The early evening sun shone upon the still frozen pond and the Cartwrights were enjoying what they believed to be the last skate of the season. Ginny skated beside Hoss wobbly on the frozen pond folded in the snow-covered hills of the Ponderosa. Hoss's quiet manner suited her a little better than Joe's at the moment for skating was an area where she did not appreciate the six year old's rowdiness. After falling for what felt like the hundredth time she huffed as Hoss helped her up to her feet. Shaking the dusting of snow off her skirt she pushed off to glide across the ice and promptly took another hard fall. Adam skated to her rescue.

"Here Ginny let me help you." he said taking her hand.

"Ice is slippery." She clung to him to avoid falling over again.

Adam gave her a lazy grin, "It is slippery." He confirmed the four year-old's observation.

"And it's cold." She stated seriously looking about the pond, "There's too much of it." She added with a wave of her hand.

Hoss laughed at her statement and Ginny looked at him as if he'd truly hurt her tiny feelings, "Do you like sledding or ice skating better?" Adam distracted her from the hurt.

"I like summer." She nodded decisively.

"I thought you enjoyed our sledding trip."

"It was cold." She shuddered as she recalled the snow finding it's way into her clothes, "I like when you take us swimming, Adam. And playing in the hay in the barn."

"You are a warm weather girl aren't you, sweet pea?" Adam slowly guided her back towards the bank.

"Yes!" she nodded her head enthusiastically. She watched as Hoss and Joe raced away from them.

"Would you like me to show you how to skate? You'll fall less."

"Okie." She stood ready to learn after rocking back and forth and finally steadying herself with the help of Adam. Knowing her attention span was shorter than anyone he'd ever met in his life Adam kept the lesson as brief as he could. Excited by Adam's lessons she skated ever so clumsily to Ben and her mother, Emily.

"Mama, Adam taught me to skate!" She crashed at her mother's feet.

Her mother laughed picking her daughter off the ice, "So I see. You're doing wonderfully, Virginia."

"I want to skate with you, Mama."

"We're about go back home, darling." She straightened the child's lopsided bonnet, "It's getting late and I don't want you to catch a cold. We'll skate together next time."

Ginny's face fell, "But Adam said it won't be cold enough soon and I want to skate with you."

Her mother's heart melted at the statement, "Alright my darling we'll take one quick loop around the ice and we can go home and make hot coco."

Immediately Ginny's face brightened as her mother took her hand to skate around the ice. Clunking over the ice Ginny's confidence grew. "Mama, I want to show you myself!"

"Alright," Emily let go of her child's hand staying close beside her least she should lose her balance again. The crunch of the ice and the brisk air brought a smile to Emily's face, seeing the man she loved on shore who loved her and her daughter told her she'd finally found peace on this earth. Skating a few paces behind the child she paused at an eerie sound resembling an organ pipe. As she continued to slowly glide over the ice she heard a loud crack. Plunging through the ice she heard shouts from shore and a wail from her daughter. Ben made quick work ordering Hoss and Joe to stay on the bank. Quickly moving toward the hole in the ice he pushed Ginny into Adam's arms as he made a quick assessment of the child. Her skirts were wet but she hadn't fully submerged. Lying flat on the ice Ben moved towards Emily's flailing figure in the water. Catching her hand he pulled the frantic woman towards him, turning he saw Adam once more at his side reaching for her other hand.

"Ginny. Where's Ginny? Where's my baby?" she muttered clinging to Ben as he and Adam pulled her from danger.

"I took her to shore. Hoss has her." Adam assured her. "We'll look after her."

"Hoss take the horse. Ride back to the house and have Hank go get the doctor." Ben ordered, thankful Adam had come later and they had an extra horse beside the wagon.

"Yes sir." Hoss was visibly shaken as he passed Ginny back to Adam.

"It'll be okay, Hoss." Adam assured his brother, "Just do what Pa said."

"Okay Adam."

Adam helped Ben load everyone into the wagon, as Ben's attentions immediately went to Ginny's mother Adam took a moment to instruct Joe.

"Joe I need your help. I have to drive the wagon so I need you to stay with Ginny. She's scared and I need you to help her stay warm."

Joe stared at him wide eyed and lip trembling, "Adam?"

"Yes Joe?"

"Is she…is she going away? Like my ma?"

Adam glanced over at Emily, her skin was pale and she was shaking uncontrollably as Ginny sat alongside her looking at her mother with a terrified expression, "I don't know Joe…we're going to do everything we can. I need you to watch out for Ginny. Can you do that for me?"

Joe nodded.

"Good man." Adam climbed up into the front of the wagon and pushed the horses to move forward. Sensing his urgency they moved quickly through the snow as he listened to the soft cries of his brother and Ginny and the ramblings of what he believed to be a dying woman.


Ginny sat trembling in a cocoon of blankets, her eyes wide with fear and skin pale and cold. Entering the room with a cup of hot tea Adam saw a small wave of relief wash over her. Settling on the bed next to her he wrapped an arm protectively about her shoulders.

"I want mama." The little voice came out muffled by the blankets.

"I know, sweet pea…" Adam looked at the doorway apprehensively, "Is it okay if I stay with you?"

She nodded slightly, "Okay."

"Here I want you to drink some of this. It'll help warm you up."

After a sip the girl wrinkled her nose and promptly pushed away the cup, "I don't want it."

Adam placed the cup on the nightstand and hoped his warmth would be enough for her. The doctor had already been in to see her and declared she would be all right as she'd gotten dried off quickly but to be sure and give her plenty of warm fluids. She'd already downed a cup of hot chocolate and a glass of warm water with lemon under the doctor's instructions..

"When can I see mama?" Ginny interrupted his thoughts.

Adam chewed his lip, he knew her mother was sick but he didn't know how to explain that to her. Joe padding softly into the room drew his attention.


"Yes, Joe?"

"Are you going to read Ginny a story tonight?"


Joe, who'd recently deemed himself to old for bedtime stories, picked at the hem of his nightshirt, "Could I stay and listen?"

Adam nodded, "Bring me the book on the dresser. Virginia would you like to hear a bedtime story?"

"Can I see mama after?"

Adam sighed, "I'm not sure…but the sooner you fall asleep the sooner morning will come and you'll be able to see her."

"Okay Adam."

Joe plopped himself on the bed next to them and Ginny snuggled closer to Adam. She liked to follow along as he read to her. As Adam began reading Hoss joined the small party and settled on the foot of the bed. Adam read into the night while unconsciously helping ease the pain of his brothers. Joe nodded off and Hoss carried him to bed, to Adam's surprise returning shortly after.

"Adam can I talk to you?"

Adam glanced down at the sleeping girl afraid to move least he disturb her; the child could sleep through a stampede but the slightest jostle would always wake her. "What is it, Hoss?" Adam stated wearily, the events of the day were wearing heavily on him.

"I don't know if I can do it again, Adam…I don't think Joe can either.."

"What do you mean?"

"You know…If…if she… dies…we just lost a mother.."

"She's not dying." Adam stated firmly. "And she's not our mother."

"Doggoneit Adam if she don't feel like it…I know she helped Pa...she helped Joe and me too. You were just always too stubborn to let her in."

"Hoss." Adam grit his teeth. It wasn't Hoss' fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. He'd endured so much loss it wasn't fair his brothers had to endure it too, And they shouldn't be on the receiving end of the anger her felt, "I'm sorry Hoss…I don't know what's going to happen….but I'll help the three of you the best I can. I promise." He knew how soft hearted Hoss was though sometimes the boy's large size caused him to forget how young he was, he knew he couldn't bring himself to hurt him.

"Who's going to take care of you, Adam?"

Adam shrugged, "I'll be alright."


Adam awoke with a start. The house was quiet and he could hear the steady breathing of the child beside him. Easing himself off the bed Adam wandered to the hallway. A light down the hall caught his eye. Moving towards the doorway he heard the voice of his father.

"I shouldn't have taken them skating…it's too late in the year."

"Ben you couldn't have known." The Doctor assured him, "The temperatures have gone back down…everyone thought it was safe… I'm sorry Ben. I wish there was more I could have done."

Backing away from the door he stood inside the doorway of his room watching Ginny sleep. They'd each lost a mother far too young and he didn't think he could answer questions for a third one about where their mother was. Hoss and Joe were still aching for Marie. Somehow Emily had helped soothe that ache for both boys but now he thought all the pain they felt over the loss of Marie would come back ten fold. And his father? Losing Marie had nearly killed him. Adam couldn't bear the thought of watching his father grieve again. He wondered if getting back to the house faster would have saved her. For all he knew a few minutes could have made a difference and Ginny would still have a mother. Adam pinched the bridge of his nose and a soft whimper drew his attention.


"What is it?"

"I want to sleep with mama." She pushed away the covers and slid off the bed.

Adam caught her in his arms and struggled to keep his voice steady, "How about you stay with me? I'll be awfully lonely if you leave."

"I'm sorry Adam….I miss mama."

"Tell you what. I've been wanting to sing you some new songs. Would you like to hear them?"

She nodded sleepily. "Then I sleep with mama."

Adam nestled her back into the bed, " The sun is sinking in the west." He sang softly, "The cattle go down to the stream. The redwing settles in the nest…It's time for a cowboy to dream. Purple light in the canyons. That's where I long to be. With my three good companions. Just Virginia, my pony and me."

Ginny giggled, "I'm in the song."

"That's right."

"Can I hear the rest?"

"Of course." Adam hummed. "Gonna hang (gonna hang) my sombrero (my sombrero).

On the limb (on the limb) of a tree (of a tree)...Coming home (coming home) sweetheart darling (sweetheart darling)… Just Virginia, my pony and me…Just Virginia, my pony and me….(Whippoorwill in the willow…Sings a sweet melody Riding to Amarillo)… Just Virginia, my pony and me... No more cows (no more cows) to be roping (to be roping)… No more strays will I see…Round the bend (round the bend) she'll be waiting (she'll be waiting). For Virginia, my pony and me…For Virginia, my pony and me."


"What do you say?"


"Alright," Adam smoothed her hair, "What would you like to hear?"

"The road one."

"Well every road I see, leads away from me…there's not a single one that leads me home." Adam allowed the music to soothe his mind as it drifted through the room. As Ginny fell asleep he told himself he'd do his best to protect her as she grew up.

**********Authors note- The first song Adam sings is My Rifle, My Pony and Me. If you'd like to hear what it sounds like it is sung by Dean Martin in Rio Bravo and I always wanted to hear it sung by Adam as I think it'd fit his voice well. The second song is Endless Road which Adam does sing in the series in the sixth season.