Author's Note: I've never really written fanfiction before, but here goes nothing! This fanfiction is mostly of Sonadow, but Shadow won't show up until a bit later. I'm not too good at English so I apologize for any grammatical/spelling errors I missed! I hope you enjoy~

The blue hedgehog woke up in a panic.

His breathing was heavy; his bed soaked with a pool of sweat.

It was six in the morning, and although he usually woke up early for morning runs, he definitely was not in the mood to go out.

The bright emerald eyes scanned its surroundings, looking at dark corners and staring at the door to his bedroom. He slid out of his bed cautiously, watching the sunlight slowly pierce through the window.

He was starting to calm down after waking from that awful nightmare, but the hedgehog just couldn't feel comfortable in his own room.

There was something that had been bothering him lately. Something that unsettled him.

It wasn't normal for the hero of Mobius to feel this way; if there was something disturbing him, he would just simply ignore it or even get rid of it altogether. But this time it was different.

His attempts to ignore it for the past week had proved to be useless, and no matter where he went, he felt himself getting goosebumps every step he took.

He felt like there was somebody following him, to be precise.

It had started with the shutter noise of a camera he heard from a distance. The hedgehog had been taking a walk through the forest then, hoping to have a relaxing day of simply taking in the nature of the outdoors.

He assumed it was just somebody taking nice pictures of the plentiful flowers or trees that grew there, and casually continued strolling along the dirt path.


He heard it again, but this time closer than he had expected. It seemed like he was getting closer to whoever was taking the pictures.


The noise was a bit closer than before. But something didn't feel right.


He thought he was the one who had been getting close to the noise, but he soon realized the noise was coming from behind him. It was the one holding the camera that was getting close to him.

The azure one stopped dead in his tracks and flicked his head around as soon as he heard the noise again. He inspected his surroundings, scanning for another Mobian or even a glare from a camera, but instead saw nothing but trees and bushes.

The hedgehog crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I know you're there. Would you be so kind and stop taking pictures of me without permission?"

He waited a bit for a response but was only greeted with silence.

"What's so fun about taking pictures of my back? If you came out right now, I'd be glad to take a picture with you."

Still silence. Not even the sound of faint breathing. Thinking that the cameraman had fled after being caught, the hedgehog shrugged and faced forward again, continuing along the path and deciding to go back home.

He didn't really think of the event to be particularly peculiar that day. As the hero of Mobius, he was used to getting pictures taken of, with some people even secretly taking pictures of him from afar. Yet, unlike today, when he offered to take a picture with them, they would rush over from their hiding place to snap one with him. He brushed it off, thinking that the person was just shy. Very, very shy.

The next day, and the day after that, he heard another shutter noise after another. No matter where he was and how many times he told the anonymous person to stop, he would invariably hear a camera snapping a picture.

He wasn't exactly one hundred percent sure if it was the same person, but by the noise, he could tell it was definitely the same camera.

The azure hedgehog had become more and more anxious as the days past, and he was sort of freaked out by the fact that he could never find the being who was taking the pictures, even if he searched and ran around to look for them for almost hours.

Sonic soon found himself becoming nervous about even going outside. He had no clue why the person was taking pictures of him or what they were using them for. He could only imagine that they were some kind of creepy, persistent fan.

This had been going on for a whole week, and at first, Sonic didn't feel it was a matter that he needed to tell anybody about.

Now that he'd just awoken from a terrible nightmare, he felt he needed to tell everyone.