Shokugei no Unmei no akai ito

Disclaimer: I do not own Shokugeki no soma. All rights go to their owner

WARNING: This is my first attempt at a fanfiction. Please be kind :3

Please read and review, anyone who wants to help me beta read is also welcome.

As Soma walked through the gates of Totsuki Academy, he though to himself that his life was about to change. For better or for worse, there's only one way to find out.

As he strolled through the campus grounds, trying to find the location where he was supposed to go to take his entrance exam, he felt very out of place as everyone around him had butlers and were all wearing high class suits, while he on the other hand, was just wearing his clothing from the diner that his father, Yukihira Joichiro, ran.

When he finally found the examination hall, he was greeted by hundreds of people packed into the hall, waiting anxiously for the entrance exam.

Finally, a door on the far side of the hall opened and two young female's walked in. As Soma was so far back in the hall, he could not make out what the two girls looked like.

Why does she look so familiar?...

The moment the two examiners walked into the hall, Soma could see that everyone in the room suddenly got extremely nervous. Then she spoke.

"I was entrusted with today's entrance examination. My name is Nakiri Erina"

Soma could hear his fellow applicants talking among themselves about the beauty with honey-blonde hair that stood in front of them. When he heard the examiners name, his golden eyes turned soft as he took in the blonde's whole form, from her flawless skin, to her wavy blonde hair, to her long slender legs that was shown off with the Totsuki uniform that she was wearing.

I wonder if she remembers me after all this time

"What is the test that I have to give?" Erina asked her trusty assistant, Hisako.

"I'll read it now. First is an interview in groups of ten based on the application forms. After that, a test of practical cooking skills with three difference dishes. Those who pass will have to," Hisako was cut off when Erina exclaimed "Hmph, how worthless. Bring out the kitchen tables!"

As Erina examined the ingredients laid out before her, she stopped and picked up a chicken egg. "The main ingredient is an egg. Make one dish. Those who can satisfy my tongue will earn their admission to Totsuki" after a slight pause, Erina gave off a menacing grin and said "because im in a good mood today, I'll give you one minute to withdraw from the examination if you want"

Right after those lines, hordes of people rushed for the door, screaming about how they needed to get as far away as possible from that monster.

Soma gained a tick mark on his head thinking: Cowards, if they are all so scared of a simple test they have no right to become chefs

"Erina-sama, is this really ok? With this no one will—"

Soma stood there quietly observing the two beautiful ladies, wondering when they would notice that there was one applicant who was still here.

"Didn't you see? They were all hopeless garbage. I won't waste my time on these kinds of people. Is that the end of today's schedule? I want to try making a new dish in my room." Hisako's eyes widened comically at the honey blonde's statement. She also unconsciously started drooling and her eyes gained a dreamy like looks, this was not lost of him and Erina as a smirk appeared on both of their faces.

"What happened, you look like you want something, do you want to have the right to sample my dish?"

"I-I want… it"

"FuFu… what a greedy girl, ill be sure to reward you for all your hard work" with a smirk on her face, Erina turned away from Hisako with closed eyes, before saying "I have to report to Ojii-sama that the number of successful applicants is ZERO"

Soma finally decided to voice "cough-cough, ano, when can I make my dish?" Erina, and Hisako frozed, before turning around to look for the owner of that voice. Erina's eyes hardened before motioning for Hisako to give her this applicants folder.

However, before she could read it, it was snatched out of her hands by the boy standing in front of her. She stumbled back in shock before taking a good look at the brave fool who wanted to take her entrance exam. He had spikey, messy red hair, Golden eyes that radiates warmth, and when she saw the logo on his shirt, she let out a gasp of surprise. She quickly schooled her thoughts "theres no way that it is him-right?" before exclaiming, "You can start whenever, you have ten minutes to cook me a dish which features eggs."

As he started cooking, Erina and Hisako took the time to observe Soma's mannerisms and they were impressed, the way that he handled the tools, the way he moved around the kitchen and the way he held himself screamed that he was a chef with actual kitchen experience, unlike most of the other applicants.

Erina walked closer to try to figure out what he's making,

"Ne, Yukihira-Kun, just what are you making for me?"

Erina was surprised when he turned around with a mischievous look in his eye and replied, "EH!? You've seen his much and you still don't remember? I'm making Furikake Gohan!"

Erina gained a tick mark on her forehead as she thought he was messing around with her, when suddenly, she remembered a moment from ten years ago and muttered under her breath, "Transforming Furikake Gohan" when she uttered those words, Soma gained a small grin on his face and said mentally,

"She finally remembers me"

Hehe cliffhanger-chan makes her first appearance.

I hope you guys enjoy this. Any helpful comments are much appreciated!

I'll try to update as often as possible.

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu