Author's note; they missed out on the kiss. Lead up to it so many times all we got was hugs. Hell to the no. I fixed it. Enjoy.

Addison was just like any other girl, dreaming of her ever after, and meeting her true love. Well she was now closer than ever. Sure it wasn't exactly like any other of the love stories you'd read about… as her love was a zombie.

But Addison was okay with that, she saw more than that, she saw someone she adored, someone she loved and imagined her life with.

"Why, hello there," a cheeky voice came from next to her. A large smile spread across her face as she turned to face Zed, he wore an identical smile to hers. His hand outreached towards her.

"Hi," she grinned, eagerly grasping his hand in her own. Ever since it was acceptable for them to be a couple they would walk together to school, hand in hand, every morning, usually joined by Eliza, Bonzo and Bree. On some mornings even Bucky would tag along.

Only one thing was missing and constantly on Addison's mind.

They still hadn't shared a kiss.

Did he not want to kiss her? Was there something wrong with her? Did he not like her hair?

"You are gorgeous" That was what he had said to her once she had revealed herself to him. So surely it wasn't that.

So what was it?

"Hey, you okay Addy?" Zed asked, stopping the girl in her tracks and snapping her out of her thoughts. He had a worried look in his eyes, his smile that was there moments ago was slowly dropping.

"Hm?" Was all she could muster, getting herself upset trying to figure out why she still had not had her first kiss, did he not love her? She loved him. Had since she first laid eyes on him.

"Come on" Zed said, tugging lightly on her hand, leading her in a different direction.

"We'll catch up with you guys at school" He called at the others, who looked curious but shrugged and continued on their way.

Zed lead her towards a small garden not far from his house, it was where he would go himself when he wanted some quiet time. He hadn't shown anyone, he was going to share it with Addison, he just didn't imagine it like this.

He walked over to a large oak tree and sat down by it, gently tugging at the still distant girl's hand. After a little, she too sat down next to the zombie. He gently caressed her cheek, turning her to face him, trying to read all the emotions flashing in her eyes. "What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you? If I did I'm sorry, I didn't mean whatever it was" He said, truly sorry.

She didn't mean to say it, she meant to just shake her head and move on, however she started to tremble and a tear slid down the side of her cheek. Brushing it away, he tugged her closer to his chest, what had he done...

"Is there something wrong with me?" she whispered against his chest, still slightly shaking. The question caught him completely off-guard.

How could she ever think such a thing? This girl was gorgeous, everything he could want in a girl. He still remembered how he had said to Eliza how he knew she was the one.

"What? No! Absolutely not! Why would you ever think that?" She averted his gaze, not wanting him to see how upset it actually made her.

"Then why haven't we kissed? We're a couple aren't we? Well I thought we were, we hold hands and you're all I think about…" she mumbled, her eyes focusing on his ripped shirt, not ripped so much that it was tacky, however it was ripped enough to show of the outlines of the slight muscle underneath.

She was waiting for him to answer, she was kind of expecting him to make an excuse or run away.

She did not expect him to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Addison demanded, getting insulted by his reaction. She was generally upset and worried about the matter. She was now pushing herself away from his chest, well she was trying anyway, the boy only tightened his grip on her.

"I just didn't expect that to be what you were upset about. To answer your question, I was waiting for a good moment where I could sweep your off your feet. But I guess any time is a good time when it's you" Zed said, moving slowly so he was sitting more forward, his hand moving to her chin and tugging it upwards so her eyes met his. He gave her that smile that always made her melt, even though she would never tell him that, he was already fearless enough.

Her heart was hammering away, unknown to her, Zed liked to imagine his was doing the same. This meant just as much to him as it did to her, he had wanted to do it for a while now, and to have it amazing, not knowing the waiting time was taking it's toll on her.

The time was now.

Zed closed his eyes as he drew closer to his target, and then suddenly the last few inches were gone.

Their first kiss. Not exactly how either of them had imagined it.

But they were okay with that. More than okay.

If you hadn't already guessed so far, they took slightly longer getting to school.