Mon-El and Kara fell gently onto her couch, her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist and shoulders. He had done this a million times with other people, but with Kara it felt different and he was nervous for the first time in a long time. Their kissing was urgent and needy, and he moved the hand on her waist up and down her torso, loving the feel of her. But when his hips came down to press against hers, she pulled back a little and broke their kiss.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worrying he had done something he shouldn't have.

But Kara shook her head. "Nothing, it's just… Well, I haven't really done this before."

"Oh," He was not sure if he should be surprised or not. After all, she was a Kryptonian and he'd always heard they were more prudish than Daxamites. But maybe it was an Earth thing too, he had not been here long enough to know it seemed. But everyone at the bar had always been so happy to follow him to the back, and so it didn't really seem like it was that unusual for people on Earth to have sex by their age.

"I mean, I've tried-I just always messed things up somehow, is all. So it never really progressed to… you know, the real thing." She was starting to ramble, Mon-El could see it coming, and he suppressed a smile. Her rambles were something he adored about her.

"That's okay, you don't have to explain, Kara." She looked very relieved at that. But he still had to ask, "Do you want to keep going?" His hips were still lightly pressing on hers and he felt a burning need to continue, but there was no point in moving forward if she was not ready yet.

To Mon-El's relief, she nodded. "Yes, I just might need some… help. Or advice, or whatever. Because I've never really done this and I don't want to-"

"Kara." She went silent at her name. "It's okay, we'll do this together," he assured her.

A great sense of relief seemed to wash over her face at that, and Mon-El could not help but smile down at her. "Just relax, and let me know if anything is too much."

She nodded and their lips met once more. The gentle kiss slowly turned needy again as Mon-El pressed his hips into Kara's, her legs instinctively separating for him to come closer. He had to guide her leg to wrap around his hips though, as she was too hesitant to do it herself. "Don't think, Kara, just do," he mumbled against her lips. She vaguely nodded, and their movements resumed.

As Mon-El's mouth moved away from her lips and he started pressing kisses to her jaw and then her neck, Kara could not help the little gasp that escaped her lips. Mon-El clearly noticed it, for he stayed at her neck, sucking and licking at it in a way that made her eyes flutter shut and bite down on her bottom lip. "Mon-El," she whispered as her hand suddenly found its way to his back. She wrapped both arms around him, needing him closer. Her hands slipped to the hem of his shirt and began tugging it up so she could feel his skin against hers. Her hips started to rock against his, and her hands were then moving to just under his pants, the feeling of his skin intoxicating as she needed to feel him everywhere.

It wasn't long before she was unbuttoning his blue shirt and pushing it off his shoulders, and then he was slipping her shirt up and off as well. The shirts tossed aside, and the kissing resuming, Kara felt a warmth grow steadily stronger inside of her. The warmth started to burn as she felt his cool chest pressed against hers, and her hands raked up and down his back as he rocked slowly on top of her. His hips were pressing more and more on hers, and she started to think that if the stupid layers between them weren't removed soon, she'd explode.

"Mon-El, please," she whispered, breathless already.

Suddenly she felt the absence of his weight on top of her-felt because her eyes were shut tight with need. Her eyes popped open then, however, and she saw him standing above her with a hand out. "Come on," he said softly, and she placed her hand in his. Slightly confused, but compliant Kara followed Mon-El to her bed. Standing at the side of the bed, Mon-El placed his hands on Kara's hips. She felt his thumbs sink into the elastic waistband of her pants. But he did not move any further until she realized he was waiting for her to respond. So, she went to unbuckle his belt and as she did so, he started to move his hands downward, bringing her pants with him.

In no time at all they were both relieved of their pants and standing facing each other with nothing but their underclothes on. They stood there for a moment, until Kara sneaked a hand behind her back and unclasped her bra, tossing it lightly aside.

Mon-El was torn between needing to touch her and wanting to stare at her for an unmeasurable time. "Kara," he whispered as he stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. He wanted to say it then, wanted so badly to let the words out, I love you, but he knew it'd break the moment rather than add to it. Kara was not ready for that, that much he could tell. It had taken them weeks just to get to this point. He could wait though, he would wait an eternity for her.

He pulled her in close and pressed his lips to hers. This time she pushed his mouth open, and sucked in his bottom lip. Then he was pushing her backwards onto the bed, and draping himself over her, their hips pressing together once more. But this time it was different, there weren't as many layers between them (though there were still too many, Mon-El thought) and he could feel how warm she was. Quickly, she was parting her legs again and wrapping her legs around his, as their hips rocked blissfully together.

Mon-El moved a hand along the soft skin of her stomach, resting it atop one of her breasts. There he began messaging and squeezing until Kara was arching her back and pressing herself into him. At that point, he replaced his hand with his mouth, and sucked her nipple into his mouth. He grinned when he heard her moan and place two hands on his head, knotting her fingers in his hair.

Kara was going crazy, and was so glad she did not need to worry so much about her strength with Mon-El. She did not need to keep herself in check with him, she could let herself fall apart in his arms. When he switched from one nipple to the other, she bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out too much. Still, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips as he flicked his tongue against her nipple in his mouth.

She felt herself losing all control as her hips rocked harder against his, needing to feel him everywhere. Then, thank Rao, he moved back up and was kissing her lips again, and she was turning the kiss wet and urgent as her hips pressed into his, searching and needing to taste every corner of his mouth.

Mon-El moved his hands down her sides dipped one under her thin panties, and she almost yelped in pleasure when she felt his fingers press against her wet and sensitive folds. "Oh, Rao, yes," Kara said before she could catch herself. His hands were moving then and massaging her in a way that made her see stars. And she could not help but moan when he slipped a finger inside of her.

"Kara," Mon-El said, pulling away from her lips ever so slightly. "Tell me what you need."

What she needed? She needed him, all over and everywhere. She needed him now. "You, I need you," Kara breathed as another moan escaped her mouth. Oh Rao, he knows exactly what to do, she thought as another finger slipped inside of her, his thumb still methodically rubbing her clit.

"Where?" He asked.

You know where, Kara thought. "Inside," she replied, thrusting her hips forward for emphasis. It was time, she knew it and she was pretty sure he did too.

He grinned and kissed her gently before sitting up. She felt at a sad kind of loss when she couldn't feel him pressed against her anymore.

Mon-El anchored his fingers in her underwear then, and pointedly looked at her, imploring her to give him the okay. When she nodded her head, a slightly wild look in her eye that he'd never seen before, but absolutely loved, he shimmied her underwear off her legs. Before he could get to them himself, he felt Kara's hands on his hips, shoving his boxers down. He let out a laugh at her eagerness-it was so wonderful to see her enthusiastic about this. He'd been daydreaming about this for weeks, and now here they finally were. And thank the gods, she seemed to need it as much as he did now.

He stood up from the bed to quickly remove his boxers completely, and then he was crawling on top of her again. Mon-El felt Kara spread her legs and wrap them around his waist, heels pressing into his lower back. She was clearly ready, but he had to check just once more, because there was no going back after this.

"Are you ready?"

Her arms wrapped around his neck and she brought his lips to hers for a brief and passionate moment. "Yes," was her reply against his lips.

"You're sure? Because I don't know if I can stop if we-"

"Mon-El, please," she begged, pushing her hips into his with clear intent. "I want you-I need you inside of me, right now."

He needed no further incentive. Mon-El stared into her fathomless comet-like eyes as he rubbed his stiff cock against her wet entrance once, twice, and then pushed himself inside of her. She was tight, and he could see her face tense ever so slightly. Her eyes fluttered shut but he kept staring longingly at them. She might be made of steel, but she was still sensitive, Mon-El knew. He didn't move for a few moments, letting her get used to the feel of him inside of her. And he didn't feel the need to move just yet either, the feeling of her all around him making him feel overwhelmed with emotions. Gods, I love her so much. He'd never actually done this with someone he loved, and suddenly the phrase to make love finally made sense to him. It was a phrase he'd heard on Earth a couple of times, but he wasn't really sure he understood it right. All these new emotions were so strange and exciting and frustrating. But this, this right here with Kara, this was nothing but bliss.

It briefly crossed her mind that she hadn't given him a condom at that point. But she didn't care, and it didn't really matter anyway. Once upon a time, Eliza had run some tests and discovered Kara couldn't conceive. It wasn't really a surprise to her, after all, Kryptonians had stopped conceiving naturally so many decades before its destruction. The gene matrix was the only real way to have a child on Krypton, and Kara knew Daxam had used a similar system. So realistically, neither of them were likely to be able to have children. But she'd never really had the same need to have children that Alex had always possessed. So really, a condom wasn't paramount for them. And thank Rao, because she was sure this would feel quite different with one.

It wasn't painful necessarily, not like she had imagined anyway. It was more like a strange pressure and a sense of fullness that she was not used to, but she could not rightfully say she disliked it either. It just felt.. strange. After a few moments though, the feeling of discomfort started to subside.

Opening her eyes again and seeing him staring down at her, his eyes burning into hers, all the discomfort went away and suddenly all she could think of was, He's all I need. Kara wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her so their lips could meet once more. It was a gentle and sweet kiss, not as urgent or needy as the other times they'd kissed. Their lips dancing against each other as Mon-El slowly began to pull out slightly and then push himself further inside of her. She was starting to see stars again as her heels pressed into his back, helping to push him in deeper.

And then they were rocking harder and faster, and he was moaning into her mouth as her breath grew ragged against his. She was so close to slipping over the edge, and it seemed like he was too.

"Kara, wait for me," Mon-El managed to say. He surprised himself with those words, as he'd never felt the need to climax with anyone else before. But he wanted to do everything with Kara. He wanted to help her keep the world spinning, he wanted to walk into the DEO with her, he wanted to hold her in his arms and feel her break over the edge with him.

He pulled back to look into her face then, and saw her eyes shut tight as she bit her bottom lip again. "Kara," he whispered, brushing a hand against her soft cheek. "Kara, look at me, please." He needed to see those eyes, those beautiful comets that held so much warmth in them.

Kara's eyes popped open and she stared right back at him, their eyes boring into each other. Mon-El couldn't say it aloud yet, but he willed her to see it in his eyes. This wasn't just sex for him, this was everything. And then a small smile was growing on her lips, and he was thrusting into her deeper and deeper and she was looking at him with such need and he found he couldn't take it anymore. He was falling apart and he realized she was coming apart beneath him too. And then he thrust one, two, three times and buried himself deep inside her as he let go and fell to pieces.

She hadn't needed much coaching after all, it appeared. Kara assumed it was because she knew she didn't have to hold back as much; she could let herself go with Mon-El. She could be Kara Zor-El with him, not just Kara Danvers the human or Supergirl the superhero. Rather, she could be her own true and complete self, and she loved the realization of it.

Neither of them moved for a moment, and then Mon-El slid out and off of her, lying next to her on the bed. Kara now felt strange without him inside of her, she felt oddly empty. But then he was pulling the sheets up and over them, and wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her backwards so he was pressed up against her back, and their legs tangled together. Kara hummed in pleasure, and could feel sleep pulling at the edges of her consciousness.

"Mon-El?" she said suddenly.

"Hm?" he murmured as he snuggled closer to her under the covers.

"Thank you," she whispered, letting her feelings wash over her and show in her voice.

"For what?" Mon-El asked, amusement clear in his tone.

She hesitated for a moment. What was she thanking him for exactly? For letting her get here on her own time. For not giving up on her. For being so charismatically infuriating that she couldn't help but like him. For understanding her, and letting her be herself completely. For being there for her. "Everything," she said, and pressed back into him, placing her hands over his and wrapping them more securely around her middle. And then she let sleep takeover and she drifted off to blissful dreams.

Mon-El kissed her hair and listened for a little while as her breath grew more steady as sleep overcame her. When he was sure she was asleep, he could not help but whisper, "I love you, Kara Zor-El." If only he could spend forever with her like this, he would never ask for anything else again, he thought. And then he was drifting off to sleep with her.