Atsushi's P.O.V.

Two Days Later

Atsushi looked in the mirror. When Ane-san had told him she was custom making his outfit, he hadn't believed she'd go this far. He was wearing a white waistcoat with purple underneath and bright purple buttons in the front. He was wearing a lavender dress shirt under the coat with a silver tie gracing over it. It was stunning, and much too dramatic for Atsushi to pull off. He had spent five minutes fumbling with the buttons so he wouldn't accidentally break a stitch! Aside from living at the orphanage before the mafia, there was a reason why he didn't have nice things!

The sleeves were decorated with two purple stripes around his elbow and his sleeves fit snug against his wrists. His pants were the same shade of white but curved comfortably despite how skinny they were as they were tucked into knee-high boots. These were the contraptions he'd had the worst time with. They were zip-up, thankfully, but when he first tried them on, he had almost tripped face-first into the floor.

All because of the damned four-inch heels.

He had taken the expensive footwear off before running down to find Kouyou and express his worry. She had merely smiled and walked with him back to his room for heel training. She had kept a strong arm around his waist for an hour as he wobbled around the hallway. Only when he had walked for twenty minutes straight had she released him and he began to walk on his own.

Ever since, they were his constant companions on trips around the brothel. In all honesty, the tiger wished he'd been exposed to a smaller heel first then worked his way up but he supposed he didn't have the time for that. However, he'd reigned in his clumsiness within the day and was proudly strutting in heels he'd be happy to wear every day.

And then the dance classes.

Atsushi groaned at the memory of beginning to dance, thankfully on his feet first, but then he'd been thrown into the ring with the boots on again. Only to see someone he'd rather not in the center of the floor.

His eyes narrowed and he threw a hand to his face as if it were all a nightmare.

"I'm training you?"

Atsushi groaned loudly at the embarrassing moment. Finally, he met those steel eyes and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling pressure there already.

"Let's just get this over with, Akutagawa."

The tiger shook his head but smiled when he remembered hearing Akutagawa's laughter in the room as Atsushi had tried spinning the usually taller man out but Atsushi lost his balance and fell on his ass. "You try wearing heels and dancing!" He'd hissed out but couldn't help the laughter bubbling from his chest.

He was still smiling at the thought as he walked to the bedroom door. He'd received a message the night before from Chuuya stating that their client had fell ill, but their spots were still reserved. So, after a long phone call, Chuuya convinced Atsushi to continue through with the party. Even if there were video surveillance in the room, Atsushi would sternly refuse that he was not curled in a ball, blushing everywhere at the thought of dressing up for Chuuya.

With one last glance around to make sure everything was the way he'd left it, he walked out and down the stairs.

Atsushi had spent hours after his late night call imagining how this event would go…whether the night three days prior meant as much to Chuuya as it had to the tiger. It had his hands shaking with anxiety and nerves as he braced himself on the railing for a few moments.

This was happening. This was really happening. He was going to a party. With Chuuya. With his crush. And his crush had to convince him to go…His breaths were shaking slightly as he looked down at his outfit, wondering not for the first time if this was too much for Chuuya. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply before clenching the railing in his hands. Don't mess this up, Atsushi. Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up. Exhaling shakily, he opened his eyes and wrung his hands out before finishing his descent.

The girls weren't on the main floor and he spared the moment to contemplate why, but he saw Kouyou on a seat to the side. Smiling, he stood before her and bowed lowly in gratitude.

"Thank you for helping me, Ane-san!" The hand in his hair had him purring lightly and a small laugh left the woman. He'd remembered the first time she'd felt his purrs; he had grown tired of the damned heels, frustration wearing him thin but the hand in his hair was unexpected and he found himself purring. Her gasp was loud in the room and she had pulled her hand back in shock. Atsushi had offered her a small smile in apology and the tense air had dissipated.

When he straightened to face her, he noticed a strand of small purple and blue flowers in her hand. Before he could ask what she intended to do with them, her lithe fingers were twirling them into the longer lock of his hair to push the bobby pin inside the strands, effectively securing it. "There."

Something in Atsushi's chest tightened and he felt his throat close. She'd helped with so much, he didn't know how to repay her. With shining eyes, he wrapped his arms around her neck and gave the woman a hug. He knew why she was called Ane-san, now.

Shocked, she lightly wrapped her hands around his back with another laugh. "You are full of surprises, Atsu-kun."

Grinning, he pulled back and gestured to the outfit, looking down. "S-So it looks good?" When no response sounded for a few moments, he raised his eyes to hers and there was a tease amongst the warmth.

"Are you doubting me, boy?"

Laughing softly, he shook his head. "I'd better go, it's almost time." Nodding in agreement, Kouyou watched him leave.

Once outside the doors, the light reflected off a very nice black limousine and Atsushi found himself blushing as his eyes soaked in the wonder that was Nakahara Chuuya. The executive's back was leaning against the blackness behind him, showcasing the indigo waistcoat and pants, pants that curved around those glorious hips Atsushi found himself desperately wanting to grip. He was wearing white shoes as well, and the buttons on the coat a bright silver with chains attached to connect each button. The white dress shirt underneath melded well with the colors and his usual leather harness rested on top.

And now his eyes rose to the unnaturally bright red curls draped over the waistcoat and disappearing under a hat of the same purple-blue. Atsushi was almost shaking imagining the way Chuuya's eyes would be shining.

A few seconds passed as Atsushi reigned himself in before meeting those immaculate azures. There were too many emotions flickering through and the tiger found himself closing the distance in a few strides.

Cupping the smaller's shocked face, he pressed their lips together in a searing, all-consuming kiss. Without a second to spare, hands were gripping his hips and Atsushi was flush against the executive's body as Chuuya tilted his head to the left. A soft moan sounded between the two but Atsushi couldn't tell whose it was.

The tiger's tongue danced over the other's bottom lip and Chuuya eagerly lent his passage as the executive twirled his tongue along the roof of the taller's mouth, drinking in every moan and shudder. The hands in Chuuya's hair tightened and pulled, earning the tiger a groan as the hands at his hips gripped enough to remind Atsushi of the bruises still gracing his body.

All too fast the kiss ended and they were left panting against each other's lips. Those bright eyes were hazed with lust and the lips swollen from their kiss. And then the hands at his hips pushed the tiger back as Chuuya opened the back door.

Smiling, he placed another kiss to those intoxicating lips before sliding inside the luxurious vehicle. The seats were white, cloth, and the smell was nice. Was this what a new car smell was?

He didn't have much time to think about it before Chuuya was sliding in and the driver slid the partition aside to make sure they were in and buckled. "There are snacks and refreshments in the fridge. Enjoy your ride." A small smile was offered to them before the partition closed again.

Atsushi tried to contain himself – he really did. However, the man beside of him had a hand on his thigh and the curls brushing his jaw were teasing. Atsushi felt like he was suffocating. He really, really wanted to feel the warmth coming from beside of him. But he didn't know how Chuuya now viewed him, didn't know if this relationship could even happen between them because of their work, didn't know if he was what Chuuya really wanted. Maybe…three nights ago had only been Chuuya trying to fulfill what Atsushi asked of him…

Too many unknowns but Atsushi would never know if he didn't ask him.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inh-

Before he knew it, Atsushi was straddling Chuuya's lap with his hands dug in red curls, the blue hat tipped back as the tiger devoured the awaiting lips. An eager moan was swallowed by Atsushi's lips and sent straight to his groin. The silk locks between his fingers, the very warm body under him, the hands at his back, and the lips on his were enough to melt the tiger against Chuuya's chest as the executive explored the mouth against his.

How long had Atsushi begged for this moment, only to talk himself out of it?! The tiger shivered against the strong body beneath his, overwhelmed. When Chuuya's hands slid to the tiger's chest and up to tease Atsushi's neck, making the taller squirm and whine into the lips against his.

Atsushi felt like he was starved, but too high to act on his hunger. He could feel blood rush to his face and neck, all of his body. When the hands at his neck pushed back, Atsushi almost let out another whine in frustration as Chuuya pulled their lips apart. His nerves were frazzled, his body hot and the eyes that met his helped him none.

The once cerulean eyes were now sapphire, the pupils blown wide in lust. But there was another emotion in those eyes: adoration. "Atsushi, I want you." The words were said huskily and they shot through him like electricity, preventing him from moving. "I really want you. I want to make you mine and take you out places. I want to show you wines, show you places overseas, show you everything." Hands were at his face and the tiger leaned into them with a shining smile. The executive's voice was bright with promises unsaid and dark with the need to do them.

Atsushi wasn't worthy of it, wasn't worthy of Chuuya, of any of this. But Kouyou's words rang through his ears: You have brought yourself this far.

His throat constricted and he felt a rush go through his veins, knowing the only way he could give his answer. First things first, he needed a backbone. He needed strength and right now? He was acting like a kitten that couldn't fend for himself. Time to change things up.

Biting his bottom lip, the haze in his eyes cleared as mischief gleamed in his dichromatic irises. He watched with rapt attention as the pupils before him expanded and a tongue flicked over the swollen lip.

The hands in Chuuya's hair confiscated flaming red curls as the tiger pounced. Pulling the hair in his fingers, the executive's head jerked back against the seat and a grunt escaped into the limousine. Atsushi straightened his back and lifted his thighs so he could tower over the other, their coats brushing together. A small chuckle left the executive's mouth, murmuring sultrily, "Look at you…why don't you come down here, my tiger?"

Atsushi found a thrill in watching Chuuya's smirk below him and he almost gave into the shiver that ran down his spine. He liked this, probably more than he should. And as much as he wanted those lips on his, he loved seeing Chuuya like this. But, apparently, Chuuya was a bit more impatient than Atsushi thought as he found his back hitting the seats of the limousine. A small yelp left his lips at the sudden change, the thrill finally forcing the shiver he'd been holding back to take him under full force.

Chuuya loomed over him with a grin as if he'd caught a treasure no one else had. A low purr vibrated against Atsushi's neck as the older leaned in to press a kiss against his collarbone. Just as quick as his sudden thrill came, it left him in favor of the hands trailing up his body and into his hair as the kiss turned into a bite.

Atsushi hummed in pleasure as he tossed his head to the side, giving Chuuya more room to explore his thrumming skin. A sharp jolt of pleasure had the tiger throwing his head back with a keen, the spot under his shoulder blade arcing into the bite at the junction of his neck and collarbone. He was panting, heat coursing through his body as his hands shook where they gripped the seat under him. "Ch-Chuuya…." His voice was barely above a whisper as the teeth released his skin to soothe the mark with his tongue, catching his nerves on fire.

Deciding he was done with that area, the fingers in his locks tightened to tug the tiger's head back. The warmth of the body on top of him, the lips and breath shaking over his neck, the nerves alight with need had him shuddering under the man above him.

And just like that, everything stopped as the cold seeped over his heated flesh. No. No no no no no. Where'd he go? What…

"Atsushi-kun, we're here." The voice sounded above him, the tones slow and deep with arousal. Dichromatic orbs were revealed as he opened his eyes and wished he'd kept them shut. The view was exceptional. Chuuya's face was flushed, his lips swollen and beautiful with his eyes glowing cerulean under the blue-purple accessory. Damn, he loved this man.

Smiling sheepishly, he sat up and stepped out of the limousine, the fresh air giving him the much needed cool down before he observed the massive building. He vaguely heard the car door close behind him, but he wasn't paying attention.

Instead, his focus remained on the stone building that expanded much larger than any place he'd seen, superior to his orphanage. It was mesmerizing. There were lights shinning along concrete pathway that wound through the trees and flowers scattered about the grass with an elegant appeal that had the tiger longing to spend hours in the garden. He jumped when hands fell on his hips, pulling him back against a strong chest and he couldn't contain his small giggle. Chuuya was floating.

A smack was given to his ass and Atsushi felt whatever heat left, come rushing back with a vengeance; he gasped against the onslaught and shivered when a chuckle sounded at his ear. Folding his hands in front of him, Atsushi bit his bottom lip trying to contain the smile he felt coming on. Yes, he liked teasing Chuuya more than he should've…

"Come now, let's not be late for the party." But Atsushi couldn't stop thinking of the height difference between them, especially with his boots. Smiling, he met Chuuya's wary gaze and wrapped an arm around the other's waist. A jolt went through the executive and instead of something snappy, Atsushi was surprised to feel the smaller lean into his arm. Giddy, the tiger watched as a blush adorned Chuuya's cheeks; he wanted to kiss them and so he did. Only for them to grow infinite shades darker. Stunned, Atsushi gazed at the magnificence that was Chuuya, amazed he was able to make the executive blush like this. With merely an arm around the waist…Unable to speak, the tiger turned his attention to the pathway with a grin no one could wipe off.

His heels clicked against the concrete and he found confidence injected into his bloodstream as he held his head higher. He scaled the steps with ease, glimpsing down to Chuuya to see those azure eyes shinning in wonderment at him. The attention heated his body, opening a part of him he hadn't known laid dormant. The doorman held the black door wide, and Atsushi had to try to control himself at the interior of the majestic house.

They weren't more than ten feet inside before the executive's phone rang and he offered an apologetic smile before leaning up to kiss Atsushi's cheek. "I'll meet you in a few, this shouldn't take long at all." And with that, Chuuya left in a swirl of blue flames.

Alone, the tiger took a deep inhale before stepping into the grand room. The walls were dark brown with intricate gold spirals and twists while the floor was a stunning maroon with gold outlines. Three stunning chandeliers hung from the walls, lighting the room with varying glimmers off the walls and floors. There were already a number of people inside, along with someone he hadn't expected. Smiling, he walked over.

Akutagawa stood next to a pillar in a burgundy gothic waistcoat that came down into a sharp V in the front, showcasing the black dress shirt beneath it. The buttons were a bright silver and meshed quite wonderfully with the dark background. Atsushi realized for the first time that the cravat that usually poked out of his coat was cast aside for the event – along with the signature coat in favor of a black cloak. Even Atsushi had to admit the cloak draped over his shoulders nicely but was rather big around the waistline.

"Does something not appease you, Jinko?" The gravelly voice, so accustomed to anger fell on light ears when Atsushi caught undertones of insecurity. Purple eyes drifted up to meet steel as he shook his head. He poked at the chains keeping the cloak close in front of the raven.

"You should loosen up, or others would think you can't have some fun," There was a teasing note in the tiger's voice and he offered a lopsided smile.

Grey eyes narrowed and his mouth formed a thin line. "I do not recall naming myself the life of the party." The words were said deadpan and the tiger shook his head in exasperation.

Taking a step back, Atsushi resigned himself to fixing the tense vampire himself. Peeking from the cloak were skinny black pants that disappeared inside a pair of thick heeled boots painted red and black. Whoever put this outfit together knew what Akutagawa could pull off and showcased it well. But that damned cloak was covering most of it. With a growl, he met dark eyes. "How do you expect others to notice the work put into this outfit if your cloak is covering all of it?" Those hardened eyes before him widened in shock before Atsushi pressed onward and leaned in close. "Who are you trying to hide from? Who would have you get all dressed up like this then cover yourself?"

Anger welled in the raven and his hands balled into fists as he glared with a boiling frustration. Just when the boys had taken a defensive stance, Akutagawa's eyes did a double take and he straightened immediately. Confused, Atsushi jerked his attention around to meet the sight of a brunette in the doorway.

Although he was turning to pester the person behind him, Atsushi knew who it was and his eyes jerked back to Akutagawa. "Really…" He murmured unimpressed, but the rabid dog wasn't paying attention anymore. Those eyes were solely for the man in a white waistcoat and a blue vest.

Atsushi took in more of the outfit as he stood in front of Akutagawa, feeling a protectiveness for the other. The waistcoat had four buttons that remained unlatched to show the brilliant blue vest beneath it with a stark difference. There was a blue and white striped shirt underneath that did little to hide the bandages remaining below but was pretty with the bolo tie in the front. The white pants weren't as tight as Akutagawa's but draped over the limbs and over the black shoes adorning his feet.

Atsushi watched in distaste as Dazai talked animatedly to whoever was behind him, his hands moving along eagerly to the conversation.

"Say nothing." Akutagawa's voice sounded eerily unstable. Concerned, Atsushi turned his eyes back to the raven – only to find him gone. Taking a few steps out into the hallway, he caught sight of the other's cloak and the tiger lurched forward to catch up. He knew the layout of the castle well enough to follow Akutagawa through the hallways and meander around corners. His boots clicked against the floors but not as loud as the disgruntled footsteps ahead of him.

They finally stopped when Akutagawa leaned against a wall, head bowed. Atsushi watched the uncharacteristic change and dared to move onward. They remained silent for a few moments in their thoughts before Atsushi broke it.

"How long?" His voice, although whispered, sounded much louder than the hallway could bear.

"Doesn't matter," The words grated against the tiled floors and Atsushi felt the undeniable urge to grip the raven by his shirt and shake sense into him. Until he could decipher the bare hint of anguish. Atsushi was walking on thin waters and he took the time to sift through his words. However, he couldn't find them quick enough to stop Akutagawa's heels clicking on the floor as he walked away.

With a growl, the tiger threw himself into the middle of the hallway. "So you're just going to leave it?" There was evident disbelief and confusion, but a tone he hadn't expected to leave his lips was disappointment. For the first time in their friendship, Atsushi was disappointed in Akutagawa.

The raven pivoted before closing the distance between them in a mere few strides, eyes seething. Hands gripped into Atsushi's waistcoat and then he was shook vehemently. "What would you know about giving something up?! Anything you could want was given to you! You've never had to fight for what you wanted! It was always, always returned to you! So don't you look down on me for wanting something I'll never have!" With a final shove, Akutagawa dropped Atsushi and the tiger didn't try to brace himself for the fall as he fell on his ass in a mess of limbs.

The out lash disrupted his mind more than he had anticipated and he could do nothing as he watched the rabid dog walk away, heels clicking grimly. Not once had anything warranted that intense of a reaction from the raven…What could Atsushi have said to break him from that spell?

Nothing. He could say nothing. He had no words to offer the other. Akutagawa was right. He didn't have to fight for the love he had with Chuuya, not where it mattered, not in the same mentor/subordinate relationship, and not for as long as the Akutagawa had for Dazai. The only information he had to go off of was the broken four years Ryuunosuke had before piecing himself back together. What kind of effect would that have on someone?

He remained on the cold tile for a few more moments before standing and brushing himself off. He stared off in the direction of the steps, wishing he could help before turning the opposite direction only to jump and bristle at the presence in front of him. The Demon stood before him with a soft smile and Atsushi couldn't find it in himself to remain mad at the other.

Dazai was here. Did that mean he was trying? Or was he just fooling around with the raven's mind…

Lowering his eyes from those warm hazels, he clenched his fists. "I don't claim to know everything. I don't claim to know you nor Akutagawa-kun. I do, however," Blazing purple eyes looked up to meet those eyes. "Know how love should feel. If you can't provide that, then turn back now." His voice carried the strength he needed minutes ago.

A few moments passed and he watched the emotions flit over the other's face. Then, with a final nod, brown curls bounced softly as Dazai made his way to Atsushi. The tiger's eyes widened before he narrowed them in wariness. A hand was placed on his shoulder before the taller stepped around him to walk onward, the sounds of shoes clinking his departure.

Biting his lip, the tiger looked to the floor in front of him, replaying the faces of an angrily distraught Akutagawa and a concerned Dazai. Fighting with himself, he clenched his fists before walking back toward the party.

When he returned, he noticed the plethora of added people and he began to grow anxious without his partner in crime behind him. Taking a deep breath, he walked forward and through the threshold to look around. It wasn't long before a body crashed into his and he smiled down to the girl wrapped around his waist.

She was wearing a bright orange kimono with red spider lilies adorning it. Her cellphone remained draped around her neck and her hair was decorated with small spider lilies throughout her ponytail. Atsushi grinned down at her and placed a hand over her navy hair. "How's the party going for you?" The bright eyes rose to meet his and she gave a small smile.

"It's good." Her voice was just as timid as her personality but Atsushi found it endearing nonetheless. He knew she liked crepes, rabbits, and warmth from merely spending one day out in the town with her.

"I'm glad you're liking it." And then, as if his brain wasn't his own to command, the feeling of Chuuya's body sliding against his was shot into his nerves. A shiver rolled down his spine to spread out over his body, the thought immediately causing a blush to cross his cheeks. He wasn't left thinking about it long as Kyouka drug him to the center of the room where bodies had begun dancing.

With a nervous smile, he followed after her, nearly falling over his feet in her rush. Her small hands grappled after his, trying to get the gist of a movement she'd never experienced and he smiled at the gestures he'd made a mere day beforehand. Grabbing her hands, he placed one on his shoulder as he took the other in his hand. Placing his other hand on the smaller's back, he led them in a slower dance than everyone else while she accustomed to his pace.

When she grew confident in her steps, she met his eyes with a bright smile as she tried to speed up their pace to everyone else's and the tiger laughed as he helped adjust their feet. The nerves he felt when he first stepped onto the floor were gone with the smiles and colors twirling around the room as he whirled them. His heart clenched when he heard her giddy laugh, notes he'd never heard before and he had the fleeting thought that this, this was happiness.

The song ended with a flourish and they were left with smiles and laughter tickling their throat. A hand fell onto his shoulder and the tiger jumped with a short yelp before he caught sight of the familiar curls.


Everything seemed to stop before them as purple eyes clashed with cobalt.

Soft leather lit up the nerves under his hand as Chuuya brought the knuckles to his lips, scattering small kisses that had the tiger shaking. Shit, he wanted this. He wanted this so bad. He wanted this. He wanted Chuuya. He wanted Chuuya.

It wasn't until the gloved thumb rubbed over his hand that Atsushi realized he was trembling. Those ocean eyes, gazing up at him with the utmost care and warmth. He needed this. His breath hitched when he felt the same soft leather grace the nerves in his cheek and the tiger found himself immobile. He failed to remember Kyouka standing next to him, failed to remember everyone else as those eyes consumed him.

"You look amazing, my tiger." The tones floated up to Atsushi's ears and he held them close as if he'd never hear them again. He realized belatedly neither of them had mentioned their outfits when they met each other outside of Kouyou's. In a rush he remembered Akutagawa's despair, Dazai's worry, and the compassion he felt for the both of them and he found himself wrapping the executive in his arms, feeling soft material under his fingertips but couldn't possibly care about what his outfit was for the time being.

He wouldn't lose Chuuya, he needed this man and he'd be damned if anything came between them. A soft laugh left the smaller's lips as his hands connected in silver hair. "Well hello there," Those cerulean eyes glimmered and Atsushi wanted to treasure them for eternity.

"Hi," He offered breathlessly with a smile of his own. "I-Is this okay?" A hint of worry made itself known to the air around them and Chuuya's fingers began to run through the silver curtain.

"Boss was planning this, Atsushi." There was a teasing note under the words and it made the tiger giddy and full of excitement as the implications settled into his brain. This was okay. This was more than okay. This was expected. An elated sigh met the air as he buried his face in the red curls.

"Chuuya, I learned to dance," His whispered ecstatically and the response was immediate. The hands in his hair fell to his shoulders and Chuuya began swaying them to the beat. Without delay, the tiger fussed into the steps, following the executive's lead while he calmed his skyrocketing emotions.

"I was watching you with Kyouka. It appears I have a challenger." The tease tickled his ear but he pulled away and frantically began to look around him for the smaller. She was remaining where she stood previously and Atsushi sighed, relieved.

Placing a hand on her head, he met her eyes with a smirk. "Kyouka-chan, does Nakahara-san have competition?" In response, the girl's blue eyes brightened with a mischievous glint as she took hold of his hand and met Chuuya's eyes with a vigorous nod.

Chuuya's hands disappeared from around his shoulders and Atsushi watched as the stunning indigo waistcoat dipped low to hold out a gloved hand to the girl. Those bright curls ghosted over the material and Atsushi was mesmerized at how well the color looked on the executive.

"Kyouka, could I have this dance with Atsushi?" Another giddy laugh left a smile as the girl nodded her consent and blushed lightly when a gloved hand pet her before resting a hand on her shoulder. "You best go now, stay out of trouble." The warning floated on an endearing tone and Kyouka gave one last smile before running off.

When Chuuya straightened and stood before the tiger, Atsushi noticed the silver buttons shimmer under the lighting and the tiger's hands itched to curl a hand around the leather and pull. When those simmering eyes met his, Atsushi was struck speechless. Smirking, the executive draped his arms over the tiger's shoulders and he caught sight of the silver patterns swirling at the end of the sleeve, contrasting spectacularly with the indigo background.

Red curls tickled his neck as Chuuya whispered sultrily into his ear, "Show me what became of these dance lessons."

Swallowing thickly, Atsushi inhaled the scent clinging to those wondrous locks before wrapping an arm around the thin waist of the other and reaching a hand up to grasp the wrist of Chuuya's right hand as he pulled it down to thread their fingers together. The moves that were once stiff and uncoordinated had molded into a smooth combination to prepare for the dance. His eyes remained locked onto the azure irises before him, noticing the way they widened at his fluid movements to soften into a more eager gaze. Atsushi's confidence was always higher around Chuuya. He felt…..admired, appreciated…acknowledged.

Pulling the smaller to him, he could see the white of his sleeves reflecting the boldness of the sleeves adorning Chuuya's waistcoat. A belated moment of realization hit him as he murmured softly, "It seems everyone who's experienced the mafia likes waistcoats." A collection of airy laughs clung to his ears and the tiger purred in happiness.

"Of all the things you could've said…well I suppose so, Atsushi." The tantalizing blues shone with fondness and before Atsushi could respond the hand at his neck pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips hovered over each other for a few moments before Atsushi pulled back to twirl the smaller out, biting his bottom lip with a smile. The tiger had lost the fact that others were in the room until he caught glimpses of colors from the edges of the room and immediately a blush spread over his cheeks and nose. Looking to the executive from under his lashes, he spun him back in and placed his hand on the awaiting hip just before a kiss was placed on Atsushi's nose.

A small whine hitched into the room and he clenched his eyes closed as his blush grew. "D-Don't do that here!" The whispered words fell on deaf ears as Chuuya's hand came to rest on the back of his neck.

"Not my fault, look at my cute blushing Oniyuri~." The tease fluttered across his ear before a kiss was given there too.

"Mmm, Chuuya!" His plea was adhered to and the executive pulled back with bright eyes. And then, like a blessing Atsushi noticed the white and black coats swishing into the room and a bright smile covered his mouth. Meeting Chuuya's confused eyes, he merely spun them with vigor as the song continued on.

"Look behind us," Atsushi whispered with bright fascination. They both watched unashamed as a familiar brunette led a blushing raven onto the dancefloor. The cloak had been pushed back behind his shoulders and the tiger could practically feel the heat coursing from Akutagawa. A hiss reached Atsushi's ears and he was met with bright cobalt.

"About time he moved that damned cloak." The executive mumbled with a smile that earned a head tilt from Atsushi.

"What do you mean?" Had Chuuya been here before him?

"I put a shit ton of time into that outfit but he insisted on wearing that cloak as if it could shield him. Why is beyond me." Silence passed between them for a few moments as Atsushi pieced it together. Looking up to the couple again the tiger noticed Dazai was leading, but it was a wavering of colors as if fire and ice were melding together. It twisted Atsushi's gut in happiness.

For the next few songs, Atsushi and Chuuya danced without a care in the world, merely glad they were together. A familiar red bun met his eyes and Atsushi beamed. Kouyou was here as well; she was wearing a red kimono that faded into black at the edges, small flowers decorating the material. There was another woman with her. She had short, purple hair with a pretty green pin and she wore a long, form-fitting crimson dress that moved with her and it looked like Kouyou couldn't keep her eyes off the woman. Atsushi missed the blue irises glance up at him before slanting to where the tiger was staring.

So, it was safe to say his yelp of shock was expected when Chuuya jerked his hand down in victory with a smile plastered to his face. "About time, Ane-san." Atsushi smiled at the reaction, relaxing as he watched the women's smiles once more before looking away.

With a glimpse of brown curls, Atsushi was reminded how wary he was with Dazai being near Akutagawa. A thought occurred to him and he knelt down to the ear against his chest. "How about we have some laughter?" Blue orbs raised to meet his in question but he merely offered a kiss to the lips before him. Taking a step back, he pulled them from the fray. "I know you're not too fond of Dazai," At the mention of the name, Chuuya narrowed his eyes. "So let's irritate him.." And with that, he kissed the executive's cheek before catching sight of the couple near the edge.

They looked too stiff, but Atsushi was going to change that. Grinning, he walked up behind Dazai and tapped his shoulder. Shocked grey eyes met his while hazel glanced over in warning before softening with recognition. "May I step in?"

And without a fight, the Demon took a step back and Akutagawa cocked his head to the side in confusion. Since they'd danced in practice, it was easy to fall into the motions as he placed a hand in Akutagawa's while the other draped over the raven's shoulder. A dark gleam rose in his dichromatic eyes that the other soon returned. Smirking, the rabid dog led their dance with ease.

When the raven twirled the tiger out, Atsushi found himself laughing as he was pulled back in. With a glance over Akutagawa's shoulder, he saw Dazai's mouth drop and Chuuya grinning like a fool. Atsushi loved this.

As they turned about, Atsushi nodded over his shoulder and his partner in crime looked over to the brunette next to his mentor, a pout on his lips. A bright smirk lifted the raven's lips. And then, as easy as in practice, they switched their arms and Atsushi led the dance. Now, Akutagawa was grinning as he locked eyes with Dazai while Atsushi met Chuuya's.

Akutagawa's words continued to push through his mind, however. No one knew what his life was before the mafia. Except Mori. But he thought if anyone needed to know, it was Akutagawa. The other would stay up for nights on end, training and strengthening Atsushi as well as their partnership. Trust, right? A tap to his shoulder told him Akutagawa could sense his tension and in his own way was worried for the other. Finally, with a bite to the bottom of his lip, he lifted his eyes to the slate ones.

"I was raised in an orphanage." The grey eyes narrowed and Akutagawa's mouth opened as if to interject but Atsushi needed to say this. To show the other he wasn't taking the Port Mafia for granted. Looking away, he continued. "I was drowned, beaten, burned, and stabbed. The headmaster tried everything to kill me, saying I was an abomination, didn't deserve to live and to go rot in hell." Atsushi paused to take a deep breath but the other remained quiet.

"Having given up on me, they sent me out. And…that's when I was caught in the storehouse." Atsushi paused a minute before opening his mouth before realizing he didn't know what to say. Closing his lips, he looked away. Atsushi couldn't stop here. The point of telling Akutagawa this was to prove he was grateful. Meeting grey eyes, he continued. "I know you think I take everything for granted, but if I'm being honest with myself I deserve none of this. I don't deserve the Port Mafia, I don't des-"

"Damn, shut up. Your complaining is annoying." The voice sounded above him and for all the tiger was worth, he couldn't make out what the tones meant. So he remained silent as he let Akutagawa lead. After a few moments of silence passed, the raven shook his head. "Your past is fundamentally unrelated to who you are right now." The words gripped around Atsushi's throat like a vise as he was thrown into emptiness.

If that were true….did that mean Atsushi had proven himself? Did that mean Akutagawa approved of him? No, it was stated more as a fact, as if he'd tell any stranger those words. If it were true…..Did that he was finally more than his insecurities? More than the others who had raised him? Did that mean….he could let it go? He could finally allow himself to grow? Grow to be the subordinate Chuuya would be proud of and the partner Akutagawa could rely on? He'd never know until he gave it a try.

"I think Dazai-san….noticed you long ago." The words slid through his lips as confidently as the Demon had walked past him in the hallway. The chest under his head tightened and he could hear the other's breath hitch. Before Atsushi knew what was happening, Akutagawa left him on the dancefloor. Shocked, he watched the black cloak sway as he turned his back on him.

Atsushi barely felt small hands fall into his but he smiled down to Kyouka with a heavy heart nonetheless as he led them through the next song.

Narrator's P.O.V.

Hands like vises gripped the executive's arms as Dazai shook him, the shock of white and indigo fighting for attention was intense.

"Get off, Dazai!" But the brunette wasn't hearing any of it and continued to drape over the shorter.

"But Chuuya! I want to dance~!" Dazai's voice was overwhelmingly pouty but before Chuuya could decide, blue orbs looked up into steel eyes and the hand held out. Surprise had a smile growing on his face as he accepted the hand from his oldest subordinate just before Dazai's hand.

They joined the floor again and came across Atsushi dancing with Kyouka. Chuuya led their dance, despite the height difference with a smile gracing his face. The executive found himself relishing in the glow on Akutagawa's face, the way his eyes sparked like when Chuuya would bring him figs for his birthday. It was a refreshing breath of fresh air. Not to mention Dazai eating shit in jealousy across the room by himself.

Atsushi and Kyouka laughed as they watched the other two laughing, not feeling a bit of jealousy. Sure, Chuuya and Akutagawa knew each other longer and after all, Atsushi had only just stepped into their lives. But he was confident in the way Chuuya was around him, the way he treated him. And Atsushi was happy. Looking down into navy irises, he grinned and twirled them around the floor of bodies, immersing himself in the dance.

It wasn't long before Chuuya felt a tap against his shoulder and he knew who it was without the need to turn. Scoffing, he threw his chin up and to the side like a spoiled rich girl, Akutagawa mirroring the effect while he twirled them away. Dazai was left at the edge of the dance, his pout growing severe. Akutagawa couldn't find it in himself to care, after all the Demon had four years to make up for and yes he was being petty and throwing it in Dazai's face. Chuuya was smiling at him with pride and a light he hadn't seen in years. Maybe Atsushi was good for him, after all.

Akutagawa realized with a bright shiver that yes, he approved of them together. Atsushi was a frightened cat when he first met him, but as soon as Chuuya stepped into the picture it was as if a switch was flipped in Atsushi. Over the course of a few months, Akutagawa could see the stark difference in the now tiger. Even if he fought for something stupid. No one was going to be around to give him a stamp of approval in order to live. The Jinko had to give the approval himself.

But the Jinko wasn't his responsibility. With two taps to his shoulder, he brought his attention back to his worried mentor before offering a small smile. Nakahara's gloved hand ruffled his hair and Akutagawa found himself blushing lightly at the acknowledgement.

"Boooooys~!" Dazai's voice sounded with a dark pout but Chuuya nor Akutagawa could find it in themselves to adhere to it. Instead, they danced the night away with light hearts and clearer minds.