Hey readers! I hope you enjoy this very delayed chapter! I worked really hard on it!



"Good morning students! I hope you're all ready to start the new term!" The blonde teacher said a little too peppy for anyone's likes. The students grumbled in response.

"Oh, come on guys. You've finally reached highschool! That has to be exciting!"

One boy with spiked up hair twirled his hand in the hair and gave a very monotone "whoopee,"

The teacher sighed, "All right party poopers, we have about an hour in here, and since it's the first day, let's do something fun. Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. Say your name, how old you are, and something interesting about yourself,"

More groaning was heard. "Alright, alright! Let's get started! We will go down the row and keep on goin'!"

The boy with the spiked up hair stood. "I'm Liam Ayame, I just turned sixteen, and I just want to go home." he stated and sat down with a smirk. The teacher rolled her eyes.

A girl with long brown hair done in pigtails stood. "I'm Patty, I'm fifteen and my family is in the medical business. I'm here to follow in my father's footsteps and become a doctor." She said proudly and sat down. "That's what I'm looking for! Thank you Patty!" The teacher beamed. The girl smiled and looked back at the boy with a raised eyebrow. He scoffed.

After most of the students had gone, it was Jazz's turn. She stood up and spoke with a bright smile,

"Hi, I'm Jazz! I'm fifteen and I got into this school on an art scholarship. I really hope I get along with all of you and we have a great year!" She sat and received the teacher's praise, "Thank you Jazz, now last but not least..." She jestured toward the red head. He stood and looked toward the class, who froze with fear. "U-uhm, I'm Ritsu, I'm fifteen and I'm glad to be here too, I guess." he quickly sat down and turned his face down so his hair covered his face. Jazz looked over and smiled at him and looked back to the teacher.

"Okay, since I made everyone else go, I better huh?" The teacher asked. "Alright, I'm Mrs. Hime, I'm 27 years old and my favorite thing to do is go horseback riding. Anyone else a fan of that?" She asked. A few hands including Jazz's shot up. The teacher nodded and smiled. "Well we have about half an hour left and I think we've had enough fun for today. I have some quizes for you," The students groaned louder than ever, "Now, now this won't be put into the gradebook. This is just to see what you know!" The teacher smiled and started to pass out the tests. Jazz was the only one to say thank you.

She looked down at the test. First Section is math, then science, reading, and language. This shouldn't be too awful. She pressed her pencil to the paper and started the test.

The bell rang and everyone got up and handed in their papers. Some students were complaining that they didn't finish. Once Jazz handed in her quiz, she waited for Kasanoda by the door. The thug walked over to her and they went into the hallway.

"So, how do you think you did on the quiz?" Jazz asked as they made their way to the Algebra room.

"Ugh, I guess I did ok, the math was hard." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yea, I wished my sister Haruhi was there to help me with the problems. It's easier to understand when she's there explainig it to me." she sighed.

He glanced sideways at her, "So, you like horseback riding huh?"

She laughed. "Well, I've never actually gone, but I think it would be amazingly fun!" She turned toward him and gave him a toothy grin. He let out a light laugh himself, and looked away to hide his blush.

Skip to lunch

The two new friends walked from biology to the cafeteria.

"I really hope we get to dissect frogs! That would be so much fun!" Jazz gushed to Ritsu.

His eyebrows went up in disbelief. Girls don't like gross stuff like tearing into animals... do they?

"You think everything is fun don't you?" He smiled.

"No, going to the doctor isn't fun, and neither is torture I don't think. Other than that... yea most things are fun if you have the right attitude!" She was practically buzzing.

They finally reached the cafeteria. It was huge! Silver décor and a giant station to get your food. The chefs were even wearing the white hats!

"Wow! I wonder what kind of food they serve." Jazz looked around the cafeteria, "Do you think they have chicken nuggets. I'm craving some nugs." She looked up at her firey haired companion.

"U-uh, I don't know. You'll have to ask. I'll go with if you want." He offered.

"You're the best!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the food station. Kasanoda's reaction to this was to just to stumble along behind her.

"Excuse me," Jazz addressed one of the men in the white hats, "Do you serve chicken nuggets here? I'm really craving some." She smiled.

The man looked her up and down with a sweat drop running down, "U-uh, well we only serve the most extravegant food here. I'm afraid chicken nuggets is too common for our regualr students." He smiled politely.

"Hmmm, well I'll put in the suggestion to put them on the menu, I guess. Well since you don't have those, what do you have?" She asked looking up at the board. She didn't recognise most of the dishes. The man tried to explain, but she still didn't quite know what to get.

"Ritsu, why don't you order and I'll just get whatever you get?" She looked up at the red head.

"A-alright. I'll have the terriyaki chicken bento box. She'll have the same." He requested.

"Hey, that sounds good! Thanks Ritsu!" She gave him a huge smile and gave his arm a squeeze. Kasanoda blushed and turned away, "No problem," he murmered.

They got their boxes and stared at the packed cafeteria wondering where to sit.

"Didn't you say your sister goes here too? You wanna try and find her?" Ritsu offered.

"Oh, Haruhi isn't really much for crowds. She most likely is eating her lunch in her classroom," Jazz remarked. She skimmed the lunch room and found a spot near a window open.

"Hey look! There's a spot!" She pointed. Kasanoda nodded and followed his eccentric companion with a smile on his face.

They sat across from each other and started to eat. Jazz took her first bite and her eyebrows rose.
"This is the best bento I've ever had! That chef guy really knows what he's doin." She exclaimed and shoveled more food in. Kasanoda gave her a sideways smile of amusement as he too enjoyed the meal.

Towards the end of the lunch period the pair were walking thtough the halls.

"I'm so excited for art next period! I wonder what the room will look like." She imagined a giant room with huge shelves full of art supplies and the students' artwork hanging all around the room.

"So, you're still going to the garden club with me after school huh? You haven't uh changed your mind?" He looked at her with his eyebrows knit together with worry.
"Of course, silly!" She playfully shoved his shoulder, "I wouldn't be anywhere else." She smiled up at his mean looking face, which had softened with relief. The two parted their ways once the bell rang and Jazz made her way to the art room of her dreams.

I hope you all liked this chapter!