Chapter 1

After 12 years of working with Alterra Corporation, Wasabi was finally assigned to one of the biggest pioneering missions: exploring the outer rims of space, specifically the Ariadne Arm, to find a suitable spot for their ninth warp gate. Being that he was one of the engineers in charge of constructing Alterra's pride and joy, the Aurora, it only made sense to have him aboard the spacecraft in case anything went awry during the long voyage. The Aurora is one of Alterra's largest spaceships and the ONLY ship that can travel such a long distance without having to dock for supplies along the way. Many high profile people would be aboard the voyage for many reasons. Most of them being business, some of them for appearances and others just because they want to flaunt around the fact that they have the credits to do so.

For Wasabi, this was his key ticket to becoming a higher level engineer for Alterra. Get on, keep everyone alive, set up the warp gate, come back all in one piece and grab that promotion. Plus, if he could impress the higher ups on this trip and get a few contacts he could really climb the ladder, and quickly. Piece of cake. Everything was going swimmingly until...

"Attention, hull failure imminent. All personnel abandon ship."

Wasabi was sprinting at full speed to the escape pod bay area. Up until just a few seconds ago, everything was going fine. Smooth "sailing," no issues, when suddenly there was a loud bang and the Aurora started to turn belly up. People were running about, screaming and carrying on. Wasabi passed by a couple trying to carry all of their belongings they had brought with them to the escape pod bay. He shook his head and continued to sprint, breathing becoming labored. He slid on the titanium floor as he rounded the corner. Wasabi ripped open one of the pod doors and slid down the ladder, slamming himself down onto one of the pod's chairs, initiating the launch sequence. He didn't care if no one else had made it into the pod, all he cared about was making it out alive. Alterra would find him once he activated the emergency distress beacon.

"Launch in 3, 2, 1..."

The pod jettisoned itself into space, away from the Aurora. Wasabi was just in time to see the ship explode in a fiery ball. But he had not left quickly enough to escape the huge blast area. Something hit his pod and jarred the insides, causing a panel to break loose from the wall lining. The panel hit the ground and started to thrash around with the turbulence. It landed right in front of Wasabi and flew up right at his head.

"Oh shi-"

Hello all! I am back with a Subnautica fanfiction! I decided to make a written version of Subnautica since I have such a strong love for this game. Please excuse my errors and feel free to tell me some of your theories and such! Thanks a bunch for reading! Until next time!