Hi Everyone.

So, this is the last chapter. Thank you so so much for all the support this story has gotten. For every person who has left a review or message I thank you.

Now that this story is complete I can start on the next one.

Until next time.

Laters All



The next day Christian gets up early and leaves saying he needs to sort something out. I know what that something, or someone is.

There is no doubt in my mind that Ethan trashed Christians car. Its too much of a coincidence for it not to be him.

I think back to last night and then this morning when Christian and I made love. Not fucked. Made love.

I think I fell for him that first morning in the emergency room but last night, when he slowly took me and kept his lips on mine to keep me quite, that moment right there was the moment.

When we had finished, Christian kissed me sweetly and just as I drifted off, I heard him tell me he loves me. That woke me up like having cold water thrown over me.

I was a bit shocked that he had said it first and when just sat there and blushed. I fell even harder. I kissed him and returned the words and his face lit up like the 4th of July fireworks.

There is no doubt in my mind that Christian is IT for me.

"Look at that smile on your face! Someone is smitten!" Phoebe walks into the room tapping away on her phone.

"I'm not smitten. I'm...in love" I wait for her shock reaction but she just carries away on her phone.

"I said, I'm in Love"

"I heard ya Mom. You're the last person to know that you're in love with Christian. Everyone else has known for weeks. Christian told me last night when you went to the bathroom that he was in love with you but wanted to make sure you were in the same place as him before he said it. I told him you were already there" She shrugs like its no big deal.

"OK then. Well I guess thats settled" I go back to packing away the breakfast things when I feel a butterfly kiss on my cheek.

"I'm happy for you Mama" And with that she leaves the room, leaving me a pile of mush.

I love that kid!"

"I'm telling you we can do this!"

"Mom, We can barely paint our toenails. There is no way we can renovate a house like that"

"But they make it look so easy!"

"It's called reality TV. Besides, we have a nice house. We don't need another one. Unless you and Christian move in together and then we 100% need a house he would buy"

"Phoebe, I am not with Christian for his money. I love him for him. I don't need a big house"

"Mom, I didn't say that. I know you love him for him but what I am saying is that if I have to one day adjust to a stepdad? Be a lot easier to digest that in a pool with a pony"

I throw the pillow i was holding at her face when she starts laughing.

The door bell rings and I jump up.

"Pizza's here!"

I grab my purse and open the door only to find a very angry looking Ethan on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here!"

He barges passed me and then slams the door so hard that it slams back open. He reeks of alcohol and he looks like hes been pulled through a hedge backwards.

"Do you know what your mother fucking fuck buddy has done! DO YOU!"

His screams bring Phoebe into the room and I automatically stand in front of her.

"Ethan, get out"

"No! Not until you call that fucktard and have him give it back!"

"Give what back?"

"MY FUCKING FATHERS COMPANY! He went to him this morning and made him an offer. By this afternoon he owned everything and I was fucking fired! Oh but not by that Asshole! I was fired by my own sister!"

"Kate fired you?"

"Yes! Apparently my work is lacking lately and I don't come up to scratch so now she gets to be fast tracked to CEO because my slimy father decided on early retirement and I'm out on my ass and its all your fucking fault!"

His eyes are bulging and I can feel Phoebe start to shake.

"Listen, Ethan. Just calm down. Youre scaring Phoebe"

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK! SHE FUCKING RUINED MY LIFE WAY BEFORE YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND DID!" He screams and then after seeing the horror on Phoebes face its like all the anger leaves him.

"Phoebe, I'm sorry..."

"Yeah yeah yeah, Dad. You're sorry. Sorry for all those times you let me down. Sorry for all the lies you used to feed me about mom, and now sorry for saying I ruined your life. You, have ruined your own life" She has small tears falling down her face but she quickly swipes them and then glares at her father.

"We could have had a good life. The three of us. But you were the one that would fuck it up. Every. Single. Time. And I have had enough. I want you to leave and until you get your shit sorted I don't want to see you again. They say a drunk heart speaks a sober mind and your heart has spoken. You don't want me and I don't need you. I've got Mom. Just like I've always had her. And now she has Christian so there is no room for you. In a few years when I'm in college and you sort your life out, get Aunt Kate to give me your number and If I want to speak to you, I will. If I don't...well, this is goodbye"

"Phoebe, no. Baby I love you" Ethan has tears running down his face.

"And I love you, Daddy but I dont always like you. Goodbye" With that she runs up the stairs and I hear her bedroom door slam.

"Ana, please. Go talk to her"

"You heard what she said Ethan. Leave her be. Respect her wishes"

"Leave her alone so that fuckwad can move in and be her dad. I don't fucking think so!"

"Speak about Christian like that again and I will call the cops and have you arrested! This is the last time you hurt our daughter, Ethan! I don't want to file a restraining order but I will if you do not leave us the fuck alone!"

He looks at me with so much loathing that I can almost feel the heat from his eyes.

"When she has calmed herself from this teenage drama moment, have her call me. You know I love her. But My life would have been so much better if she had come along a few years later"

"Well, she didn't. Yes we were young but she is the best thing that ever happened to us. Now get out before I call Christian and have him and his security really fuck you up"

"You wont keep him, Ana. A man like that who probally has pussy on tap will not waste his time with a single mother with a teenager. He will only use you like the slut you are"

My hand flys to his face so fast its a blur and the sound it makes is like a sonic boom.

"If he wants me to be his slut I will be, because he makes me feel things that you could only ever dream of! Now get the fuck out of my house!"

I push him with all my might and he goes stumbling through the door and lands on his ass.

"Pencil dick is welcome to you, you fucking whore!" He spits.

"Ha! Pencil dick? That's you Mr Two Inch! Not that it's any of your business but how can I put this?...Christian is 5 times the man you are" I smirk and then slam the door in his face.

I try to calm myself down but then I hear my daughter crying and I'm flying up the stairs. I find her on her bed, snuggled up to the Elephant Christian got for her.

I stretch out beside her and pull her close to me.

"You Ok, babygirl?"

Im fine, Mom. He didn't say anything that I didn't already know. Thinking back, the only times he's been a good father to me is when he's wanted to get to you. When you weren't available to him then it was like I didn't matter. He's my dad and I love him but it's ok to love someone and not like them, right?"

"Right. Phoebe, listen to me. I know your dad loves you. How could he not? You're awesome! But, daddy had his whole life planned from when he was 5 years old. I grew up with him, remember? When I told him I was having you, all he could see was not the miracle I was carrying, but his hopes and dreams slipping away. Yes heaven an ass, but like I said. In his own bitter, twisted heart, he does love you. And him saying you ruined his life is a pile of shit. Your Grandpa Eamon adores you. You're the only heir to Kavangh media. And even though we were young, your grandpa offered to not only pay for me and your dad to go out East to college but also for a full time many to look after you and a house. So technically, you coming along gave Ethan more of an opportunity because he was going to be handed the keys to the kingdom on a silver plate. Instead he decided to get wasted and high every night at college and all the respect his father had for him flew out the window"

"Mom, if I ask you something, will you promise to tell me the truth?"

"I promise"

"Do you regret having me at 16?"

"No. Not one little bit. If you would have come along when I was, say 25. I was a different person then. I was still growing up when you were. The bond we have, no one else has that. And even if I have a dozen more children, you will always be my heart" I kiss her softly on the forehead and she snuggles in before giggling.

"What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking. We tried hard to make a good impression to the neighbors here but I think you just blew that out the water after you stood on our porch shouting out that your boyfriend basically had a whopper"

I look down at her in shock but then laughter over takes us both.

ANA's POV. Two Months Later

This last two months have been a whirlwind.

I am so completely and utter in love with Christian Grey that it makes me sick. He is everything I need in a man and a few things that I never even knew I wanted.

And the sex! Oh my lord the sex. Is. Constant! We do it morning noon and night. When Phoebe stays at Ava's for sleep overs we can easily go 5 or 6 times a night however we have had to limit our activity's lately as we are repaying Elliott the favour of hosting sleepovers.

Since I introduced him to Kate at the Mall he is head over heels. Ava loves Kate an the feeling is mutual. I know Elliott is going to ask Kate to move him with him next week and I know she will agree.

Kate told me that Ethan tried to return to Kavanugh Media only to be thrown out by security. Eamon has taken away his trust fund and told him until he gets his act together, he's not having it back.

Kate told me that Ethan is moving back east for some job in New York. I say good riddance. I may always be thankful to him because he gave me Phoebe but I think I will be hating him for a long time to come.

The sale of KM to GEH went like click work and Eamon shocked Ohoebe by handing her a trust fund with 5% of the sale money. As his only grandchild I think he wanted Phoebe to become part of the media industry but Phoebe declined as its it her passion. She doesn't know what her passion is yet but she's only 16 so there's plenty of time for her to find something she loves.

This thing with her father has affected her but she tries not to show it. I know one day She will talk to her dad but for now, she is happy with me and Christian is a male figure she can look up to and he never lets her down.

He adores her and once a week he will pick her up from school and take her for ice cream or bowling. They have a really strong bond.

"Mom, have you seen my backpack?" This is like deja vue from our first week here.

"It's down here. Right where you left it"

She comes barrelling down the stairs almost running right into me.

"Can you believe this is our last day here? I am going to miss this place but I can not wait to move to the sound!"

Last month, Christian bought a house and asked us to move in with him. Phoebe screamed yes before I even had a chance.

"A lot has changed in the last few months. You OK with how everything has gone?"

"Mom, you have never been happier so I am happy. I love Christian and I thank God that you met him"

"He is kinda good isint he?"

"He really is. Now, when are you going to tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Christian walks into the room giving me a kiss good morning.

"Um, well. Mom has somethinv to tell you but I know you have your own thing so I think you should go first?" Phoebe tells him and Christian looks alarmed.

"What, Now?"

"Yes. Right now" Phoebe smiles and then pulls her phone out and starts recording.

"Whats going on guys?" Christian and my daughter look at each other and Phoebe starts giggling.

"Well, Anastasia. I had this big thing planned but I have orders from the princess to do this now so here goes"

He pulls a small box from his pocket and drops to his knee right on the kitchen floor.

"Anastasia Steele, From the moment I wrecked your car I've loved you. Your beauty, brains and wit captivated me in ways I could not believe. You're everything I have ever wanted and If you say Yes, I promise to take care of you and Phoebe until my last breath. Ana, will you marry me?"

"YES YES YES!" I squeal and he puts the ring on my finger and twirls me around laughing as Phoebe cheers.

"OH MY GOD! I can't believe this! And you!" I round on Phoebe "You knew about this and you didn't tell me?"

"Knew about it? I helped pick the ring and he asked my permission to marry you"

"You Did?"

"I did. Phoebe is the most important thing in the world to you so who better to ask?"

"Well, Phoebe is the most important thing to me but there is someone else who is equally important. Well, two someones actually"

"Well I am hoping I am at least one of those people but who's the other one?"

I take his hand and place it on my still flat belly.

"Our child who we will meet in 6 months time"

And just like that. In a small kitchen of an almost empty house, our family was complete.


"Teddy will you stop jumping please"

"But Mommy I can see the plane!" My sons excitement of seeing the GEH jet land that is carting his sister is infectious.

Phoebe has been at Harvard with Ava for the last 4 years. She has worked hard to earn her degree and after the Summer she plans to open her own company redeveloping houses with Ava. She got the bug for developing when we did some renovations to the house on the sound.

This last 4 years without her have been hard. She's my best friend and even though we face timed every single day without fail, it just was not the same. Thankfully she will be living at Escala with Ava so I can go see her when ever I want but for the next 3 months shes moving back home.

Her relationship with her father is still strained but they do talk on the phone some times. Ethan is now married to a woman that is younger than Phoebe. Apparently she met Ethan while she was an intern at his office ad sparks flew. Personally I can't see it lasting but to each their own.

I very rarely think of Ethan. I have Christian and my three kids and that's all I need.

Teddy is now 5 years old and my baby boy Christian Junior or CJ is 3. Christian and I have been married for 6 years and its the happiest I have ever been.

Now having my baby girl home is just the icing on the cake.

"There she is!" Teddy shouts and points to the jet door which is opening revealing my girl.

I look at Christian and he nods.

"Go get your girl, Mrs Grey"

He holds the boys hands while I take off across the tarmac as Phoebe is practically running down the stairs. When I get to her I wrap my arms around her and inhale her scent.

"I have missed you so so much baby girl"

"Missed you too, Mama"

I pull back and hold her face in my hand.

"Welcome home"

"Mom, where ever you are, that's my home. Always has been and always will be"

I hug her again just as my three men approach.

Christian picks her up and spins her around.

"Welcome home baby girl. It's good to see you"

"Good to see you too, Pops"

Phoebe began calling Christian Pops about a year after we married. It just came out one day and stuck.

"You ready for your party? Mia and Kate have gone a bit over board" She rolls her eyes and the laughs.

"I suppose we better go so we don't miss it" She bends down and cuddles her two brothers who bombard her with questions as they walk to the waiting car.

"You should be very proud of yourself, Anastasia. You have raised a remarkable woman"

"I really have. And you had a hand in raisng her. She may have already been grown when we met but you have helped shape her into the person she has become. I love you so much Mr Grey"

"And I love you, Mrs Grey. Now lets get to this party and later on, perhaps we can try to add another one to the collection?" We have been trying to make a baby for the last three months and Christians calls it "Adding to our collection"

I smile and then slap his ass.

"It's a dirty job Mr Grey but I am sure I can raise to the occasion"

We walk hand in hand back to the car and I smile.

I may have been a teenage mother but I would not trade a minute of my life for anything.

We started out as two. The Steele girls. It was me and her against the world.

Now we are The Steele-Grey's and we have the world at our feet.