
-Sarah's POV-

Today started like any other day. The sky was blue and everything seemed calm…oh boy was that about to change. I was sitting in the pilot's lounge of the Florida Air Force base and playing cards with the leaders f the 32nd and 75th air groups, not that I'm bragging, but I was winning by a lot. I drew another card to my hand and Avery, the 75th air group commander called for us to show our cards. "Read 'em and weep." She said revealing her hand. I smirked and set down my hand. "Damn it!" Johnson, the 32nd ground commander, and myself laughed a little and reshuffled the deck for another round.

"You really got to teach me you tricks." Johnson said.

"If I had any to give, I would, but the trick I found was patience." I replied. They both rolled their eyes and then the door to the room opened, revealing Major Foxworth at the door. All three of us groaned.

"I wonder who's the assignment for this time" Avery said with a smirk. Foxworth then noticed us and walked over.

"Captain McKenna, fancy seeing you here." Foxworth said.

"Quite." I replied dryly. Foxworth then set a folder on my desk. "What is this?"

"Your next assignment, I want you in the air within the hour." Foxworth replied. I sighed and read through the folder. I then looked at him sternly.

"You want me to fly recon over Bermuda? Are you serious?" I asked. Foxworth growled.

"Shut your mouth McKenna, I already get enough insubordination from Ajax and I don't need any extra coming from you. I then stood up.

"Yes sir." I slightly gritted out. Ok, I know that's not how you treat a superior officer, but he sent my best friend to his death 2 years ago. I can't exactly forgive him for it. I then walked out of the room and went towards the bunks to get in my flight suit. I zipped up my suit and grabbed my helmet. I then made my way towards my F35-A that was in the adjacent hangar and climbed in it. "Tower, Skyknight, requesting permission for takeoff."

"Let me guess, Foxworth has you on another recon flight?" The tower operator asked.

"You know me to well, filling a flight plan for Bermuda today." I replied.

"Roger that Skyknight, safe travels." The tower radioed in.

"Wilco tower, proceeding to runway 6R." I said. I then was guided onto the runway and opened the throttle. The plane then lurched forwards and soon I was above the ground and flying southeast. After around an hour I reached the patrol zone. "Tower, Skyknight, I am beginning my patrol.

"Roger that Skyknight, happy hunting." The tower radioed back before I cut the com line. I then sat back and flew over Bermuda a few times at high altitude. I occasionally picked up an airliner here and there, but nothing indicating any threats. My aimless flight seemed to drag out forever, but it was finally time to head back to base after 3hr of flight time. As soon as I turned to face the base however, a freak storm appeared and I instinctually put on my air mask. I then tried diving out of it but as soon as I cleared the storm, I was greeted by a starry night sky. 'The hell?' I though. I then pulled back on my stick, but I didn't move. I then tried ailerons and tail movements, but to no avail. I then opened my throttle to try moving, but my engine wasn't even running, almost as if it couldn't breathe. I then leaned and looked bellow myself and saw that I wasn't on earth anymore, but rather stranded in space. I forced myself to calm down so I didn't waste air, but I knew it wasn't going to last long.

I drifted aimlessly for what felt like an eternity before a bright white light encompassed my canopy. I covered my face from the light and then I felt something hard connect to my plane. Afterward, the light faded away and when I uncovered my face, I saw two massive thrusters fire and I was sent back into my seat. The object in front of me then turned left a little and slowly a fleet of ships came into view. They ranged from circular disks stacked behind each other in a row with engines attached to just flying containers. The ship in front of me ignored those vessels and guided me towards a larger vessel that you could tell was built for one thing in mind, war. I caught a glimpse of a name plate on the side of the ship. Galcatica. 'Where have I heard that name before?' I asked myself. I couldn't dwell on the thought to long, because I was soon pulled into a large flight pod. The ship towing me put down some metallic landing gear and put down my own gear. The F35 bounced a little, but I was soon on the deck and then the platform I was on lowered into the ship. A door closed above me and then I saw an arrangement of deck-crew and pilots inside the hangar. I looked to my left and right and saw two different types of snub-fighters and what appeared to be transport ships either being worked on, or fixing to launch. As I was looking around, the platform reached the deck and I caught the sight of 4 armed men in black suits aiming their riffles at my canopy. 'Shit.' I took off my breathing mask and opened the canopy to my fighter. I lifted my hands up and an older man in blue, who was standing between the soldiers in black, spoke up. "My name is Commander William Adama, identify yourself."

"My name is Captain Sarah McKenna of the United States Air Force. Where exactly am I? Are you responsible for my being here?" I asked in return.

"Your ship showed up on our Dradis a few minutes ago and we had no part in bringing it there. What is this United States Air Force?" The Commander inquired of me.

"It is the Air Force for the United States of America. Do you know how far from earth I am?" I asked. The Commander's eye brows lifted a little.

"Earth?" He asked.

"Yeah. Mostly covered in water, but is home to at least 8 billion humans world-wide…" I replied.

"Marines drop your rifles and someone get a ladder for the captain to climb down." Adam ordered. The men in black lowered their riffles and I took off my helmet. A ladder was then brought to my craft and I slowly stepped down onto it. I climbed down the 7 feet it was until I reached the deck floor. "Ms. McKenna, if you would please follow me." I nodded to him and he led me through the hallways of Galactica. "So, tell me about Earth."

"What would you like to know sir?" I asked.

"What kind of ships do you have?" Adama asked. I sighed.

"You won't like my answer sir…" I said. He then stopped and looked at me. "Earth exactly doesn't have any space fleets…our fleets are all sea, bearing and our fighters are restricted to atmosphere." Adama then looked at the ground.

"I understand." Adama said. "Now, there is someone who wants to talk to you in my office." He continued on his way and I followed him again. I put my hand on my forehead and sighed. Just hope I'm not in over my head.