere from here, and that's how I prefer it to be. I have one idea of how this should end, but who says it's the same as yours? Happy end, cynical reality...it's all up to you, the reader.

In any case...make your choice. Exercise your imagination. But most importantly - have fun.

I did.

~ Sorcieré