Castiel Novak's ears perked up as he stepped inside the coffee shop and took a deep breath, taking in all the smells.

The cafe smelled of caramel and freshly pressed coffee beans.

It was one of his favorite scents and going into shops like these were always the best part of his day.

"No Nekos allowed," a oily, scottish voice told him, snarling. "Get lost."

"I have done nothing wrong," he replied, turning around to face a large beefy black-hair man wearing a suit with a red tie. Most noticeably were his round ears and furry tail.

Wolves always thought they were better than everyone else.

"This is a wolf shop," he snapped. "Get out before I make you."

Cas's tail thrashed around and he grabbed it, pressing the appendage to his side. "There are no signs outside informing me of this.

"To Hell with signs! I'm the Alpha of this town and if I tell you to lick my shoes your response should be, 'which side?'!"

At this point, the Barista walked over and set a plastic cup and a brown paper bag on the table."One black coffee with a double shot of espresso and a blueberry muffin. To go."

He was a human with dirty blonde hair and eyes that shone like emeralds. Even though he was working in domestic cafe, he looked like a lumberjack with his leather jacket and flannel.

The wolf snarled, grabbing his order. "You just lost half your customers, coffee boy!"

The human sighed, watching him leave before offering Cas a sincere smile. "Sorry about that.. Order anything. On the house."

"Thanks," he said quietly, walking up to the counter. "I'll have a caramel macchiato. I'm sorry you lost customers because of me."

"Don't worry. I'm the only one who hasn't banned that jerk. Yet. He'll be back. I'm Dean Winchester, owner of Dean's Coffee."

"My name is Castiel, but my friends call me Cas."

"Nice ears, Cas."


He sat down at the counter, looking around the empty cafe, and listened to the whir of the coffee maker.

It was a very homey place, but also incredibly lonely; like they were the only people on the planet.

"It's pretty suck," Dean laughed.

Despite his light tone, the Neko felt like he was more upset then he let on, but it wasn't his job to dig.

"It's not that bad," he replied. "It's really peaceful."

The human handed him his order then sat down on a bar stool. "True, but peaceful doesn't pay the bills."

"It could if you advertise that. Let me show you," he insisted, taking a napkin. "Do you have a pencil?"


For a couple of minutes the only noise was the scratching of the paper until he put the pencil down and handed Dean the napkin.

There was a picture of a coffee mug with the words "Dean's Coffee, A quiet place to be" wrapped around it.

"I like it," he laughed, handing it back. "Sign it and I'll put it up somewhere."

He wrote something on it and gave it back before leaving. "See you around."

Dean smiled at the picture before flipping it over.


Castiel Novak

Writing down the number on his arm, he pinned the napkin to a cork board and stood back, grinning.