Hey people…I decided to start a new fic...this doesn't mean that it is going to interfere with Blood Lust; I just need this to help me to type faster.  Right now I have a C in my class.  Oh well.  Maybe a one shot…I'll let you decide.

Oh, I do not own anything, and especially the wonderful book, The Invisible Man by R. Ellison, and if I did, it would be a gun to shoot Bush in the head for his stupidity.  Or at least drug him, dress him up like a prostitute, and drop him off in a dumpster behind a Hooters.

And if this fic resembles anyone else's, I'm sorry!!!!!!

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I am the Invisible Man…I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids – and I might even be said to possess a mind.   I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.  Like the bodiless heads you sometimes see in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass.  When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination – indeed, anything except me.

Nor is my invisibility exactly a matter of a biochemical accident to my epidermis.  That invisibility to which I refer occurs because of a peculiar disposition of the eyes of those with whom I come in contact.  A matter of the construction of their inner eyes, those eyes with which they look through their physical eyes upon reality.  I am not complaining, nor am I protesting either.  It is sometimes advantageous to be unseen, although it is most often rather wearing on the nerves.  Then too, you're constantly being bumped against by those of poor vision.  Or again, you often doubt if you really exist.  You wonder whether you aren't simply a phantom in other people's minds.  Say, a figure in a nightmare which the sleeper tries with all his strength to destroy.  It's when you feel like this that, out of resentment, you begin to bump people back.  And, let me confess, you feel that way most of the time.  You ache with the need to convince yourself that you do exist in the real world, that you're a part of all the sound and anguish, and you strike out with your fists, you curse and you swear to make them recognize you.  And, alas, it's seldom successful…

Truer words had never been spoken, or is it written?

Ralph Ellison was a literary genius, at least in my opinion.

When had it all started?  When had I become invisible, like Ellison's nameless protagonist?  Was it when my Yami had managed to obtain a body of his own?  Most likely.  When my friends had found out, they were ecstatic.  Of course, I paid no attention.  I was happy as well.  Even more so.  For I had a secret, and I'm telling you in the utmost confidence, I was, and still am for some unknown reason, in love with my Yami.

And I mean hard, like head over heels in love with him.  Who wouldn't?  He has the body of Adonis, slim, yet muscular with a light tan.  His crimson eyes can pierce through the thickest of shrouds and through anyone, causing them to quake in their boots.

The leather he wore clung to his body like a second skin, outlining every curve in his body.  And he looked even better when he got out of the shower in nothing but a towel, with steam coming off of him, his lips slightly parted…BAD YUUGI, BAD!!!!!!!

I shouldn't think such thoughts…

After all, he was my Yami, my guardian, and my darkness.  Without him I could not live, and vice versa, but I'll come back to that in a while. 

Before, I thought we were friends…what a joke.  He only used me to get around until he figured how to get his own vessel.  And, of course, when that happened, he was no longer friendly, just cool, and ignoring me completely.

He barely even recognizes my presence.  He goes around with "our" friends, and I use that term loosely.  They haven't even given me a backward glance since *that* day (when Yami got his own body). Life was cruel. 

Now while I am at home pinning away at a lost love, pouring my thought into you, Yami is off with our friends (are they even my friends?  No, of course not.), having a blast.  And, of course, that is not the worse.  No, not only does Yami have to leave me here alone, but also he has to date *her*.  Who is she, you may ask?  Well, she is Anzu.  I'm unclean for writing that…I'll take a shower in a while.

She, for I refuse to write *her* name, has been dating Yami for the past three months, ten days, and four hours.   Yes, I have been keeping track.  It's sad that I am so obsessive…

Of course, she has been taking up all of Yami's time, leaving none for me to have.  Not even a minute…just the brief seconds I see him in the hall.  He no longer ventures into the puzzle, and when he does, it is only to recharge.  Our bond has faded to the point that it was just a wisp of smoke.  It will be gone soon.

But back to the question that had been plaguing me.  When had I become invisible?

Oh yes, when my Yami got a body.  I already said that, didn't I?

_~ + ~_

Yugi shut his eyes tight, face contorted in concentration.  Growling, he slammed his journal shut, the noise echoing off the walls of the empty house.

Empty, he thought ruefully.  Just like my heart…and my soul…

Falling back onto his bed in frustration, he glared up at the skylight, looking at the sky that was slowly darkening, stars appearing in the velvety darkness.

Sighing, he softened his glare and averted it back to his journal.  His journal was the one thing that kept him sane, and alive.

_~ + ~_

Maybe I should take some sort of Martial Arts…somewhere where I can vent my frustration…I'm not saying that you aren't good enough, but I need to vent physically, not just emotionally, and I don't think that I would want to throw you at the wall…

I just can't handle this way of life anymore…it has reverted to the way it used to be, before I ever met Yami or the others…they aren't my friends…they only used me to get to my Yami.  Only now, it's worse…even the bullies don't notice me. I once bumped into a man at night, he swung around wildly, trying to find what had caused him to fall.  Even though I was right in front of him, under the soft glow of a lamp, he still could not see me.  His eyes were glazed over, staring right through me.

That was when I realized the extent of my invisibility.  And that was when I began to write in you.

I have no friends.  I have no one.  Jii-san?  He is never home anymore.  Always out on his digs in Egypt.  The other hikaris?  They are invisible as well…though not as much as me.  They still posses a minimal connection to the world, where as I posses none.

In fact, I am beginning to doubt the fact that anyone even recognizes me…even knows who I truly am.  Or if they even remember who I was.

If no one remembers me, then do I even exists, if I do not posses a place in anyone's memory?

_~ + ~_

Yuugi chewed on the end of his pencil, deep in thought.

_~ + ~_

At least, if I do fade away, you will still be here, a testament to my existence.  I just hope to Kami-sama that no one finds you while I still exist.

It is times like this that I contemplate me death…and what would happen.  Most likely nothing, for everyone would have Yami.  But then, wouldn't he cease to exist as well, since he is living off of my life force and the puzzle's?  Or would he still live off of the puzzle, even if just?

What would happen if I took apart the puzzle?  Even if just for one day?  Maybe Yami would see what it was like to be surrounded by darkness, to be lonely, and yet have everyone around you?

Maybe I should…but what would happen when I let him out again?  Even more hostility?  Is that even possible? Am I even that daring…I should, I really should…

But I can't.  He told me what it was like in the puzzle, nearly drove him mad.  No, I can't lock him away even if only for a minute.  I love him too much, and I want him to be happy…even if it means that he won't notice me.

What do you think?  Sometimes I wish you could talk to me. 

You know, I don't even think Yami would register that I am in the same room as him even if I was nude.

_~ + ~_

Yuugi looked at the clock, red numbers glowed 22:55.

He had to get up early to go to school tomorrow…Jii-san wouldn't be happy if he got a tardy or truancy. 

_~ + ~_

I should be finishing up now…I really need to get more sleep.

Nothing more to say.  The Invisible Man is a good book, I need to finish it.  I'm only at chapter 13.

But even he, the Invisible Man, learned that his invisibility was a good thing, as well as a bad.  Maybe I could learn to use it to my advantage…

_~ + ~_

Yuugi heard the front door of the game shop swing open.

Oh no…what is he doing home so early?!  I can't let him find my journal!

_~ + ~_

He's home.  I have to go now.  It's early for him…


_~ + ~_

Quietly, Yuugi shut his journal, locked it in his drawer, and dove under the covers.  Forcing his breath to calm, Yuugi shut his eyes, appearing to be asleep.  Yami glided past his door; of course he wouldn't degrade himself to walking, and stopped.

Yuugi didn't hear him, how could he when Yami was barely touching the ground?  No, Yuugi could sense him through his weakening link.

Crimson eyes pierced the dark, fixing themselves on the quivering figure beneath the blankets. 

Hesitating for a moment, he stepped foot inside the room, and quickly withdrew.

Eyes widening in surprise, he dropped his normally cool façade, surprise showing plainly.  And as soon as it had come, it dispersed.

Turning heel, he quickly left, blending into the darkness that filled the house.

Why did he come in?  Or at least try to?  Why did he leave?!  Am I really not here?  Am I so disgusting!  Yuugi thought feverishly, sobs racking his body. 

In another room, crimson eyes squeezed shut in a pathetic attempt to shut out the heart wrenching sobs that echoed in the halls.


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Well? Did you like?  Should I continue?  Of course I should!  And I should continue with Blood Lust…but that will take a while.  So remember, review!

If I do continue, it will be like a journal entry/third person kinda thing…