Nanta was taken from her home when she was just two years old. She was taken by a Night Fury who saw something in Nanta that he didn't see in any other human. This Night Fury, Thurn, brought baby Nanta to the nest, where she was cared for by him and his mate, Deste. Thurn and Deste had one child already, and her name was Pitch. Nanta and Pitch were of the same age, and bonded quickly. Nanta was never scared of her dragon family, or any of the other dragons in the nest. She learned Dragonese as her first language, and was able to speak to the dragons with it. When she and Pitch were five years old, they got a little brother named Racari.

Growing up with dragons made Nanta tough, strong, an excellent fighter. When they were old enough, their father started bring them on food raids at human villages. They never took anything, the Night Fury was the invisible force that was there to help the other dragons.

At ten, Nanta was found by the Berserker chief after hunters killed the parents she knew, leaving just her, Pitch, and Racari. The chief adopted Nanta, cared for her, taught her English. She kept going on raids with her brother and sister, the Queen wouldn't just let her stop. Nanta became second in command to the Queen, alongside Pitch.

Now twenty years old, Nanta has made a reputation for herself among the humans, all over the Archipelago and beyond. She was deemed a traitor to humanity, a demon in the night that children feared and warriors loathed. She was known as the Night Rider, and they say that if you saw her, you were already dead.