Heey! So, here's a sequel. I didn't even plan to write one in the first place, but EggsyOverEasy on ao3 asked me if Keith lets Lance wear his letterman jacket, and here's the answer. Enjoy ;)

Summary: After Keith's team wins the game, it's time for his boyfriend to properly congratulate him. However, something comes up and Keith has to leave before Lance gives him his rightful 'prize'. In his haste he forgets his letterman jacket at Lance's dorm, and the omega decides to put it to good use. But will it be enough?

"Slow down, Champion," Lance panted out as he was pushed against the wall next to his dorm room and kissed ravenously by his boyfriend, who was definitely intent on stealing his breath away. Or, perhaps, going down on him right there in the middle of the corridor where they could be caught red-handed any minute.

"Don't call me that," Keith grumbled into his lips and started peppering his jaw line with short bite-like kisses, that made Lance let out quiet moans every time the sharp teeth grazed his skin a little too hard. "You know that's what the coach calls Shiro all the time."

Lance chuckled, oh yes, he knew that, and loved the way it rose a wave of possessiveness in his alpha. Damn, they'd been dating for a whole month already and he still couldn't get used to the idea that Keith was his and his alone now. Not that he didn't welcome it with all his heart, if anything it was exhilarating to be able to appropriate the sexy temperamental man who was wonderfully passionate in bed and surprisingly gentle at heart. Lance loved how he only had his eyes for him, and was going to make sure it stayed that way. Still, he really liked to keep him on his toes and make him go all moody alpha on him from time to time, because his fierce pout afterwards was just adorable.

"Well, technically, now that you beat the Galra, everybody on the football team counts as a champion," he whispered consiprationally into Keith's ear, letting his lips pull into a little sly grin. The reaction was instantaneous. Keith froze and his grip on Lance's thighs grew firmer, fingers digging into the soft flesh covered by loose denim shorts - another reason for Keith's aggravation today, because apparently going to a football match dressed like that attracted unwanted attention to the omega. Well, as Lance saw it, if it made Keith subtly keeping watch all the way across the stadium, making sure nobody got handsy with him, it was worth it.

"What, you're telling me I'm nothing special in your book now," Keith's tone was low and dangerous but Lance could feel his scent spike with anxiety. This wouldn't do.

"Hey, you know you're my one and only," the line might be corny, but Lance said it sincerely, taking Keith's frowning face in his hands and placing a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, making the alpha snort in indignation but visibly relax under the intimate touch. Voices coming from the kitchen startled them back into reality and made Lance let go of Keith to finally get the card key out of the pocket of his hoodie and let them in. When he turned to the door and slid the card into the lock, he felt firm body press into him from behind, hot lips quickly finding his nape and kissing over it ever so lightly.

"Keith! Come on man, we'll never get inside if you keep distracting me," he whined a little, masking a moan that threatened to fall from his lips, but Keith only hugged him closer.

Luckily, the lock clicked and they tumbled into the dark room, not bothering to switch on the light as they made it blindly to Lance's bed, kissing and groping at each other almost desperately in the process. One would think they were horny teenagers with desperate lack of self-restraint, and they weren't even at the peak of their cycles. Lance wondered what would happen once they synced and hit rut and heat at the same time. Then again, that was usually the case with mated couples, and Keith had yet to fully claim him. Not that Lance was in any particular hurry but he had to admit every time Keith's mouth got close to his nape he felt a strong shiver of anticipation and a little pang of disappointment when the alpha moved away leaving only a hickey behind. But that wasn't something one asked for just like that, even from their own boyfriend. Anyway, he had much better things to think about than his unsatisfied omega cravings when his boyfriend was ravishing him so diligently, so Lance made himself snap out of it and reciprocate Keith's fervent kisses.

Soon he felt the back of his knees hitting the edge of the bed and pulled back from Keith's eager mouth to discard his hoodie and then the light top he wore underneath. Cool air in the room bit at his skin, overheated with arousal, and made his sensitive nipples harden in no time. Keith watched him hungrily, while shaking off his letterman jacket, tacky orange and cream white in colour, which he still somehow managed to pull off. Okay, who was Lance kidding, Keith would rock a potato sack no problem, but personally he would prefer the alpha naked. Like right this instant. He slid the shorts down his long smooth legs, swaying his hips a little more than necessary to put on a little show for Keith, who already looked like he was on the verge of tearing off his remaining clothes to get the party started as soon as possible.

Lance just hooked his fingers under the waistband of the lacy panties (he had prepared for the night of passion and chose his favourite baby blue pair), intent on pulling them down as well as sensually as possible, when Keith's phone started blaring some Oasis song from the back pocket of his jeans. Lance cringed at the volume but couldn't hold back a chuckle, watching Keith let go of the buckle of his belt as if burnt. He grumbled curses under his breath, until he got hold of the phone and looked like he was about to turn it off completely, but then his eyes squinted at the lighted screen and he hurried to answer the call.

"Hey, what is it, man, I was just- Yeah, I'm at Lance's, I- No! But I was about to," his face scrunched up in mortification as he rubbed the back of his head, mussing up his mullet even more, and Lance had to stifle an amused laughter bubbling up in his chest. But then Keith's expression suddenly grew very tense, "No," then nervous, "I thought it wasn't until next-," then angry, "Tomorrow?!"

Somehow Lance felt he knew where this was going, and when Keith ended the call half a minute later, he already prepared himself mentally for his next words, "Lance, listen, I've got this project thing going that was due next week, but now our dick of a prof wants us to hand in the reports tomorrow first thing in the morning, and I still have to finish mine and-"

"Keith, baby, calm down or you'll start to hyperventilate," Lance came up to him and loosely wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's torso, grounding him and looking straight into the rapidly blinking eyes he could make out in the dark by the glistening whites. "I know how it is, go do what you gotta do and don't stress about it, I know you'll make it in time," he rubbed soothing circles into Keith's back and listened to his breath even out as Keith pressed his nose into the crook of his neck and let the omega scent help him regain the lost composure. It worked, and when he stepped back his posture relaxed somewhat, but Lance could see he still hesitated to leave him just like that. "Go on, slay that report and show the bastard what you're made of," then he leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Keith's cheek, staying close to whisper, "And when you're finished, come get your prize, I'll be waiting."

Lance heard Keith breathe out in a shaky whoosh and saw him nodding jerkily before swiftly going to the door and leaving in a hurry, probably worried he might give in to temptation. Lance sighed, here went his passionate night with his alpha. He plopped down on the bed, too lazy to start preparing for sleep, because apparently that would be all he'd be doing today. His eyes travelled down his body to his lace-covered cock, still half-hard but softening helplessly at the lack of attention. Lance was going to roll himself into a man-sized burrito using his covers and sulk, but then caught sight of something lying rumpled on the floor. He scooted closer to the edge and grabbed hold of it at the second attempt.

It was Keith's letterman jacket. Lance realised that the moment he brought the heavy fabric closer to his face and felt the alpha's lingering scent. He took a deep inhale, pressing his nose to the banded collar where the scent was the strongest, and grinned to himself. The truth was, Keith had a thing with jackets, and always wore either this or the red motorcycle one. He also liked draping Lance in either under the pretext of keeping the omega warm on chill nights when they went on 'romantic' walks around campus grounds. But Lance bet it was just his desire to get him covered in his scent, which Lance didn't mind in the slightest. Especially today, since he had no boyfriend to keep him company.

Still, the fact that Keith got so worked up about homework he forgot his letterman jacket meant it really must be a big deal to finish it in time. The end of the year was getting closer by the day and all of them struggled to get as much credit as possible. Lance knew that, but still felt a little lonely, and breathing in his alpha's scent made him remember the good times they had had together in the past month. They went on dates, tiny ones, like their daily meet-ups during lunch breaks that Lance still insisted on calling dates because they cuddled and held hands, and proper ones, when they went to town and strolled in the park or ate pastries at Lance's favourite coffee shop. Unlike Lance, who came to the Academy all the way across country, leaving his hometown for the sake of better research programs and just to get as far away from his large doting family as possible, Keith was actually born here. His mother owned a repair shop and taught Keith everything she knew about all sorts of engines, giving him a good base that enabled him to apply for space engineering at the Academy.

Krolia was also a very cool mom, by Lance's standards at least. She was an alpha and despite having lost her spouse when Keith was still in middle school, managed to hold their household together and keep Keith, truly rebellious as a teenager, in check (Keith told him about it one night they got smashed in Lance's room and shared their traumatic childhood experiences). She even helped him build his own bike, Red, that he sometimes rode to campus, and on the whole approved of pretty much anything he did, as long as it wasn't drugs. Lance wished his parents were like that, but they only wanted to control him and impose their endless rules on him even when he was away. Like, last time they talked, and it was always his mom who called, every second Saturday, roughly at six in the evening, she gave him the news about anyone and everyone, then asked about his grades and how his graduation paper was moving along, then about his cycle and if any alphas were giving him trouble. And he lied. Just like he did the previous time she had called, because that was when he and Keith just got together and he didn't want to jinx it somehow by sharing it with her and listening to her freaking out. Now it was old news already, and he didn't know how to approach the subject, and wasn't sure he even wanted to.

Of course, Lance would have to tell her one of these days, cause he just felt that what he had with Keith was different from any of his past relationships. Finally it was something real, something he would fight for, no matter what his parents would think. And Lance was one thousand percent sure they wouldn't be all too pleased once he told them he had found a mate and they had sealed the deal before getting their blessing. He didn't care, and wouldn't change a thing even if they disowned him.

Alright, maybe they wouldn't go that far, but he had to be prepared for any tragic outcome and liked to picture how he would bravely defend his and Keith's bond. Because Keith was perfect, once you got past his outer layer of moodiness and smartassry, the man actually had a very soft core, and a big loving heart. He was also full of insecurities that he tried to hide behind his bad boy vibes and impulsive behaviour, but Lance quickly learned to look past his act and made it his mission to eliminate the alpha's personal demons one by one, until all that was left was just Keith, his to cherish and his to protect.

Lance hummed contentedly at the thought, the sound muffled by the fabric that he was nuzzling, clutching the jacket tightly in his hands. Then he shifted, and as bare skin came in contact with the cool side of the covers, shivered slightly, deciding to pull the jacket on. It's not like Keith would've objected even if he was in the room at the moment, but Lance still felt a rush of excitement when he slipped his arms into the leather sleeves and adjusted the jacket on his very naked body. Soon warmth started spreading over his skin, and he sighed at the pleasant sensation, wiggling a little to get more comfortable on the bed. He didn't feel like pulling back the covers yet, so he stayed sprawled on top of them in nothing but a pair of lacy panties and Keith's letterman jacket.

Slowly but surely the realisation hit him, and Lance's breath hitched. If only Keith could see him, he would be hard and ready to go in no time. Lance grinned and bit his bottom lip, letting his eyes slide shut and his imagination run wild. He could picture Keith sitting in the armchair at the foot of the bed, watching him intently, waiting for him to make his first move, and Lance did. He ran his hands down his torso, all the way to his thighs and caressed them with slow deliberate motions. Then he traced the edges of his panties, rubbing the soft blue flowers on the sheer fabric with the tips of his fingers. These teasing touches were nice but decidedly not enough to make him as hard as Keith could with just a kiss and a firm hold on his buttocks. Lance groaned low in his throat and squirmed, wishing his boyfriend could join him right now.

As he did so, he slid a bit lower on the bed so that Keith's jacket got hunched up over his shoulders, and suddenly Lance was inhaling the alpha's spicy scent that became even more pronounced now that the jacket absorbed his body heat. Excited by this sudden discovery, Lance tugged the collar closer to his face and buried his nose in it, breathing in lungfuls of the addicting scent and palming himself more urgently with the free hand. All the while he imagined it was Keith who was touching him down there, squeezing the shaft through thin lace, giving it a couple of pumps, then lazily fondling the sack, brushing past the taint and finally pushing two fingers against the tight cloth-covered entrance. Lance didn't hesitate to pull the fabric to the side and rub at the pucker directly, which made him let out a soft breathy moan. It's been a while since he last fingered himself, with Keith there to get him off practically at a moment's notice.

He could, of course, get up and fetch the lube to make himself slick and pliant immediately, but he didn't want to. After all Keith always managed to get him dripping on his own, and it's not like he'd be getting fucked (as much as he wanted to) or using a dildo that required more lubrication. So Lance settled on working his cock and his hole until it was wet enough for him to put a couple of fingers in.

He started massaging his tight entrance in slow circular motions, remembering Keith's firm but gentle touch. Then, feeling that something was missing, Lance reluctantly dropped the jacket to place the hand over his hardened nipples. He rolled one nub between his fingers, enjoying the light friction. But it was not quite the same as when Keith teased the sensitive flesh with his tongue, so Lance brought the hand quickly to his mouth and licked at the fingertips, covering them in saliva for smoother sensation. Now it was much easier to concentrate on his fantasy.

He pictured Keith lying comfortably between his legs, working him open at a steady pace, slipping his pale fingers knuckle by knuckle until he was thrusting the whole two digits in and out. Meanwhile, he would be mouthing at Lance's chest, alternating between kisses and sharp bites (Lance had to pinch himself hard to get a similar effect) and caressing his sides. Finally, the alpha would feel hot slick trickling out of the loosened hole and would know that it was time he replaced his fingers with something thicker.

Lance shuddered, as he added the third finger, trying to reach deeper and hit his sweet spot with every thrust. He wished he could do it as relentlessly and accurately as Keith could, reducing him to a puddle of fucked out satisfied mess in a matter of minutes. He wished he could have Keith's cock inside him this very instant. The jacket that provided so much comfort at the beginning was now making him sweat, which made his heavy border-heat scent mix with the alpha's. Lance whined and dropped his other hand to touch his dripping cock. It was leaking precome already and soaked his panties but Lance could care less. He pushed them down and rolled around on the bed, so that his lower body was propped up on his knees, while his chest was pressed into the mattress. Huffing a little, Lance found the most comfortable angle, and resumed fingering his hole with one hand as the other started pumping his hard-on. It was good, so good he almost came.

But then his neck, craned rather uncomfortably, started to strain and he had to stop before he seriously hurt it while jerking off. Because that would be really awkward to explain later. So he had to choose between two pleasures to have at least one hand to hold himself upright as he got off. Lance pouted. That's why he preferred actual sex over masturbation. Or maybe he just became too spoiled with all the attention Keith had been bestowing on him during their sexy times and now his own devices just weren't enough. It didn't change the fact that Lance was horny and wanted to get his rightful orgasm for the night. After a little thinking he decided on fingering and got into a kneeling position once again, this time nestling his head on the bent elbow he tucked beneath it. It was only then that he realised he could actually breathe in more of Keith's scent that way. Letting out a pleased sigh, Lance began fucking himself as hard and fast as he could with three fingers.

Soon the grumpy thoughts flew out of his head and all the omega could think about was how hot and wet his twitching entrance was, how greedily it was swallowing his digits, accustomed to a much greater girth. At one point he stopped trying to stifle lustful moans and now they spilled freely from his mouth, which was hanging open, smearing the banded orange-cream cuff with drool. Keith's scent made Lance move faster and bite onto the thick fabric within reach, wanting it to be pale salty skin. Suddenly, with a particularly hard jab at his prostate Lance came, feeling his channel convulse around his fingers and the sack tighten as his neglected cock shot a few thick white spurts all over the covers.

'Damn, I'll have have to change those before I fall asleep,' Lance thought glumly when he rolled to the side and lay there catching his breath. Somehow, the release didn't bring him as much joy as he thought it would, and now that his scent practically soaked the jacket, he could barely feel Keith on it. It was awfully frustrating. Grumbling, Lance clambered off the bed and, having wiped his hands on the ruined covers, pulled the jacket off and threw it on the armchair.

After that he took a quick shower and did a late evening skin routine with less enthusiasm than usual, feeling all the while like he was missing a limb. It just didn't feel right, staying in the room where Keith's scent was weakening every second until it completely disappeared, and all that was left was Lance. Alone.

'What a stupid thought, Keith wouldn't leave me just like that,' he tried to convince himself when he climbed back into bed and pulled fresh covers up and over his shoulders. They were together and they were doing fine, his fears were silly and unfounded, and yet Lance wished Keith was there to chase them away. Thankfully, the long exciting day and his little jerk-off session, however unsatisfying it turned out to be, tired him enough, and soon the omega was out like a light, dreaming about messy mullets and warm hands protectively wrapped around him.

The next day when Lance was walking across campus chatting with Hunk to get to their second class, his phone beeped with a new message, and he flipped it out of his pocket almost at the speed of light. It was from Keith.

'handedit in feel deda inside gona hi teh saCk comes At 5 ull be in ?'

Lance giggled at the jumbled text and typed back without missing a beat.

'u my hero, baby, I'll be where u left me, go rest now xoxoxo'

He was so busy grinning at the screen Hunk had to grab him by the elbow and pull to the side before he fell down the small flight of stairs leading to their building.

"Geez, watch your step, lover boy, you don't want to be in a cast next time you see your alpha, do you," Hunk fussed as they went down, and Lance thankfully complied, putting the phone away.

"No, but maybe then I'll make him play nurse for me," he said cheekily and winked at his friend, who was absolutely unimpressed. "Oh, come on, it's not even my kinkiest fantasy. Besides, I'm really tame compared to Keith," at that Hunk sighed in defeat and grinned back a little.

"I take it everything's cool between you two?" despite the light tone Lance could clearly hear a serious undertone in the other omega's question. Hunk had been with him through all of his break-ups and just wanted to make sure that his current relationship wasn't heading in that direction. Lance appreciated the concern, he truly did, because Hunk was a great friend, his best friend actually, but at the same time he couldn't get past the feeling that he had failed so many times in the love department already, that now it was only a matter of time before he got dumped again. It really was an ugly train of thought, and he had no idea how he ended up recalling all his past fuck ups, but that was what made him sound defensive when he answered.

"Yeah, everything's cool, why wouldn't it be? I'll tell you more, everything's great, amazing, perfect even! 'Cause Keith is the one, you know, the ideal mate for me, and he makes me very happy," Lance knew he was starting to babble but the words just wouldn't stop. He felt a little silly though, he really meant what he was saying but the way it came out sounded pretty unconvincing even to his own ears. No wonder Hunk wore a truly concerned expression once he finally made himself shut up.

"Lance, buddy, I believe you," the omega said placatingly as they went down the hall, then he stopped a few doors away from their classroom and took Lance by the hand to show how earnest he was. "Look, I just want to know if you're comfortable and, uh, safe with him, and that he doesn't, you know," Hunk paused awkwardly and Lance blinked at him in confusion. The taller boy was fighting with a furious blush as he hesitantly elaborated, "Like, that he doesn't make you, um, do stuff that you're not okay with?"

"What?" it took Lance a couple of seconds to fully comprehend what Hunk implied and then he sputtered in indignation. "Wh- No! Jesus, Hunk, when I said kinky I didn't mean non-consensual!" one of the fellow students who passed them by on her way to class eyed them wearily and Lance continued in a loud whisper, "He's very gentle and considerate and won't ever hurt me."

"Alright, okay, good," Hunk nodded, looking as flustered as Lance felt at the moment. "It's just, the noises I heard when I passed your door last week-"

"Hunk!" great, now Lance could feel his ears burning.

"In my defence, you really kinda sounded like you were dying there-,

"Oh my god, can you just stop!"

"I just needed to know I won't have to barge in someday before it's too late," the most mortifying thing in this situation was Hunk's dead serious face and wide worried eyes, studying Lance's face intently for any sign of distress or a silent plea for help.

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you right here when we are almost ten minutes late and Montgomery will probably roast us alive the moment we step inside," change the subject, classic tactic.

"Oh, shit," and it worked. Or so Lance thought until they were a good half an hour into the lesson and Hunk slipped him a note that read, 'I'm happy for you both, but tell your man he's getting his ass kicked if he ever lets you down.'

Lance smiled and saw Hunk nod at him seriously in response, and it was so sweet he could barely contain the cooing that threatened to escape him any moment now. Everybody who spent at least an hour in Hunk's presence knew the omega couldn't hurt a fly. That's why getting a promise of an ass whooping to defend Lance's honour from him was so endearing. He was really lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

The ticking of the clock, usually soft and barely there, seemed like thunder to Lance's ears in the quiet of the room. He was sprawled on the bed, intending to stay true to his word and greet Keith in the same state the alpha had left him. Okay, maybe he got a little impatient and undressed good twenty minutes before the appointed time, and now didn't know what to do. So he lay there scowling and pouting at the ceiling, which definitely wasn't setting the ideal mood for the evening. Lance rolled to the side and propped his head on one hand, running the other down his chest and over the hip, trying to find the most comfortable and enticing pose for when Keith finally stepped inside.

But it wasn't working. No matter how he placed his hand or bent his legs, it all seemed artificial and he just ended up feeling like a cheap whore preparing to fake emotion for a client he couldn't stand. The thought alone sent a shiver of repulsion all over Lance's body and made him want to cover himself. He eyed the panties he had on with disdain, they were dark purple this time and the lace did practically nothing to hide his less than interested cock. What a way to greet your boyfriend. Lance cringed and looked away, bitter and disappointed with himself for this inexplicable moodiness.

Then his eyes fell on Keith's jacket, still draped over the armchair. After a moment's hesitation he shuffled to the foot of the bed and, sitting up on his knees, snatched it in his hands. After the last night's activities it decidedly smelled more like him than Keith, but when Lance pressed the thick fabric into his face and inhaled as deep as he could, he made himself concentrate on the faint note of the alpha scent still there. It significantly calmed his jittery nerves, and Lance shivered as the tension left his stiff shoulders. He pulled the collar up to his face, burrowing his nose into it for good measure, and that's how Keith found him when he threw the door open.

Lance startled and instinctively clutched the jacket closer to his body. It always amazed him how Keith could unlock the electric mechanism with one precise slip of the spare card key, because for Lance it took at least two fumbling attempts accompanied by scrapping of plastic and light curses.

"K-Keith! You're a ninja, buddy, I swear, b&e's like in your blood or something," Lance broke into a nervous ramble. That definitely wasn't how he pictured this to go. But Keith had yet to say anything as he eagerly roamed the omega's naked body, barely hidden by his letterman jacket, which Lance held onto for dear life. It pooled over his caramel thighs just so that Keith could still get a glimpse of the purple lacy panties Lance was wearing. He looked positively ravishable.

"Lance," was all the alpha said, letting the door slam shut behind him, not bothered in the slightest by the noise, and in the next moment he was kissing his boyfriend.

Lance moaned into the eager mouth, meeting the slick hot tongue half-way with his own, and let go of the jacket to get a firm hold on Keith's broad shoulders. The fresh sharp alpha scent filled his lungs as he gasped for air between kisses. Lance almost whined in satisfaction. No measly piece of cloth could ever compare to the real thing.

Keith moved to climb on the bed, ready to take their foreplay to the next level, but was stopped by a palm pressing firmly at his chest and the omega's indignant yelp, as he broke away from the passionate lip-lock. Whatever reason Lance had to stop now of all times had to be important, but Keith didn't catch it, "What?" he asked, looking searchingly at his boyfriend's charming flushed face and not moving away. Lance pouted, even as his eyes were glinting with arousal.

"You ask me what? Keith, baby, you don't just jump into people's beds with your boots on!" the alpha blinked owlishly but then his lips stretched into a cheeky grin.

"No, only into yours," and he made another move to settle between Lance's outstretched legs.

"No, no, no, I'm having none of that," he flailed his arms wildly, but Keith by now had grown accustomed to his antics and dodged with practised ease. He chuckled, enjoying familiar banter.

"Fine, I'll take them off," he said at last and started by pulling off his black shirt and unbuckling his belt. Lance's gaze followed his every move.

"Yeah," he mumbled distractedly, "Those gotta go too."

When Keith finally stepped out of his boxers, cock half-hard and swinging heavily between his legs, Lance was already palming himself through the lace, spreading his legs wider in invitation. But Keith didn't attack him immediately like he had anticipated. In fact, he wasn't even looking at him, eyes fixing something to his right. Just when Lance was about to ask what his trouble was, Keith looked him straight in the eye and said, "Put it on," okay, more like ordered. Lance glanced down and realised he meant the jacket that lay pretty much forgotten and slowly slumping to the floor.

"Huh, I thought the point was to get naked before we do the do?" he teased but did as he was told, easily slipping Keith's jacket on under the alpha's smouldering stare. "How do I look?" Lance took a sultry pose, half-joking really and ready to save his face if Keith were to ridicule him, but judging by the alpha's blown pupils and the way his nostrils flared as he sucked in deep breaths, Lance must have been doing something right.

"Perfect," came a belated hoarse reply, then Keith cleared his throat and repeated, "You look perfect, and smell-," he took in another deep breath, eyes hooding a little, "You smell amazing."

"Oh, come here, you charmer," Lance cooed and beckoned Keith to come join him on the bed, and the alpha did just that in a blink of an eye, covering Lance's fully erect cock with one hand, as the other moved up his torso, caressing the omega's smooth skin with feather light touches. Then Keith bent down and sniffed along Lance's neck, which he immediately bared for his alpha.

"You approaching heat already?" he asked, never stopping his hands' ministrations. Lance had been feeling so touch starved since the other day he hadn't given it much thought and just wanted Keith to hold him closer, to kiss him more and rock his world like he usually did. Now the question brought a troubled expression to his face.

"No, I guess? I mean, I shouldn't be, not until like, two weeks from now," he trailed off, as Keith started mouthing at his pulse point. "W-why?"

"You just smell like you are," at this he gave his throat a light nip, which made Lance moan and buck into the hand massaging him between the legs. Keith really knew how to get him going, and he loved it.

"Y-yeah?" he couldn't focus on this little conversation any more, and so what if he was going into heat, Keith was right here with him, sure he'd help him out. Just as the thought crossed Lance's fuzzy mind Keith slipped two fingers under the lace and pressed them to his twitching moist hole without as much as a warning.

"Yeah, you're wet for me and I barely touched you," he purred into Lance's ear, as the fingers of his other hand reached one dusky nipple and pinched it with a slight twist. Lance whimpered.

"I'm always wet for you, alpha," he managed, and that was what sent Keith into action. Suddenly, Lance found himself sprawled on the bed, with panties being pulled off with enough force to tear the delicate material, and Keith's mouth and hands all over him, setting his skin ablaze. Then he felt the alpha's hard flesh rub at his thigh, the tip moist with precome, and realised how desperately he wanted to taste it on his tongue. That's why for the second time that evening he pushed Keith away, already missing his hot tongue and firm touch. The alpha was obviously displeased with the interruption and opened his mouth to complain, but Lance beat him to it, "I wanna suck you."

That appeased Keith rather quickly and a gleam of anticipation flashed in his dark blue eyes as he rolled off Lance to give him free reign. Getting blowjobs from the omega had always been an extremely exciting experience for Keith, even before they started dating, and more often than not left him breathless and awestruck at the intensity of orgasm. While the alpha relied mostly on vigour and instinct, Lance had an actual technique, which was very good, thanks to his extensive experimenting with Sendak. However, when after the first time he mentioned that he had had enough practice to deepthroat like no tomorrow, Keith had been sulking for a whole week. Now Lance understood that the alpha had just been jealous, but at that time he had a nagging suspicion that Keith was simply disgusted with him and thought he was a filthy whore. Thank god they were dating now, and everything was much clearer between them. Still, Lance sometimes felt like what they had was not enough, he wanted more of Keith, of his sincere loving smiles and of his intoxicating smell. He wanted him all for himself. He knew that it was selfish, but he couldn't help it. And right now he wanted to give him as much pleasure as was in his power.

He guided Keith to sit against the headboard, stuffing a pillow behind his back for more comfort. Then he slid down between Keith's muscular thighs and without further ado took half of the stiff length in his mouth. Keith moaned loudly and immediately laced his fingers through Lance's short brown locks, getting a firm grip but not tugging yet. Lance knew he would soon, and was even waiting for it. He loved when Keith lost control.

From the moment Lance's tongue started moving against the thick cock in deliberately slow motions, teasing the head and the underside, Keith's eyes were watching the way his whole length gradually disappeared in the omega's heavenly mouth until, at last, the thin slightly pointy nose burrowed in his black pubes. The sight was entrancing, especially the mischievous look in Lance's smiling eyes. Keith could feel that he was pressing at the back of Lance's throat and how it was ready to constrict around him as Lance fought the gag reflex. Then he inhaled and made the first swallow, which had Keith arching a little off the bed and tugging at the hair in his fist on impulse. In next couple of minutes the room filled with obscene wet slurping noises and the alpha's ragged breath and occasional loud moans. And Lance was having the time of his life. There was something empowering in being able to draw such loud and genuine reactions from the usually stoic man. In this moment Keith's release was something only Lance could grant him, and in a way he became dependant on the omega. What could be more delightful?

Lance knew Keith was close and could feel his knot starting to swell at the base, which he was pumping steadily, giving it a good squeeze from time to time. But all of a sudden the alpha pulled him off his cock, gently stroking the side of his face. The hard heavy flesh slipped out with ease, slickened generously by Lance's saliva. Keith gulped, then, meeting the omega's questioning, if slightly unfocused, gaze, said, "I want to come inside you."

Lance blinked at him a bit blankly, as if trying to process the information, and after a moment his lips stretched in a slow dreamy smile. He pressed his cheek to the alpha's glistening cock and rubbed at it affectionately, "I'd love that, Keith sweetheart, but right now you're the only one I'm ready to call 'baby'," he said, looking at Keith innocently. Or, as innocent as one could be with a cock in their face. Honestly, sometimes Lance was too close to driving Keith insane.

He watched the display that came straight out of his wet dreams with such intensity that it took some time for Lance's words to finally sink in. And then Keith all but sputtered, heat flooding his face to the point where he knew it looked like the glaring red traffic light, "Wh-what d'you- It's not- I didn't meant it like-," he better shut up already until he made a bigger fool of himself. But the very thought of going bareback and getting a willing Lance pregnant, knocking him up with his child was... It was too much.

While Keith was obviously having a small existential crisis, Lance quickly got off the bed to fetch some condoms. When he returned, dropping a bottle of lube next to the alpha on the bed, Keith was wearing one of his infamous scowls and sitting with his hands crossed as he stared heatedly to the side. At the time of their 'arrangement' Lance would've been offended by such broodiness in the bedroom but now he only chuckled. The sight of a mortified Keith was endearing to a fault, he wanted to imprint it in his memory forever. But they had better things to do at the moment.

Lance crawled over Keith's thighs, straddling him and positioning himself in front of his erection, which lay against the toned pale stomach ready and waiting. He leaned forward and nuzzled at the alpha's cheek to get his attention.

"Little cooperation right now will be appreciated, mullet boy," he whispered. Keith huffed but shifted obediently, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands where Lance wanted them - on his ass. He started kneading the firm round buttocks as Lance ripped open a square package and in a few expert moves slipped the condom on his boyfriend, making sure to spread it far enough to the base, so that it stayed in place when Keith knotted him. Then Lance took the lube, uncapping it with a noise too loud in the quiet room, and squeezed a glob on top of Keith's latex covered cock, spreading it with his hand in a couple of firm strokes. The alpha sucked in a breath at the sensation and pressed two fingers into Lance in retaliation, making him sigh at the pleasant intrusion.

And Keith had been right, Lance really was sufficiently wet already, so he added the third finger with little difficulty. He pumped them in and out, twisting, scissoring, and grazing Lance's prostate until he was panting hard and squirming on his thighs, ready for more. Keith would give him more.

He took out his fingers and was going to shift their positions and lay the omega on the bed, but met resistance once again. Lance grabbed his shoulder for purchase, scooted closer and held himself up on his knees, hovering over Keith's hard-on.

"Today I'm riding you, cowboy," he said and guided Keith's length into his slick entrance. Keith grabbed his hips and looked up into his face a little concerned.

"Don't you need more lube?" Lance smirked, shaking his head no. And then he slid down onto Keith's cock in one fluid motion. At the sudden onslaught of hot pleasure the alpha involuntary bucked his hips up, driving into Lance to the hilt and moaning long and a little choked. Lance let out a short cry and then stilled. In the dimming light of the evening Keith could see his eyes glistening wetly with tears and was ready to apologise and abort their session altogether, afraid that he had really hurt his boyfriend. But Lance shushed him before he could say anything.

"I'm alright, I just," he was taking deep breaths, steadying himself in Keith's lap. The alpha soothingly ran his hands over his lower back and waited. "I needed this," the omega exhaled almost with a sob.

"What do you mean?" Keith knew Lance wasn't much into pain, rough play yes, but the alpha was always cautious not to cross the line and give his boyfriend only pleasure. That's why now Keith was at a loss.

"I wanted to feel you inside, so bad," Lance said, starting to rock a little, even as he cringed at the stretch. They hadn't had sex in what, a week? With Keith's final practices before the big match they only had time for quickies that didn't involve penetration. He should've known fingering himself the night before wouldn't be enough, but he couldn't wait a moment longer. Now he was so full with Keith's girth filling him up wonderfully. He could bear a little pain that came with it.

"Lance," the alpha called, and he looked into his suddenly too serious dark eyes. "You know I'm not leaving anywhere, right?" at that Lance jerked a little, too shocked to even register a pang in his backside that resulted from it. How did Keith know that was exactly what had been bothering him? Meanwhile, Keith continued, "I may not be the ideal boyfriend, I know, but there's no way I'm letting you go," he said earnestly, then, realising that he sounded a bit like a would-be stalker, added hastily, "I mean, unless you want me to," he sounded sad just saying that and Lance couldn't take it. He kissed his boyfriend deep and slow, trying to put his overflowing emotions into it, to show how much it meant for him.

"Thank you," he murmured quietly when they broke apart. Keith looked at him with such a beautiful smile, running his thumbs over his damp cheeks to swipe away the shed tears. "Now to the fun part, yeah?" Lance said at last, wiggling his hips experimentally. While they kissed he had time to adjust and now the discomfort was all gone, leaving only the nice feeling of fullness. He wanted more.

"You sure you don't-," Keith wanted to ask, but was silenced by another kiss, this time more passionate and filthy, as Lance started to move slowly on his cock.

Gradually his speed grew and soon Lance was bouncing on Keith's shaft in earnest, panting loudly and moaning the alpha's name when he slapped his butt and met his hips halfway, thrusting up into the tight heat. Keith knew he wanted to have the omega trapped beneath him and pound into the sweet leaking hole with all he got, but if Lance wanted to ride him today who was he to deny him that. However, when Lance stilled and sank down abruptly, weighing Keith down and rendering him immobile as best as he could, the alpha couldn't hold back a frustrated growl. He was so close, damn it. But Lance's intimate whisper in his ear made up for it.

"I want to feel you swell in me," he said, hot breath tickling the pink shell. Keith shuddered as he felt it - Lance squeezing him tightly inside. He did it once, twice, smirking down at him and looking for his approval, and Keith made himself nod because honestly, it was too good for words. His knot was already half-formed and when Lance stimulated it like that, it filled out faster than ever. Lance felt it too and whined low in his throat, presenting it to the alpha as he threw his head back. Keith knew it was an invitation and he gladly took it, latching onto the perfectly smooth and soft skin, marking it with bright red hickeys and lamenting the fact he couldn't reach Lance's nape like this.

It had been his secret pleasure, nuzzling and mouthing at that sacred patch of skin, not allowed to bite too hard but oh so willing to do so. He wouldn't, of course, without Lance's explicit consent, but Keith liked to entertain the fantasy that his mark had already been etched onto the delicate surface and that he was only decorating it with additional ornaments.

Lance went on squeezing him, building a nice rhythm, until he felt Keith's engorged base stretch him to the point where hot pleasure mixed with a sharp twinge of pain that sent him over the edge. The moaned loud through his orgasm, the light tremors rippling over Keith's now firmly lodged cock and triggering his own release. They reached completion together, Lance gripping tightly at Keith's shoulders, and the alpha with nose buried in the slope of Lance's neck, inhaling the sweet musky smell that poured off him in waves. His omega was satisfied, and so was he.

An hour later they lay in bed snuggling, clean and warm from the shower they took together once Keith's knot softened. They didn't bother with clothes, because Keith hadn't brought his sleepwear and Lance would never pass up the opportunity to enjoy skin to skin contact. He settled his head comfortably on Keith's chest and could hear the steady heartbeat thrumming just beneath. It was so comforting and relaxing, he could feel he was gradually falling asleep. Lance wished it could be like this every day.

"Hey, Lance?" Keith's voice was soft, but Lance noticed his heart rate pick up as he waited for him to answer. He hummed and shifted a bit to show he was listening. "I was thinking, uh," he paused and gulped, clearly nervous for whatever reason.

"Wha's the matter, baby?" he asked tentatively. Whatever was in Keith's mind, he'd better spill the beans before Lance started overthinking.

"I just, you know my mom?" well, that was unexpected to say the least.

"Yeah, I mean, you told me a lot about her, why?" somehow, Lance had a sense of foreboding, like Keith was going to tell him now that she had found out about their relationship and was strongly against it for some reason. God, if it were so, Lance wouldn't know what to do with himself, he really didn't want to stand between Keith and Krolia, they got along perfectly, and he would simply hate to destroy that. Keith seemed to sense his unease and tensed as well.

"I, uh, never mind," he backtracked after all. But now that Lance knew something was up he couldn't let it slide, he may be running from his own problems, but he didn't want Keith to do the same, because it sucked.

"No, tell me, what is it?" he lifted his head off the alpha's chest and then sat up, propping himself on one elbow. "Is it because of me?"

"What?" Keith looked genuinely confused. "No, I mean, yes, it's-," he struggled with the wording, then sighed in defeat and asked, "Do you maybe want to come meet her?"

For a couple of seconds Lance couldn't comprehend the meaning of that question and where it even came from, and then it dawned on him. Keith wanted him to meet his mom, which, considering Keith only had his mom as parent, technically counted as 'meeting your boyfriend's parents'. Lance was too struck to check his brain to mouth filter, so he blurted out, "Is it like we're taking the next step?"

"Uh, yeah?" Keith sounded uncertain but his eyes were blazing with anticipation.

"Wow, so you really are serious about this, about us?" Lance needed to know it was what he thought it was, his bluntness be damned.

"I always was," the alpha kept staring at him, waiting for something, and Lance realised he had yet to reply.

"Of course I wanna meet your mom, she sounds amazing, and then, she helped to bring you into this world, and that's saying something," he beamed down at his boyfriend, who finally relaxed, seeing his enthusiasm.

"What? That it was a rash decision?" Keith joked and received a playful slap on his bare shoulder.

"Shush, you, it was the best decision, and I'll make sure to thank her properly," he plopped back down, getting comfortable on Keith's warm chest once again.

"Yeah, sounds like something you'd do," Keith hugged him closer, and started to pet his short hair, occasionally rubbing his fingers over Lance's nape.

Lance closed his eyes and melted under the soft caresses. He got worked up over nothing, and Keith managed to dispel his little worries and ugly fears in a matter of minutes. And not just that, he offered him more than anyone ever did. Maybe right now he didn't understand it himself, but to Lance it meant the world. Keith meant the world to him, and he hoped that one day he would be able to give the alpha all of himself. If only Keith agreed to take him.

Btw, this will probably have another part centred on Krolia and Keith's mother son relationship and the next big step Lance and Keith will be making as a couple. ;) Tell me what you think about it :3