Because you are especial II

Will's POV

"So you are alone?"

The past five minutes were a full roller coaster of emotions for Will, he went from being confused, too surprised and embarrassed (on the verge of panic) not really getting what Jennifer had offered.

It wasn't till she made him come inside her house and carefully explained it to him that he understood what she was asking

"Yes! My parents went on a business trip and my friends went out camping"

"I see"

"B-but Will! You know that's not what I meant right? It's just" She looked horribly mortified

"Its fine don't worry! I know what you meant"

"A-And you don't have to stay or anything" She was acting so shy and cute it made him smile, if there is one thing he has learned about her is that Jennifer Hayes is in no way shy quite the opposite actually because he doesn't think he ever met someone as forward as her.

"I can stay" He answered not knowing exactly why his mouth was running faster than his mind I mean for someone as rational as him, this was not a rational decision at all!

"She's alone you idiot! Alone"

"Y-You can? Really?"

"Yes! We were supposed to go to the movies anyway so nobody is expecting me at home this early" "Dude what the hell is wrong with you"

"Is that so? Then p-please make yourself feel at home" Even though she tried to fake it he noticed her disappointment which was weird, he didn't think he said something wrong. Not like he'll ask her anyway.

Not wanting her to feel sad or disappointed he decided he was going to take full responsibility of the decision he made, so why not make the best out of it?

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"A movie?"

"Yeah since we didn't go, maybe you'll like to watch one at home with me?"

She smiled so brightly back at him he couldn't help but congratulate himself internally

"Anything for that beautiful smile"

"My dad has lots of VHS tapes around, come lets go to my living room"

When Jennifer told him her dad had lots of them she wasn't lying he literally had a whole shelf full with VHS tapes.

"My dad loves movies"

"I can see that" he laughed

Now that he thinks about it, he hadn't noticed when he came inside but Jennifer's house was huge! Her living room could easily be the size of his whole house.

"Have you seen Karate kid? It's one of my favorites! I watch it with my parents all the time" she excitedly said

"Oh? I like Karate kid it's pretty cool, you want to watch that one?"

"If it doesn't bother you?"

"No of course not! Let's give that a go"

She winced in pain before she was able to answer

"Sorry, I keep forgetting you are sick"

"That is because I'm not sick, it's a…natural woman process? I don't know but its normal don't worry"

"Well the "natural woman process" seems painful, is there anything you want me to do to make you feel better?"

"Watch the movie with me! That'll help for sure"

Her answer dint convince him, so he came up with an idea

"Want to show me your kitchen?"


She took him there with a confused look on her face

"I'm I allowed to make something?"

"Of course! Tell me what you need! I'll help you out"

Jennifer's POV

"Do you have chamomile tea and cocoa powder?" He asked

"Yes here" she said grabbing what he asked from one of the cabins

"What will you prefer?"

"Oh it's for me?"

"Yeah I see my mom making one of this drinks whenever it happens to Jane, it helps her a lot and well I don't know much about girls and periods but I thought it might help"

Will Byers has to be the cutest human being ever created! She couldn't believe it! Her tears started falling before she was even able to stop them

"W-Wait don't cry, I'm sorry"

"No! You are not doing anything wrong! I'm crying because well you know hormones? I'm the one who is sorry! You are the sweetest guy ever thank you so much for thinking about me! I'll like hot chocolate please"

"God stop embarrassing yourself Jennifer"

"Perfect! I'll prepare it for you, so in the meantime go set the movie ok? I'll be there in a minute"

"Roger Captain" She said before leaving the kitchen

"Ok Jennifer this is it! You weren't able to go to the Aladdin with him but he stayed home with you, proposed to watch a movie and prepare hot chocolate for you. What else can you ask? "For him to spend the night with you maybe but you won't get that greedy do you understand?"

She made a promise to herself to not ask more than what she got, instead she concentrated on preparing everything to watch the movie. She went upstairs picked up a blanket (just one for obvious reasons) and a couple of pillows.

When she got downstairs Will was already seating down on a couch a mug of hot chocolate in hand.

"You ready?" he asked

"All the time!" She started the movie and then proceeded to sit beside Will, she had lots of places to sit on if she wanted to be alone however it wasn't the case though.

She took a sip of her hot chocolate

"It's amazing Will! I feel a lot better now"

"I'm happy it helps"

She put the beverage on the floor, took the pillows and handed one over to Will

"Thanks" he said placing his head on it

She then, subtly (well not so subtly if you ask her) rested her head on his chest and pull the covers up to them. He winced a little but didn't say anything, so she took that as an "ok" from his part.

She had the intention of cuddling with him whether he accepted or not but was glad he did. Because laying down here with him on her couch was like the best thing in the world his chest was as warm as his back and she knew he was nervous his frenetic heart beat gave him away, but it only made her smile grow wider. Besides she was nervous as hell herself.

"Please time please stop, and capture this moment forever"

Will's POV

"Calm down Will, she is just cuddling with you not a big deal" Yeah right!Will was freaking the hell out! And how could he not? Being this close to a girl was new territory for him and he was losing his mind.

Jennifer is a really forward and flirty girl and don't get him wrong he totally likes that about her, but it was kind of hard for a shy guy like him to keep up with her pace.

She always ended up making the first move for everything. And it's true they are not dating yet but still…that's where they want to get.

He was the one who asked her out on a date yet he wasn't ready to do the things a normal couple does on one. Like this for example. Are you supposed to cuddle so close to each other on your first date?

Then again he was sure that being home alone with just the two of them on a Saturday afternoon wasn't something you normally do on your first date when both of you are just fifteen year old teens.

His inexperience in this area was driving him insane. He wanted to do things right but didn't know how. He didn't even know what "right" meant in this situation.

Now that he carefully thinks about it, he doesn't even know what dating someone actually implies like will it always be about holding hands and cuddling?

He didn't even know the basics, however looking at the pretty girl trying to get as close to him as possible he decided he didn't dislike the feeling at all.

This girl was slowly but securely making her way to his heart shooting down the walls he has worked really hard to build upon himself in the process.

Opening up to someone new after everything he has gone through was not easy and he couldn't say he was already on that point with her.

But they were getting there little by little, and if acknowledging that wasn't scary enough to make him want to run away, then there was nothing it could.

He liked this girl and no matter how nervous and anxious he gets, or how inexperienced and naïve he was. He wasn't willing to let go.

Jennifer's POV

She wasn't sure when she fell asleep but the moment she woke up she felt completely recovered.

She felt so warm and comfy resting on Will that she didn't want to leave but then she heard soft snores coming from him and smiled. He had also fallen asleep.

Not wanting to disturb him she stood up turned the TV off and made her way to the bathroom. Looking at the time in the process, it was already 5 P.M. meaning it was late enough for Will to leave as soon as he wakes up.

Just thinking about that made her feel like crying truth was she hated being alone ever since she was a little girl, her house was just too big and intimidating when left by itself.

"Jennifer are you there?" she heard Will calling her name from the other side of the room

"I'm here! Just give me a second" She dragged her feet all the way back to the living room, not wanting him to notice he saddened expression.

"You slept well?" she asked

"Yeah! I didn't watch the movie though, sorry"

"I didn't watch the movie either I think I felt asleep almost immediately"

They both laughed at that

He looked outside one of the windows and saw it was already dark outside "I think is time for me to keep going"

This was what she had been dreading

"W-Why? It's just five! The sky is just really dark but it's still early! Why don't you stay for a little longer?"

"Uhh I don't think I really should"

"B-but why?"

He blushed a dark shade of red before answering

"I-I think you know why"

"Oh my God! How embarrassing" Of course she understood and she knew she was breaking one of her mother's rules by spending so much time alone with a boy. But this was Will she was talking about and he wasn't like other boys, she trusted him. But she didn't even for one minute stopped to think just how uncomfortable all this time might had been for him. I mean he decided to stay here for her after all and well, he had stayed for a while now so would it really be that selfish from her to ask him to stay just a little bit longer?.

"I-I'm so sorry! For making you stay an-"

"Don't worry! And please don't be sorry I stayed because I wanted too, besides I really had fun" The smile he gave her was enough fuel for her to continue

She took a deep breath before proceeding

"Why don't you stay for dinner? W-We can order pizza? Or maybe we can prepare something! Please Will? Just a little longer?" She closed her eyes not wanting to see his reaction, because come on Jennifer! What was she? A baby?

She heard him sigh before he answered

"Just a little longer then"

She opened her eyes, face full of surprise

"Really? Do you really agree?"

"Yeah, but under one condition"

"Whatever you want!" she said excitedly

"Let's make a grilled cheese sandwich"

"Oh? You want that instead of pizza?"

"Yes! Why? You don't like them?"

"I love them! Grilled cheese sandwich it is then"

They laughed at unison God this boy would be the death of her one of this days

Will's POV

Just what in the world was wrong with him? Common sense told him he should've left hours ago, but he seems not to listen to his rational self when he was around this girl.

So here he was at almost 6 P.M. preparing grilled cheese sandwiches and chatting as casually as ever as if it was the most natural thing to do when you are alone inside a house with a girl your age with the lack of parental supervision.

"Just relax Will, eat the stupid sandwich and the leave" Or that's what he thought, when suddenly the sound of pouring rain and lighting could be heard from outside the windows.

"Great" he thought

"Wow! It's raining so hard" she said

"I can see that" he said while taking a bite of his sandwich, he knew what this meant (or what she was going to propose at least) but the urge for him to leave was so big that he didn't mind getting soaked by the rain.

"I wasn't expecting rain today"

"Yeah me neither"

She smiled so brightly at him, he almost melted on the spot

"That means you get to stay until the rain stops"

"There we go" he thought

"Uhh, no I really should get going after we finish eating"

"What? Why? I don't think the rain will stop anytime soon"

"Exactly, I don't think it'll stop soon but I have to leave anyway"

"What? Are you planning to go back riding a bike in this rain? Are you crazy! You'll get sick!"

"It's not that far! I won't get sick"

"It's far enough for you to die of pneumonia afterwards"

Her overstatement almost made him laugh, almost

"I promise I'll be fine, don't worry"

"You should at least call for someone to pick you up, I really don't want you to get sick"

She gave him such a sad and disappointed look that it made his heart ache, he didn't want her to look like that ever again

But before he was able to answer they heard the sound of great thunder shuddering outside almost making the lights go out, the whole house illuminated by the flash of lighting, Will didn't even flinch, but Jennifer screamed so hard, and hugged Will so tight as if her life depended on it.

"S-sorry" she said when it all subsided trying to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall.

And that's when it clicked it to him, Jennifer was afraid

"Don't worry I'm here there's nothing to be afraid of" He told while holding her tight

"I can't just leave her alone"

When she felt slightly better she was the one who let go of his firm grip

"I'm sorry I'm really such a baby"

"No you are not its ok if you are scared"

"Will I- I really don't want you to leave but it's not about the lightning this just took me by surprise it's-it's because I don't want to stay here all by myself" She told him while wiping away her tears



"I won't leave I'll stay just…can you please lend me your phone?

"It's on the living room go ahead"

He thought about it for a minute, there was no way for him to get permission to stay over from his mother that was impossible she would've kill him first. On the other hand he needed to stay.

So after meditating for a moment he decided to call Mike first

"Please be home, please be home" he prayed

"Hello this is the Wheeler's!"

"Mike! Thank God it's you!"

"Will? Hey! How was the date?"

"Good? I'll tell you later about that right now I need a favor"

"A favor?"

He quickly explained the situation he was currently in

"OK I understand so all you need is for me to cover up for you then?"

"I need you to cover up for me! Or else my mom would murder me"

"Dude that's no problem! What are brothers even for?"

He was moved by his words, but right now he didn't had the time to deal with that

"Thanks Mike I really owe you"

"Of course not Will you never ask for anything, oh and by the way Jonathan is right here with Nancy do you want me to do the explaining to him?"

"No it's ok I'll do it"

"Ok give me a second"

After a while Jonathan's voice could be heard from the other side of the line

"Hey squirt! Where are you?"

He explained everything to Jonathan as he did with Mike, hoping his brother would be as understanding as him.

"Well that's an issue"

"I know, but I can't just leave her alone Jonathan! She's scared"

"Yeah I get that, and it's raining pretty hard I don't think it'll stop anytime soon, because taking her home with us might be a viable option"

Will didn't even think about that

"I don't think she would've agreed anyway"

"You just want to be alone with her" Jonathan teased from the other end of the line

"Th-that's not true" he stuttered

"Its ok Will! I'll cover up for you, I talked with dad a while ago and they were both on the station waiting for the rain to stop, I told them you were already with me since I didn't want for mom to worry"

"I'm sorry" he said

"Don't worry, honestly Mike and I kind of expected something like this to happen, we just assumed you were still on your date inside the Aladdin or something? Anyway we were sure you were gonna call asking for help as soon as you spotted the rain"

He laughed at that

"I'll deal with mom don't worry I'll tell her we are staying over"

"It's El also there?"

"Yeah she is here, she'll be happy to stay over"

"Good I wouldn't want her to be home alone"

"Ok kiddo listen I know you don't need me to tell you this because you are a responsible and mature boy, but it's my duty as an older brother…Just keep it PG-13 ok? You are still way too young"

He blushed so hard steam was coming out of his ears

"Jonathan!" he exclaimed

"hahahaha I'll see you tomorrow ok? Bye"

"I can't believe him" he said out loud to no one in particular

"Are you ok?" The sound of Jennifer's voice snapped him out of his rambling

"Yeah, guess what? I got my permission to stay over"

"They really gave you permission?"

"Well kind of, Mike and my brother are covering up for me"

Jennifer's POV

To say she was happy will be an understatement


"Yeah, I can't just leave alone"

She ran over to him and hugged him so tight she was sure he stopped breathing

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

"You are welcome" He struggled so hard to say those words that she immediately let him go.

"This is like having a sleepover! What do you want to do?"

"hahaha whatever you it's fine"

She thought about it for a moment, when she has sleepover with her friends, they always did their hair, paint her nails, and gossip around while eating some pizza and reading silly teen girl's magazines. But it's not like she can do those things with Will.

"What do you and your friends do on sleepovers?" she asked

"We play Dungeons & Dragons till we can't keep our eyes open anymore"

"I've never played that before, is it fun?"

"Yeah it's wonderful I love it, you can play with us one of this days if you want"

"I'll love that!"

And just like that, they engaged in conversation she loved how natural it felt talking to Will

"Oh and there was this time Dustin-"

She honestly love to listen him talking, Will was naturally shy and so she knew he didn't engaged in conversation with just anyone, she liked to think he was slowly opening up to her. Because that's all she wanted for him to trust her in every possible way.

"I'm telling you Will Judy has a thing for Dustin, ever since we had lunch together she hasn't stopped asking about him"

"Well that's funny"

"Dustin is a really nice guy! They'll make such a nice couple! Do you think he might like her?"

"If we are talking about Dustin it wouldn't be rare for him to have a crush on her but I'm not sure, wait wasn't she dating this guy named Sam? From the Track and field club?"

"No! They broke up ages ago the guy was an idiot"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, so she is single we can totally pair them up"

"Well the first thing I need to figure is if he is over Stacey already I mean he developed a crush on her ages ago, and she was kind of mean back then but with Dustin you never know"

"Oh Gosh that's true! He had a crush on her when we were in Middle School right?"

"Yeah, she asked her out to dance but was rejected"

"I remember that! Stacey was horrible back then, he ended up dancing with Mike's sister right"

"Yes, Nancy was really nice to him"

And just like that Jennifer remembered something she thought she had disposed of ages ago.

"You danced with a girl too" she said in a really silent voice

"Sorry I didn't listen what was that"

"I said that you also danced with a girl that day at the Snowball"

"Oh? Yeah that's true I didn't remember"

"Well I remember it perfectly" It wasn't her intention to sound so…mad? Jealous? But she couldn't help it, she remembers exactly how she felt the minute she saw Will dancing with another girl the same night she had planned on asking him out to dance herself.

"At that time I felt so nervous it was awful I don't even remember her name"

"Is that so?" She didn't intend to feel so enthusiastic about his revelation, but she wasn't good at hiding his emotions either.

"I-I much rather dance with you" He told her with a slight blush and quivering lips, and it strike her heart directly.

"Promise me then"


"Promise me that we'll go to Snowball together this year"

"It's ok if that's what you want then game on"

"Cool! Want to watch Karate Kid then?"

"Why not!"

And so they returned to the couch cuddling like before (he was a lot more relaxed now) and this time they did watch the movie, after that they decided to watch Star Wars since it was one of Will's favorites by the time it finished it was already past midnight

Will's POV

He never thought he was going to be able to relax while being alone with her, but he did he was actually having a lot of fun

"Look at that! The rain still hasn't stopped" She said

He didn't noticed till now, he was to engrossed watching movies (and cuddling) to even care, but it was late now meaning it was time to sleep

"Come with me Will I'll get you something to change into"

She guided him upstairs, all the way to her room

"Please come in"

"Pardon the intromission" he said before stepping inside, the room was beautiful with pink and purple walls, with silver decorations all over he actually felt as if he was inside a princess room

"So pretty" he said

"Thank you!" I'm not really a tidy person like you but I try to keep my room clean she said while she went through one of her cabins looking for something for Will to wear

"Here" she handed him a loose plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants "those are big on me so I figured they might fit you"

"Thanks, can I use your bathroom?"

"Yeah, go ahead that's the door" she said signaling the way for him

Jennifer's room was pretty big, her bathroom? Yeah it was as big as Will's whole room, when he finished changing he stepped outside only to find her already changed in pair of pink shorts and a loose white t-shirt. She had her long curly hair down framing her face, all in all she looked so cute he could die.

"Black totally suits you it looks so good on you"

"You think?" he shyly asked not used to being praised by his looks at all

"Yeah totally! Wait for me here ok? I'll go look for the mattress"

"Wait no! Don't go look for it, I'll just sleep downstairs on the couch"

"What? No way! It's really cold downstairs"

"Its fine Jennifer nothing will happen to me if I stay downstairs, its better" He wasn't going to give in, not to this he was already here and that was an accomplishment so no way was he gonna do something he was sure her parents and his parents would've kill him for if they ever find out.

She seemed to get it and stopped pushing the matter longer

"Ok, just you can come look for me if anything happens ok?"

"The same goes for you too"

They said their goodnights before he went downstairs again, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the couch.

"Will wake up, please wake up" He was so sound asleep that it took him a moment to realize he wasn't dreaming and that he was in fact being called

"Will wake up please"

"Jennifer?" he was so sleepy and his voice sounded so hoarse

"I'm sorry to wake you up"

"It's ok what's going on? He said perking himself up

"It's just…I think I saw a ghost"

"A ghost?" he asked completely awake now

"I woke up because I needed to use the bathroom, but when I was going back to bed I saw this white reflection! I got so scared that I just ran back here"

Now that he noticed, Jennifer had turned on every single light of the house

"She was really scared" he thought and it was something he could relate to, having had his own share of sleepless nights and nightmares before

"What time is it anyway" he asked h

"About 3? I'm not really sure"

"Ok, come on Jennifer let's get you back to your room" He said grabbing her hand and guiding her back upstairs, turning off all the lights on their way.

When they got to her room he turned on the lamp on her bedside table settling down on her bed in the process

"You coming" he asked when she saw her on the same spot he left her

"Are you ok with that?"

"I am, come here"

And she did, settling down under the blankets with him just by her side

"You'll stay here? With me?"

"Yeah, we have been cuddling together since this afternoon, what difference it'll make"

On her gaze he found nothing but pure happiness and gratefulness

"Thanks for doing this for me Will, I really really appreciate it" She said while cuddling each time closer to him.

Will found that extremely adorable, hell everything about her was freaking adorable and today he had learned so much about her, from the way she likes to cuddle, to how spoiled she actually is, how jealous she can get or just how much she hates being left alone. He found himself liking every single facet she showed to him.

However if you asked him what he liked the most, was the fact she decided to show all those things to him and just him. Showing herself on the most vulnerable way possible she did that because he trusted him.

It was the first time in his life he felt needed instead of being the one at need if that thought alone wasn't enough to make him happy, then nothing in this world could.


"Yes, is something wrong?"

"No! Everything's fine! I just… I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now honestly I'm just curious, but how come you ended up agreeing to do everything I asked for? I mean I know I'm a spoiled brat but still"

He wasn't even going to bother contradicting her (it was true alright) and it wasn't like he could tell her she had him dancing at the compass of her fingers either.

"Because you are especial" he told her instead (which wasn't a lie)

The answer was more than enough for her, she just cuddled closer in response falling asleep as she did so.

"Goodnight my spoiled princess" He whispered before sleep took over him too.

AN: So I'm back with another chapter I really hope you guys enjoy it!

Thanks for the kind reviews you leave, they make me really happy

PS: I just wanted to say something I missed to do last chapter, I hope you guys really dont mind me having Benny alive in this fic even if I'm trying to do it as close to canon as possible! (It's just that I like him so much and wished he wasn't dead) but that's it.

Thanks again :)