SUMMARY- Three Gryffindors and three Slytherins end up trapped together in the Room of Requirement with no magic and no means of escape! It seems Hogwarts has its own plans for creating havoc. Will they learn to accept one another, or will they just end up killing each other?

Eventual Draco/Hermione, Ron/Pansy, Harry/Theodore


Secrets In The Room of Requirement

By- RobinTheslytherin


Chapter One


Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran at breakneck speed through the Seventh Floor Corridor. Hermione was in the lead as she headed towards the hidden entrance, opposite the tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy.

On their tails were three of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Theodore Nott.

"Nowhere to run Scarhead! It's a dead end!" Draco laughed as he ran faster with a triumphant grin spreading across his face "We've got you now!"

Hermione paced as quick as she could. The entranced opened and the Golden Trio rushed inside. Unfortunately, the entrance remained open long enough for all three Slytherins to spill into the room, before the entrance promptly closed with a snap.

"Gottcha!" Draco taunted the trio raising his wand at eye level "Stupefy!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't quick enough, but braced themselves for the stunning spell…

Which never came.

Hermione peeked open one eye, to find Draco Malfoy looking down in confusion at his wand, and wearing an expression of embarrassed discomfort.

"Stupefy!" Malfoy shouted with a little more force.

Again, nothing happened.


"Erm…Draco?" Pansy muttered elbowing Malfoy on his side

"SHUT UP PARKINSON!" Malfoy shouted, turning a deep shame of red, and looking at his wand with an expression of betrayal. "STUPEFY!"

It was Ron's turn to laugh as he doubled over, pointing a long finger in Malfoys direction.

"Seriously, Ferret face!?" Ron laughed, grabbing hold of Harry's robes for support "And after all the shit you talk about pureblood superiority?! Oh Merlin! I c-can't!"

"Shut up, Weasel!" Draco screamed, grabbing Nott by his arm and shoving him forward "Stun him Theo! Stun him in his poor ass face!"

Theo rolled his eyes as he raised his wand, and calmly said "Stupefy"

Again, nothing happened causing Ron to fall to his knees from the sheer hilarity of it.

"S-stop! I can't- I'm gonna piss myself! HA!" Ron laughed so hard he began to cry, becoming nearly as red as Malfoy in his. He was laughing so hard that the voice box shut down and his body began to jerk around in a spasmatic effort to make a noise.

Hermione stepped toward, slapping Ron on the back so hard he nearly fell on his face from the force of it. She frowned, her brows knitting together in deep thought, as she stared from Malfoy to Theo, then to Parkinson- who still looked put out for being told to shut up.

Nott paled as he stared down at his wand, and Hermione took a cautious step forward. Raising her own wand.

Draco's eyes widened as he stared down the tip of Hermione Granger's wand. Pansy leapt behind with a squeak, while Theo who flinched as if expecting a blow.

"Lumos Maxima!" Hermione shouted confidently as if testing out a theory.

It was then that Ron Weasley's smirk melted off of his face as Hermione's wand emitted nothing from its tip.

"HA!" Malfoy jeered "Not so clever now, are you Mudblood?"

Ron moved to lunge at Malfoy, but was caught by Harry who had trouble keeping the red head from throttling the pale Slytherin.

Hermione rolled her eyes at their childish antics.

"Did you forget your own magic doesn't work?" Hermione grumbled, looking annoyed yet thoughtful "No one seems to. If my observations are correct, none of us are able to use magic. Harry, Ron- try a spell- any spell."

They did so.



Hermione nodded thoughtfully as their spells failed as well.

"What the hell is going on? What happened to our magic?!" Draco demanded taking a threatening step towards Hermione. "If your really so cleaver, then tell us Mudblood!"

This time Harry didn't bother holding Ron back as he lunged for the Slytherin. Ron's fist connected with Malfoy's jaw, and both boys crashed to the floor. Nott jumped in grabbing a fistful of Ron's hair as Draco's hand found the red heads throat. At Nott's attack Harry jumped I the mix, and soon all four boys were wrestling one another across the floor.

Meanwhile, Pansy glared at Hermione who still seemed lost in thought.

"Well, he isn't wrong." Pansy spat venomously, placing her hands on her hips "You go around acting like the reincarnation of Rowena Ravenclaw, kissing up to all the teachers like your better than anyone! So why doesn't our magic work if you're so smart?"

Hermione ignored Pansy as she moved around the fighting boys. As she approached the door to the Room of Requirement something happened.

All of a sudden, the door disappeared, leaving nothing but a stone wall in its place.

"W-what?" Hermione's voice raised into one of panic. Her hands patted the stone, willing the door to reappear. When it didn't Hermione's pats turned into frantic punches. "No! no-no-no-no!"

The fighting behind Hermione stopped and suddenly all five of them were by her side: feeling the wall and banging their fists against it.

"HEY! OPEN UP!" Ron shouted at the wall.

Harry Slid his hands over the stones desperately trying to find a crack or seam.

Draco pointed his wand at the wall, firing off futile spells that did nothing. "REDUCTO! BOMBARDA MAXIMA! EXPULSO!"

Nott kicked his foot against the door, only to fall over, clutching his foot in pain.

"What did you do Granger!?" Pansy shouted looking panicked now.

"I didn't do anything!"

"you touched the door and it vanished, so obviously you did do something!"

For a moment Hermione was silent. The others stopped that they were doing and turned to her expectantly. The Slytherins did so with a great deal more animosity, but remained silent as Hermione began to pace around the massive empty room.

She walked its length for another minuet before turning to the others. Her eyes blazed as she looked up towards the ceiling.

"Room," she said suddenly, looking around "I require an exit."


"Room, I require a cup of water."

Instantly, a goblet of water appeared before Hermione. She kneeled down to examine the goblet, but did not touch it.

"Room, I require a large window." Hermione said standing up.

Again, her wish was met with a large window which overlooked the Forbidden Forest and the surrounding Scottish mountains.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but was silenced by Hermione reaching for the goblet of water and hurling it as hard as she could at the window.

The Slytherins flinched back, expecting a loud crash and a scattering of glass, but like their magic- none came.

They stood in a horrible silence for until a feminine voice rang throughout the massive room.

"Welcome students, to The Room of Requirement" called the inviting voice from above "Where I, the room, will supply any and all needs of the students of Hogwarts…under one condition."

The others glanced nervously at one another with baited breath.

"When truths are told, and hatred is bygone- when the ignorant are enlightened, and beliefs are broken. When fears are faced, when love has blossomed. When friendship is forged, and grief is forgotten. When laughter rings out, and youth is freed, I shall release you and cater to your every need."

And then the voice was gone, leaving a horrified silence in its wake.


A/N—If any of you are wondering- yes, I am still working on 'Through The Cyclone of The Phoenix'. This fic, however, will not be rated M. That said, it will contain romance :D just not the graphic stuff from TTCOTP.