A/N: This is the alternate version of the previous one-shot as requested. Enjoy.

Dealing with depression (Ace)/alternate version

It was another busy day in Adventure bay. The PAW Patrol were once again returning from a mission regarding Ace's detective skills. There was a robbery in the jewlery store and Ace had to once again figure out who did it. Eventually, he discovered that the criminal was a 20-year old man who was obsessed with jewlery and was wanted everywhere. The man was arrested and taken into custody and the team went back to the Lookout. All of them, except Chase. And where is Chase? He's at Katie's being treated for his injury. During the arrest, the man pulled out a gun and tried to shoot Ace, but Chase pushed him out of the way and took the shot instead. Ace was the most worried about him since it was his brother that got injured and not him. Right now, he was sitting outside his pup-house and looking down.

"It shouldn've been me that got shot and not Chase. Ohh, Chase. Why did you risk yourself?" He asked himself. Marshall walked up to Ace with concern in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay, Ace? You've been down in the dumps ever since we got back to the Lookout." He asked.

Ace looked up at the Dalmatian, then looked down again. "I don't want to talk about it, Marshall." He replied.

"Ace, please. We want to help, but we can't if you don't tell us." Marshall insisted. But Ace shook his head.

"I know you want to help, Marshall. And I appreciate it, but I'd like to be alone for now." He said and then closed the pup-house door. Marshall frowned and wanted to say something, but instead walked away and inside.

Something definitely is wrong with Ace and it has something to do with Chase taking the shot for him. He thought as the entered the elevator and went up.

Upon reaching the control room, Marshall exited the elevator and found Ryder sitting on the balcony.

"Hi, Ryder." He said.

Ryder turned and looked at the Dalmatian. "Oh, hey Marshall. What's up?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, it's Ace. Ever since we returned from that robbery emergency, he's been feeling down." Marshall explained.

Ryder nodded. "I see what you mean. Did he say anything about what's wrong with him?" He asked.

Marshall shook his head. "Nope! All he said is that he wanted to be alone." He explained.

Ryder began to think about how to help their detective pup. Then, he had an idea.

"How about you find a way to cheer Ace up? I bet it has something to do with Chase getting shot." He suggested.

"Maybe, I'll have to discuss this with the other pups though, but cheering him up is a great idea." Marshall said. "Thanks, Ryder." He added before making his way to the elevator. Ryder smiled as Marshall went down the elevator.

If anyone can cheer Ace up, it's Marshall. He smiled and went inside to fix something for the pups to eat.

As the days go by, the other pups were trying to cheer Ace up. They tried with a walk, with going to the beach, Zuma even tried to massage him, but Ace was still depressed. Marshall even tried to make silly acts to make him laugh, but to no avail. Marshall then sighed and walked over to Chase, who returned a few hours ago.

"How're you doing, buddy?" He asked.

"Still in pain, but not as much as it used to be, Marshall." Chase said with a smile. "You and the other are trying to cheer Ace up?" He asked.

Marshall stared in shock. "How did you know that?" He asked.

"Lucky guess." Chase said with a giggle.

"Yeah, we tried everything to cheer him up, but to no avail." Marshall explained.

"Did you try tickling him?"

Marshall looked at Chase in surprise. "Tickling him? No, never tried that." He replied. Then...

"Wait, I know how to cheer him up!"

Ace was resting under a tree, confused from everything that was happening lately.

The pups are taking me everywhere for some reason. But why? He thought, not noticing Marshall coming up from behind.

"Hi, Ace." Marshall whispered so to not scare him. Ace turned around and saw Marshall.

"What is it, Marshall?" Ace asked.

"You need to cheer up. Chase is okay now." Marshall said. Ace only shook his head.

"If you're gonna do silly acts again just to cheer me up, you might as well just forget it. It isn't going to work." Ace said.

Marshall giggled. "I'm not doing silly acts this time." He explained before pinning Ace on his back. Ace got annoyed by what Marshall was doing.

"Marshall, this isn't funny! Let me up!" He exclaimed, trying to get up.

"No can do, Ace! It may not be funny, but you're gonna be laughing for sure!" Marshall exclaimed. Ace's eyes went wide as he realized what is gonna happen.

"Oh, no. No! Don't even think about tickling me!" Ace yelled out as he squirmed around. Ace never told anyone, but he was very ticklish. Marshall giggled and put his paws on Ace's sides. Ace's began to sweat.

"No! D-don't you dare!" Ace said as he then felt Marshall tickling his sides. Ace quickly took a breath and tried to hold his laughter. But it didn't last for long as he then burst into laughter.

"Hehehehehahahhahahahahaha! Stohohohop it, stop it! Hahahhahahahahahahaha!" Ace laughed, squirming around and trying to get free, but Marshall had quite the grip on him as he then tickled his paws using his tail.

"Heehahhahahahahahahhahaha! Marshahahahahahall! This is nohohohohohohot funny! Hahahahhahahahahhaa!" Ace exclaimed through his laughter while hoping Marshall wasn't gonna tickle his belly. Luckily, Marshall was still stuck tickling his sides and paws. After about two minutes, Marshall put both of his paws on Ace's belly. Ace's eyes went wide.

"N-no. Marshall, not the belly. Not the belly! Please, not..." Ace was cut off when Marshall began rubbing his belly at a fast pace. "Hahahhahahahahahahhaha! Noooohohohohoohohohohohohohooo! Hahahhahahahahahhahaha!" Ace laughed harder and tried to shake Marshall off him, but to no avail. Marshall was so busy tickling that he didn't notice that Ace was getting turned on. After about two more minutes, Marshall stopped. Ace was panting heavily from the tickle attack he received before getting up.

"Did you have to do that?" Ace asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, couldn't have you all depressed here." Marshall replied, looking at Ace nervously. To his surprise, Ace chuckled.

"You know... I kinda needed that." He said. "Thanks, Marshall. That tickling helped." He added.

Marshall smiled. "So you're not depressed anymore?" He asked.

"Nope! And what's more important, you helped me by not giving up. Thanks a lot." Ace replied.

Marshall giggled. "You're welcome." He replied before running off. Ace smiled at how Marshall helped him out, completely forgetting about a slight erection Marshall casued while rubbing his belly.

The following is not for children so read at your own risk.

Ace walked back to the Lookout and into his pup-house. He laid down and was about to go get some sleep when he hears a knock on the door.

"Eeep! Who's there?" Ace asked, startled a bit.

"It's me, Skye. Can I come in?" Skye asked from the other side of the door.

"S-sure, why not? Ace said and opened the door, allowing Skye to enter. The moment Skye entered,, she spoke, "I heard Marshall managed to cheer you up."

"Yeah... you bet he did. And I bet Chase told him about tickling me." Ace said.

Skye giggled. "Yeah, I sometimes can't help myself when Chase tickles me. I go wild with laughter." She said.

Ace then grinned. "So you're ticklish?" He asked. Skye already wanted to beg Ace not to tickle her, but Ace, as if reading her mind spoke, "Don't worry, I won't tickle you. I'm already tickled out."

Skye sighed in relief, but soon noticed Ace's slight erection. "Um, Ace?"

"Yeah?" Ace asked.

"What happened to give you that?" Skye asked, pointing between Ace's hind paws. Ace looked down and blushed before quickly hiding it. "U-umm, probably when Marshall rubbed my belly." He said.

Skye giggled, then gets an idea. "Want me to take care of it?" She asked. Ace blushed like mad and started to back away.

"Wh-what? But wh-what about Chase? Won't he get mad?" He asked.

Skye looked at Ace in confusion. "What do you mean?" She aksed.

"W-well, Chase does have a crush on you." He said.

"Yeah, he does." Skye said with a small blush. "But... I have a crush on you."

Now it was Ace's turn to blush. Skye has a crush on him?

"And before you ask, Chase sent me to check on you." SHe added. "He saw that I had a thing for you so he told me his feelings."

"Ohh... and what was your answer?" Ace asked.

"When I told Chase that I have a crush on someone else, he somehow guessed it was you. At first, I was worried if he was going to berate me or worse, but he reassured me that it was okay and that he it was okay and that he understands." Skye explained and then got under the blanket. ace was in complete shock to what he just found out. But he didn't have time to think about that as he then felt a lick along his sheath. Ace had to cover his mouth with his paws to muffle the moans that were coming out as Skye continued licking, eventually making his member fully hard.

"Skye..." He said with a moan, but didn't say anything else.

Of course, neither of the two knew that Chase was standing outside Ace's pup-house and was hearing their moaning. He smiled .

"You take good care of her, Ace. She's now yours." He said with a small giggle.

A/N: And there you have it. Of course, I didn't go too far so to not make this a mix of two things I like. Now, the next chapter will be a lemon bestiality (Male humanxFemale pup). Feel free to suggest right at this moment and then I'll choose one to post. Also, I'm missing two truths/dares: one for Skye and one for Rubble. Until I get those, I can't post a truth or dare round. Also, any suggestion has to be via PM. Anyway, see ya next time, fellow readers.