A Knight's Heart

If you would've ask Jaune if he'd be in this position when he started Beacon, he'd say you were crazy. But sometimes life is stranger than fiction because here he was dating four of the most beautiful and amazing women he had ever met: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long, also known as Team RWBY.

It was definitely a strange circumstance but he wasn't going to complain. After so many failed relationships or just being used, he had finally found four women that loved and cared for him as he loved and cared for them. He never thought he'd ever be in a polygamous relationship but he knew he just couldn't shun any of them and hurt them. And after a short time, he found it was just easy for him to love them all. It was still funny to think that this all started with that one bet.

That day he had left his dorm to go over to RWBY's. He was going to return some notes he borrowed from Ruby and see if any of them wanted to hang out with him and his team. When he was about to knock on the door, he had heard them discussing the end of the bet and was intrigued to see what they were going to do. When he heard Ruby suggest him for it, he felt his heart clench a bit. He had been in this exact situation before and it was painful to say the least. And then when he heard Yang and Blake agree to it, it just hurt all the more.

That's when he just decided to avoid them all. But no matter what he did or where he went, they just kept finding him. Every time he held just a bit of hope that they wouldn't try to use him just to win some stupid bet. That they just genuinely wanted to hang out or just do something together. But he was disappointed every time and the pain just grew and grew. By the end of the day, he was just done. He didn't want anything to do with any of them. Whether that was temporary or permanent, he wasn't sure but he honestly just didn't care at that point in time.

Eventually, they did apologize and he decided to put it behind him. What he didn't expect was for them all to confess to him and then ask him out simultaneously. In any other circumstance, he would've thought they were just trying to make it up to him or save face. But the genuine way they asked and explained their feelings made him believe them. He accepted it and for the next day or so, thought he was either dreaming or Nora had driven him crazy. Or maybe a spar went wrong and this was all some dream while he was in a coma. Both turned out to be false and by the end of that week, he would be going on a date with each of them. To make it simple, they decided to just go in the order of how they asked him out during the bet: Yang first, followed by Ruby, then Blake and finally Weiss. How on Remnant was this going to go?

Jaune was standing in front of RWBY's dorm room, very nervous. He was about to go on his date with Yang, the heartthrob of most guys in his year. 'No pressure.' He thought to himself sarcastically.

He looked down to check his appearance one last time. He was wearing a long-sleeve white shirt under a blue, short-sleeved collar shirt, with the top two buttons undone. Along with that was a pair of black jeans with a matching belt and dancing shoes, Yang told him he'd need them. The whole thing made him look nice but not overdressed, a safe bet for a first date. He double checked to make sure he had his scroll and wallet, that'd be embarrassing if he forgot them.

He also made sure he had the two 'gifts' he got from Ren and Nora before he left his dorm. Ren had given him some motion sickness pills. He had all but gotten over it but with his nerves, Ren thought it'd be better to be safe than sorry. Meanwhile, Nora had given him a pack of breath mints. Her thinking was that kissing with bad breath would be disastrous for him and Yang. Although she said it with a wink so he knew she was teasing him, didn't stop him from blushing though.

With that done, he had no other reason to delay this any further. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Yang opened the door. He had expected her to be in her usual clothing but he was wrong. Ruby had called this her sister's 'Hunter' outfit and she looked gorgeous in it. He was stunned until he heard her giggle, "I guess you like it?" she asked teasingly.

He cleared his throat before he spoke up, "Y-yeah. You look great, Yang."

She smiled at him, "Thank you, Jaune. You don't look half bad yourself." She closed the door behind herself and wrapped her right arm around his left. His arm was pressed up against her breast, causing him to blush. Yang just smiled up at him, "Let's get going." He smiled back at her and nodded and the two started to walk away from the dorms.

On the flight down to Vale, the two just chatted about random things that came to their minds. They eventually settled on their families but more specifically, their sisters. Jaune learned a few stories about Ruby from her younger days. Ruby would probably be embarrassed by what he learned but he had to admit, it was adorable. Jaune told her about his sister's usually shenanigans and he was positive that Yang was using them as inspiration to get ideas for her own sister. The conversation eased his nerves so much and he was feeling comfortable.

When the two got off the bullhead, they quickly got on Bumblebee and Yang drove them to where their actually date was. Although her driving was causing Jaune to hold onto her for dear life. His arms were tight around her stomach and his face was buried into her shoulder from behind. Not to mention there was very little space between their bodies. Yang however didn't seem to mind, considering the content smile and slight pink of her cheeks.

They eventually stopped in front of a dance club. Not like Junior's though, it was more casual and more family orientated. The two walked in and grabbed a table and someone came by to ask if they wanted anything. They ordered two sodas and a few appetizers. As they were waiting, Yang started to make a few of her usual puns to pass the time. Jaune sighed but had a small smile on his lips. They were bad but not completely terrible. He eventually decided to bite the metaphorical bullet and started to make a few of his own. The shocked look on her face was amazing but not as much as the genuine laughter he got out of her. That was completely worth it.

A bit later, Yang had pulled him out onto the dance floor. The two danced together, both enjoying dancing with someone just as good as they were and seemed to love the act just as much. They eventually drew the attention of a few of the other patrons and they received a round of applause. Jaune flushed at that while Yang took it in stride and made him take a bow with her. He also found out that Yang's mood and smile were contagious because he couldn't stop himself from having as great of a time as her and keeping a smile on his face.

A slow song came on and Jaune had no idea on what he should do. He looked at Yang who just gave a playful sigh. She took his hands and placed them on her hip before wrapping her arms around upper back and getting close. Jaune was pretty rigid, so she led the dance for the first few seconds before he relaxed and joined her. He smiled at her and she did the same before resting her head against his chest. He froze for a second before he smile widened and he took control of the dance.

When the song ended, the two just looked into each other's eyes. They leant forward slightly but their scrolls went off right at that moment. It was a reminder for them to head back to Beacon within the hour. The two sighed in disappointment and let the other go. They went back to Bumblebee and Yang drove them back to the bullheads. But this time, safer and along the scenic route, just so they could have just a bit more time with each other. Jaune didn't argue in the slightest. As they arrived, Jaune tasted his breath and realized it was bad. He took out the mints Nora gave him and popped two into his mouth to alleviate that.

Yang saw this and raised an eyebrow a him. He just shrugged, "The appetizers." He explained simply before holding the case out to her, "Want some?"

"Two please." She said as she held out her hand. He shook two out and she tossed them into her own mouth. They walked onto the bullhead and took their seats. As it took off, Yang sat a bit closer to him and wrapped her arm around his again. She then leant here head on his shoulder to relax easier. Jaune didn't freeze up that time, he just smiled.

The two were walking back to the dorms and Yang was still leant on Jaune similar to how they were when on the bullhead. They eventually got back to their dorms and she begrudgingly separated from him. She looked up at him and smiled, "I had fun tonight, Jaune. Thank you."

He smiled back at her, "No problem. I had fun too."

A thought came to him in that moment and he wasn't a hundred percent sure on whether to go for it or not. But remembering what almost happened when they were at the club, he decided he should. He leant forward and left a kiss on her cheek. As he pulled back, he saw her looking stunned with a faint pink to her cheeks. She most likely didn't expect him to be so forward. He gave her a small smile, "Good night, Yang."

As he turned to his dorm, he felt her grab his hand. He turned around and she pushed him against his door. He looked at her in shock as she looked at him with a gleam in her eyes and a predatory smirk. "That's not allowed, Jauney." He swallowed at her husky tone. She leant in closer, "But this is." She then leant forward and planted a searing kiss to his lips. His eyes widened in shock at the reality and he just looked into her half-lidded ones. He then started to close his own and wrapped his arms around her lower back to pull her closer as he kissed her back. She smiled into the kiss and closed her own eyes the rest of the way as her arms wrapped around his neck.

The two kissed for a solid minute before they pulled apart. They just looked into each other's eyes. Yang then whispered, "Good night, Jauney."

He smiled, "Good night." The two separated and Yang walked back to her door. She opened it and gave him a wink before she disappeared inside.

Jaune just leant against the door and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. "Well, that went better than I thought."

The next day, Jaune was preparing for his date with the young leader of his sister team. He wasn't as nervous as he was with Yang's date but that was because he hung out with Ruby much more than anyone else on RWBY. Not the same thing but it at least eased his nerves just a bit.

Ruby told him that he could dress casually so he decided to take her advice. So he was wearing what he usually did, minus his armor and his Pumpkin Pete's hoodie. With how much Nora laughed when she saw the mascot on his chest, he didn't want to risk the same with Ruby. Wouldn't be the best start to a date. As he was about to leave, Nora shouted at him and he turned to see her toss something at him. He caught it and found it to be the same pack of mints from the previous day. He looked up to see Nora giving him the same look from the day before. He rolled his eyes and sighed at her before leaving.

He knocked on RWBY's dorm and almost immediately it was swung open to reveal the little reaper. She gave him her usual giant smile, "Hey, Jaune! Ready to go?"

He just gave her a smaller but no less happy smile, "Yes I am." He then gave a low bow, "Please lead the way, Miss Rose." He said in a clearly fake posh accent.

That just caused Ruby to laugh, "Come on, you dork." She said as she walked past him.

Jaune started to follow behind her, "You're the one going on a date with this dork."

She gained a small blush, "I never said it was bad. I like that you're a dork, like me."

Jaune smiled back, "I'd say you are 'adorkable', Ruby."

She groaned, "One date with Yang and your making puns." That caused him to chuckle.

The two enjoyed an average ride on the bullhead to Vale after that. Mostly, Ruby was just asking him more questions about the upgrades he had in mind for Crocea Mors. He answered all of them with no issue and she would type into her scroll. When he asked her what she was doing, she just hid her scroll from him. She placed her finger to her lips and told him it was a secret. He shrugged it off, if she didn't want to answer him, she wouldn't. Besides if he kept asking, the conversation would just devolve into her just saying 'nope' anyway.

When they go tot Vale, Ruby started to lead them to their destination. The sidewalks were filled with more people than they were used to and kept nudging into them. At one point, someone nearly knocked Ruby over before Jaune managed to grab her arm to keep her upright. The little kid apologized before running off to find his friends.

As they started walking again, Jaune let go of her arm. A few seconds later, he felt Ruby gently take his left hand in her right. He looked down at her, stunned by her action. She was just looking straight ahead with a blush on her cheeks, "Just so we don't get separated." She explained to him. After a second, he just smiled and gently squeezed back. She looked at him in shock but when she saw his smile, she smiled back with the blush still on her cheeks.

The two eventually stopped at their usual comic store and Jaune was confused. That was until he saw that they were having a huge sale, probably to try and get rid of their backstock and make space for their new inventory coming in. The two both gained a gleam in their eyes before they went into the store.

They spend the next couple of hours browsing the store to see what they wanted while discussing comics with the store owner, Arris. The man loved comics and it was his passion. He was always in the mood to discuss past and possible future comics with people. Especially, these two. They held the same passion that he did and it was always a good day when one showed up to his humble store.

By the end, both had a dozen comics each ready to buy. Arris rang them up but right after they payed, he asked them to wait up. He disappeared into the back room and emerged with two copies of a comic. He gave one to each of them, free of charge, and told them they may be interested in them. They both thanked him and he told them to enjoy the rest of their date. Both blushed because neither told him it was a date. Maybe they just looked like a real couple.

As they left the comic store, Ruby asked if he minded if they stopped at the weapon shop. She needed to get more gun oil and a new whetstone for Crescent Rose. He agreed and took her hand in his. That stunned her but she just smiled and led them to her favorite store in Vale.

When they got there, Jaune took her bag with her comics in it and she took off around the store. She was grabbing what she needed, after comparing everything they had to find the best one, it was for her 'sweetheart' after all. She then started to look around at all the new inventory of weapons and additional parts. Jaune just smirked at her usual antics and just stood off to the side to let the reaper have her fun. This may not be his forte but Ruby looked way too happy for him to rain on her parade. He took one of the mints Nora gave him and tossed it into the air before catching it in his mouth before looking over the comic that Arris had given him. He knew he'd be there a while.

Eventually, she burned herself out. She walked back over to Jaune with a bag with her oil, whetstone and a few upgrades for her precious weapon. She went to reach for her bag of comics but Jaune just moved it from her hand. She looked at him in confusion but he just told her, he had no problem carrying it for her. She smiled at his gesture and took his hand once again to lead him out of the store.

The two were walking back to the airfield to get a ride back to Beacon. As they were doing that, Jaune got an idea and started to lead them to a place close by. When Ruby asked him where they were going, he raised a finger to his lip and told her, 'Secret.' That just earned him an adorable pout from the younger girl.

Jaune brought her to a small bakery that he had only found earlier in the week. Ruby's eyes widened in realization and he pulled her into the building. A few minutes later, the two exited with Ruby holding a paper bag to her chest and a huge smile on her lips. Inside the bag were two dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. They were lucky, they literally just came out of the oven when they walked in. Although, that now meant that Jaune was holding the bag with her weapon supplies now, but he didn't complain. Seven sisters prepared him for this. Ruby grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the airfield. She wanted to get back to Beacon to enjoy her cookies and comics with her date.

When they got back to Beacon, the two went to the dorm's common room so they could relax from running around Vale all day. The two sat down on the couch and both started to read one of the comics they got. Ruby was reading a new issue of a series she enjoyed while Jaune was still reading the same one from earlier. Ruby reached into her bag of cookies to try one, they had finally cooled enough that she wouldn't burn her mouth but they were still warm to the touch. She bit into it and immediately hummed in joy.

Jaune looked over to the girl clearly enjoying her snack. He smiled at her, "They good?"

She quickly nodded as she swallowed, "These have to be the second best cookies I've ever had!" she practically squealed before she devoured the rest of the cookie.

Jaune just smiled more, "Glad you like them, Ruby." He turned back to read his comic.

He heard Ruby dig into the bag again to get another cookie. He then felt her poke his arm and he turned to her, that's when he saw her holding the cookie out to him, "Would you like one?" she asked.

That honestly floored him. Ruby rarely ever shared her cookies and if they were as good as she was saying, well that was even more shocking. "Sure. Thank you."

He reached for it but she pulled it away before he could grab it. He looked at her and she was blushing. She then held it closer to his face, "Say, Ahh." That caused him to blush but he did as she asked. He took a bite from it and he had to admit it was very good.

After she was done feeding him the cookie. They fell back into a comfortable silence of reading and her eating her cookies. When it was getting to be time for them to get back to the dorm, Jaune turned to Ruby and found that she had crumbs around her mouth. He chuckled and grabbed a napkin. He gently put a hand on her cheek and started to clean her face for her. While the poor girl was just shocked and blushing like crazy.

When he was done, he tried to pull his hand away from her cheek. But she laid her hand on top of his and leant more into his touch. Ruby's silver eyes stared into his blue and she gently gripped the front of his hoodie and pulled slightly towards herself. He understood what she wanted and he was happy to oblige.

He leant in an the two kissed. It was gentle, chaste and tasted like chocolate. It was perfect.

The next day was here and Jaune was now preparing for his date with Blake. This one was different for him. Like Ruby, he had hung out with Blake numerous times before but this was definitely more intimate than those occasions. But similar to Yang, the two of them hanging out in public would make a lot of people think they were dating, since very few people ever saw them together.

For this date, he decided to go with a slightly different outfit. He traded out his hoodie for a long-sleeve black shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. It looked very similar to his usual look but it was different enough for anyone who knew him to notice.

As he was leaving his room, he noticed Nora perk up and he knew what she was going to say. Before she could, he grabbed the mints off his desk and waved them at her dramatically. She just wiggled her eyebrows at him with her teasing look and he just rolled his eyes at her as he walked out of the room. As he turned to RWBY's dorm, he was shocked to see Blake leaning against it, waiting for him. She had a little smile on her lips as she saw his shocked expression. "Hi." She said innocently.

He quickly shook himself from his shock, "Hey. Sorry, wasn't expecting to see you there." He said sheepishly.

"Good." She told him. "I wouldn't want you to think I was predictable."

That made Jaune raise an eyebrow, "So, if I offered you tuna, you would say no?" he asked her teasingly.

Her eyes widened slightly before they narrowed, "That is so not fair."

He shrugged with a smile, "All is fair in love and war."

That's when Blakes eyes widen again before she walked over to him and clearly within his personal space. She laid her hands on his chest and leant in close. Jaune just went rigid and he felt his heartrate increase. She then spoke in a hushed tone, "Are you saying you love me, Jaune?"

Jaune could do nothing but stare into her amber eyes, "Uh…I-I….ummm…" was all he could stutter out.

That earned a small giggle from Blake, "Now I see why Yang likes to do this." She gave him a teasing grin. That just caused Jaune to groan a bit. He then felt Blake leave a gentle kiss to his cheek and he stared at her in utter shock. As she pulled away from him, she just gave him a small smile with a light blush to her cheeks. "Come on, Jaune. We are wasting time." She then turned and started to walk down the hall. Jaune shook his head before he jogged after the hidden Faunus.

The ride down was enjoyable. Blake had finished the unedited version of The Tale of Star-Crossed Lovers and the two were discussing it. Now that she had read the real version of the story, Blake had to admit that it was beautiful, although tragic, love story. Blake subtly turned the discussion from that to trying to convince Jaune to read Ninja's of Love. It really wasn't what he usually read but Blake really wanted to discuss the series with someone and she felt like Jaune would be the only one in their close circle of friends that would appreciate it. He eventually agreed to read the first book but he made no promises on whether he'd like it or not. The smile on her face was enough to know how much the gesture meant to her.

The two eventually got to Vale and they made their way to Blake's usual bookstore. She explained to him that she tried to come probably once or twice a month to pick up any new books. They walked in to see an older goat Faunus behind the counter. She was reading her own book but looked up to see the two walk in. She smiled and welcomed them before returning to her book.

The two looked around to see if anything caught their interests. Both were in luck. Jaune had found a fantasy novel about a group of people trying to destroy a ring of dark magic and Blake found a novel of a dystopia country that would force children to participate in a battle royal death match. The two paid for their books and walked out into the streets of Vale once again.

They then went to a relatively new restaurant. It served authentic Mistralian food. They sat down and looked over the menu. They eventually settled on sushi for Blake and a bowl of chicken ramen for Jaune, along with a cup of tea for each. When their food showed up, Blake was surprised how easily Jaune used his chopsticks. That's when he explained that his family took many camping trips in Mistral, so using chopsticks were second nature to him.

Jaune couldn't get over how much utter bliss Blake was in from eating her lunch. He could see her ears twitching under her bow with every bite she took. He just chuckled himself as he ate his own lunch. When they were done, the waitress came back over and asked them if they wanted anything else. Blake was about to say no but Jaune asked for two taiyaki to go. The waitress nodded and brought them their bill. The two each paid for what they ordered with Jaune also covering the taiyaki.

When the waitress came back to collect the lien, she also handed him two pastries wrapped in wax paper. They two left and Jaune handed one to her which she took. She unwrapped it to reveal a golden-brown, fish-shaped pastry. Blake was shocked and looked to Jaune, who had just bitten off the head of his own. Blake took a smaller bite from the warm snack and her mouth was filled of the flavor of waffles and red bean paste. She closed her eyes and hummed in enjoyment. She opened her eyes and Jaune was smiling ta her, "I thought you'd like it. Not everyone's favorite but they do hit the spot." He then took another bite from his taiyaki.

She didn't answer besides returning his smile and taking another bite herself. The two enjoyed their snack and started walking through one of Vale's parks. The two were having light conversation as they did. When they were done, they tossed the wax paper into a nearby garbage can. That's when Jaune notice that Blake had some bean paste on the side of her mouth. Without thinking, he reached over and gently wiped it off with his thumb before licking it off his finger.

That's when he realized what he did and he turned to Blake. Both were staring wide eyed at the other, neither moving. Although, he did notice the blush on her cheeks. He cleared his throat as he blushed, "Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking."

Blake just shook her head and looked away slightly, "It's okay." There was an awkward silence for several seconds before Blake grabbed his wrist and started to pull him further down the walkway they were on. Jaune just let her do this until they were in front of a bench and she sat down on it. Jaune took her cue and sat down next to her. He then realized he had an aftertaste from the taiyaki, so he popped a couple mints into his mouth to fix it. Once he did, she leant over and laid her head on his shoulder. He tensed up and heard her ask, "Would it be alright if we sit like this for a while?" She sounded nervous.

Jaune relaxed a bit, "Sure, Blake." That was when he felt her relax just a bit against him. He also picked up on the fact that she was still holding his wrist. He felt her hand travel down and intertwine her fingers with his own. That made him smile, he returned the gentle pressure and leant his head gently on hers. The two sat like that until the sun started to set and they begrudgingly got up to get to the airfield.

They got back to Beacon and were making their way back to their dorms. Jaune was happy with the way the day had went but every time he looked over to Blake she seemed nervous. When they were standing in front of their dorms, he turned to her with a smile, "I had a lot of fun today."

Blake was having a hard time looking him in his eyes but nodded, "Me too." She said simply.

A tense and awkward silence filled the hallway after that. Jaune was starting to think he had done something to make her uncomfortable and was trying to figure out what exactly he did. He eventually sighed and started to scratch the back of his head, "I, uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Night, Blake." He turned to his door and felt bad that he had somehow botched this whole thing up.

As he was reaching for the door, he felt her gently tugged on his sleeve. He turned around and he wasn't expecting to see what he did. There she was standing there looking to the side with her black cat ears exposed to him. She seemed to shuffle nervously as he stared at them, "So, what do you think?" she asked.

That's when it all clicked for him and he smiled slightly, "They're cute." He said simply and they twitched when she hear that. She looked up at him in disbelief. That's when he continued, "And you're beautiful." She just stared at him for a few seconds as her insecurities finally melted away. She smiled at him and stepped closer. He took her cue and leant down for them to share a kiss with her hands gently resting on his chest and his hands holding her upper arms just as gently. Each gaining a sense of security from the other.

Jaune was preparing for the last date he had with the members of RWBY and if he was being honest, this one was the one he was most nervous for. Weiss was the girl he had asked out repeatedly and every time, she had shot him down. So, finally getting the chance was a lot of pressure.

He stopped himself from having a possible panic attack and took a deep breath. Once he was calm, he made sure to double check his outfit. He was wearing a white, button-up dress shirt. It was tucked into his black jeans and he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. To finish off the outfit, was a pair of black dress shoes. It was probably a bit much but he felt like he should go all out since it was for Weiss.

With that done, he grabbed his wallet and scroll along with the mints so Nora would leave him alone about it. With everything in order, he finally walked out of his dorm and over to the neighboring one. He knocked and waited a few seconds. The door opened and there was Weiss. She looked him up and down before she smiled at him, "Well, you certainly clean up nice."

He returned the smile, "Thank you, Weiss. You look great too."

She gave him a small nod, the smile never leaving her face. "Thank you, Jaune. Shall we get going?"

Jaune nodded before remembered some advice from his father. He offered her his arm, "Let's get going, Snow Angel."

She narrowed her eyes at him before she playfully rolled them and sighed. She then looked at his arm before she wrapped her own around his. The two then started to walk down the hall. "Please, tell me you won't be calling me that all the time." She said to him.

Jaune chuckled slightly, "Don't worry. I'll only call you that occasionally. Or when it'll annoy you." He added with a smirk.

That earned him another sigh, "Why did I agree to this date?"

Jaune just shrugged, "No idea. Maybe you felt bad for me." There was a second pause before he was slapped hard on the shoulder. "Ow!" He looked at Weiss in confusion and she was glaring at him.

"I'm going to say this once, Jaune, so listen." She said sternly. "This is not a pity date. I am giving you this chance because I want to see if a relationship between us will work. So, don't you ever think I'm treating you like how any of those other girls used to treat you. Do you understand?"

Jaune just stared at her, not expecting that. He then nodded slowly, "Crystal."

She kept her stern look up for a few more seconds before she smiled at him, "Good. Because I feel like you won't disappoint me."

The two resumed walking and Jaune decided to ask the question he was most curious about, "So, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Well, I think we'll start with a light meal at a nice cafe. Then I heard there is a Spruce Willis movie out, so we can see if those reviews were right about how good it actually is. After that, we can head back here and study. That way I'll know just how much you're struggling." She explained to him.

Jaune nodded for a bit before something clicked, "Wait a minute, that's the exact date I asked you out on a couple of weeks before the dance."

She looked to the side to hide her faint blush, "Well, it was a good idea. And I thought it would be a decent way to show you I'm serious about this."

Jaune just looked at her in disbelief until he smiled at her. He decided to not embarrass her anymore so he just looked forward before saying, "Thank you." That earned a small smile from her and the two continued to walk in in a peaceful silence.

That peace carried onto the bullhead ride and they quickly found themselves in Vale. The two then started to go to the cafe that Weiss had in mind. They each got a coffee while Weiss ordered a grilled chicken salad and Jaune ordered a turkey and cheese panini. As the two ate, Weiss asked him how he got into singing and playing guitar. He told her that one of his older sisters were very passionate in music and he had asked her to teach him to play. The singing was just something he did a lot growing up and after so much time doing it, he had gotten pretty good at it. He asked her the same and she told him that it was a way to express the loneliness and sadness she felt growing up. But she grew to love doing it very much.

When they were done, Weiss paid the bill. She refused to allow Jaune to pay for any of it and he was not about to argue with her, there was no way he'd win anyways. The two made their way to the movie theater where they got their tickets and a popcorn to spilt. Again Weiss refused to let him pay. The two then sat down and started to watch the movie Demise Request. The plot was that a trauma surgeon turned into a vigilante after his wife and daughter were attacked by masked men; his wife died and his daughter wound up in a coma.

Both of them thought it was good. Not just for the action but the story was pretty solid and the main characters drive and journey were pretty good too. The only 'mishap' the two had in the movie was when they both reached into the bucket of popcorn and ended up brushing hands. Both stared at the other in shock before both relaxed and put the bucket down. It was forgotten and the two decided to just hold hands for the rest of the movie.

After the movie ended, both were satisfied with it and walked out of the theater thoroughly pleased. The two enjoyed a nice stroll through Vale as they made their way slowly back to the airfield. They got back onto the bullhead and Weiss asked him which subject was giving him the most trouble. He told her it was history and she really wasn't surprised by that. Doctor Oobleck was a tough teacher to follow along with.

When they got back to Beacon, they each grabbed their own set of notes and then went to the library for some quiet. Weiss asked to look over his notes so he handed her his notebook. She started to look it over and found that they were actually very thorough and almost exactly what their Professor had taught them. The only issues were that he was missing sections but that was probably because of the speed that Oobleck spoke at. As she was doing that, Jaune was feeling kinda nervous but he quickly started to eat a mint to ease his nerves and it helped greatly.

That's when she started to explain what section he was missing and he started to add them into his notes. "Okay, this makes so much more sense now. How did I miss this again?" he asked rhetorically as he was still writing.

"Probably because Oobleck speaks so fast, that if he were to weaponize it, it'd be like a minigun on steroids." Weiss told him seriously. That caught him off guard and caused him to snort. As he started to chuckle, that got Weiss to giggle along with him.

When they calmed down, luckily before the librarian could get annoyed by them. Weiss took his notes from him and looked them over again. She nodded, "With these, you should have no problem passing the next test. That is, if you study." She looked at him accusingly.

He just gave her a deadpanned expression, "Weiss, my partner is Pyrrha Nikos. Do you really think she'll let me get away with not studying?"

"Fair point." She answered. She then looked at her scroll. "We should probably head back to the dorms."

Jaune nodded and they packed up their things before leaving the library. "So, how did I do?" he asked her.

She thought for a second before she answered, "You were adequate."

He felt his heart sink slightly, "Oh, I see."

He felt her snake her arm around his and looked over to see her looking at him with a small smile, "I was joking, Jaune. This was a very enjoyable day for me."

Jaune sighed in relief, "Oh thank Oum. That puts me at ease."

Weiss giggled ta him, "Is it really that big of a deal?"

He nodded, "Of course it is. You're Weiss Schnee, the Snow Angel of RWBY. And you deserve nothing but the best." He told her bluntly.

That caused her to blush, "You are such a dolt." She said quietly. She stopped walking and he came to a stop right beside her, halfway to their dorms. "Jaune, close your eyes. Please."

Jaune was confused but did as she asked. He felt her let go of his arm and move to be more in front of him. He then felt her hands on his shoulders before a second later, felt her lips on his own. His eyes flew open to see her on her toes and kissing him with her eyes closed. Once he realized this was all real, he closed his eyes and gently returned it with his hands going to her sides. It was something that neither of them expected but it felt too perfect to care about that now.

It wasn't long after that, that the five of them soon settled into this new relationship. None of them expected this but at the same time, none of them stopped it from happening. And it wasn't long before the entire academy had learned of the peculiar relationship. Even if Weiss, Blake and Jaune could keep a secret, Ruby and Yang were an entirely different story. Especially, considering that those two felt they had no reason to hide the truth.

Downside to that was that most of the young men in the academy were jealous of Jaune and that meant that any spar with Jaune was more brutal than usual. None of them were stupid enough to try anything outside of class and bring down the wrath of team RWBY on themselves though. Jaune had his butt handed to him so often but that didn't last too long. With not only Pyrrha but now all four of his girlfriends training him, he got into Huntsman shape in record time.

In the months that followed, Jaune had become a very different Huntsman thanks to the added help from his girlfriends. The first thing was his weapons. Ruby had taken his ideas to heart and one day, dragged him down to the forge to make them a reality. Now Crocea Mors' shield and sword could combine together to form a greatsword, to deal more damage when the time was needed. Along with that, Ruby had designed him his own sidearm. It was a handgun that could fire regular bullets but also had the ability to fire Dust bullets if need be. He accepted it after all the hard work she put into it and named it Rosa Spinam in her honor.

Weiss helped to teach him on how to manipulate Dust. He wasn't very skilled in that area but with Weiss tutelage, he had at least got the basics down. And with that, he asked Ruby to help him modify Crocea Mors again. Now there was a small gap in the blade, just above the crossgaurd, to place Dust crystals into and channel the energy through the blade. He mostly stuck to fire or ice out of personal preference. Along with that, Weiss helped Pyrrha in tutoring him in certain subjects and improving his grades greatly.

Yang made good on her idea and started to teach him some hand-to-hand combat. He was no master but he could at least defend himself if he ever lost his weapons. She also taught him a few grapples she had learned from her father but didn't use too often and helped him to figure out on how to get out of them. Jaune was convinced she only did that so she could be all over him and tease him immensely. Along with that, she also helped Nora with his workouts. When she showed up, it usually was to throw a wrench into their routine and have him work muscles he had no idea he had.

Blake helped him out on firing Rosa Spinam more comfortably. Ruby had tried to teach him but with her not using one, not much could be transferred over from her usage of Crescent Rose. Luckily, Gambol Shroud was a similar caliber to his own gun. She helped him how to be a pretty decent marksman and to give him some pointers on how to fire Dust ammunition. Those were a whole different animal than regular bullets. She also gave him a few lessons on evasion. A shield was good and all, but some hits weren't worth the risk of tanking them and were just better to be avoided. Luckily, he was light on his feet so it didn't take long for him to get a decent grip on the concept.

But there was still another issue Jaune had to confront. It didn't take him long after dating RWBY that he noticed how downtrodden Pyrrha looked. It all came to a head one night, after one of their usual training sessions. He brought it up to her utter shock. She tried to decline it and change the subject but he kept pressing it. His mindset being that he should be able to give her a hand, no matter what the problem was. She begrudgingly revealed that she had feelings for him and that had completely floored him: "I-I had no idea. Pyrrha, I'm so sorry." He said sadly.

Pyrrha shook her head, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Jaune." he looked at her in confusion. She had a sad look in her eyes but she tried to smile all the same, "I had so much time to tell you how I felt but I never did. Maybe I wanted you to ask me or maybe I was just too afraid to take that chance. I honestly don't know."

She looked away from him and over the horizon, "But it's too late now. You're dating Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang. Maybe I could've been your girlfriend, but I wasted my opportunity. So, why should I be mad at you? If anything, I should be mad at myself."

She sighed before she stood up and turned to the door. She was halfway there when she felt herself being hugged form behind. She blushed and Jaune started to speak, "I'm still sorry, Pyrrha. I don't know if we would've worked out or not. But I can say for certain that I care for you more than I could say. You're my best friend and my partner. I wouldn't be here if not for you, I can say that for certain. So, even though it's not exactly what you wanted, I do love you, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha just stood there as tears started to gather in her eyes. She turned in his arms and hugged him tightly. He returned it as she cried into his shoulder, letting out the emotions she tried to bury. It may've not been the kind of love she was hoping for from him but in time, it would be enough for her.

Things between them would be shaky for a few more weeks but eventually things would get back to normal. In that time, he didn't have much time to be overly concerned because he had to try to keep up with his literal team of girlfriends. But a part of him knew that they were trying to distract him from all of it and for that, he was grateful.

Honestly, Jaune couldn't complain about his lot in life. Because of the love and support the had received from his teammates and girlfriends, he didn't look down on himself as much as before. He also felt more confident in himself. He felt like he belonged and he felt that his dream was getting so close to being within his reach. For the most part, everything felt…right.

Jaune had just gotten off the bullhead he took to get from Vale with a large bag in his right hand. He had gone down to get a few gifts for his girlfriends. He didn't do this often but at random times, he'd like to get them something. Just to say he loved them. They always told him, 'he didn't have to' but that didn't stop them from taking them anyways. He even got something for his teammates as well.

He had a content smile on his face as he made his way from the airfield and across the courtyard. That was until he heard a familiar voice come from behind him, "Oh my Oum, Jaune is that you?"

Jaune froze in disbelief before he turned to see who it was. Standing there was a young women his age and a few inches shorter than himself. She had light brown hair that went down to her shoulders and sky blue eyes. She had her full lips in a smirk. She had a very toned and womanly figure to say the least. She had on a light blue t-shirt that showed off her stomach and hugged her chest tightly under a white sleeveless jacket. She also had a pair of tight black jeans that hugged her waist and legs with a black and silver belt holding them up. They led down to a pair of black heeled boots. The final piece to her attire was the black chain around her neck and a silver heart, with a crack running down it, hanging from it.

Jaune was just in utter shock and could only say a single word, "Cerulean?"

She just nodded, "The one and only. It's good to see you, been too long."

He had to stop himself from flinching and managed to not scowl at her, "Yeah, well not really interested in talking to someone that was just using you."

She looked to the side to look shameful, faux shame if you asked him. "Yeah, that was pretty bitchy thing I did to you." She looked at him with a sad look in her eyes. Also fake. "I never apologized to you, did I?"

Jaune just stared at her for a long few seconds before speaking very neutrally, "No, you didn't. And I don't want one." He turned his back to her. "Go find someone else to lead on."

He started to walk away from her but he quickly felt her grab his left arm and bring it tightly against her breasts. He just looked her dead in the eyes as she tried to look sad and apologetic to him, "I'm serious, Jaune. I did something terrible and I'd like to make it up to you." She started to run her hand gently up and down his bicep, "Let me take you out to lunch. Give you that date you deserved. Maybe afterwards, we can go somewhere private and-"

"Not interested." He cut her off.

She was taken off guard and looked up at him in shock, "What?"

"Not. Interested." He said once again. "Now get off."

He saw her eyes narrow just slightly and a look of annoyance surface. Right before she managed to school her features into a mask of regret and pain. "Please, Jaune, give me another chance. I'm being genuine about this."

That caused him to snort then laugh. "No you aren't. Please, you haven't been genuine about anything in your life. Now, I'll say this again, get off."

She stared at him before she glared and stepped away, crossing her arms under her chest, "Wow, look who grew a backbone. And here I thought you had improved enough to have a bit of fun with. Think you hot shit now that you got into Beacon?" she asked sarcastically.

Jaune just raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes, "Not in the slightest. I just don't want anything to do with a bitch like you."

Her eyes widened in shock before they narrowed and she growled out at him, "What did you just call me?"

"A bitch." He said simply. "You were a bitch back home and as far as I can tell, you're still that same bitch now."

She growled again as she gave him a death glare. She was about to say something when both were interrupted by a voice shouting, "Jaune!" Next thing he knew, he had a cloud of rose petals slam into his chest. He smiled and looked down at Ruby hugging him tightly. He wrapped his free arm around her and hugged her back. "Hey, Ruby. Did you miss me?"

She still clung to him but looked up at him with a pout, "Of course I did. You disappeared first thing this morning without a word. Then you didn't answer our phone calls and your team wouldn't tell us anything about what you were doing."

Jaune just smiled, "That would've ruined the surprise." He then leant down and kissed her which she happily returned. They pulled apart and the two smiled at each other, "So, did you decide to track me down on your own?" he asked her.

"Nope. She was just the first one to find you, Jauney!" He turned around and saw his other three girlfriends with Yang in the lead. She gave him her usual smirk, "You just disappeared and left us all alone to defend for ourselves." She said dramatically.

Jaune just playfully rolled his eyes while Ruby giggled before letting him go. "Oh my poor lady, your knight has abandoned you in your hour of need! What can I do to make amends for my folly?"

Weiss and Blake rolled their eyes with their own usual smaller smiles. Yang just closed the distance between them and put her arms around his neck. "I think you know." She spoke quietly. Jaune just smiled before he wrapped his left arm around her lower back and kissed her. She hummed happily and returned it.

They eventually pulled apart and Blake was the one to speak up, "So, where did you go, Jaune?"

Yang pulled away from him and turned to her, "You are setting me up for a serious curiosity joke." She said with a smirk. That was until she was flicked on the side of her head. "Ow!" She turned to her boyfriend. "What was that for?"

"Behave yourself. And no terrible puns in public." He said with a smirk. She gave him a heatless glare with her arms crossed. That was when he was hugged from his left and he turned to see Blake cuddling up to him, "Thank you, Jaune." she said with a smile right before she kissed him as well.

As they pulled apart, he smiled, "No problem, Blake. And to answer your question." He lifted the bag in his right hand slightly, "I decided to get you girls something."

Ruby's eyes widened before she took it from his hands to look inside, "Really?! What did you get me?!"

He just chuckled as Weiss walked over to him, "Jaune, we appreciate it, we really do. But you don't have to keep doing this."

He just smiled at her, "I know I don't have to but I want to do it, Snow Angel."

Her nickname caused her to blush slightly, "You're a dunce, you know that?"

He just shrugged, "Yeah. But you love me for that." He gently cupped her cheek before he gave her a gentle kiss. She had no issue with returning it as she held his hand against her cheek. When they pulled apart, she left another kiss on his cheek that made him chuckle.

"Hey, Jaune?" Jaune turned to Yang as she pointed her thumb to the side, "Who's the chick?"

He looked over to where she was pointing to see that Cerulean was staring at them wide eyed and her jaw slack. She looked completely out of it. Jaune had actually forgotten that she was still standing there. A smirk stretched across his face as he looked back to his girlfriends, "Oh, right. Girls, this is Cerulean. Someone I knew from back home."

He turned back to her, "Cerulean, these are my girlfriends: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long." She was still unresponsive so he continued, "Well if you'll excuse us, we should really get going. Bye." He turned away to walk back to the dorm with his girlfriends, the smile never falling from his face. Weiss managed to get the bag away from Ruby so she would stop peaking at her gift. The young reaper pouted but jumped onto his back so he'd carry her. To not be outdone, Yang and Blake each took an arm and leant against him as they walked. Meanwhile, Weiss was content to just walking in front of them and lead them back to the dorms, she'd get her time when they got back there.

In that moment, Jaune was sure on one thing: As long as he had these four amazing women by his side, he knew he'd get through whatever Remnant could throw at him.

A/N- Surprise! I wonder how many of you were expecting this. Full disclosure: When I wrote the first chapter a year ago, I had no intention of making a sequel. But as more people left suggestions in the reviews, the more the idea grew on me. And a couple months back, I finally decided to bite the proverbial bullet. So, here it is on the one year anniversary! Also, Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

Now to give credit, where credit is due: suntan140 and a guest named Austin were the ones to suggest bringing in the girl that broke his heart. It was a good idea so I had no problem with adding it in. I hope this was as good as the original and I hoped you all enjoyed. And I will see you in the next update!