/Hey! So I hope ya liked the story so far! Here's the next chapter! We will be seeing some Bang Babies soon! Enjoy!/

Richie's POV

I walk to school with Virgil next to me. We talk about comics and our favorite hero from the Justice League.

"So V. Anything new happened since we last talked," I ask him.

"Nah. Nothing else big has happened. What about on your side," he ask me.

"Nothing much. Though I did think of different gadgets that I could use as Gear," I tell him as I smile.

"Cool. Let's hurry up! We don't wanna be later to school in a brand new city," Virgil tells me as we race to school.

I smile as I run next to my best friend. We soon reach school and we slow down to a walk. We soon reach the front door, where we meet our friend Frieda.

"Hey guys! Did you hear about the explosion at the docks and how people got superpowers," she says as we reach her. "Scientist, doctors, and police are calling this HUGE event The Big Bang! Isn't this so interesting," she says as we stop at our lockers.

"Uh yeah. Really interesting Frieda," Virgil says as we grab our books from our lockers. "Well, we will see you later Frieda!"

Virgil's POV

We wave goodbye as we walk to our first period class...which is math. And man, our teacher is the most bland and boring math teacher here. It stinks. We sit on our seats as the bell rings for class to start. Our teacher walks in and he starts to talk in his monotone voice. Richie and I pass some notes between us as he continue to talk. I look around the class to see people falling asleep in boredom. The clock ticks by slowly as it get closer to the period being over. I look at the note that Richie just gave me.

'Junkyard after school?'

I smile as I write my response.

'Sounds perfect.'

Math have finally ended and wee hurry off to our next class. I wave goodbye to Richie, since we don't have the same class. I have Science while he have English. I enter my class to see Frieda sitting in her seat. I then sit down in mine as the warning bell rings. The rest of the class hurry into the room and into their seat.

"Alright class. We are doing a lab today," our teacher tells us as the bell rings. "Partner up and get to work!"

"You want to be my partner," I ask Frieda as she smiles at me.


"Great. So what do we have to do," I ask as we grab the lab paper.

We read over the lab so that we understand what we have to do. I go and grab what we need while Frieda saves us a spot to work at. I head back over to where we are going to work. Our teacher is working on the computer.

"This is all that we need. You ready to start," I ask Frieda.


Richie's POV

I sit in my English class as our teacher talks about the next project we are going to start tomorrow.

"We will be meeting in the library so that you can do some research on the author of your choice," she explains as I look over the guidelines for the project.

I listen to my teacher as I start to sketch different ideas for gadgets to help Virgil, Adam and myself as we fight the evil Bang Babies. I continue to work on the sketches for some time.

"Alright them class. I will see you in the library tomorrow," our teacher says as the bell rings for class to be over.

I pack up my bag as my classmates hurry off to their next class.

"I have 3 more periods then I have lunch with Virgil. Then 4 more until we head to the junkyard," I mutter as I put my backpack on. "Alright Richie, you can make it through the day."