Hiya! So this idea literally came out of nowhere while I was playing Breath of the Wild. There was no reason for it, nothing to spark it, it just popped into my head and I 'squee-d' as the idea formed. ;)

Anyway, disclaimer that I don't own, and enjoy!


Sakura held her hand over her heart as she watched the scene before her.

"It's bad news, I'm afraid," Doctor Takeo said.

Sakura held her breath, waiting.

"Give it to me straight," Hiromi begged softly. "How long do I have?"

Sakura's ears strained to hear what the doctor said.

"At best, five weeks," Doctor Takeo spoke sombrely.

Sakura gasped as softly as possible, tears threatening.

"And at worst?" Hiromi asked, dreading the next words.

Sakura was silent as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"At worst… only three days," was the answer.

Sakura covered her mouth with her hand as Hiromi's eyes shined with tears, and the doctor stared sombrely at her.

"Aaand, cut!"

Startled, Sakura looked over to see the director, the cameraman, and all the others who worked on the set of one of her favourite daytime soaps. She'd been so caught up in the scene before her, she'd totally forgotten where she actually was. Looking back over to the actors, she saw the one who played the doctor grin at her, and she grinned back. Normally if a famous soap actor was headed her way, she'd be blushing and tripping over herself with her words, but this guy was different.


This guy was her best friend.

"Hey Naruto," she greeted. "Great scene!"

"Aah, it was nothing," he said. "You should see the one I'm doing later with Kiba!"

"O-oh, you mean Inuzuka Kiba?" she asked, thinking of the rather rougish looking actor and blushing lightly.

"Heh, maybe I'll introduce you," Naruto nudged her suggestively, and Sakura punched him in the arm.

"You'd better," she said seriously, then asked, "So what's happening with Hiromi? Is she gonna live? Is she gonna die?"

"Can't tell you," Naruto said conspiratorially. "It's a secret."

Sakura stared at him knowingly. "You don't know, do you?"

"Nope, not a clue," Naruto admitted shamelessly, and Sakura grinned.

"What's next?" she asked.

"Next, we're moving over to the Ishikawa household set," he said. "It's just next door, we'll be shooting a scene with Fumiko's uncle. Come on."

He grabbed her hand to lead her over there, ditching the doctor coat before they left. Once the change of sets was done, Naruto was led off by wardrobe to change into a new outfit, leaving Sakura leaning by a snacks table, fiddling idly with her visitor's pass.

"Well, I don't think I've ever seen you here before," a deep voice said at her right, and Sakura started slightly, looking over to see who had spoken.

And immediately felt the breath leave her. 'Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!' kept going through her brain over and over, because standing right next to her with an interested glint in his eyes, was one of the biggest stars in the show. He was a theatre actor turned soap star, and he was one of her favourites of the whole cast. Uchiha Madara. He played Fumiko's uncle, who was secretly a Yakuza working as a triple agent with authorities, and had it in for one of the shows biggest protagonists.

"I-I, um," Sakura stuttered slightly. "I'm here with Naruto. H-he invited me to watch him do scenes today."

Madara's eyebrow rose. "So then you would be Sakura?" he asked. "Naruto speaks of you a lot."

Sakura nodded. "He's off w-with someone from wardrobe right now, I think," she said.

As she said that, Naruto actually came back, and the director called for everyone to get in place. "Ah, it seems that works calls," Madara said smoothly. "But perhaps afterwards, you would like to get a coffee with me?"

Sakura was unable to answer vocally, she was too stunned, so she simply nodded. Madara grinned, and she felt her knees go weak as he moved over to the set. She simply could not believe what had just happened. Fanning herself, she forced herself to pay attention to the scene that started, inwardly cheering and pumping her fist that she'd basically just gotten a date with one of her favourite soap stars!

So what did you think? I had a big stupid grin on my face while writing this, just so you know.

Review please! :)