A/N first time writing a story in a long time...sorry if its not good. It will take me awhile to update as I have a 2 year old and on a job hunt as well. Good news I have a laptop now and can actually write stories. Any positive or negative input is welcome.(Ideas included) Thank you and ENJOY! Go Disney! One of the best DCOMS EVER!


Chapter One

"Zombies are in our school now. We have to stand up and protect ourselves! Cheer initiation tonight. Be ready to show who is the boss!" My cousin Bucky shouted joyfully. Cheers and screams erupted from the room. Some whispers were also heard as no one really knew what he meant by that. He was the captain of the cheer leading squad, no one really questioned him. My best friend Bree and I looked at each other confused and scared. "This doesn't sound fun." I nodded my head in agreement. "Or legal." She shook her head as Bucky dismissed us all. Bucky clapped his hands high and his three followers, the Aceys, snapped their fingers an followed right behind.

After changing into our regular clothes, and grabbing our backpacks from our lockers we headed outside. The doors closed behind us and we hugged each other. "I'll see you in a few hours." "Bree! Addison!" We let go of each other and turned towards the source of the voice. The blonde, Lacey, from the Aceys was running towards us with her arms full. She stopped in front of us an handed us our uniforms. "Be ready by 6:30. We are picking you up." She then turned around and walked away. 'Ok, not much for talking I guess.' I thought as Bree waved goodbye and we took off towards our homes.

6:26. I was standing out on my front porch in my uniform waiting for them to come pick me up and drag me off to who knows where. When I got home mom and dad were extremely happy and proud of me for making the squad. Then dad got called away on zombie guard business and mom went back to working on her campaign for Mayor. Wish we could spend more time together but with all that's going on I can understand its hard. A pink van with Bucky's name and picture came speeding down the road and pulled into my driveway. The van door slid open and I ran towards it and climbed in. Bree was already with them and she looked concerned. Before I could say anything the door slid closed and we were off.

The van had no windows besides the windshield and the two small windows on the back doors so I couldn't really tell where we were heading. We slowed to a crawl at some point and after a minute or two the van finally stopped and Bree and I climber out. Once outside I realized we were in Zombietown and when we went to get back in the van Bucky's right hand man, Tracey, closed the door. The passenger side window rolled down and Buckys face appeared. "This is cheer initiation." He then handed me and egg carton and now I know why Bree had looked concerned. I tried to hand it back. "Bucky no we cant do this." He laughed. "If you want to be accepted and on my squad then you must do this."

A voice rang out. "Excuse me." Bucky looked at the person who talked and screamed before the van took off speeding out of Zombietown. Bree and I whipped around to see that the voice came from a little girl around six or so. "What are you doing here? She asked, with a confused look on her face. My mind screamed at me. 'Oh no! We've been caught.' Bree was most likely thinking the same thing I was as she had a panicked look on her face. I suddenly remembered I had the eggs and I held them out towards her. "Egg delivery." Her eyes lit up and she grabbed them from me gently and hugged them to her chest. "Eggs are the bestest! Thank you." "You're welcome." I smiled at her.

"ZOEY!" We all turned towards the voice and saw a boy around our age. He came running out of the house and his eyes darted back and forth till he saw us. He came running over and stood in front of the little girl. "Zed they gave me eggs." He turned from her to look at us. Bree was clutching my hand. "You were going to egg our house weren't you?" He sounded mad and I couldn't blame him. I would be upset too if someone was going to egg my house every year. I quickly shook my head. "No we were dropped off here and had absolutely no idea what was going to happen. I swear." Poor Bree was hiding behind me trembling at this point. She hated confrontation as much as I did. My eyes met his and I swear my mind went blank. He was handsome.

He smiled and I could feel my lips curling into a smile too. "I believe you. If you were here to do that we wouldnt be having this conversation right now." Her hand pulled mine. "Well we must be going now." We turned our backs and started to walk away and the little girl suddenly appeared in front of us and we jumped back a little. She was still smiling and holding onto the eggs. Her hand was outstretched in front of her. "I'm Zoey and that's my brother Zed." She was being so sweet and happy, so not what we were taught about Zombies. This was the exact opposite. I bent down to her level and shook her hand. "My name is Addison and this is my best friend Bree."

I looked at Bree to make sure she was still behind me and not running away. She smiled and gave a little wave. "Hi." Tiny arms were around me and I was shocked. This little girl has completely changed my mind about zombies in a matter of minutes. They weren't heartless or rude, but lovable and sweet. At least Zoey anyways. I did the only thing I could and that was hug her back. "Thank you Zoey." She pulled away from me. "It was so very nice to meet you."

I looked at her brother. "It was also very nice to meet you to." He was standing there with his arms crossed and a huge smile on his face. I had a feeling he was thinking the same thing I was. He walked towards us and outstretched his hand. It felt good grabbing onto his hand. Like a butterflies in your stomach type of good. "It was my pleasure, Addison." My heart skipped a beat. I felt flushed and knew I must have been blushing. Our hands were still touching when Bree nudged me. On instinct I pulled my hand back and looked at her. "We must get going. Its getting late. We all said our goodbyes and Zed picked his little sister up, twirling her before heading back towards their house.

Bree looked around and then back to me. "I never knew how harassed Zombies were." Shaking my head. "Me neither. They were human to at one point. How people manage to forget that I will never know." She agreed with me and he both started walking out of Zombietown and back to our homes.

A/N first chapter down. I know its short but I wanted first impressions. Thanks!