Sometimes life was weird. Of course unpredictable and you guessed it horribly hectic.

It was particularly sunny today a drastic change from the rain that had been making most particularly grumpy.

Kono college for the gifted and exceptionally intelligent was plastered in big bold letters near the entrance of the school.

The school as the name suggested was full of very intelligent and gifted students but something particularly unintelligent included their strict hierarchy, something that should've been left behind in high school which would have been except some of the students from high school unfortunately dragged that cursed hierarchy along with them, I mean jeez they were adults now for goodness sake.

It was approximately 7:15 most pouring in for their early courses. Some pissed to even be up this early and others just happy with the fact that the rain had finally stopped its seemingly unending torture.

As if all the oxygen in the air was stolen up pulled a beautiful metallic silver Maserati. Ghibli to be more precise. Of course it was sasuke uchiha. his classes always began early the earliest being about 10:40 but as the semesters changed so did his earliest class which was now a math class beginning at 8:30 as a true uchiha he loved punctuality.

He had on a gray hoodie of which matched his car paired with dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of crisp black and blue retro Jordan 1s, pretty urban if I do say so myself. His iPhone almost blinding a bird as the sun flashed off of It, it almost looked fresh out the box.

As always however people gawked and stared at one of the most popular guys to grace kono college campus. He leaned on his car for a moment being in no particular rush because his class didn't start yet, sasuke grimaced while looking at the name as he always did the name of his college had always been a mouthful completely unnecessary a name if you ask him kono college rolling of the tongue just fine in his opinion. Occupying his time at the moment a text from his big brother itachi asking if he wanted to eat at home or not , to which he replied that he would let him know once his classes where done. He still felt eyes upon him which made him slightly annoyed but not more so than usual. The coal eyed man had hoped that any time now someone could drag the attention from him and give him a little moments privacy, as much privacy as you could get all out in the open that is.

As if the gods above had answered his unspoken pleas personally up came a candy apple red Mercedes Benz g wagon. Everyones eyes averted to the car as did sasuke's not remembering ever seeing a car just as sleek looking as his own before. Then again sasuke's old classes where always over before 4pm and he never really paid any attention to anyone at his school being more interested with just taking his classes an going home. But just as a cat his curiosity was peaked.

Out stepped Naruto Uzumaki. Like sasuke his outfit complimented his luxurious car as he wore a bold neon orange hoodie with dark gray skinny jeans his shoes of choice a pair of equally orange and blue nike air max 97s. Streetwear was certainly in this season.

Like sasuke naruto's phone could also be mistaken for brand new. his class being math as well also didn't begin until 8:30 but instead of texting a few rounds of angry birds ensued.

The ocean eyed blond felt eyes on him as well but he didn't really find it annoying though just found himself curious . What did they find so interesting about him he thought.

As the stunning blonde took in his surroundings however he noticed a breathtaking silver Maserati the car seemed familiar but he knew he did not know anyone personally with such a gorgeous car. So like any curious person he followed the car until his eyes landed on a unbelievably sexy coal eyed man.

Unbelievable the two most popular guys on campus never meeting until today. In true uchiha fashion all the while exuding confidence he walked up to the caramel skinned beauty he was a little shorter up close but that just made sasuke even more entranced so he spoke.

"Sasuke" as he held out his hand expecting the blond to shake it. "Naruto" the blonde said back smiling and grabbing the taller man's hand shaking it softly yet firm.

"He has a nice smile" thought sasuke as he smirked as he did that however it just so happened that Naruto was thinking along the same lines except nice was replaced with sexy and smile was replaced with smirk.

"So Naruto you're here just as early as the rest of us what class do you have?" Asked sasuke

"Oh well my class doesn't really start now I'm actually really early I've got math at 8:30 room 104" replied Naruto easily.

Sasuke did like punctuality but standing here being gawked at did nothing to improve his mood.

"Seems we have the same dilemma then , well then if its all the same to you how would you like to get coffee with me while we kill time naruto"

Naruto didn't really have to think about it , it was early , he was hungry and sasuke was sexy" it would be stupid to say no right?

"Sure" replied naruto. The nearest coffee shop was only 10 minutes away anyway an it would be less occupied seeing as most students would rather get their coffee and food and go but they would just sit down and talk.

"Perfect" Thought the pair in unison as they walked to the coffee shop.